Subversion Repositories viterbi_decoder_axi4s
[/] [viterbi_decoder_axi4s/] [trunk/] [packages/] [pkg_trellis.vhd] - Rev 4
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--! --! Copyright (C) 2011 - 2012 Creonic GmbH --! --! This file is part of the Creonic Viterbi Decoder, which is distributed --! under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. --! --! @file --! @brief Trellis parameter calculations (e.g., transitions, init values). --! @author Markus Fehrenz --! @date 2011/07/27 --! --! library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library dec_viterbi; use dec_viterbi.pkg_param.all; use dec_viterbi.pkg_param_derived.all; use dec_viterbi.pkg_types.all; package pkg_trellis is type t_prev_base is array (1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(BW_TRELLIS_STATES - 1 downto 0); type t_previous_states is array (NUMBER_TRELLIS_STATES - 1 downto 0) of t_prev_base; type t_trans_base is array (1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(NUMBER_PARITY_BITS - 1 downto 0); type t_transitions is array (NUMBER_TRELLIS_STATES - 1 downto 0) of t_trans_base; type t_trans_base_signed is array (1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(NUMBER_PARITY_BITS downto 0); type t_transitions_signed is array (NUMBER_TRELLIS_STATES - 1 downto 0) of t_trans_base_signed; -- -- This function calculates the previous states of each state. -- The values are used to connect the ACS units. -- function calc_previous_states return t_previous_states; -- -- This function calculates corresponding transitions to a trellis sate. -- The values are used to connect branch units to ACS units. -- function calc_transitions return t_transitions; -- -- This function calculates the initialization values for trellis metrics. -- The values are used as a constant and written to the ACS unit, every time a new block arrives. -- function calc_initialize return t_node_s; constant PREVIOUS_STATES : t_previous_states; constant TRANSITIONS : t_transitions; constant INITIALIZE_TRELLIS : t_node_s; end package pkg_trellis; package body pkg_trellis is function calc_previous_states return t_previous_states is variable v_prev_states : t_previous_states := (others=>(others=>(others => '0'))); variable v_state0, v_state1 : std_logic_vector(BW_TRELLIS_STATES - 1 downto 0); begin for i in NUMBER_TRELLIS_STATES - 1 downto 0 loop v_state0 := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i,BW_TRELLIS_STATES)); v_state1 := v_state0(BW_TRELLIS_STATES - 2 downto 0) & '0'; v_prev_states(i)(0) := v_state1; v_state1 := v_state0(BW_TRELLIS_STATES - 2 downto 0) & '1'; v_prev_states(i)(1) := v_state1; end loop; return v_prev_states; end function calc_previous_states; function calc_transitions return t_transitions is variable v_transitions : t_transitions_signed := (others => (others => (others => '0'))); variable v_transitions_out : t_transitions := (others => (others => (others => '0'))); variable v_one_transition : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_PARITY_BITS - 1 downto 0); variable v_next_state : unsigned(ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); variable v_state, v_states : unsigned(ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH downto 0); variable v_bit : std_logic := '0'; begin -- -- It is possible to reduce code size at this stage, if feedback is handled differently, -- but the complexity will increase. -- for i in NUMBER_TRELLIS_STATES - 1 downto 0 loop -- -- for input : 0 -- determine correct input with feedback -- v_next_state := to_unsigned(i,ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH) and to_unsigned(FEEDBACK_POLYNOMIAL, ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH); for k in ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH - 1 downto 0 loop v_bit := v_bit xor v_next_state(k); end loop; v_state(ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH) := v_bit; v_state(ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH - 1 downto 0) := to_unsigned(i,ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH); v_next_state := v_state(ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH downto 1); v_bit := '0'; -- determine paritybits for j in NUMBER_PARITY_BITS - 1 downto 0 loop v_states := v_state and to_unsigned(PARITY_POLYNOMIALS(j), ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH + 1); for k in ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH downto 0 loop v_bit := v_bit xor v_states(k); end loop; v_one_transition(j) := v_bit; v_bit := '0'; end loop; -- decide where to save the parity result if v_transitions(to_integer(v_next_state))(1)(NUMBER_PARITY_BITS) = '0' then v_transitions(to_integer(v_next_state))(1)(NUMBER_PARITY_BITS) := '1'; v_transitions(to_integer(v_next_state))(1)(NUMBER_PARITY_BITS - 1 downto 0) := v_one_transition; else v_transitions(to_integer(v_next_state))(0)(NUMBER_PARITY_BITS - 1 downto 0) := v_one_transition; end if; -- -- for input: 1 -- determine correct input with feedback -- v_next_state := to_unsigned(i,ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH) and to_unsigned(FEEDBACK_POLYNOMIAL, ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH); for k in ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH - 1 downto 0 loop v_bit := v_bit xor v_next_state(k); end loop; v_state(ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH) := '1' xor v_bit; v_state(ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH - 1 downto 0) := to_unsigned(i,ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH); v_next_state := v_state(ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH downto 1); v_bit := '0'; -- determine paritybits for j in NUMBER_PARITY_BITS - 1 downto 0 loop v_states := v_state and to_unsigned(PARITY_POLYNOMIALS(j), ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH + 1); for k in ENCODER_MEMORY_DEPTH downto 0 loop v_bit := v_bit xor v_states(k); end loop; v_one_transition(j) := v_bit; v_bit := '0'; end loop; -- decide where to save parity result if v_transitions(to_integer(v_next_state))(1)(NUMBER_PARITY_BITS) = '0' then v_transitions(to_integer(v_next_state))(1)(NUMBER_PARITY_BITS) := '1'; v_transitions(to_integer(v_next_state))(1)(NUMBER_PARITY_BITS - 1 downto 0) := v_one_transition; else v_transitions(to_integer(v_next_state))(0)(NUMBER_PARITY_BITS - 1 downto 0) := v_one_transition; end if; end loop; -- truncate, the bit, used to decide where to save parity result for i in NUMBER_TRELLIS_STATES - 1 downto 0 loop v_transitions_out(i)(1) := v_transitions(i)(1)(NUMBER_PARITY_BITS - 1 downto 0); v_transitions_out(i)(0) := v_transitions(i)(0)(NUMBER_PARITY_BITS - 1 downto 0); end loop; return v_transitions_out; end function calc_transitions; function calc_initialize return t_node_s is variable v_initialize : t_node_s; begin v_initialize(0) := to_signed(0, BW_MAX_PROBABILITY); for i in NUMBER_TRELLIS_STATES - 1 downto 1 loop v_initialize(i) := to_signed(- 2 ** (BW_MAX_PROBABILITY - 2), BW_MAX_PROBABILITY); end loop; return v_initialize; end function calc_initialize; constant PREVIOUS_STATES : t_previous_states := calc_previous_states; constant TRANSITIONS : t_transitions := calc_transitions; constant INITIALIZE_TRELLIS : t_node_s := calc_initialize; end package body pkg_trellis;
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