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The devices found are stored as a list of <A HREF="../ztex/ZtexDevice1.html" title="class in ztex"><CODE>ZtexDevice1</CODE></A> instances. <P> <P> <DL> <DT><B>See Also:</B><DD><A HREF="../ztex/ZtexDevice1.html" title="class in ztex"><CODE>ZtexDevice1</CODE></A></DL> <HR> <P> <!-- ======== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ======== --> <A NAME="constructor_summary"><!-- --></A> <TABLE BORDER="1" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="0" SUMMARY=""> <TR BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" CLASS="TableHeadingColor"> <TH ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="2"><FONT SIZE="+2"> <B>Constructor Summary</B></FONT></TH> </TR> <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../ztex/ZtexScanBus1.html#ZtexScanBus1(int, int, boolean, boolean)">ZtexScanBus1</A></B>(int usbVendorId, int usbProductId, boolean scanCypress, boolean quiet)</CODE> <BR> Scans the USB for suitable devices and constructs a list of them.</TD> </TR> <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../ztex/ZtexScanBus1.html#ZtexScanBus1(int, int, boolean, boolean, int)">ZtexScanBus1</A></B>(int usbVendorId, int usbProductId, boolean scanCypress, boolean quiet, int interfaceVersion)</CODE> <BR> Scans the USB for suitable devices and constructs a list of them.</TD> </TR> <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../ztex/ZtexScanBus1.html#ZtexScanBus1(int, int, boolean, boolean, int, int, int, int, int)">ZtexScanBus1</A></B>(int usbVendorId, int usbProductId, boolean scanCypress, boolean quiet, int interfaceVersion, int productId0, int productId1, int productId2, int productId3)</CODE> <BR> Scans the USB for suitable devices and constructs a list of them.</TD> </TR> </TABLE> <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== --> <A NAME="method_summary"><!-- --></A> <TABLE BORDER="1" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="0" SUMMARY=""> <TR BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" CLASS="TableHeadingColor"> <TH ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="2"><FONT SIZE="+2"> <B>Method Summary</B></FONT></TH> </TR> <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> <CODE> <A HREF="../ztex/ZtexDevice1.html" title="class in ztex">ZtexDevice1</A></CODE></FONT></TD> <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../ztex/ZtexScanBus1.html#device(int)">device</A></B>(int i)</CODE> <BR> Returns a device from the list of devices.</TD> </TR> <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> <CODE> int</CODE></FONT></TD> <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../ztex/ZtexScanBus1.html#numberOfDevices()">numberOfDevices</A></B>()</CODE> <BR> Returns the number of devices found.</TD> </TR> <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> <CODE> void</CODE></FONT></TD> <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../ztex/ZtexScanBus1.html#printBus(java.io.PrintStream)">printBus</A></B>(java.io.PrintStream out)</CODE> <BR> Prints out a list of devices found.</TD> </TR> </TABLE> <A NAME="methods_inherited_from_class_java.lang.Object"><!-- --></A> <TABLE BORDER="1" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="0" SUMMARY=""> <TR BGCOLOR="#EEEEFF" CLASS="TableSubHeadingColor"> <TH ALIGN="left"><B>Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object</B></TH> </TR> <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> <TD><CODE>clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait</CODE></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P> <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== --> <A NAME="constructor_detail"><!-- --></A> <TABLE BORDER="1" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="0" SUMMARY=""> <TR BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" CLASS="TableHeadingColor"> <TH ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="1"><FONT SIZE="+2"> <B>Constructor Detail</B></FONT></TH> </TR> </TABLE> <A NAME="ZtexScanBus1(int, int, boolean, boolean, int, int, int, int, int)"><!-- --></A><H3> ZtexScanBus1</H3> <PRE> public <B>ZtexScanBus1</B>(int usbVendorId, int usbProductId, boolean scanCypress, boolean quiet, int interfaceVersion, int productId0, int productId1, int productId2, int productId3)</PRE> <DL> <DD>Scans the USB for suitable devices and constructs a list of them. Four kinds of search filters can be applied <ol> <li> usbVendorId and usbProductId can be used to search for devices with a given vendor and product ID. These devices must provide a ZTEX descriptor 1.</li> <li> If a certain interface version is required, it can be specified using interfaceVersion. </li> <li> Incompatible devices can be excluded by the specification of the ZTEX product ID's, see <A HREF="../ztex/ZtexDevice1.html#compatible(int, int, int, int)"><CODE>ZtexDevice1.compatible(int,int,int,int)</CODE></A>. </li> <li> If scanCypress is true, all devices (even unconfigured ones) with Cypress EZ-USB vendor and product ID's are considered. </li> </ol> <P> <DL> <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>usbVendorId</CODE> - USB vendor ID of the device to be searched for<DD><CODE>usbProductId</CODE> - USB product ID of the device to be searched for<DD><CODE>scanCypress</CODE> - Include devices with Cypress EZ-USB vendor and product ID's (even unconfigured ones)<DD><CODE>quiet</CODE> - if true, don't print any warnings<DD><CODE>interfaceVersion</CODE> - The required interface version (<0 if no interface version is required)<DD><CODE>productId0</CODE> - Byte 0 of a given ZTEX product ID (≤0 if not to be considered)<DD><CODE>productId1</CODE> - Byte 1 of a given ZTEX product ID (≤0 if not to be considered)<DD><CODE>productId2</CODE> - Byte 2 of a given ZTEX product ID (≤0 if not to be considered)<DD><CODE>productId3</CODE> - Byte 3 of a given ZTEX product ID (≤0 if not to be considered)</DL> </DL> <HR> <A NAME="ZtexScanBus1(int, int, boolean, boolean, int)"><!-- --></A><H3> ZtexScanBus1</H3> <PRE> public <B>ZtexScanBus1</B>(int usbVendorId, int usbProductId, boolean scanCypress, boolean quiet, int interfaceVersion)</PRE> <DL> <DD>Scans the USB for suitable devices and constructs a list of them. Three kinds of search filters can be applied <ol> <li> usbVendorId and usbProductId can be used to search for devices with a given vendor and product ID. These devices must provide a ZTEX descriptor 1.</li> <li> If a certain interface version is required, it can be specified using interfaceVersion. </li> <li> If scanCypress is true, all devices (even unconfigured ones) with Cypress EZ-USB vendor and product ID's are considered. </li> </ol> <P> <DL> <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>usbVendorId</CODE> - USB vendor ID of the device to be searched for<DD><CODE>usbProductId</CODE> - USB product ID of the device to be searched for<DD><CODE>scanCypress</CODE> - Include devices with Cypress EZ-USB vendor and product ID's (even unconfigured ones)<DD><CODE>quiet</CODE> - if true, don't print any warnings<DD><CODE>interfaceVersion</CODE> - The required interface version (<0 if no interface version is required)</DL> </DL> <HR> <A NAME="ZtexScanBus1(int, int, boolean, boolean)"><!-- --></A><H3> ZtexScanBus1</H3> <PRE> public <B>ZtexScanBus1</B>(int usbVendorId, int usbProductId, boolean scanCypress, boolean quiet)</PRE> <DL> <DD>Scans the USB for suitable devices and constructs a list of them. Two kinds of search filters can be applied <ol> <li> usbVendorId and usbProductId can be used to search for devices with a given vendor and product ID. These devices must provide a ZTEX descriptor 1.</li> <li> If scanCypress is true, all devices (even unconfigured ones) with Cypress EZ-USB vendor and product ID's are considered. </li> </ol> <P> <DL> <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>usbVendorId</CODE> - USB vendor ID of the device to be searched for<DD><CODE>usbProductId</CODE> - USB product ID of the device to be searched for<DD><CODE>scanCypress</CODE> - Include devices with Cypress EZ-USB vendor and product ID's (even unconfigured ones)<DD><CODE>quiet</CODE> - if true, don't print any warnings</DL> </DL> <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== --> <A NAME="method_detail"><!-- --></A> <TABLE BORDER="1" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="0" SUMMARY=""> <TR BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" CLASS="TableHeadingColor"> <TH ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="1"><FONT SIZE="+2"> <B>Method Detail</B></FONT></TH> </TR> </TABLE> <A NAME="printBus(java.io.PrintStream)"><!-- --></A><H3> printBus</H3> <PRE> public void <B>printBus</B>(java.io.PrintStream out)</PRE> <DL> <DD>Prints out a list of devices found. <P> <DD><DL> <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>out</CODE> - Where the output is to be printed to.</DL> </DD> </DL> <HR> <A NAME="numberOfDevices()"><!-- --></A><H3> numberOfDevices</H3> <PRE> public final int <B>numberOfDevices</B>()</PRE> <DL> <DD>Returns the number of devices found. <P> <DD><DL> <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>the number of devices found.</DL> </DD> </DL> <HR> <A NAME="device(int)"><!-- --></A><H3> device</H3> <PRE> public final <A HREF="../ztex/ZtexDevice1.html" title="class in ztex">ZtexDevice1</A> <B>device</B>(int i) throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException</PRE> <DL> <DD>Returns a device from the list of devices. <P> <DD><DL> <DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><CODE>i</CODE> - The device index. <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>a device from the list of devices. <DT><B>Throws:</B> <DD><CODE>java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException</CODE> - if i<0 or i≥<A HREF="../ztex/ZtexScanBus1.html#numberOfDevices()"><CODE>numberOfDevices()</CODE></A></DL> </DD> </DL> <!-- ========= END OF CLASS DATA ========= --> <HR> <!-- ======= START OF BOTTOM NAVBAR ====== --> <A NAME="navbar_bottom"><!-- --></A> <A HREF="#skip-navbar_bottom" title="Skip navigation links"></A> <TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="1" CELLSPACING="0" SUMMARY=""> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR="#EEEEFF" CLASS="NavBarCell1"> <A NAME="navbar_bottom_firstrow"><!-- --></A> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="3" SUMMARY=""> <TR ALIGN="center" VALIGN="top"> <TD BGCOLOR="#EEEEFF" CLASS="NavBarCell1"> <A HREF="../overview-summary.html"><FONT CLASS="NavBarFont1"><B>Overview</B></FONT></A> </TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#EEEEFF" CLASS="NavBarCell1"> <A HREF="package-summary.html"><FONT CLASS="NavBarFont1"><B>Package</B></FONT></A> </TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="NavBarCell1Rev"> <FONT CLASS="NavBarFont1Rev"><B>Class</B></FONT> </TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#EEEEFF" CLASS="NavBarCell1"> <A HREF="package-tree.html"><FONT CLASS="NavBarFont1"><B>Tree</B></FONT></A> </TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#EEEEFF" CLASS="NavBarCell1"> <A HREF="../deprecated-list.html"><FONT CLASS="NavBarFont1"><B>Deprecated</B></FONT></A> </TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#EEEEFF" CLASS="NavBarCell1"> <A HREF="../index-all.html"><FONT CLASS="NavBarFont1"><B>Index</B></FONT></A> </TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#EEEEFF" CLASS="NavBarCell1"> <A HREF="../help-doc.html"><FONT CLASS="NavBarFont1"><B>Help</B></FONT></A> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" ROWSPAN=3><EM> </EM> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="NavBarCell2"><FONT SIZE="-2"> <A HREF="../ztex/ZtexIhxFile1.html" title="class in ztex"><B>PREV CLASS</B></A> NEXT CLASS</FONT></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="NavBarCell2"><FONT SIZE="-2"> <A HREF="../index.html?ztex/ZtexScanBus1.html" target="_top"><B>FRAMES</B></A> <A HREF="ZtexScanBus1.html" target="_top"><B>NO FRAMES</B></A> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> <!-- if(window==top) { document.writeln('<A HREF="../allclasses-noframe.html"><B>All Classes</B></A>'); } //--> </SCRIPT> <NOSCRIPT> <A HREF="../allclasses-noframe.html"><B>All Classes</B></A> </NOSCRIPT> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="top" CLASS="NavBarCell3"><FONT SIZE="-2"> SUMMARY: NESTED | FIELD | <A HREF="#constructor_summary">CONSTR</A> | <A HREF="#method_summary">METHOD</A></FONT></TD> <TD VALIGN="top" CLASS="NavBarCell3"><FONT SIZE="-2"> DETAIL: FIELD | <A HREF="#constructor_detail">CONSTR</A> | <A HREF="#method_detail">METHOD</A></FONT></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <A NAME="skip-navbar_bottom"></A> <!-- ======== END OF BOTTOM NAVBAR ======= --> <HR> </BODY> </HTML>
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