Subversion Repositories usb1_funct
[/] [usb1_funct/] [trunk/] [bench/] [verilog/] [test_bench_top.v] - Rev 12
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//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// USB 1.1 Top Level Test Bench DEMO //// //// //// //// //// //// Author: Rudolf Usselmann //// //// rudi@asics.ws //// //// //// //// //// //// Downloaded from: http://www.opencores.org/cores/usb1_funct///// //// //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann //// //// www.asics.ws //// //// rudi@asics.ws //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// //// //// //// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// //// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// //// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// //// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// //// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// //// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// //// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// //// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// //// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// //// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// //// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// //// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// //// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// //// //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "usb1_defines.v" module test; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Local IOs and Vars // reg clk; reg clk2; reg rst; integer error_cnt; reg [7:0] txmem[0:2048]; reg [7:0] buffer1[0:16384]; reg [7:0] buffer0[0:16384]; integer buffer1_last; reg [31:0] wd_cnt; reg setup_pid; integer pack_sz, pack_sz_max; wire tx_dp, tx_dn, tx_oe; wire rx_d, rx_dp, rx_dn; reg tb_tx_valid; wire tb_tx_ready; reg [7:0] tb_txdata; wire tb_rx_valid, tb_rx_active, tb_rx_error; wire [7:0] tb_rxdata; wire [7:0] ep1_us_din; wire ep1_us_re, ep1_us_empty; wire [7:0] ep3_us_din; wire ep3_us_re, ep3_us_empty; wire [7:0] ep5_us_din; wire ep5_us_re, ep4_us_empty; wire [7:0] ep2_us_dout; wire ep2_us_we, ep2_us_full; wire [7:0] ep4_us_dout; wire ep4_us_we, ep4_us_full; reg [7:0] ep1_f_din; reg ep1_f_we; wire ep1_f_full; wire [7:0] ep2_f_dout; reg ep2_f_re; wire ep2_f_empty; reg [7:0] ep3_f_din; reg ep3_f_we; wire ep3_f_full; wire [7:0] ep4_f_dout; reg ep4_f_re; wire ep4_f_empty; reg [7:0] ep5_f_din; reg ep5_f_we; wire ep5_f_full; reg [7:0] ep0_max_size; reg [7:0] ep1_max_size; reg [7:0] ep2_max_size; reg [7:0] ep3_max_size; reg [7:0] ep4_max_size; reg [7:0] ep5_max_size; reg [7:0] ep6_max_size; reg [7:0] ep7_max_size; wire rx_dp1; wire rx_dn1; wire tx_dp1; wire tx_dn1; wire rx_dp2; wire rx_dn2; wire tx_dp2; wire tx_dn2; reg usb_reset; integer n; reg [31:0] data; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Test Definitions // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Initial Startup and Simulation Begin // initial begin usb_reset = 0; $timeformat (-9, 1, " ns", 12); `ifdef WAVES $shm_open("waves"); $shm_probe("AS",test,"AS"); $display("INFO: Signal dump enabled ...\n\n"); `endif tb_tx_valid = 0; error_cnt = 0; wd_cnt = 0; clk = 0; clk2 = 0; rst = 0; ep1_f_we=0; ep2_f_re=0; ep3_f_we=0; ep4_f_re=0; ep5_f_we=0; repeat(10) @(posedge clk); rst = 1; repeat(50) @(posedge clk); usb_reset = 1; repeat(300) @(posedge clk); usb_reset = 0; repeat(10) @(posedge clk); if(1) begin setup1; in0; out0; end else if(1) begin setup1; end repeat(500) @(posedge clk); $finish; end /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Watchdog Timer // always @(posedge clk) if(tx_dp1 | tx_dp2) wd_cnt <= #1 0; else wd_cnt <= #1 wd_cnt + 1; always @(wd_cnt) if(wd_cnt>5000) begin $display("\n\n*************************************\n"); $display("ERROR: Watch Dog Counter Expired\n"); $display("*************************************\n\n\n"); $finish; end /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Clock generation // always #10.42 clk = ~clk; always #10.42 clk2 = ~clk2; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Module Instantiations // usb_phy tb_phy(.clk( clk ), .rst( rst ), .phy_tx_mode( 1'b1 ), .usb_rst( ), .rxd( rx_dp1 ), .rxdp( rx_dp1 ), .rxdn( rx_dn1 ), .txdp( tx_dp1 ), .txdn( tx_dn1 ), .txoe( ), .DataIn_o( tb_rxdata ), .RxValid_o( tb_rx_valid ), .RxActive_o( tb_rx_active ), .RxError_o( tb_rx_error ), .DataOut_i( tb_txdata ), .TxValid_i( tb_tx_valid ), .TxReady_o( tb_tx_ready ), .LineState_o( ) ); parameter LD = 40; assign #(LD) rx_dp1 = !usb_reset & tx_dp2; assign #(LD) rx_dn1 = !usb_reset & tx_dn2; assign #(LD) rx_dp2 = !usb_reset & tx_dp1; assign #(LD) rx_dn2 = !usb_reset & tx_dn1; usb1_core u0( .clk_i( clk2 ), .rst_i( rst ), // USB Misc .phy_tx_mode( 1'b1 ), .usb_rst( ), // USB Status .usb_busy( ), .ep_sel( ), // Interrupts .dropped_frame( ), .misaligned_frame( ), .crc16_err( ), // Vendor Features .v_set_int( ), .v_set_feature( ), .wValue( ), .wIndex( ), .vendor_data( ), // USB PHY Interface .tx_dp( tx_dp2 ), .tx_dn( tx_dn2 ), .tx_oe( ), .rx_d( rx_dp2 ), .rx_dp( rx_dp2 ), .rx_dn( rx_dn2 ), // End point 1 configuration .ep1_cfg( `ISO | `IN | 14'd0256 ), // End point 1 'OUT' FIFO i/f .ep1_dout( ), .ep1_we( ), .ep1_full( 1'b0 ), // End point 1 'IN' FIFO i/f .ep1_din( ep1_us_din ), .ep1_re( ep1_us_re ), .ep1_empty( ep1_us_empty ), .ep1_bf_en( 1'b0 ), .ep1_bf_size( 7'h0 ), // End point 2 configuration .ep2_cfg( `ISO | `OUT | 14'd0256 ), // End point 2 'OUT' FIFO i/f .ep2_dout( ep2_us_dout ), .ep2_we( ep2_us_we ), .ep2_full( ep2_us_full ), // End point 2 'IN' FIFO i/f .ep2_din( 8'h0 ), .ep2_re( ), .ep2_empty( 1'b0 ), .ep2_bf_en( 1'b0 ), .ep2_bf_size( 7'h0 ), // End point 3 configuration .ep3_cfg( `BULK | `IN | 14'd064 ), // End point 3 'OUT' FIFO i/f .ep3_dout( ), .ep3_we( ), .ep3_full( 1'b0 ), // End point 3 'IN' FIFO i/f .ep3_din( ep3_us_din ), .ep3_re( ep3_us_re ), .ep3_empty( ep3_us_empty ), .ep3_bf_en( 1'b0 ), .ep3_bf_size( 7'h0 ), // End point 4 configuration .ep4_cfg( `BULK | `OUT | 14'd064 ), // End point 4 'OUT' FIFO i/f .ep4_dout( ep4_us_dout ), .ep4_we( ep4_us_we ), .ep4_full( ep4_us_full ), // End point 4 'IN' FIFO i/f .ep4_din( 8'h0 ), .ep4_re( ), .ep4_empty( 1'b0 ), .ep4_bf_en( 1'b0 ), .ep4_bf_size( 7'h0 ), // End point 5 configuration .ep5_cfg( `INT | `IN | 14'd064 ), // End point 5 'OUT' FIFO i/f .ep5_dout( ), .ep5_we( ), .ep5_full( 1'b0 ), // End point 5 'IN' FIFO i/f .ep5_din( ep5_us_din ), .ep5_re( ep5_us_re ), .ep5_empty( ep5_us_empty ), .ep5_bf_en( 1'b0 ), .ep5_bf_size( 7'h0 ), // End point 6 configuration .ep6_cfg( 14'h00 ), // End point 6 'OUT' FIFO i/f .ep6_dout( ), .ep6_we( ), .ep6_full( 1'b0 ), // End point 6 'IN' FIFO i/f .ep6_din( 8'h0 ), .ep6_re( ), .ep6_empty( 1'b0 ), .ep6_bf_en( 1'b0 ), .ep6_bf_size( 7'h0 ), // End point 7 configuration .ep7_cfg( 14'h00 ), // End point 7 'OUT' FIFO i/f .ep7_dout( ), .ep7_we( ), .ep7_full( 1'b0 ), // End point 7 'IN' FIFO i/f .ep7_din( 8'h0 ), .ep7_re( ), .ep7_empty( 1'b0 ), .ep7_bf_en( 1'b0 ), .ep7_bf_size( 7'h0 ) ); // EP 1 FIFO generic_fifo_sc_a #(8,9,0) f0( .clk( clk2 ), .rst( rst ), .clr( 1'b0 ), .din( ep1_f_din ), .we( ep1_f_we ), .dout( ep1_us_din ), .re( ep1_us_re ), .full( ), .empty( ), .full_r( ep1_f_full ), .empty_r( ep1_us_empty ), .full_n( ), .empty_n( ), .full_n_r( ), .empty_n_r( ), .level( ) ); // EP 2 FIFO generic_fifo_sc_a #(8,9,0) f1( .clk( clk2 ), .rst( rst ), .clr( 1'b0 ), .din( ep2_us_dout ), .we( ep2_us_we ), .dout( ep2_f_dout ), .re( ep2_f_re ), .full( ), .empty( ), .full_r( ep2_us_full ), .empty_r( ep2_f_empty ), .full_n( ), .empty_n( ), .full_n_r( ), .empty_n_r( ), .level( ) ); // EP 3 FIFO generic_fifo_sc_a #(8,9,0) f2( .clk( clk2 ), .rst( rst ), .clr( 1'b0 ), .din( ep3_f_din ), .we( ep3_f_we ), .dout( ep3_us_din ), .re( ep3_us_re ), .full( ), .empty( ), .full_r( ep3_f_full ), .empty_r( ep3_us_empty ), .full_n( ), .empty_n( ), .full_n_r( ), .empty_n_r( ), .level( ) ); // EP 4 FIFO generic_fifo_sc_a #(8,9,0) f3( .clk( clk2 ), .rst( rst ), .clr( 1'b0 ), .din( ep4_us_dout ), .we( ep4_us_we ), .dout( ep4_f_dout ), .re( ep4_f_re ), .full( ), .empty( ), .full_r( ep4_us_full ), .empty_r( ep4_f_empty ), .full_n( ), .empty_n( ), .full_n_r( ), .empty_n_r( ), .level( ) ); // EP 5 FIFO generic_fifo_sc_a #(8,6,0) f4( .clk( clk2 ), .rst( rst ), .clr( 1'b0 ), .din( ep5_f_din ), .we( ep5_f_we ), .dout( ep5_us_din ), .re( ep5_us_re ), .full( ), .empty( ), .full_r( ep5_f_full ), .empty_r( ep5_us_empty ), .full_n( ), .empty_n( ), .full_n_r( ), .empty_n_r( ), .level( ) ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Test and test lib Includes // `include "tests_lib.v" `include "tests.v" endmodule
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