
Subversion Repositories vg_z80_sbc

[/] [vg_z80_sbc/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [wb.vhd] - Rev 36

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-- Generated by PERL program Do not edit this file.
-- For defines see vg_z80_sbc.defines
-- Generated Mon Dec  8 20:57:48 2008
-- Wishbone masters:
--   wb32_pci_master
--   wbm_z80
-- Wishbone slaves:
--   wbs_sram
--     baseadr 0x100000 - size 0x100000
--   wbs_flash
--     baseadr 0x200000 - size 0x100000
--   wbs_ddr
--     baseadr 0x800000 - size 0x100000
--   wbs_vga
--     baseadr 0x600000 - size 0x100000
--   wbs_kbd
--     baseadr 0x00 - size 0x20
--   wbs_mmu
--     baseadr 0x20 - size 0x20
--   wb_cpu_ctrl
--     baseadr 0x40 - size 0x40
--   wbs_spimaster
--     baseadr 0x80 - size 0x40
--   wbs_vhdfd
--     baseadr 0xc0 - size 0x20
--   wbs_fpb
--     baseadr 0xe0 - size 0x20
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
package intercon_package is
function "and" (
  l : std_logic_vector;
  r : std_logic)
return std_logic_vector;
end intercon_package;
package body intercon_package is
function "and" (
  l : std_logic_vector;
  r : std_logic)
return std_logic_vector is
  variable result : std_logic_vector(l'range);
begin  -- "and"
  for i in l'range loop
  result(i) := l(i) and r;
end loop;  -- i
return result;
end "and";
end intercon_package;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity trafic_supervision is
  generic (
    priority     : integer := 1;
    tot_priority : integer := 2);
  port (
    bg           : in  std_logic;       -- bus grant
    ce           : in  std_logic;       -- clock enable
    trafic_limit : out std_logic;
    clk          : in  std_logic;
    reset        : in  std_logic);
end trafic_supervision;
architecture rtl of trafic_supervision is
  signal shreg : std_logic_vector(tot_priority-1 downto 0);
  signal cntr : integer range 0 to tot_priority;
begin  -- rtl
  -- purpose: holds information of usage of latest cycles
  -- type   : sequential
  -- inputs : clk, reset, ce, bg
  -- outputs: shreg('left)
  sh_reg: process (clk,reset)
  begin  -- process shreg
    if reset = '1' then                 -- asynchronous reset (active hi)
      shreg <= (others=>'0');
    elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then  -- rising clock edge
      if ce='1' then
        shreg <= shreg(tot_priority-2 downto 0) & bg;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process sh_reg;
  -- purpose: keeps track of used cycles
  -- type   : sequential
  -- inputs : clk, reset, shreg('left), bg, ce
  -- outputs: trafic_limit
  counter: process (clk, reset)
  begin  -- process counter
    if reset = '1' then                 -- asynchronous reset (active hi)
      cntr <= 0;
      trafic_limit <= '0';
    elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then  -- rising clock edge
      if ce='1' then
        if bg='1' and shreg(tot_priority-1)='0' then
          cntr <= cntr + 1;
          if cntr=priority-1 then
            trafic_limit <= '1';
          end if;
        elsif bg='0' and shreg(tot_priority-1)='1' then
          cntr <= cntr - 1;
          if cntr=priority then
            trafic_limit <= '0';
          end if;
        end if;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process counter;
end rtl;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.intercon_package.all;
entity intercon is
  port (
  -- wishbone master port(s)
  -- wb32_pci_master
  wb32_pci_master_dat_i : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wb32_pci_master_ack_i : out std_logic;
  wb32_pci_master_err_i : out std_logic;
  wb32_pci_master_dat_o : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wb32_pci_master_we_o  : in  std_logic;
  wb32_pci_master_sel_o : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  wb32_pci_master_adr_o : in  std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
  wb32_pci_master_cyc_o : in  std_logic;
  wb32_pci_master_stb_o : in  std_logic;
  -- wbm_z80
  wbm_z80_dat_i : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbm_z80_ack_i : out std_logic;
  wbm_z80_dat_o : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbm_z80_we_o  : in  std_logic;
  wbm_z80_sel_o : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  wbm_z80_adr_o : in  std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
  wbm_z80_cyc_o : in  std_logic;
  wbm_z80_stb_o : in  std_logic;
  -- wishbone slave port(s)
  -- wbs_sram
  wbs_sram_dat_o : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbs_sram_ack_o : in  std_logic;
  wbs_sram_dat_i : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbs_sram_we_i  : out std_logic;
  wbs_sram_sel_i : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  wbs_sram_adr_i : out std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
  wbs_sram_cyc_i : out std_logic;
  wbs_sram_stb_i : out std_logic;
  -- wbs_flash
  wbs_flash_dat_o : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbs_flash_ack_o : in  std_logic;
  wbs_flash_dat_i : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbs_flash_we_i  : out std_logic;
  wbs_flash_sel_i : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  wbs_flash_adr_i : out std_logic_vector(18 downto 0);
  wbs_flash_cyc_i : out std_logic;
  wbs_flash_stb_i : out std_logic;
  -- wbs_ddr
  wbs_ddr_dat_o : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbs_ddr_ack_o : in  std_logic;
  wbs_ddr_dat_i : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbs_ddr_we_i  : out std_logic;
  wbs_ddr_sel_i : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  wbs_ddr_adr_i : out std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
  wbs_ddr_cyc_i : out std_logic;
  wbs_ddr_stb_i : out std_logic;
  -- wbs_vga
  wbs_vga_dat_o : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbs_vga_ack_o : in  std_logic;
  wbs_vga_dat_i : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbs_vga_we_i  : out std_logic;
  wbs_vga_sel_i : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  wbs_vga_adr_i : out std_logic_vector(13 downto 0);
  wbs_vga_cyc_i : out std_logic;
  wbs_vga_stb_i : out std_logic;
  -- wbs_kbd
  wbs_kbd_dat_o : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbs_kbd_ack_o : in  std_logic;
  wbs_kbd_dat_i : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbs_kbd_we_i  : out std_logic;
  wbs_kbd_sel_i : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  wbs_kbd_adr_i : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
  wbs_kbd_cyc_i : out std_logic;
  wbs_kbd_stb_i : out std_logic;
  -- wbs_mmu
  wbs_mmu_dat_o : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbs_mmu_ack_o : in  std_logic;
  wbs_mmu_dat_i : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbs_mmu_we_i  : out std_logic;
  wbs_mmu_sel_i : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  wbs_mmu_adr_i : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
  wbs_mmu_cyc_i : out std_logic;
  wbs_mmu_stb_i : out std_logic;
  -- wb_cpu_ctrl
  wb_cpu_ctrl_dat_o : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wb_cpu_ctrl_ack_o : in  std_logic;
  wb_cpu_ctrl_dat_i : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wb_cpu_ctrl_we_i  : out std_logic;
  wb_cpu_ctrl_sel_i : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  wb_cpu_ctrl_adr_i : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
  wb_cpu_ctrl_cyc_i : out std_logic;
  wb_cpu_ctrl_stb_i : out std_logic;
  -- wbs_spimaster
  wbs_spimaster_dat_o : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbs_spimaster_ack_o : in  std_logic;
  wbs_spimaster_dat_i : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbs_spimaster_we_i  : out std_logic;
  wbs_spimaster_sel_i : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  wbs_spimaster_adr_i : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
  wbs_spimaster_cyc_i : out std_logic;
  wbs_spimaster_stb_i : out std_logic;
  -- wbs_vhdfd
  wbs_vhdfd_dat_o : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbs_vhdfd_ack_o : in  std_logic;
  wbs_vhdfd_dat_i : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbs_vhdfd_we_i  : out std_logic;
  wbs_vhdfd_sel_i : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  wbs_vhdfd_adr_i : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
  wbs_vhdfd_cyc_i : out std_logic;
  wbs_vhdfd_stb_i : out std_logic;
  -- wbs_fpb
  wbs_fpb_dat_o : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbs_fpb_ack_o : in  std_logic;
  wbs_fpb_dat_i : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  wbs_fpb_we_i  : out std_logic;
  wbs_fpb_sel_i : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  wbs_fpb_adr_i : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
  wbs_fpb_cyc_i : out std_logic;
  wbs_fpb_stb_i : out std_logic;
  -- clock and reset
  clk   : in std_logic;
  reset : in std_logic);
end intercon;
architecture rtl of intercon is
  signal wb32_pci_master_wbs_sram_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wb32_pci_master_wbs_sram_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
  signal wb32_pci_master_wbs_flash_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wb32_pci_master_wbs_flash_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
  signal wb32_pci_master_wbs_ddr_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wb32_pci_master_wbs_ddr_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
  signal wb32_pci_master_wbs_vga_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wb32_pci_master_wbs_vga_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
  signal wb32_pci_master_wbs_kbd_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wb32_pci_master_wbs_kbd_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
  signal wb32_pci_master_wbs_mmu_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wb32_pci_master_wbs_mmu_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
  signal wb32_pci_master_wb_cpu_ctrl_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wb32_pci_master_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
  signal wb32_pci_master_wbs_spimaster_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wb32_pci_master_wbs_spimaster_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
  signal wb32_pci_master_wbs_vhdfd_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wb32_pci_master_wbs_vhdfd_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
  signal wb32_pci_master_wbs_fpb_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wb32_pci_master_wbs_fpb_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
  signal wbm_z80_wbs_sram_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wbm_z80_wbs_sram_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
  signal wbm_z80_wbs_flash_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wbm_z80_wbs_flash_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
  signal wbm_z80_wbs_ddr_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wbm_z80_wbs_ddr_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
  signal wbm_z80_wbs_vga_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wbm_z80_wbs_vga_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
  signal wbm_z80_wbs_kbd_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wbm_z80_wbs_kbd_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
  signal wbm_z80_wbs_mmu_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wbm_z80_wbs_mmu_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
  signal wbm_z80_wb_cpu_ctrl_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wbm_z80_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
  signal wbm_z80_wbs_spimaster_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wbm_z80_wbs_spimaster_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
  signal wbm_z80_wbs_vhdfd_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wbm_z80_wbs_vhdfd_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
  signal wbm_z80_wbs_fpb_ss : std_logic; -- slave select
  signal wbm_z80_wbs_fpb_bg : std_logic; -- bus grant
begin  -- rtl
arbiter_wbs_sram : block
  signal wb32_pci_master_bg, wb32_pci_master_bg_1, wb32_pci_master_bg_2, wb32_pci_master_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_bg, wbm_z80_bg_1, wbm_z80_bg_2, wbm_z80_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal ce, idle, ack : std_logic;
ack <= wbs_sram_ack_o;
trafic_supervision_1 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 1,
  tot_priority => 2)
port map(
  bg => wb32_pci_master_wbs_sram_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
trafic_supervision_2 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 1,
  tot_priority => 2)
port map(
  bg => wbm_z80_wbs_sram_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wbm_z80_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
if reset='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
if reset='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wbm_z80_bg_q='0' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= wbm_z80_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
idle <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' and wbm_z80_bg_q='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wbs_sram_ss='1' and wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wbs_sram_ss='1' and wbm_z80_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0') and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wbs_sram_ss='1' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0' and wb32_pci_master_bg_2='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wbs_sram_ss='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg_q or wb32_pci_master_bg_1 or wb32_pci_master_bg_2;
wbm_z80_bg <= wbm_z80_bg_q or wbm_z80_bg_1 or wbm_z80_bg_2;
ce <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_sram_ss) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wbs_sram_ss) when idle='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_wbs_sram_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
wbm_z80_wbs_sram_bg <= wbm_z80_bg;
end block arbiter_wbs_sram;
arbiter_wbs_flash : block
  signal wb32_pci_master_bg, wb32_pci_master_bg_1, wb32_pci_master_bg_2, wb32_pci_master_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_bg, wbm_z80_bg_1, wbm_z80_bg_2, wbm_z80_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal ce, idle, ack : std_logic;
ack <= wbs_flash_ack_o;
trafic_supervision_1 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 2,
  tot_priority => 4)
port map(
  bg => wb32_pci_master_wbs_flash_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
trafic_supervision_2 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 2,
  tot_priority => 4)
port map(
  bg => wbm_z80_wbs_flash_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wbm_z80_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
if reset='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
if reset='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wbm_z80_bg_q='0' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= wbm_z80_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
idle <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' and wbm_z80_bg_q='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wbs_flash_ss='1' and wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wbs_flash_ss='1' and wbm_z80_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0') and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wbs_flash_ss='1' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0' and wb32_pci_master_bg_2='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wbs_flash_ss='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg_q or wb32_pci_master_bg_1 or wb32_pci_master_bg_2;
wbm_z80_bg <= wbm_z80_bg_q or wbm_z80_bg_1 or wbm_z80_bg_2;
ce <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_flash_ss) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wbs_flash_ss) when idle='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_wbs_flash_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
wbm_z80_wbs_flash_bg <= wbm_z80_bg;
end block arbiter_wbs_flash;
arbiter_wbs_ddr : block
  signal wb32_pci_master_bg, wb32_pci_master_bg_1, wb32_pci_master_bg_2, wb32_pci_master_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_bg, wbm_z80_bg_1, wbm_z80_bg_2, wbm_z80_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal ce, idle, ack : std_logic;
ack <= wbs_ddr_ack_o;
trafic_supervision_1 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 3,
  tot_priority => 6)
port map(
  bg => wb32_pci_master_wbs_ddr_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
trafic_supervision_2 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 3,
  tot_priority => 6)
port map(
  bg => wbm_z80_wbs_ddr_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wbm_z80_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
if reset='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
if reset='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wbm_z80_bg_q='0' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= wbm_z80_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
idle <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' and wbm_z80_bg_q='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wbs_ddr_ss='1' and wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wbs_ddr_ss='1' and wbm_z80_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0') and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wbs_ddr_ss='1' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0' and wb32_pci_master_bg_2='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wbs_ddr_ss='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg_q or wb32_pci_master_bg_1 or wb32_pci_master_bg_2;
wbm_z80_bg <= wbm_z80_bg_q or wbm_z80_bg_1 or wbm_z80_bg_2;
ce <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_ddr_ss) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wbs_ddr_ss) when idle='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_wbs_ddr_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
wbm_z80_wbs_ddr_bg <= wbm_z80_bg;
end block arbiter_wbs_ddr;
arbiter_wbs_vga : block
  signal wb32_pci_master_bg, wb32_pci_master_bg_1, wb32_pci_master_bg_2, wb32_pci_master_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_bg, wbm_z80_bg_1, wbm_z80_bg_2, wbm_z80_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal ce, idle, ack : std_logic;
ack <= wbs_vga_ack_o;
trafic_supervision_1 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 4,
  tot_priority => 8)
port map(
  bg => wb32_pci_master_wbs_vga_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
trafic_supervision_2 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 4,
  tot_priority => 8)
port map(
  bg => wbm_z80_wbs_vga_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wbm_z80_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
if reset='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
if reset='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wbm_z80_bg_q='0' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= wbm_z80_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
idle <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' and wbm_z80_bg_q='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vga_ss='1' and wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wbs_vga_ss='1' and wbm_z80_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0') and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vga_ss='1' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0' and wb32_pci_master_bg_2='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wbs_vga_ss='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg_q or wb32_pci_master_bg_1 or wb32_pci_master_bg_2;
wbm_z80_bg <= wbm_z80_bg_q or wbm_z80_bg_1 or wbm_z80_bg_2;
ce <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vga_ss) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wbs_vga_ss) when idle='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_wbs_vga_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
wbm_z80_wbs_vga_bg <= wbm_z80_bg;
end block arbiter_wbs_vga;
arbiter_wbs_kbd : block
  signal wb32_pci_master_bg, wb32_pci_master_bg_1, wb32_pci_master_bg_2, wb32_pci_master_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_bg, wbm_z80_bg_1, wbm_z80_bg_2, wbm_z80_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal ce, idle, ack : std_logic;
ack <= wbs_kbd_ack_o;
trafic_supervision_1 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 5,
  tot_priority => 10)
port map(
  bg => wb32_pci_master_wbs_kbd_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
trafic_supervision_2 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 5,
  tot_priority => 10)
port map(
  bg => wbm_z80_wbs_kbd_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wbm_z80_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
if reset='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
if reset='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wbm_z80_bg_q='0' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= wbm_z80_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
idle <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' and wbm_z80_bg_q='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wbs_kbd_ss='1' and wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wbs_kbd_ss='1' and wbm_z80_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0') and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wbs_kbd_ss='1' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0' and wb32_pci_master_bg_2='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wbs_kbd_ss='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg_q or wb32_pci_master_bg_1 or wb32_pci_master_bg_2;
wbm_z80_bg <= wbm_z80_bg_q or wbm_z80_bg_1 or wbm_z80_bg_2;
ce <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_kbd_ss) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wbs_kbd_ss) when idle='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_wbs_kbd_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
wbm_z80_wbs_kbd_bg <= wbm_z80_bg;
end block arbiter_wbs_kbd;
arbiter_wbs_mmu : block
  signal wb32_pci_master_bg, wb32_pci_master_bg_1, wb32_pci_master_bg_2, wb32_pci_master_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_bg, wbm_z80_bg_1, wbm_z80_bg_2, wbm_z80_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal ce, idle, ack : std_logic;
ack <= wbs_mmu_ack_o;
trafic_supervision_1 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 6,
  tot_priority => 12)
port map(
  bg => wb32_pci_master_wbs_mmu_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
trafic_supervision_2 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 6,
  tot_priority => 12)
port map(
  bg => wbm_z80_wbs_mmu_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wbm_z80_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
if reset='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
if reset='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wbm_z80_bg_q='0' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= wbm_z80_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
idle <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' and wbm_z80_bg_q='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wbs_mmu_ss='1' and wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wbs_mmu_ss='1' and wbm_z80_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0') and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wbs_mmu_ss='1' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0' and wb32_pci_master_bg_2='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wbs_mmu_ss='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg_q or wb32_pci_master_bg_1 or wb32_pci_master_bg_2;
wbm_z80_bg <= wbm_z80_bg_q or wbm_z80_bg_1 or wbm_z80_bg_2;
ce <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_mmu_ss) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wbs_mmu_ss) when idle='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_wbs_mmu_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
wbm_z80_wbs_mmu_bg <= wbm_z80_bg;
end block arbiter_wbs_mmu;
arbiter_wb_cpu_ctrl : block
  signal wb32_pci_master_bg, wb32_pci_master_bg_1, wb32_pci_master_bg_2, wb32_pci_master_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_bg, wbm_z80_bg_1, wbm_z80_bg_2, wbm_z80_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal ce, idle, ack : std_logic;
ack <= wb_cpu_ctrl_ack_o;
trafic_supervision_1 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 7,
  tot_priority => 14)
port map(
  bg => wb32_pci_master_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
trafic_supervision_2 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 7,
  tot_priority => 14)
port map(
  bg => wbm_z80_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wbm_z80_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
if reset='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
if reset='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wbm_z80_bg_q='0' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= wbm_z80_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
idle <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' and wbm_z80_bg_q='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wb_cpu_ctrl_ss='1' and wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wb_cpu_ctrl_ss='1' and wbm_z80_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0') and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wb_cpu_ctrl_ss='1' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0' and wb32_pci_master_bg_2='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wb_cpu_ctrl_ss='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg_q or wb32_pci_master_bg_1 or wb32_pci_master_bg_2;
wbm_z80_bg <= wbm_z80_bg_q or wbm_z80_bg_1 or wbm_z80_bg_2;
ce <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wb_cpu_ctrl_ss) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wb_cpu_ctrl_ss) when idle='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
wbm_z80_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg <= wbm_z80_bg;
end block arbiter_wb_cpu_ctrl;
arbiter_wbs_spimaster : block
  signal wb32_pci_master_bg, wb32_pci_master_bg_1, wb32_pci_master_bg_2, wb32_pci_master_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_bg, wbm_z80_bg_1, wbm_z80_bg_2, wbm_z80_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal ce, idle, ack : std_logic;
ack <= wbs_spimaster_ack_o;
trafic_supervision_1 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 8,
  tot_priority => 16)
port map(
  bg => wb32_pci_master_wbs_spimaster_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
trafic_supervision_2 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 8,
  tot_priority => 16)
port map(
  bg => wbm_z80_wbs_spimaster_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wbm_z80_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
if reset='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
if reset='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wbm_z80_bg_q='0' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= wbm_z80_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
idle <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' and wbm_z80_bg_q='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wbs_spimaster_ss='1' and wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wbs_spimaster_ss='1' and wbm_z80_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0') and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wbs_spimaster_ss='1' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0' and wb32_pci_master_bg_2='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wbs_spimaster_ss='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg_q or wb32_pci_master_bg_1 or wb32_pci_master_bg_2;
wbm_z80_bg <= wbm_z80_bg_q or wbm_z80_bg_1 or wbm_z80_bg_2;
ce <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_spimaster_ss) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wbs_spimaster_ss) when idle='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_wbs_spimaster_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
wbm_z80_wbs_spimaster_bg <= wbm_z80_bg;
end block arbiter_wbs_spimaster;
arbiter_wbs_vhdfd : block
  signal wb32_pci_master_bg, wb32_pci_master_bg_1, wb32_pci_master_bg_2, wb32_pci_master_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_bg, wbm_z80_bg_1, wbm_z80_bg_2, wbm_z80_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal ce, idle, ack : std_logic;
ack <= wbs_vhdfd_ack_o;
trafic_supervision_1 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 9,
  tot_priority => 18)
port map(
  bg => wb32_pci_master_wbs_vhdfd_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
trafic_supervision_2 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 9,
  tot_priority => 18)
port map(
  bg => wbm_z80_wbs_vhdfd_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wbm_z80_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
if reset='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
if reset='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wbm_z80_bg_q='0' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= wbm_z80_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
idle <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' and wbm_z80_bg_q='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vhdfd_ss='1' and wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wbs_vhdfd_ss='1' and wbm_z80_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0') and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vhdfd_ss='1' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0' and wb32_pci_master_bg_2='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wbs_vhdfd_ss='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg_q or wb32_pci_master_bg_1 or wb32_pci_master_bg_2;
wbm_z80_bg <= wbm_z80_bg_q or wbm_z80_bg_1 or wbm_z80_bg_2;
ce <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vhdfd_ss) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wbs_vhdfd_ss) when idle='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_wbs_vhdfd_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
wbm_z80_wbs_vhdfd_bg <= wbm_z80_bg;
end block arbiter_wbs_vhdfd;
arbiter_wbs_fpb : block
  signal wb32_pci_master_bg, wb32_pci_master_bg_1, wb32_pci_master_bg_2, wb32_pci_master_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_bg, wbm_z80_bg_1, wbm_z80_bg_2, wbm_z80_bg_q : std_logic;
  signal wbm_z80_trafic_limit : std_logic;
  signal ce, idle, ack : std_logic;
ack <= wbs_fpb_ack_o;
trafic_supervision_1 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 10,
  tot_priority => 20)
port map(
  bg => wb32_pci_master_wbs_fpb_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
trafic_supervision_2 : entity work.trafic_supervision
generic map(
  priority => 10,
  tot_priority => 20)
port map(
  bg => wbm_z80_wbs_fpb_bg,
  ce => ce,
  trafic_limit => wbm_z80_trafic_limit,
  clk => clk,
  reset => reset);
if reset='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wb32_pci_master_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
if reset='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if wbm_z80_bg_q='0' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= wbm_z80_bg;
elsif ack='1' then
  wbm_z80_bg_q <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
idle <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_bg_q='0' and wbm_z80_bg_q='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wbs_fpb_ss='1' and wb32_pci_master_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_1 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wbs_fpb_ss='1' and wbm_z80_trafic_limit='0' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0') and wb32_pci_master_cyc_o='1' and wb32_pci_master_wbs_fpb_ss='1' else '0';
wbm_z80_bg_2 <= '1' when idle='1' and (wb32_pci_master_bg_1='0' and wbm_z80_bg_1='0' and wb32_pci_master_bg_2='0') and wbm_z80_cyc_o='1' and wbm_z80_wbs_fpb_ss='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg_q or wb32_pci_master_bg_1 or wb32_pci_master_bg_2;
wbm_z80_bg <= wbm_z80_bg_q or wbm_z80_bg_1 or wbm_z80_bg_2;
ce <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_fpb_ss) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wbs_fpb_ss) when idle='1' else '0';
wb32_pci_master_wbs_fpb_bg <= wb32_pci_master_bg;
wbm_z80_wbs_fpb_bg <= wbm_z80_bg;
end block arbiter_wbs_fpb;
wb32_pci_master_wbs_sram_ss <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_adr_o(23 downto 20)="0001" else 
wb32_pci_master_wbs_flash_ss <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_adr_o(23 downto 20)="0010" else 
wb32_pci_master_wbs_ddr_ss <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_adr_o(23 downto 20)="1000" else 
wb32_pci_master_wbs_vga_ss <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_adr_o(23 downto 20)="0110" else 
wb32_pci_master_wbs_kbd_ss <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_adr_o(23 downto 5)="0000000000000000000" else 
wb32_pci_master_wbs_mmu_ss <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_adr_o(23 downto 5)="0000000000000000001" else 
wb32_pci_master_wb_cpu_ctrl_ss <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_adr_o(23 downto 6)="000000000000000001" else 
wb32_pci_master_wbs_spimaster_ss <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_adr_o(23 downto 6)="000000000000000010" else 
wb32_pci_master_wbs_vhdfd_ss <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_adr_o(23 downto 5)="0000000000000000110" else 
wb32_pci_master_wbs_fpb_ss <= '1' when wb32_pci_master_adr_o(23 downto 5)="0000000000000000111" else 
wbm_z80_wbs_sram_ss <= '1' when wbm_z80_adr_o(23 downto 20)="0001" else 
wbm_z80_wbs_flash_ss <= '1' when wbm_z80_adr_o(23 downto 20)="0010" else 
wbm_z80_wbs_ddr_ss <= '1' when wbm_z80_adr_o(23 downto 20)="1000" else 
wbm_z80_wbs_vga_ss <= '1' when wbm_z80_adr_o(23 downto 20)="0110" else 
wbm_z80_wbs_kbd_ss <= '1' when wbm_z80_adr_o(23 downto 5)="0000000000000000000" else 
wbm_z80_wbs_mmu_ss <= '1' when wbm_z80_adr_o(23 downto 5)="0000000000000000001" else 
wbm_z80_wb_cpu_ctrl_ss <= '1' when wbm_z80_adr_o(23 downto 6)="000000000000000001" else 
wbm_z80_wbs_spimaster_ss <= '1' when wbm_z80_adr_o(23 downto 6)="000000000000000010" else 
wbm_z80_wbs_vhdfd_ss <= '1' when wbm_z80_adr_o(23 downto 5)="0000000000000000110" else 
wbm_z80_wbs_fpb_ss <= '1' when wbm_z80_adr_o(23 downto 5)="0000000000000000111" else 
wbs_sram_adr_i <= (wb32_pci_master_adr_o(14 downto 0) and wb32_pci_master_wbs_sram_bg) or (wbm_z80_adr_o(14 downto 0) and wbm_z80_wbs_sram_bg);
wbs_flash_adr_i <= (wb32_pci_master_adr_o(18 downto 0) and wb32_pci_master_wbs_flash_bg) or (wbm_z80_adr_o(18 downto 0) and wbm_z80_wbs_flash_bg);
wbs_ddr_adr_i <= (wb32_pci_master_adr_o(19 downto 0) and wb32_pci_master_wbs_ddr_bg) or (wbm_z80_adr_o(19 downto 0) and wbm_z80_wbs_ddr_bg);
wbs_vga_adr_i <= (wb32_pci_master_adr_o(13 downto 0) and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vga_bg) or (wbm_z80_adr_o(13 downto 0) and wbm_z80_wbs_vga_bg);
wbs_kbd_adr_i <= (wb32_pci_master_adr_o(2 downto 0) and wb32_pci_master_wbs_kbd_bg) or (wbm_z80_adr_o(2 downto 0) and wbm_z80_wbs_kbd_bg);
wbs_mmu_adr_i <= (wb32_pci_master_adr_o(1 downto 0) and wb32_pci_master_wbs_mmu_bg) or (wbm_z80_adr_o(1 downto 0) and wbm_z80_wbs_mmu_bg);
wb_cpu_ctrl_adr_i <= (wb32_pci_master_adr_o(2 downto 0) and wb32_pci_master_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg) or (wbm_z80_adr_o(2 downto 0) and wbm_z80_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg);
wbs_spimaster_adr_i <= (wb32_pci_master_adr_o(5 downto 0) and wb32_pci_master_wbs_spimaster_bg) or (wbm_z80_adr_o(5 downto 0) and wbm_z80_wbs_spimaster_bg);
wbs_vhdfd_adr_i <= (wb32_pci_master_adr_o(2 downto 0) and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vhdfd_bg) or (wbm_z80_adr_o(2 downto 0) and wbm_z80_wbs_vhdfd_bg);
wbs_fpb_adr_i <= (wb32_pci_master_adr_o(4 downto 0) and wb32_pci_master_wbs_fpb_bg) or (wbm_z80_adr_o(4 downto 0) and wbm_z80_wbs_fpb_bg);
end block decoder;
-- cyc_i(s)
wbs_sram_cyc_i <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_sram_bg) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wbs_sram_bg);
wbs_flash_cyc_i <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_flash_bg) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wbs_flash_bg);
wbs_ddr_cyc_i <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_ddr_bg) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wbs_ddr_bg);
wbs_vga_cyc_i <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vga_bg) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wbs_vga_bg);
wbs_kbd_cyc_i <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_kbd_bg) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wbs_kbd_bg);
wbs_mmu_cyc_i <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_mmu_bg) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wbs_mmu_bg);
wb_cpu_ctrl_cyc_i <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg);
wbs_spimaster_cyc_i <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_spimaster_bg) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wbs_spimaster_bg);
wbs_vhdfd_cyc_i <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vhdfd_bg) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wbs_vhdfd_bg);
wbs_fpb_cyc_i <= (wb32_pci_master_cyc_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_fpb_bg) or (wbm_z80_cyc_o and wbm_z80_wbs_fpb_bg);
-- stb_i(s)
wbs_sram_stb_i <= (wb32_pci_master_stb_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_sram_bg) or (wbm_z80_stb_o and wbm_z80_wbs_sram_bg);
wbs_flash_stb_i <= (wb32_pci_master_stb_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_flash_bg) or (wbm_z80_stb_o and wbm_z80_wbs_flash_bg);
wbs_ddr_stb_i <= (wb32_pci_master_stb_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_ddr_bg) or (wbm_z80_stb_o and wbm_z80_wbs_ddr_bg);
wbs_vga_stb_i <= (wb32_pci_master_stb_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vga_bg) or (wbm_z80_stb_o and wbm_z80_wbs_vga_bg);
wbs_kbd_stb_i <= (wb32_pci_master_stb_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_kbd_bg) or (wbm_z80_stb_o and wbm_z80_wbs_kbd_bg);
wbs_mmu_stb_i <= (wb32_pci_master_stb_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_mmu_bg) or (wbm_z80_stb_o and wbm_z80_wbs_mmu_bg);
wb_cpu_ctrl_stb_i <= (wb32_pci_master_stb_o and wb32_pci_master_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg) or (wbm_z80_stb_o and wbm_z80_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg);
wbs_spimaster_stb_i <= (wb32_pci_master_stb_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_spimaster_bg) or (wbm_z80_stb_o and wbm_z80_wbs_spimaster_bg);
wbs_vhdfd_stb_i <= (wb32_pci_master_stb_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vhdfd_bg) or (wbm_z80_stb_o and wbm_z80_wbs_vhdfd_bg);
wbs_fpb_stb_i <= (wb32_pci_master_stb_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_fpb_bg) or (wbm_z80_stb_o and wbm_z80_wbs_fpb_bg);
-- we_i(s)
wbs_sram_we_i <= (wb32_pci_master_we_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_sram_bg) or (wbm_z80_we_o and wbm_z80_wbs_sram_bg);
wbs_flash_we_i <= (wb32_pci_master_we_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_flash_bg) or (wbm_z80_we_o and wbm_z80_wbs_flash_bg);
wbs_ddr_we_i <= (wb32_pci_master_we_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_ddr_bg) or (wbm_z80_we_o and wbm_z80_wbs_ddr_bg);
wbs_vga_we_i <= (wb32_pci_master_we_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vga_bg) or (wbm_z80_we_o and wbm_z80_wbs_vga_bg);
wbs_kbd_we_i <= (wb32_pci_master_we_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_kbd_bg) or (wbm_z80_we_o and wbm_z80_wbs_kbd_bg);
wbs_mmu_we_i <= (wb32_pci_master_we_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_mmu_bg) or (wbm_z80_we_o and wbm_z80_wbs_mmu_bg);
wb_cpu_ctrl_we_i <= (wb32_pci_master_we_o and wb32_pci_master_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg) or (wbm_z80_we_o and wbm_z80_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg);
wbs_spimaster_we_i <= (wb32_pci_master_we_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_spimaster_bg) or (wbm_z80_we_o and wbm_z80_wbs_spimaster_bg);
wbs_vhdfd_we_i <= (wb32_pci_master_we_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vhdfd_bg) or (wbm_z80_we_o and wbm_z80_wbs_vhdfd_bg);
wbs_fpb_we_i <= (wb32_pci_master_we_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_fpb_bg) or (wbm_z80_we_o and wbm_z80_wbs_fpb_bg);
-- ack_i(s)
wb32_pci_master_ack_i <= (wbs_sram_ack_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_sram_bg) or (wbs_flash_ack_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_flash_bg) or (wbs_ddr_ack_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_ddr_bg) or (wbs_vga_ack_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vga_bg) or (wbs_kbd_ack_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_kbd_bg) or (wbs_mmu_ack_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_mmu_bg) or (wb_cpu_ctrl_ack_o and wb32_pci_master_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg) or (wbs_spimaster_ack_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_spimaster_bg) or (wbs_vhdfd_ack_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vhdfd_bg) or (wbs_fpb_ack_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_fpb_bg);
wbm_z80_ack_i <= (wbs_sram_ack_o and wbm_z80_wbs_sram_bg) or (wbs_flash_ack_o and wbm_z80_wbs_flash_bg) or (wbs_ddr_ack_o and wbm_z80_wbs_ddr_bg) or (wbs_vga_ack_o and wbm_z80_wbs_vga_bg) or (wbs_kbd_ack_o and wbm_z80_wbs_kbd_bg) or (wbs_mmu_ack_o and wbm_z80_wbs_mmu_bg) or (wb_cpu_ctrl_ack_o and wbm_z80_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg) or (wbs_spimaster_ack_o and wbm_z80_wbs_spimaster_bg) or (wbs_vhdfd_ack_o and wbm_z80_wbs_vhdfd_bg) or (wbs_fpb_ack_o and wbm_z80_wbs_fpb_bg);
-- rty_i(s)
-- err_i(s)
wb32_pci_master_err_i <= '0';
-- sel_i(s)
wbs_sram_sel_i <= (wb32_pci_master_sel_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_sram_bg) or (wbm_z80_sel_o and wbm_z80_wbs_sram_bg);
wbs_flash_sel_i <= (wb32_pci_master_sel_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_flash_bg) or (wbm_z80_sel_o and wbm_z80_wbs_flash_bg);
wbs_ddr_sel_i <= (wb32_pci_master_sel_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_ddr_bg) or (wbm_z80_sel_o and wbm_z80_wbs_ddr_bg);
wbs_vga_sel_i <= (wb32_pci_master_sel_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vga_bg) or (wbm_z80_sel_o and wbm_z80_wbs_vga_bg);
wbs_kbd_sel_i <= (wb32_pci_master_sel_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_kbd_bg) or (wbm_z80_sel_o and wbm_z80_wbs_kbd_bg);
wbs_mmu_sel_i <= (wb32_pci_master_sel_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_mmu_bg) or (wbm_z80_sel_o and wbm_z80_wbs_mmu_bg);
wb_cpu_ctrl_sel_i <= (wb32_pci_master_sel_o and wb32_pci_master_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg) or (wbm_z80_sel_o and wbm_z80_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg);
wbs_spimaster_sel_i <= (wb32_pci_master_sel_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_spimaster_bg) or (wbm_z80_sel_o and wbm_z80_wbs_spimaster_bg);
wbs_vhdfd_sel_i <= (wb32_pci_master_sel_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vhdfd_bg) or (wbm_z80_sel_o and wbm_z80_wbs_vhdfd_bg);
wbs_fpb_sel_i <= (wb32_pci_master_sel_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_fpb_bg) or (wbm_z80_sel_o and wbm_z80_wbs_fpb_bg);
-- slave dat_i(s)
wbs_sram_dat_i <= (wb32_pci_master_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_sram_bg) or (wbm_z80_dat_o and wbm_z80_wbs_sram_bg);
wbs_flash_dat_i <= (wb32_pci_master_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_flash_bg) or (wbm_z80_dat_o and wbm_z80_wbs_flash_bg);
wbs_ddr_dat_i <= (wb32_pci_master_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_ddr_bg) or (wbm_z80_dat_o and wbm_z80_wbs_ddr_bg);
wbs_vga_dat_i <= (wb32_pci_master_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vga_bg) or (wbm_z80_dat_o and wbm_z80_wbs_vga_bg);
wbs_kbd_dat_i <= (wb32_pci_master_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_kbd_bg) or (wbm_z80_dat_o and wbm_z80_wbs_kbd_bg);
wbs_mmu_dat_i <= (wb32_pci_master_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_mmu_bg) or (wbm_z80_dat_o and wbm_z80_wbs_mmu_bg);
wb_cpu_ctrl_dat_i <= (wb32_pci_master_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg) or (wbm_z80_dat_o and wbm_z80_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg);
wbs_spimaster_dat_i <= (wb32_pci_master_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_spimaster_bg) or (wbm_z80_dat_o and wbm_z80_wbs_spimaster_bg);
wbs_vhdfd_dat_i <= (wb32_pci_master_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vhdfd_bg) or (wbm_z80_dat_o and wbm_z80_wbs_vhdfd_bg);
wbs_fpb_dat_i <= (wb32_pci_master_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_fpb_bg) or (wbm_z80_dat_o and wbm_z80_wbs_fpb_bg);
-- master dat_i(s)
wb32_pci_master_dat_i <= (wbs_sram_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_sram_bg) or (wbs_flash_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_flash_bg) or (wbs_ddr_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_ddr_bg) or (wbs_vga_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vga_bg) or (wbs_kbd_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_kbd_bg) or (wbs_mmu_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_mmu_bg) or (wb_cpu_ctrl_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg) or (wbs_spimaster_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_spimaster_bg) or (wbs_vhdfd_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_vhdfd_bg) or (wbs_fpb_dat_o and wb32_pci_master_wbs_fpb_bg);
wbm_z80_dat_i <= (wbs_sram_dat_o and wbm_z80_wbs_sram_bg) or (wbs_flash_dat_o and wbm_z80_wbs_flash_bg) or (wbs_ddr_dat_o and wbm_z80_wbs_ddr_bg) or (wbs_vga_dat_o and wbm_z80_wbs_vga_bg) or (wbs_kbd_dat_o and wbm_z80_wbs_kbd_bg) or (wbs_mmu_dat_o and wbm_z80_wbs_mmu_bg) or (wb_cpu_ctrl_dat_o and wbm_z80_wb_cpu_ctrl_bg) or (wbs_spimaster_dat_o and wbm_z80_wbs_spimaster_bg) or (wbs_vhdfd_dat_o and wbm_z80_wbs_vhdfd_bg) or (wbs_fpb_dat_o and wbm_z80_wbs_fpb_bg);
-- tgc_i
-- tga_i
end rtl;

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