
Subversion Repositories vhdl_wb_tb

[/] [vhdl_wb_tb/] [trunk/] [bench/] [vhdl/] [tb_top.vhd] - Rev 4

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----                                                              ---- 
----  VHDL Wishbone TESTBENCH                                     ---- 
----                                                              ---- 
----  This file is part of the vhdl_wb_tb project                 ---- 
----                    ---- 
----                                                              ---- 
----  This file contains the highest (top) module for simulation. ----
----  Like tb_top it instantiates the core_top module and         ----
----  provides parameters/generics. Where the top module provides ---- 
----  parameters for synthesis this file provides parameters for  ----
----  simulation.                                                 ----
----                                                              ---- 
----  It instantiates the design under test (DUT), instantiates   ----
----  the stimulator module for test vector generation,           ----
----  instantiates the verifier module for result comparison,     ----
----  instantiates the test case top (testcase_top) bfm,          ----
----  interconnects all three components, generates DUT-external  ----
----  clocks and resets.                                          ----
----                                                              ---- 
----  To Do:                                                      ---- 
----   -                                                          ---- 
----                                                              ---- 
----  Author(s):                                                  ---- 
----      - Sinx,                              ---- 
----                                                              ---- 
----    SVN information
----      $URL:  $
---- $Revision:  $
----     $Date:  $
----   $Author:  $
----       $Id:  $
----                                                              ---- 
---- Copyright (C) 2018 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ---- 
----                                                              ---- 
---- This source file may be used and distributed without         ---- 
---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ---- 
---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ---- 
---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- 
----                                                              ---- 
---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ---- 
---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ---- 
---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- 
---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ---- 
---- later version.                                               ---- 
----                                                              ---- 
---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ---- 
---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ---- 
---- PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- 
---- details.                                                     ---- 
----                                                              ---- 
---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ---- 
---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ---- 
---- from                     ---- 
----                                                              ---- 
-- library -----------------------------------------------------------
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library work;
use work.convert_pkg.all;
use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
use work.wishbone_bfm_pkg.all;
-- entity ------------------------------------------------------------
entity tb_top is
  -- empty entity, since this is the simulation top and all test cases are defined
  -- in the tc_xxx files.
end entity tb_top;
-- architecture ------------------------------------------------------
architecture rtl of tb_top is
  constant  g_wb_clock_period               : time     := 20.0 ns;   -- 50 mhz
  signal s_wb_bfm_out                 : wishbone_bfm_master_out_t; -- from testcase_top
  signal s_wb_bfm_in                  : wishbone_bfm_master_in_t;  -- to testcase_top
  signal s_wb_master_out              : wishbone_master_out_t;    -- from wb_decoder
  signal s_wb_master_in               : wishbone_master_in_t;    -- to wb_decoder
  constant number_of_wb_slaves_c      : integer := 2;
  signal s_wb_slaves_in               : wishbone_slave_in_array_t (number_of_wb_slaves_c-1 downto 0);
  signal s_wb_slaves_out              : wishbone_slave_out_array_t (number_of_wb_slaves_c-1 downto 0);
  signal s_wb_clock                   : std_logic := '0';
  signal s_wb_clock_locked            : std_logic := '0';
  signal s_wb_reset_p1                : std_logic := '1';
  signal s_wb_reset_p2                : std_logic := '1';
  signal s_wb_reset                   : std_logic := '1';
  constant number_of_stimulus_signals_c : integer := 8;
  constant number_of_verify_signals_c   : integer := 8;
  signal s_stimulus                   : std_logic_vector(number_of_stimulus_signals_c-1 downto 0);
  signal s_verify                     : std_logic_vector(number_of_verify_signals_c-1 downto 0);
  wb_clock_generator : process -- required for test bench wb bus; 50mhz is standard
    s_wb_clock        <= '0';
    wait for g_wb_clock_period/2;
    s_wb_clock        <= '1';
    wait for g_wb_clock_period/2;
    s_wb_clock_locked <= '1';
  end process;
  synchronize_reset_proc : process(all) 
    if (s_wb_clock_locked = '0') then
      s_wb_reset_p1 <= '1';
      s_wb_reset_p2 <= '1';
    elsif (rising_edge(s_wb_clock)) then
      s_wb_reset_p1 <= '0'; -- or s_tc_reset;
      s_wb_reset_p2 <= s_wb_reset_p1;
    end if;
  end process;
  s_wb_reset   <= s_wb_reset_p2;
  -- instance of test case "player"; runs tc_xxxx modules
  tc_top_inst : entity work.tc_top
    port map (
      wb_o                => s_wb_bfm_out,
      wb_i                => s_wb_bfm_in
  -- splits the test case wb bus for all stimulation and verifier modules.
  -- decodes the given bits (g_decoded_address_msb:g_decoded_address_lsb) and#
  -- compares them to 0..n, with n=(g_number_of_ports-1)
  proc_readdata_decoder  : process (all)
      s_wb_bfm_in.dat <= (others => 'U');
      s_wb_bfm_in.ack <= '1';
      s_wb_bfm_in.clk <= s_wb_clock; <= '0';
      s_wb_bfm_in.rst <= s_wb_reset;
      for I in number_of_wb_slaves_c-1 downto 0 loop
        s_wb_slaves_in(I) <= work.wishbone_pkg.wb_master_out_idle_c; -- default values are init (idle) values
        s_wb_slaves_in(I).clk <= s_wb_clock;
        s_wb_slaves_in(I).rst <= s_wb_reset OR s_wb_bfm_out.rst;
        if ( s_wb_bfm_out.adr(31 downto 28) = to_std_logic_vector(I,4)) then -- decode the upper nibble for module decoding
          s_wb_bfm_in.dat <= s_wb_slaves_out(I).dat;
          s_wb_bfm_in.ack <= s_wb_slaves_out(I).ack;
          s_wb_slaves_in(I).dat <= s_wb_bfm_out.dat;
          s_wb_slaves_in(I).tgd  <= s_wb_bfm_out.tgd;
          s_wb_slaves_in(I).adr  <= s_wb_bfm_out.adr;
          s_wb_slaves_in(I).cyc  <= s_wb_bfm_out.cyc;
          s_wb_slaves_in(I).lock <= s_wb_bfm_out.lock;
          s_wb_slaves_in(I).sel  <= s_wb_bfm_out.sel;
          s_wb_slaves_in(I).stb  <= s_wb_bfm_out.stb;
          s_wb_slaves_in(I).tga  <= s_wb_bfm_out.tga;
          s_wb_slaves_in(I).tgc  <= s_wb_bfm_out.tgc;
          s_wb_slaves_in(I).we   <= s_wb_bfm_out.we;
        end if;
      end loop;
  end process;
  -- instance of design under test
  core_top_inst : entity work.core_top
    generic map(
      g_number_of_in_signals              => number_of_stimulus_signals_c,
      g_number_of_out_signals             => number_of_verify_signals_c
    port map(
      clock_i                             => s_wb_clock,
      reset_i                             => s_wb_reset,
      signals_i                           => s_stimulus,
      signals_o                           => s_verify
  -- instance of stimulator
  stimulator_inst : entity work.stimulator
    generic map(
      g_number_of_signals                 => number_of_stimulus_signals_c
    port map(
      wb_i                                => s_wb_slaves_in(0),
      wb_o                                => s_wb_slaves_out(0),
      signals_o                           => s_stimulus
  -- instance of stimulator
  verifier_inst : entity work.verifier
    generic map(
      g_number_of_signals                 => number_of_verify_signals_c
    port map(
      wb_i                                => s_wb_slaves_in(1),
      wb_o                                => s_wb_slaves_out(1),
      signals_i                           => s_verify
end rtl;
---- end of file                                                  ---- 

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