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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// $Id: wb_vhdfd.v,v 1.4 2008-12-13 21:12:01 hharte Exp $ //// //// wb_vhdfd.v - Vector Graphic HD/FD Disk Controller with //// //// Wishbone Slave interface. //// //// //// //// This file is part of the Vector Graphic Z80 SBC Project //// //// http://www.opencores.org/projects/vg_z80_sbc/ //// //// //// //// Author: //// //// - Howard M. Harte (hharte@opencores.org) //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2008 Howard M. Harte //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// //// //// //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// //// later version. //// //// //// //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// //// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// //// details. //// //// //// //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// //// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //| Write Read //| C0 - CTRL0 STATUS0 //| C1 - CTRL1 STATUS1 //| C2 - DATA_PORT DATA_PORT //| C3 - START RESET `define CTRL0 4'b0001 `define CTRL1 4'b0010 `define DATA_PORT 4'b0100 `define START_CMD 4'b1000 `define STATUS0 4'b0001 `define STATUS1 4'b0010 `define RESET 4'b1000 module wb_vhdfd (clk_i, nrst_i, wbs_adr_i, wbs_dat_o, wbs_dat_i, wbs_sel_i, wbs_we_i, wbs_stb_i, wbs_cyc_i, wbs_ack_o, flash_adr_o,flash_dat_o, flash_dat_i, flash_oe, flash_ce, flash_we ); input clk_i; input nrst_i; input [2:0] wbs_adr_i; output reg [7:0] wbs_dat_o; input [7:0] wbs_dat_i; input [3:0] wbs_sel_i; input wbs_we_i; input wbs_stb_i; input wbs_cyc_i; output reg wbs_ack_o; // FLASH Interface output [23:0] flash_adr_o; output [7:0] flash_dat_o; input [7:0] flash_dat_i; output flash_oe; output flash_ce; output flash_we; reg [7:0] ctrl0; reg [7:0] ctrl1; reg start_cmd; reg [10:0] curr_track[0:3]; reg [8:0] sector_ram_ptr; // CTRL0 bits wire [1:0] ds = ctrl0[1:0]; wire [2:0] hds = ctrl0[4:2]; wire step_track = ctrl0[5]; wire step_dir = ctrl0[6]; // CTRL1 bits wire [4:0] sector = ctrl1[4:0]; wire disk_read = ctrl1[5]; // STATUS0 bits wire wp = 1'b0; // Write protected, controller can't write to FLASH wire track0 = (curr_track[ds] == 11'h0); // STATUS1 bits wire fd_sel = (ds != 2'b00); // Bit 0, floppy disk selected wire ctrl_busy; // Bit 1, Controller is busy. wire motor_on = fd_sel; // Bit 2, Motor On wire hd_type = 1'b1; // Bit 3, Hard Disk Type, 1=10MB, 0=5MB wire [7:0] sector_ram_dat_o; wire [8:0] disk_adr; wire [7:0] disk_dat_o; wire [7:0] disk_dat_i; wire disk_ram_wr; // generate wishbone register bank writes wire wbs_acc = wbs_cyc_i & wbs_stb_i; // WISHBONE access wire wbs_wr = wbs_acc & wbs_we_i & !wbs_ack_o; // WISHBONE write access wire wbs_rd = wbs_acc & !wbs_we_i & !wbs_ack_o; // WISHBONE read access wire sector_ram_wr = (wbs_wr & (wbs_adr_i == 3'h2)); always @(posedge clk_i or negedge nrst_i) if (~nrst_i) // reset registers begin sector_ram_ptr <= 9'h0; start_cmd <= 1'b0; curr_track[0] <= 11'h010; curr_track[1] <= 11'h020; curr_track[2] <= 11'h030; curr_track[3] <= 11'h040; end else begin if(ctrl_busy == 1'b1) begin start_cmd <= 1'b0; end if(wbs_wr) // wishbone write cycle case(wbs_adr_i) 3'h0: begin // CTRL0 ctrl0 <= wbs_dat_i; if(wbs_dat_i[5] == 1'b1) begin // STEP if(wbs_dat_i[6] == 1'b1) begin // Step In curr_track[ds] <= curr_track[ds] + 11'h1; end else begin // Step Out curr_track[ds] <= curr_track[ds] - 11'h1; end end end 3'h1: begin // CTRL1 ctrl1 <= wbs_dat_i; end 3'h2: begin // DATA_PORT sector_ram_ptr <= sector_ram_ptr + 9'h001; end 3'h3: begin // START start_cmd <= 1'b1; end endcase if(wbs_rd) begin case(wbs_adr_i) // Wishbone Read, decode byte enables to determine register offset. 3'h0: begin // STATUS0 Register wbs_dat_o <= {2'b11, 3'b000, track0, 1'b0,wp }; end 3'h1: begin // STATUS1 Register wbs_dat_o <= {4'hF, hd_type, motor_on, ctrl_busy, fd_sel }; end 3'h2: begin // DATA_PORT wbs_dat_o <= sector_ram_dat_o; sector_ram_ptr <= sector_ram_ptr + 9'h001; end 3'h3: begin // RESET wbs_dat_o <= 8'h0F; sector_ram_ptr <= 9'h0; start_cmd <= 1'b0; end 3'h4: begin // DIAG0 wbs_dat_o <= sector_ram_ptr[7:0]; end 3'h5: begin // DIAG1 wbs_dat_o <= disk_adr[7:0]; end 3'h6: begin // DIAG2 wbs_dat_o <= { 6'h00, start_cmd, ds }; end 3'h7: begin // DIAG3 wbs_dat_o <= { curr_track[ds][7:0] }; end endcase end end // // generate ack_o always @(posedge clk_i) wbs_ack_o <= wbs_acc & !wbs_ack_o; // Instantiate the module vhdfd_disk disks ( .clk_i(clk_i), .nrst_i(nrst_i), .ds(ds), .hds(hds), .curr_track(curr_track[ds]), .sector(sector), .start_cmd(start_cmd), .disk_read(disk_read), .ctrl_busy(ctrl_busy), .disk_adr(disk_adr), .disk_dat_o(disk_dat_o), .disk_dat_i(disk_dat_i), .disk_ram_wr(disk_ram_wr), .flash_adr_o(flash_adr_o), .flash_dat_o(flash_dat_o), .flash_dat_i(flash_dat_i), .flash_oe(flash_oe), .flash_ce(flash_ce), .flash_we(flash_we)); // Instantiate the Sector RAM (512 bytes) // synthesis attribute ram_style of sector_ram is block vga_dpram #( .mem_file_name("../mon43/sector0.mem"), .adr_width(9), .dat_width(8) ) sector_ram ( .clk1(clk_i), .clk2(clk_i), // .adr0(sector_ram_ptr), .dout0(sector_ram_dat_o), .din0(wbs_dat_i), .we0(sector_ram_wr), // .adr1(disk_adr), .dout1(disk_dat_i), .din1(disk_dat_o), .we1(disk_ram_wr) ); endmodule module vhdfd_disk (clk_i, nrst_i, ds, hds, curr_track, sector, start_cmd, disk_read, ctrl_busy, disk_adr, disk_dat_o, disk_dat_i, disk_ram_wr, flash_adr_o,flash_dat_o, flash_dat_i, flash_oe, flash_ce, flash_we ); input clk_i; input nrst_i; input [1:0] ds; input [2:0] hds; input [10:0] curr_track; input [4:0] sector; input start_cmd; input disk_read; output reg ctrl_busy; output reg [8:0] disk_adr; output reg [7:0] disk_dat_o; input [7:0] disk_dat_i; output reg disk_ram_wr; // FLASH Interface output [23:0] flash_adr_o; output [7:0] flash_dat_o; input [7:0] flash_dat_i; output flash_oe; output flash_ce; output flash_we; reg [3:0] waitstate; reg [13:0] state; wire [23:0] sector_flash_adr; assign sector_flash_adr = { 3'b000, hds[0], curr_track[6:0], sector[3:0], 9'h0 }; `define DISK_ST_IDLE 14'h000 // Disk Idle `define DISK_ST_READ_SECTOR 14'h001 // Disk Read Sector `define DISK_ST_WRITE_SECTOR 14'h002 // Disk Write Sector `define DISK_ST_READ_WAIT 14'h004 // Disk Waitstate for FLASH read `define DISK_ST_READ_WAIT2 14'h008 // Disk Waitstate for FLASH read `define DISK_ST_READ_WAIT3 14'h010 // Disk Waitstate for FLASH read `define DISK_ST_READ_WAIT4 14'h020 // Disk Waitstate for FLASH read always @(posedge clk_i or negedge nrst_i) if (~nrst_i) // reset registers begin ctrl_busy <= 1'b0; disk_adr <= 9'h000; state <= `DISK_ST_IDLE; end else begin case(state) `DISK_ST_IDLE: begin if(start_cmd & disk_read) begin // Wishbone access starts LPC transaction state <= `DISK_ST_READ_SECTOR; ctrl_busy <= 1'b1; end else if(start_cmd & !disk_read) begin state <= `DISK_ST_WRITE_SECTOR; ctrl_busy <= 1'b1; end else begin state <= `DISK_ST_IDLE; ctrl_busy <= 1'b0; disk_adr <= 9'h000; end end `DISK_ST_READ_SECTOR: begin if(disk_adr != 9'h1FF) begin disk_ram_wr <= 1'b1; disk_adr <= disk_adr + 9'h001; state <= `DISK_ST_READ_WAIT; end else begin disk_ram_wr <= 1'b0; state <= `DISK_ST_IDLE; end end `DISK_ST_READ_WAIT: begin state <= `DISK_ST_READ_WAIT2; end `DISK_ST_READ_WAIT2: begin state <= `DISK_ST_READ_WAIT3; end `DISK_ST_READ_WAIT3: begin state <= `DISK_ST_READ_WAIT4; end `DISK_ST_READ_WAIT4: begin if(disk_adr > 9'h10E) disk_dat_o <= 8'h00; else disk_dat_o <= flash_dat_i; state <= `DISK_ST_READ_SECTOR; end `DISK_ST_WRITE_SECTOR: begin if(disk_adr != 9'h1FF) begin disk_ram_wr <= 1'b0; disk_adr <= disk_adr + 9'h001; end else begin state <= `DISK_ST_IDLE; end end endcase end assign flash_adr_o = { sector_flash_adr[23:9], disk_adr[8:0] }; assign flash_oe = 1'b0; assign flash_we = 1'b1; assign flash_ce = 1'b0; assign flash_dat_o = 8'hAA; endmodule