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[/] [vtach/] [trunk/] [isim/] [bcdadd_tb_isim_beh.exe.sim/] [work/] [m_12310458916443855987_1905399362.c] - Rev 2
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/**********************************************************************/ /* ____ ____ */ /* / /\/ / */ /* /___/ \ / */ /* \ \ \/ */ /* \ \ Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Xilinx, Inc. */ /* / / All Right Reserved. */ /* /---/ /\ */ /* \ \ / \ */ /* \___\/\___\ */ /***********************************************************************/ /* This file is designed for use with ISim build 0xb4d1ced7 */ #define XSI_HIDE_SYMBOL_SPEC true #include "xsi.h" #include <memory.h> #ifdef __GNUC__ #include <stdlib.h> #else #include <malloc.h> #define alloca _alloca #endif static const char *ng0 = "/home/alw/projects/vtachspartan/bcdadd.v"; static unsigned int ng1[] = {9U, 0U}; static void Cont_4_0(char *t0) { char t4[8]; char *t1; char *t2; char *t3; char *t5; unsigned int t6; unsigned int t7; unsigned int t8; unsigned int t9; unsigned int t10; unsigned int t11; char *t12; char *t13; char *t14; char *t15; char *t16; unsigned int t17; unsigned int t18; char *t19; unsigned int t20; unsigned int t21; char *t22; unsigned int t23; unsigned int t24; char *t25; LAB0: t1 = (t0 + 2680U); t2 = *((char **)t1); if (t2 == 0) goto LAB2; LAB3: goto *t2; LAB2: xsi_set_current_line(4, ng0); t2 = (t0 + 1048U); t3 = *((char **)t2); memset(t4, 0, 8); t2 = (t4 + 4); t5 = (t3 + 4); t6 = *((unsigned int *)t3); t7 = (t6 >> 16); t8 = (t7 & 1); *((unsigned int *)t4) = t8; t9 = *((unsigned int *)t5); t10 = (t9 >> 16); t11 = (t10 & 1); *((unsigned int *)t2) = t11; t12 = (t0 + 3608); t13 = (t12 + 56U); t14 = *((char **)t13); t15 = (t14 + 56U); t16 = *((char **)t15); memset(t16, 0, 8); t17 = 1U; t18 = t17; t19 = (t4 + 4); t20 = *((unsigned int *)t4); t17 = (t17 & t20); t21 = *((unsigned int *)t19); t18 = (t18 & t21); t22 = (t16 + 4); t23 = *((unsigned int *)t16); *((unsigned int *)t16) = (t23 | t17); t24 = *((unsigned int *)t22); *((unsigned int *)t22) = (t24 | t18); xsi_driver_vfirst_trans(t12, 16, 16); t25 = (t0 + 3496); *((int *)t25) = 1; LAB1: return; } static void Cont_6_1(char *t0) { char t3[8]; char t4[8]; char t6[8]; char t31[8]; char *t1; char *t2; char *t5; char *t7; unsigned int t8; unsigned int t9; unsigned int t10; unsigned int t11; unsigned int t12; unsigned int t13; char *t14; unsigned int t15; unsigned int t16; unsigned int t17; unsigned int t18; unsigned int t19; char *t20; char *t21; unsigned int t22; unsigned int t23; unsigned int t24; char *t25; char *t26; unsigned int t27; unsigned int t28; unsigned int t29; unsigned int t30; char *t32; char *t33; unsigned int t34; unsigned int t35; unsigned int t36; unsigned int t37; unsigned int t38; unsigned int t39; char *t40; char *t41; char *t42; char *t43; char *t44; unsigned int t45; unsigned int t46; char *t47; unsigned int t48; unsigned int t49; char *t50; unsigned int t51; unsigned int t52; char *t53; LAB0: t1 = (t0 + 2928U); t2 = *((char **)t1); if (t2 == 0) goto LAB2; LAB3: goto *t2; LAB2: xsi_set_current_line(6, ng0); t2 = (t0 + 1048U); t5 = *((char **)t2); memset(t6, 0, 8); t2 = (t6 + 4); t7 = (t5 + 4); t8 = *((unsigned int *)t5); t9 = (t8 >> 16); t10 = (t9 & 1); *((unsigned int *)t6) = t10; t11 = *((unsigned int *)t7); t12 = (t11 >> 16); t13 = (t12 & 1); *((unsigned int *)t2) = t13; memset(t4, 0, 8); t14 = (t6 + 4); t15 = *((unsigned int *)t14); t16 = (~(t15)); t17 = *((unsigned int *)t6); t18 = (t17 & t16); t19 = (t18 & 1U); if (t19 != 0) goto LAB4; LAB5: if (*((unsigned int *)t14) != 0) goto LAB6; LAB7: t21 = (t4 + 4); t22 = *((unsigned int *)t4); t23 = *((unsigned int *)t21); t24 = (t22 || t23); if (t24 > 0) goto LAB8; LAB9: t27 = *((unsigned int *)t4); t28 = (~(t27)); t29 = *((unsigned int *)t21); t30 = (t28 || t29); if (t30 > 0) goto LAB10; LAB11: if (*((unsigned int *)t21) > 0) goto LAB12; LAB13: if (*((unsigned int *)t4) > 0) goto LAB14; LAB15: memcpy(t3, t31, 8); LAB16: t40 = (t0 + 3672); t41 = (t40 + 56U); t42 = *((char **)t41); t43 = (t42 + 56U); t44 = *((char **)t43); memset(t44, 0, 8); t45 = 65535U; t46 = t45; t47 = (t3 + 4); t48 = *((unsigned int *)t3); t45 = (t45 & t48); t49 = *((unsigned int *)t47); t46 = (t46 & t49); t50 = (t44 + 4); t51 = *((unsigned int *)t44); *((unsigned int *)t44) = (t51 | t45); t52 = *((unsigned int *)t50); *((unsigned int *)t50) = (t52 | t46); xsi_driver_vfirst_trans(t40, 0, 15); t53 = (t0 + 3512); *((int *)t53) = 1; LAB1: return; LAB4: *((unsigned int *)t4) = 1; goto LAB7; LAB6: t20 = (t4 + 4); *((unsigned int *)t4) = 1; *((unsigned int *)t20) = 1; goto LAB7; LAB8: t25 = (t0 + 1368U); t26 = *((char **)t25); goto LAB9; LAB10: t25 = (t0 + 1048U); t32 = *((char **)t25); memset(t31, 0, 8); t25 = (t31 + 4); t33 = (t32 + 4); t34 = *((unsigned int *)t32); t35 = (t34 >> 0); *((unsigned int *)t31) = t35; t36 = *((unsigned int *)t33); t37 = (t36 >> 0); *((unsigned int *)t25) = t37; t38 = *((unsigned int *)t31); *((unsigned int *)t31) = (t38 & 65535U); t39 = *((unsigned int *)t25); *((unsigned int *)t25) = (t39 & 65535U); goto LAB11; LAB12: xsi_vlog_unsigned_bit_combine(t3, 16, t26, 16, t31, 16); goto LAB16; LAB14: memcpy(t3, t26, 8); goto LAB16; } static void implSig1_execute(char *t0) { char t3[8]; char t4[8]; char t14[8]; char t16[8]; char t26[8]; char t28[8]; char t38[8]; char t40[8]; char t50[8]; char *t1; char *t2; char *t5; char *t6; char *t7; unsigned int t8; unsigned int t9; unsigned int t10; unsigned int t11; unsigned int t12; unsigned int t13; char *t15; char *t17; char *t18; char *t19; unsigned int t20; unsigned int t21; unsigned int t22; unsigned int t23; unsigned int t24; unsigned int t25; char *t27; char *t29; char *t30; char *t31; unsigned int t32; unsigned int t33; unsigned int t34; unsigned int t35; unsigned int t36; unsigned int t37; char *t39; char *t41; char *t42; char *t43; unsigned int t44; unsigned int t45; unsigned int t46; unsigned int t47; unsigned int t48; unsigned int t49; char *t51; char *t52; char *t53; char *t54; char *t55; unsigned int t56; unsigned int t57; char *t58; unsigned int t59; unsigned int t60; char *t61; unsigned int t62; unsigned int t63; char *t64; LAB0: t1 = (t0 + 3176U); t2 = *((char **)t1); if (t2 == 0) goto LAB2; LAB3: goto *t2; LAB2: t2 = ((char*)((ng1))); t5 = (t0 + 1048U); t6 = *((char **)t5); memset(t4, 0, 8); t5 = (t4 + 4); t7 = (t6 + 4); t8 = *((unsigned int *)t6); t9 = (t8 >> 0); *((unsigned int *)t4) = t9; t10 = *((unsigned int *)t7); t11 = (t10 >> 0); *((unsigned int *)t5) = t11; t12 = *((unsigned int *)t4); *((unsigned int *)t4) = (t12 & 15U); t13 = *((unsigned int *)t5); *((unsigned int *)t5) = (t13 & 15U); memset(t14, 0, 8); xsi_vlog_unsigned_minus(t14, 4, t2, 4, t4, 4); t15 = ((char*)((ng1))); t17 = (t0 + 1048U); t18 = *((char **)t17); memset(t16, 0, 8); t17 = (t16 + 4); t19 = (t18 + 4); t20 = *((unsigned int *)t18); t21 = (t20 >> 4); *((unsigned int *)t16) = t21; t22 = *((unsigned int *)t19); t23 = (t22 >> 4); *((unsigned int *)t17) = t23; t24 = *((unsigned int *)t16); *((unsigned int *)t16) = (t24 & 15U); t25 = *((unsigned int *)t17); *((unsigned int *)t17) = (t25 & 15U); memset(t26, 0, 8); xsi_vlog_unsigned_minus(t26, 4, t15, 4, t16, 4); t27 = ((char*)((ng1))); t29 = (t0 + 1048U); t30 = *((char **)t29); memset(t28, 0, 8); t29 = (t28 + 4); t31 = (t30 + 4); t32 = *((unsigned int *)t30); t33 = (t32 >> 8); *((unsigned int *)t28) = t33; t34 = *((unsigned int *)t31); t35 = (t34 >> 8); *((unsigned int *)t29) = t35; t36 = *((unsigned int *)t28); *((unsigned int *)t28) = (t36 & 15U); t37 = *((unsigned int *)t29); *((unsigned int *)t29) = (t37 & 15U); memset(t38, 0, 8); xsi_vlog_unsigned_minus(t38, 4, t27, 4, t28, 4); t39 = ((char*)((ng1))); t41 = (t0 + 1048U); t42 = *((char **)t41); memset(t40, 0, 8); t41 = (t40 + 4); t43 = (t42 + 4); t44 = *((unsigned int *)t42); t45 = (t44 >> 12); *((unsigned int *)t40) = t45; t46 = *((unsigned int *)t43); t47 = (t46 >> 12); *((unsigned int *)t41) = t47; t48 = *((unsigned int *)t40); *((unsigned int *)t40) = (t48 & 15U); t49 = *((unsigned int *)t41); *((unsigned int *)t41) = (t49 & 15U); memset(t50, 0, 8); xsi_vlog_unsigned_minus(t50, 4, t39, 4, t40, 4); xsi_vlogtype_concat(t3, 16, 16, 4U, t50, 4, t38, 4, t26, 4, t14, 4); t51 = (t0 + 3736); t52 = (t51 + 56U); t53 = *((char **)t52); t54 = (t53 + 56U); t55 = *((char **)t54); memset(t55, 0, 8); t56 = 65535U; t57 = t56; t58 = (t3 + 4); t59 = *((unsigned int *)t3); t56 = (t56 & t59); t60 = *((unsigned int *)t58); t57 = (t57 & t60); t61 = (t55 + 4); t62 = *((unsigned int *)t55); *((unsigned int *)t55) = (t62 | t56); t63 = *((unsigned int *)t61); *((unsigned int *)t61) = (t63 | t57); xsi_driver_vfirst_trans(t51, 0, 15); t64 = (t0 + 3528); *((int *)t64) = 1; LAB1: return; } extern void work_m_12310458916443855987_1905399362_init() { static char *pe[] = {(void *)Cont_4_0,(void *)Cont_6_1,(void *)implSig1_execute}; xsi_register_didat("work_m_12310458916443855987_1905399362", "isim/bcdadd_tb_isim_beh.exe.sim/work/m_12310458916443855987_1905399362.didat"); xsi_register_executes(pe); }