Subversion Repositories video_dithering
[/] [video_dithering/] [trunk/] [tb.vhd] - Rev 2
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library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; use IEEE.std_logic_textio.all; use STD.textio.all; entity tb is end entity; architecture arch of tb is constant img_width : integer := 256; constant img_height : integer := 512; constant reduced_width : integer := 4; type bit_vector_file is file of bit_vector; file read_file : bit_vector_file open read_mode is "input.bmp"; type std_file is file of character; file write_file : std_file open write_mode is "output.bmp"; signal clk : std_logic := '1'; type t_color is array(1 to 3) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); type t_bmp is array(0 to img_width, 0 to img_height) of t_color; signal bmp_read : t_bmp; signal bmp_out : t_bmp := (others => (others => (others => (others => '0')))); signal enable : std_logic := '0'; signal din_r : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal din_g : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal din_b : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal dout_r : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal dout_g : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal dout_b : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal x_count : integer := 0; signal y_count : integer := 0; signal x_in : integer := 0; signal y_in : integer := 1; signal x_out : integer := 0; signal y_out : integer := 1; signal running : std_logic := '0'; signal done : std_logic := '0'; begin clk <= not clk after 5 ns; pcreate_pixelpositions : process (clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then if (running = '1' and done = '0') then if (x_count < img_width-1) then x_count <= x_count + 1; else x_count <= 0; if (y_count< img_height-1) then y_count <= y_count + 1; else done <= '1'; end if; end if; -- for test only one half of image is dithered if (y_count < img_height / 2) then enable <= '1'; else enable <= '0'; end if; x_in <= x_count; y_in <= y_count; x_out <= x_in; y_out <= y_in; din_r <= bmp_read(x_count,y_count)(1); din_g <= bmp_read(x_count,y_count)(2); din_b <= bmp_read(x_count,y_count)(3); bmp_out(x_out,y_out)(1) <= dout_r(7 downto 7 - reduced_width + 1) & (7 - reduced_width downto 0 => '0'); bmp_out(x_out,y_out)(2) <= dout_g(7 downto 7 - reduced_width + 1) & (7 - reduced_width downto 0 => '0'); bmp_out(x_out,y_out)(3) <= dout_b(7 downto 7 - reduced_width + 1) & (7 - reduced_width downto 0 => '0'); end if; end if; end process; idither : entity work.eDither generic map ( img_width => img_width, img_height => img_height, color_width => 8, reduced_width => reduced_width ) port map ( clk => clk, enable => enable, x => x_in, din_r => din_r, din_g => din_g, din_b => din_b, dout_r => dout_r, dout_g => dout_g, dout_b => dout_b ); pfile_actions : process variable next_vector : bit_vector (0 downto 0); variable actual_len : natural; variable addr : unsigned(17 downto 0) := (others => '0'); variable to_write : signed(15 downto 0); variable read_byte : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- copy from std_logic_arith, not used here because numeric std is also included function CONV_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ARG: INTEGER; SIZE: INTEGER) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is variable result: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (SIZE-1 downto 0); variable temp: integer; begin temp := ARG; for i in 0 to SIZE-1 loop if (temp mod 2) = 1 then result(i) := '1'; else result(i) := '0'; end if; if temp > 0 then temp := temp / 2; elsif (temp > integer'low) then temp := (temp - 1) / 2; -- simulate ASR else temp := temp / 2; -- simulate ASR end if; end loop; return result; end; variable std_buffer : character; begin -- copy bmp header for i in 1 to 51 loop read(read_file, next_vector, actual_len); std_buffer := character'val(to_integer(unsigned(CONV_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(bit'pos(next_vector(0)), 8)))); write(write_file, std_buffer); end loop; -- read in bmp color data for y in 0 to img_height-1 loop for x in 0 to img_width-1 loop for c in 1 to 3 loop read(read_file, next_vector, actual_len); read_byte := CONV_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(bit'pos(next_vector(0)), 8); bmp_read(x,y)(c) <= read_byte; wait for 5 ns; end loop; end loop; end loop; running <= '1'; wait until done = '1'; -- write result to bmp for y in 0 to img_height-1 loop for x in 0 to img_width-1 loop for c in 1 to 3 loop std_buffer := character'val(to_integer(unsigned(bmp_out(x,y)(c)))); write(write_file, std_buffer); end loop; end loop; end loop; running <= '0'; ASSERT false REPORT "End of Test" SEVERITY FAILURE; wait; end process; end architecture;