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[/] [vhdl_wb_tb/] [trunk/] [bench/] [vhdl/] [wishbone_bfm_pkg.vhd] - Rev 27
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---- ---- VHDL Wishbone TESTBENCH ---- ---- ---- ---- This file is part of the vhdl_wb_tb project ---- ---- http://www.opencores.org/cores/vhdl_wb_tb/ ---- ---- ---- ---- This file contains the wishbone_bfm_pkg package and defines ---- ---- wishbone transaction processes functions for simulation. ---- ---- ---- ---- To Do: ---- ---- - ---- ---- ---- ---- Author(s): ---- ---- - Sinx, sinx@opencores.org ---- ---- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- SVN information ---- ---- $URL: file:///svn/vhdl_wb_tb/vhdl_wb_tb/trunk/bench/vhdl/wishbone_bfm_pkg.vhd $ ---- $Revision: 27 $ ---- $Date: 2019-09-21 17:20:11 +0200 (Sat, 21 Sep 2019) $ ---- $Author: sinx $ ---- $Id: wishbone_bfm_pkg.vhd 27 2019-09-21 15:20:11Z sinx $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---- ---- Copyright (C) 2018 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ---- ---- ---- ---- This source file may be used and distributed without ---- ---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ---- ---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ---- ---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- ---- ---- ---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ---- ---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ---- ---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- ---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ---- ---- later version. ---- ---- ---- ---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ---- ---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ---- ---- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ---- ---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- ---- details. ---- ---- ---- ---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ---- ---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ---- ---- from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ---- ---- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- library ----------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.my_project_pkg.all; use work.wishbone_pkg.all; use work.convert_pkg.all; -- package ----------------------------------------------------------- package wishbone_bfm_pkg is -- defines output signals of wb bfm (simulation only) type wishbone_bfm_master_out_t is record -- 2.2.2 Signals Common to MASTER and SLAVE Interfaces dat : wishbone_data_t; -- data [] rst : std_logic; -- reset [mandatory RULE 3.40] tgd : wishbone_tag_data_t; -- data tag [] -- 2.2.3 MASTER Signals adr : wishbone_address_t; -- address [optional] cyc : std_logic; -- cycle [mandatory RULE 3.40] lock: std_logic; -- lock [] sel : wishbone_byte_select_t; stb : std_logic; -- strobe [mandatory RULE 3.40] tga : wishbone_tag_address_t; -- address tag [] tgc : wishbone_tag_cycle_t; -- cycle tag [] we : std_logic; -- write enable [] end record wishbone_bfm_master_out_t; -- defines input signals of wb bfm (simulation only) type wishbone_bfm_master_in_t is record -- 2.2.2 Signals Common to MASTER and SLAVE Interfaces rst : std_logic; -- reset [mandatory RULE 3.40] clk : std_logic; -- clock [mandatory RULE 3.40] dat : wishbone_data_t; -- read data [] tgd : wishbone_tag_data_t; -- read data tag [] -- 2.2.4 SLAVE Signals ack : std_logic; -- acknowledge [mandatory RULE 3.40] err : std_logic; -- error [optional PERMISSION 3.20] rty : std_logic; -- retry [optional PERMISSION 3.25] --stall : std_logic; int : std_logic; -- interrupt [non WB signal] end record wishbone_bfm_master_in_t; -- define the idle state of wb bus constant wb_bfm_master_out_idle_c : wishbone_bfm_master_out_t := ( dat => wishbone_data_of_unused_address_c, rst => '0', tgd => (others=>'0'), adr => (others=>'U'), cyc => '0', lock => '0', sel => (others=>'0'), stb => '0', tga => (others=>'0'), tgc => (others=>'0'), we => '0' ); -- BUS FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- generate single write cycle procedure wb_write( address_i : in integer; -- address to write to data_i : in integer; -- data value to be written signal i : in wishbone_bfm_master_in_t; -- incoming wb signals signal o : out wishbone_bfm_master_out_t; -- incoming wb signals verbose_mode_i : in integer range 0 to 2 := 1; -- verbose mode; 2= print all activities; others: print nothing message_prolog_i : in string := "" -- string to be added in front of generated message ); -- generate single read cycle and verify read word with expected_data_i procedure wb_read( address_i : in integer; -- address to read from expected_data_i : in integer; -- data to be compared to read data; if different an error message is generated signal i : in wishbone_bfm_master_in_t; -- incoming wb signals signal o : out wishbone_bfm_master_out_t; -- outgoing wb signals verbose_mode_i : in integer range 0 to 4 := 1; -- verbose mode; 0=no output, 1=error only, 2= all, 3=use expected_data_mask_i, 4=show difference read to exp. message_prolog_i : in string := ""; -- string to be added in front of generated message expected_data_mask_i : in integer := 0 -- bit mask for expected_data_i; 0: bis is not compared; 1: bit is compared ); -- generate single read cycle and return read data via read_data_o procedure wb_read( address_i : in integer; -- address to read from read_data_o : out std_logic_vector (wishbone_data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- read data output signal i : in wishbone_bfm_master_in_t; -- incoming wb signals signal o : out wishbone_bfm_master_out_t; -- outgoing wb signals verbose_mode_i : in integer range 0 to 4 := 0; -- verbose mode; 2 = output read data; others: no output message_prolog_i : in string := "" -- string to be added in front of generated message ); ---------------------------------------------------------------------- end; -- package body ------------------------------------------------------ package body wishbone_bfm_pkg is ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure wb_write( address_i : in integer; -- address to write to data_i : in integer; -- data value to be written signal i : in wishbone_bfm_master_in_t; -- incoming wb signals signal o : out wishbone_bfm_master_out_t; -- outgoing wb signals verbose_mode_i : in integer range 0 to 2 := 1; -- verbose mode; 0=no output, 1=error only, 2= all message_prolog_i : in string := "" -- string to be added in front of generated message ) is ---------------------------------------------------------------------- begin o.adr <= to_std_logic_vector(address_i, wishbone_address_width_c); o.dat <= to_std_logic_vector(data_i, wishbone_data_width_c); o.we <= '1'; o.rst <= '0'; o.tgd <= (others => '0'); o.cyc <= '1'; o.lock <= '1'; o.sel <= (others => '1'); o.stb <= '1'; o.tga <= (others => '0'); o.tgc <= (others => '0'); if (verbose_mode_i = 2) then report message_prolog_i & " writing :" & to_string(data_i, 16, wishbone_data_width_c/4) & " to: " & to_string(address_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4); end if; -- ack handling loop wait until rising_edge(i.clk); if (i.ack = '1') then exit; end if; end loop; o <= wb_bfm_master_out_idle_c; -- reset bus end wb_write; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure wb_read( address_i : in integer; -- address to read from read_data_o : out std_logic_vector (wishbone_data_width_c-1 downto 0);-- read data output signal i : in wishbone_bfm_master_in_t; -- incoming wb signals signal o : out wishbone_bfm_master_out_t; -- outgoing wb signals verbose_mode_i : in integer range 0 to 4 := 0; -- verbose mode; 2 = output read data; others: no output message_prolog_i : in string := "" -- string to be added in front of generated message ) is ---------------------------------------------------------------------- begin o.adr <= to_std_logic_vector(address_i, wishbone_address_width_c); o.dat <= (others => 'U'); o.we <= '0'; o.rst <= '0'; o.tgd <= (others => '0'); o.cyc <= '1'; o.lock <= '1'; o.sel <= (others => '1'); o.stb <= '1'; o.tga <= (others => '0'); o.tgc <= (others => '0'); -- ack handling loop wait until rising_edge(i.clk); read_data_o := i.dat; if (i.ack = '1') then exit; end if; end loop; o <= wb_bfm_master_out_idle_c; -- reset bus if (verbose_mode_i = 2) then -- output all report message_prolog_i & ": read data at address 0x" & to_string(address_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) & " was: 0x" & to_string(read_data_o, 16, wishbone_data_width_c/4) severity note; end if; end wb_read; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure wb_read( address_i : in integer; -- address to read from expected_data_i : in integer; -- data to be compared to read data; if different an error message is generated signal i : in wishbone_bfm_master_in_t; -- incoming wb signals signal o : out wishbone_bfm_master_out_t; -- outgoing wb signals verbose_mode_i : in integer range 0 to 4 := 1; -- verbose mode; 0=no output, 1=error only, 2= all, 3=use expected_data_mask_i, 4=show difference read to exp. message_prolog_i : in string := ""; -- string to be added in front of generated message expected_data_mask_i : in integer := 0 -- bit mask for expected_data_i; 0: bis is not compared; 1: bit is compared ) is ---------------------------------------------------------------------- variable readdata_v : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); variable diff_v : integer; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- begin wb_read(address_i,readdata_v,i,o); -- read from bus diff_v := to_integer(readdata_v) - expected_data_i; if (verbose_mode_i = 1) then -- output errors only if (readdata_v /= to_std_logic_vector(expected_data_i, wishbone_data_width_c)) then report "error" & message_prolog_i & ": expected data at address 0x" & to_string(address_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) & " was: 0x" & to_string(expected_data_i, 16, wishbone_data_width_c/4) & " but read: 0x" & to_string(readdata_v,16,wishbone_data_width_c/4) severity error; end if; elsif (verbose_mode_i = 2) then -- output all report message_prolog_i & ": read data at address 0x" & to_string(address_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) & " was: 0x" & to_string(readdata_v, 16, wishbone_data_width_c/4) severity note; elsif (verbose_mode_i = 3) then -- output filter if ((readdata_v and to_std_logic_vector(expected_data_mask_i, wishbone_data_width_c)) /= to_std_logic_vector(expected_data_i, wishbone_data_width_c)) then report message_prolog_i & ": read data at address 0x" & to_string(address_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) & " was: 0x" & to_string(readdata_v, 16, wishbone_data_width_c/4) severity note; end if; elsif verbose_mode_i = 4 then if (readdata_v /= to_std_logic_vector(expected_data_i, wishbone_data_width_c)) then report "error" & message_prolog_i & ": expected data at address 0x" & to_string(address_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) & " was: 0x" & to_string(expected_data_i, 16, wishbone_data_width_c/4) & " but read: 0x" & to_string(readdata_v,16,wishbone_data_width_c/4) & " diff: " & to_string(readdata_v,16,wishbone_address_width_c/4) severity error; end if; end if; end wb_read; -------------------------------------------------------------------- end package body; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- end of file ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------