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[/] [vga_lcd/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [vhdl/] [csm_pb.vhd] - Rev 64
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-- -- Wishbone compliant cycle shared memory, priority based selection -- author: Richard Herveille -- -- rev.: 1.0 july 12th, 2001. Initial release -- -- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; entity csm_pb is generic( DWIDTH : natural := 32; -- databus width AWIDTH : natural := 8 -- addressbus width ); port( -- SYSCON signals CLK_I : in std_logic; -- wishbone clock input RST_I : in std_logic; -- synchronous active high reset nRESET : in std_logic; -- asynchronous active low reset -- wishbone slave0 connections ADR0_I : in unsigned(AWIDTH -1 downto 0); -- address input DAT0_I : in std_logic_vector(DWIDTH -1 downto 0); -- data input DAT0_O : out std_logic_vector(DWIDTH -1 downto 0); -- data output SEL0_I : in std_logic_vector( (DWIDTH/8) -1 downto 0); -- byte select input WE0_I : in std_logic; -- write enable input STB0_I : in std_logic; -- strobe input CYC0_I : in std_logic; -- valid bus cycle input ACK0_O : out std_logic; -- acknowledge output ERR0_O : out std_logic; -- error output -- wishbone slave1 connections ADR1_I : in unsigned(AWIDTH -1 downto 0); -- address input DAT1_I : in std_logic_vector(DWIDTH -1 downto 0); -- data input DAT1_O : out std_logic_vector(DWIDTH -1 downto 0); -- data output SEL1_I : in std_logic_vector( (DWIDTH/8) -1 downto 0); -- byte select input WE1_I : in std_logic; -- write enable input STB1_I : in std_logic; -- strobe input CYC1_I : in std_logic; -- valid bus cycle input ACK1_O : out std_logic; -- acknowledge output ERR1_O : out std_logic -- error output ); end entity csm_pb; architecture structural of csm_pb is -- function declarations function "and"(L: std_logic_vector; R : std_logic) return std_logic_vector is variable tmp : std_logic_vector(L'range); begin for n in L'range loop tmp(n) := L(n) and R; end loop; return tmp; end function "and"; function "and"(L: std_logic; R : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is begin return (R and L); end function "and"; -- define memory array type mem_array is array(2**AWIDTH -1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(DWIDTH -1 downto 0); signal mem : mem_array; -- multiplexor select signal signal wb0_acc, dwb0_acc : std_logic; signal wb1_acc, dwb1_acc : std_logic; signal sel_wb0 : std_logic; signal sel_wb1 : std_logic; signal ack0_pipe, ack1_pipe : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- multiplexed memory busses / signals signal mem_adr, mem_radr : unsigned(AWIDTH -1 downto 0); signal mem_dati, mem_dato : std_logic_vector(DWIDTH -1 downto 0); signal mem_we : std_logic; -- acknowledge generation signal wb0_ack, wb1_ack : std_logic; -- error signal generation signal err0, err1 : std_logic_vector( (DWIDTH/8) -1 downto 0); begin -- generate multiplexor select signal wb0_acc <= CYC0_I and STB0_I; wb1_acc <= CYC1_I and STB1_I and not sel_wb0; process(CLK_I) begin if (CLK_I'event and CLK_I = '1') then dwb0_acc <= wb0_acc and not wb0_ack; dwb1_acc <= wb1_acc and not wb1_ack; end if; end process; sel_wb0 <= wb0_acc and not dwb0_acc; sel_wb1 <= wb1_acc and not dwb1_acc; gen_ack_pipe: process(CLK_I, nRESET) begin if (nRESET = '0') then ack0_pipe <= (others => '0'); ack1_pipe <= (others => '0'); elsif (CLK_I'event and CLK_I = '1') then if (RST_I = '1') then ack0_pipe <= (others => '0'); ack1_pipe <= (others => '0'); else ack0_pipe <= (ack0_pipe(2 downto 0) & sel_wb0) and not wb0_ack; ack1_pipe <= (ack1_pipe(2 downto 0) & sel_wb1) and not wb1_ack; end if; end if; end process gen_ack_pipe; -- multiplex memory bus -- gen_muxs: process(CLK_I) -- begin -- if (CLK_I'event and CLK_I = '1') then -- if (sel_wb0 = '1') then -- mem_adr <= adr0_i; -- mem_dati <= dat0_i; -- mem_we <= we0_i and cyc0_i and stb0_i and not wb0_ack; -- else -- mem_adr <= adr1_i; -- mem_dati <= dat1_i; -- mem_we <= we1_i and cyc1_i and stb1_i and not wb1_ack; -- end if; -- end if; -- end process gen_muxs; mem_adr <= adr0_i when (sel_wb0 = '1') else adr1_i; mem_dati <= dat0_i when (sel_wb0 = '1') else dat1_i; mem_we <= (we0_i and cyc0_i and stb0_i) when (sel_wb0 = '1') else (we1_i and cyc1_i and stb1_i); -- memory access gen_mem: process(CLK_I) begin if (CLK_I'event and CLK_I = '1') then -- write operation if (mem_we = '1') then mem(conv_integer(mem_adr)) <= mem_dati; end if; -- read operation mem_radr <= mem_adr; -- FLEX RAMs require address to be registered with inclock for read operation. mem_dato <= mem(conv_integer(mem_radr)); end if; end process gen_mem; -- assign DAT_O outputs DAT1_O <= mem_dato; DAT0_O <= mem_dato; -- assign ACK_O outputs -- gen_ack: process(CLK_I) -- begin -- if (CLK_I'event and CLK_I = '1') then wb0_ack <= ( (sel_wb0 and WE0_I) or (ack0_pipe(1)) );-- and not wb0_ack; wb1_ack <= ( (sel_wb1 and WE1_I) or (ack1_pipe(1)) );-- and not wb1_ack; -- end if; -- end process gen_ack; -- ACK outputs ACK0_O <= wb0_ack; ACK1_O <= wb1_ack; -- ERR outputs err0 <= (others => '1'); ERR0_O <= '1' when ( (SEL0_I /= err0) and (CYC0_I = '1') and (STB0_I = '1') ) else '0'; err1 <= (others => '1'); ERR1_O <= '1' when ( (SEL1_I /= err1) and (CYC1_I = '1') and (STB1_I = '1') ) else '0'; end architecture;
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