Subversion Repositories usb_fpga_1_2
[/] [usb_fpga_1_2/] [trunk/] [bmp/] [src/] [textbuf.pas] - Rev 4
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{*! bmp -- babel macro processor Copyright (C) 2009-2010 ZTEX e.K. http://www.ztex.de This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. !*} {$mode objfpc} unit textbuf; interface const maxspathc = 1024; lineInfoPattern : shortstring = ''; type pdword = ^dword; CTextBuf = class; CTextBuf = class buf : pchar; { character buffer } li : pdword; { line info lineNum shl 12 + file } lastbuf,d,d0 : longint; allocsize : longint; { allocated size } last : CTextBuf; killme : boolean; constructor create(var tb:CTextBuf); constructor create(var tb:CTextBuf; asize:longint); constructor create(var tb:CTextBuf; cb:pchar; lib:pdword; bufsize:longint); destructor destroy; override; procedure endbuf; virtual; end; CFileBuf = class(CTextBuf) constructor create(var tb:CTextBuf; const fn,ep:ansistring); procedure endbuf; override; private fileNum : longint; line : longint; fname : ansistring; errStr : ansistring; { error trefix } stat : longint; f : file; end; var spath : array[0..maxspathc-1] of ansistring; spathc : longint; function getFileNum(const fn:ansistring):longint; function lineInfoStr(li:dword):ansistring; procedure lineInfoStr(var fo:text; li:dword); implementation uses dos,bmpsys; const textbuf_size = 2048; { ********************************************************************* } { ****** CTextBuf ***************************************************** } { ********************************************************************* } { ****** create ******************************************************* } constructor CTextBuf.create(var tb:CTextBuf); begin lastbuf:=-1; d:=0; d0:=0; killme:=false; last:=tb; tb:=self; end; constructor CTextBuf.create(var tb:CTextBuf; asize:longint); begin create(tb); getmem(buf,asize); getmem(li,asize*4); allocsize:=asize; end; constructor CTextBuf.create(var tb:CTextBuf; cb:pchar; lib:pdword; bufsize:longint); begin create(tb); buf:=cb; li:=lib; lastbuf:=bufsize-1; allocsize:=0; end; { ****** destroy ****************************************************** } destructor CTextBuf.destroy; begin if allocsize>0 then begin freemem(buf,allocsize); freemem(li,allocsize*4); end; end; { ****** endbuf ******************************************************* } procedure CTextBuf.endbuf; begin killme:=true; end; { ********************************************************************* } { ****** CFileBuf ***************************************************** } { ********************************************************************* } { ****** create ******************************************************* } constructor CFileBuf.create(var tb:CTextBuf; const fn,ep:ansistring); begin inherited create(tb,textbuf_size); stat:=0; pointer(fname):=nil; fname:=fn; pointer(errStr):=nil; errStr:=ep; fileNum:=-1; line:=0; end; { ****** endbuf ******************************************************* } procedure CFileBuf.endbuf; var i,j : longint; e : dword; sr : searchrec; dir : dirstr; name : namestr; ext : extstr; b : boolean; begin lastbuf:=-1; d0+=d; d:=0; killme:=true; if stat=0 then begin stat:=1; if fname<>'' then begin j:=-1; // write(fname+': '); for i:=0 to spathc-1 do begin // write(spath[i]+' '); findfirst(spath[i]+fname,$27,sr); if doserror=0 then begin if j<>-1 then bmp_warning(errstr+'`'+spath[i]+fname+''' found, using `'+spath[j]+fname+'''') else j:=i; end; end; // writeln(': '+spath[j]+fname); if j=-1 then begin bmp_error(errstr+'Can not find file: `'+fname+''''); stat:=2; exit; end; fsplit(spath[j]+fname,dir,name,ext); b:=true; for i:=0 to spathc-1 do if dir=spath[i] then b:=false; if b then begin if spathc>=maxspathc then bmp_error(errstr+'Maximum amount of search paths reached') else begin spath[spathc]:=dir; spathc+=1; end; end; fileNum:=getFileNum(spath[j]+fname); line:=0; try filemode:=0; assign(f,spath[j]+fname); reset(f,1); except bmp_error(errstr+'Can not open file: '+spath[j]+fname); fname:=''; stat:=2; end; end; end; if stat=1 then begin if fname='' then begin lastbuf:=-1; while (not(eof(input))) and (lastbuf<textbuf_size-1) do begin lastbuf+=1; read(buf[lastbuf]); end; end else begin try blockread(f,buf^,textbuf_size,lastbuf); lastbuf-=1; except bmp_error(errstr+'Can read from file: '+fname); lastbuf:=-1; end; end; e:=(line shl 12) + fileNum; for i:=0 to lastbuf do begin if buf[i]=#10 then begin e+=4096; line+=1; end; li[i]:=e; end; if lastbuf<textbuf_size-1 then begin stat:=2; if fname<>'' then begin try close(f); except end; end; end; end; if lastbuf>=0 then killme:=false; end; { ********************************************************************* } { ****** FileCache **************************************************** } { ********************************************************************* } const fileCount : longint = 0; var fileCache : array[0..4095] of ansistring; { ****** getFileNum *************************************************** } function getFileNum(const fn:ansistring):longint; var i : longint; begin i:=0; while (i<fileCount) and (i<4096) and (fn<>fileCache[i]) do i+=1; if fn<>fileCache[i] then begin i:=fileCount and 4095; fileCache[i]:=fn; fileCount+=1; end; result:=i; end; { ****** lineInfoStr ************************************************* } function lineInfoStr(li:dword):ansistring; begin result:=fileCache[li and 4095]+'('+int2str((li shr 12)+1)+')'; end; procedure lineInfoStr(var fo:text; li:dword); var s : ansistring; i,j : longint; begin pointer(s):=nil; i:=1; while i<=length(lineInfoPattern) do begin if (lineInfoPattern[i]='%') and (i<length(lineInfoPattern)) then case lineInfoPattern[i+1] of '1' : begin for j:=1 to length(fileCache[li and 4095]) do if fileCache[li and 4095][j]='\' then s+='\\' else s+=fileCache[li and 4095][j]; i+=1; end; '2' : begin s+=int2str(li shr 12); i+=1; end; '%' : begin s+='%'; i+=1; end; else s+='%'; end else s+=lineInfoPattern[i]; i+=1; end; writeln(fo,s); end; end.
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