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[/] [vga_lcd/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [vhdl/] [fifo_dc.vhd] - Rev 62
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-- -- File fifo.vhd (universal FIFO) -- Author : Richard Herveille -- rev. 0.1 May 04th, 2001 : Initial release -- rev. 1.0 May 17th, 2001 : Changed core to use dual_ported_memory entity => wrapper around target specific dual ported RAM. -- -- WARNING: DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE -- CHANGE "DPM.VHD" FOR TARGET SPECIFIC MEMORY BLOCKS -- -- rev. 1.1: June 23nd, 2001. Removed unused "drptr" and "fifo_cnt" signals -- rev. 1.2: June 29th, 2001. Changed core to reflect changes in "dpm.vhd". library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; entity FIFO_DC is generic( DEPTH : natural := 128; DWIDTH : natural := 32 ); port( rclk : in std_logic; -- read clock input wclk : in std_logic; -- write clock input aclr : in std_logic := '1'; -- active low asynchronous clear D : in std_logic_vector(DWIDTH -1 downto 0); -- Data input wreq : in std_logic; -- write request Q : out std_logic_vector(DWIDTH -1 downto 0); -- Data output rreq : in std_logic; -- read request rd_empty, -- FIFO is empty, synchronous to read clock rd_full, -- FIFO is full, synchronous to read clock wr_empty, -- FIFO is empty, synchronous to write clock wr_full : out std_logic -- FIFO is full, synchronous to write clock ); end entity FIFO_DC; architecture structural of FIFO_DC is -- dual ported memory wrapper component dual_ported_memory is generic( AWIDTH : natural := 8; DWIDTH : natural := 32 ); port( wclk : in std_logic; -- write clock input D : in std_logic_vector(DWIDTH -1 downto 0); -- Data input waddr : in unsigned(AWIDTH -1 downto 0); -- write clock address input wreq : in std_logic; -- write request rclk : in std_logic; -- read clock input Q : out std_logic_vector(DWIDTH -1 downto 0); -- Data output raddr : in unsigned(AWIDTH -1 downto 0) -- read clock address input ); end component dual_ported_memory; -- bitcount, return no.of bits required for 'n' function bitcount(n : in natural) return natural is variable tmp : unsigned(32 downto 1); variable cnt : integer; begin tmp := conv_unsigned(n, 32); cnt := 32; while ( (tmp(cnt) = '0') and (cnt > 0) ) loop cnt := cnt -1; end loop; return natural(cnt); end function bitcount; constant AWIDTH : natural := bitcount(DEPTH -1); -- 256 entries: range 255 downto 0 signal rptr, wptr : unsigned(AWIDTH -1 downto 0); signal ifull, iempty, wempty, wfull, rempty, rfull : std_logic; begin -- -- Pointers -- -- read pointer gen_rd_ptr: process(rclk, aclr) begin if (aclr = '0') then rptr <= (others => '0'); elsif (rclk'event and rclk = '1') then if (rreq = '1') then rptr <= rptr +1; end if; end if; end process gen_rd_ptr; -- write pointer gen_wr_ptr: process(wclk, aclr) begin if (aclr = '0') then wptr <= (others => '0'); elsif (wclk'event and wclk = '1') then if (wreq = '1') then wptr <= wptr +1; end if; end if; end process gen_wr_ptr; -- insert memory block. dual_ported_memory is a wrapper around a target specific dual ported RAM mem: dual_ported_memory generic map(AWIDTH => AWIDTH, DWIDTH => DWIDTH) port map(wclk => wclk, D => D, waddr => wptr, wreq => wreq, rclk => rclk, Q => Q, raddr => rptr); -- -- status flags -- iempty <= '1' when (rptr = wptr) else '0'; ifull <= '1' when ( (wptr - rptr) >= (DEPTH -2) ) else '0'; rd_flags: process(rclk, aclr) begin if (aclr = '0') then rempty <= '1'; rfull <= '0'; rd_empty <= '1'; rd_full <= '0'; elsif (rclk'event and rclk = '1') then rempty <= iempty; rfull <= ifull; rd_empty <= rempty; rd_full <= rfull; end if; end process rd_flags; wr_flags: process(wclk, aclr) begin if (aclr = '0') then wempty <= '1'; wfull <= '0'; wr_empty <= '1'; wr_full <= '0'; elsif (wclk'event and wclk = '1') then wempty <= iempty; wfull <= ifull; wr_empty <= wempty; wr_full <= wfull; end if; end process wr_flags; end architecture structural;