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-- $Id: pdp11_dpath.vhd 314 2010-07-09 17:38:41Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2006-2010 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Module Name:    pdp11_dpath - syn
-- Description:    pdp11: CPU datapath
-- Dependencies:   pdp11_gpr
--                 pdp11_psr
--                 pdp11_abox
--                 pdp11_dbox
--                 pdp11_lbox
--                 pdp11_mbox
-- Test bench:     tb/tb_pdp11_core (implicit)
-- Target Devices: generic
-- Tool versions:  xst 8.1, 8.2, 9.1, 9.2; ghdl 0.18-0.25
-- Revision History: 
-- Date         Rev Version  Comment
-- 2010-06-13   305   1.2    rename CPDIN -> CP_DIN; add CP_DOUT out port;
--                           remove CPADDR out port; drop R_CPADDR, proc_cpaddr;
--                           added R_CPDOUT, proc_cpdout
-- 2009-05-30   220   1.1.6  final removal of snoopers (were already commented)
-- 2008-12-14   177   1.1.5  fill gpr_* fields in DM_STAT_DP
-- 2008-08-22   161   1.1.4  rename ubf_ -> ibf_; use iblib
-- 2008-04-19   137   1.1.3  add DM_STAT_DP port
-- 2008-03-02   121   1.1.2  remove snoopers
-- 2008-02-24   119   1.1.1  add CPADDR register, remove R_MDIN (not needed)
-- 2007-12-30   107   1.1    use IB_MREQ/IB_SRES interface now (for psr access)
-- 2007-06-14    56   1.0.1  Use slvtypes.all
-- 2007-05-12    26   1.0    Initial version 
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
use work.iblib.all;
use work.pdp11.all;
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
entity pdp11_dpath is                   -- CPU datapath
  port (
    CLK : in slbit;                     -- clock
    CRESET : in slbit;                  -- console reset
    CNTL : in dpath_cntl_type;          -- control interface
    STAT : out dpath_stat_type;         -- status interface
    CP_DIN : in slv16;                  -- console port data in
    CP_DOUT : out slv16;                -- console port data out
    PSWOUT : out psw_type;              -- current psw
    PCOUT : out slv16;                  -- current pc
    IREG : out slv16;                   -- ireg out
    VM_ADDR : out slv16;                -- virt. memory address
    VM_DOUT : in slv16;                 -- virt. memory data out
    VM_DIN : out slv16;                 -- virt. memory data in
    IB_MREQ : in ib_mreq_type;          -- ibus request
    IB_SRES : out ib_sres_type;         -- ibus response    
    DM_STAT_DP : out dm_stat_dp_type    -- debug and monitor status
end pdp11_dpath;
architecture syn of pdp11_dpath is
  signal R_DSRC : slv16 := (others=>'0');  -- SRC register
  signal R_DDST : slv16 := (others=>'0');  -- DST register
  signal R_DTMP : slv16 := (others=>'0');  -- TMP register
  signal R_IREG : slv16 := (others=>'0');  -- IREG register
  signal R_CPDOUT : slv16 := (others=>'0'); -- cp dout buffer
  signal GPR_DSRC : slv16 := (others=>'0');  -- 
  signal GPR_DDST : slv16 := (others=>'0');  -- 
  signal GPR_PC : slv16 := (others=>'0');    -- 
  signal PSW : psw_type := psw_init;     --
  signal CCIN : slv4 := (others=>'0');   -- cc input to xbox's
  signal CCOUT : slv4 := (others=>'0');  -- cc output from xbox's
  signal DRES : slv16 := (others=>'0');  -- result bus
  signal DRESE : slv16 := (others=>'0'); -- result bus extra
  signal ABOX_DOUT : slv16 := (others=>'0'); -- result abox
  signal DBOX_DOUT : slv16 := (others=>'0'); -- result dbox
  signal LBOX_DOUT : slv16 := (others=>'0'); -- result lbox
  signal MBOX_DOUT : slv16 := (others=>'0'); -- result mbox
  signal ABOX_NZOUT : slv2 := (others=>'0'); -- nz flags abox
  signal ABOX_CCOUT : slv4 := (others=>'0'); -- cc flags abox
  signal DBOX_CCOUT : slv4 := (others=>'0'); -- cc flags dbox
  signal LBOX_CCOUT : slv4 := (others=>'0'); -- cc flags lbox
  signal MBOX_CCOUT : slv4 := (others=>'0'); -- cc flags mbox
  subtype  lal_ibf_addr  is integer range 15 downto 1;
  subtype  lah_ibf_addr  is integer range  5 downto 0;
  constant lah_ibf_ena_22bit: integer :=  6;
  constant lah_ibf_ena_ubmap: integer :=  7;
  GPR : pdp11_gpr port map (
    CLK   => CLK,
    DIN   => DRES,
    ASRC  => CNTL.gpr_asrc,
    ADST  => CNTL.gpr_adst,
    MODE  => CNTL.gpr_mode,
    RSET  => CNTL.gpr_rset,
    WE    => CNTL.gpr_we,
    BYTOP => CNTL.gpr_bytop,
    PCINC => CNTL.gpr_pcinc,
    DSRC  => GPR_DSRC,
    DDST  => GPR_DDST,
    PC    => GPR_PC
  PSR : pdp11_psr port map(
    CLK     => CLK,
    DIN     => DRES,
    CCIN    => CCOUT,
    CCWE    => CNTL.psr_ccwe,
    WE      => CNTL.psr_we,
    FUNC    => CNTL.psr_func,
    PSW     => PSW,
  ABOX : pdp11_abox port map (
    DSRC   => R_DSRC,
    DDST   => R_DDST,
    DTMP   => R_DTMP,
    PC     => GPR_PC,
    ASEL   => CNTL.abox_asel,
    AZERO  => CNTL.abox_azero,
    IREG8  => R_IREG(7 downto 0),
    CONST  => CNTL.abox_const,
    BSEL   => CNTL.abox_bsel,
    OPSUB  => CNTL.abox_opsub,
    DOUT   => ABOX_DOUT,
  DBOX : pdp11_dbox port map (
    DSRC   => R_DSRC,
    DDST   => R_DDST,
    CI     => CCIN(0),
    SRCMOD => CNTL.dbox_srcmod,
    DSTMOD => CNTL.dbox_dstmod,
    CIMOD  => CNTL.dbox_cimod,
    CC1OP  => CNTL.dbox_cc1op,
    CCMODE => CNTL.dbox_ccmode,
    BYTOP  => CNTL.dbox_bytop,
    DOUT   => DBOX_DOUT,
  LBOX : pdp11_lbox port map (
    DSRC  => R_DSRC,
    DDST  => R_DDST,
    CCIN  => CCIN,
    FUNC  => CNTL.lbox_func,
    BYTOP => CNTL.lbox_bytop,
  MBOX : pdp11_mbox port map (
    CLK       => CLK,
    DSRC      => R_DSRC,
    DDST      => R_DDST,
    DTMP      => R_DTMP,
    FUNC      => CNTL.mbox_func,
    S_DIV     => CNTL.mbox_s_div,
    S_DIV_CN  => CNTL.mbox_s_div_cn,
    S_DIV_CR  => CNTL.mbox_s_div_cr,
    S_ASH     => CNTL.mbox_s_ash,
    S_ASH_CN  => CNTL.mbox_s_ash_cn,
    S_ASHC    => CNTL.mbox_s_ashc,
    S_ASHC_CN => CNTL.mbox_s_ashc_cn,
    SHC_TC    => STAT.shc_tc,
    DIV_CR    => STAT.div_cr,
    DIV_CQ    => STAT.div_cq,
    DIV_ZERO  => STAT.div_zero,
    DIV_OVFL  => STAT.div_ovfl,
    DOUT      => MBOX_DOUT,
    DOUTE     => DRESE,
  CCIN <=;
  ABOX_CCOUT <= ABOX_NZOUT & "0" & CCIN(0); -- clear v, keep c
  proc_dres_sel: process (ABOX_DOUT, DBOX_DOUT, LBOX_DOUT, MBOX_DOUT,
                          VM_DOUT, R_IREG, CP_DIN, CNTL)
    case CNTL.dres_sel is
      when c_dpath_res_abox   => DRES <= ABOX_DOUT;
      when c_dpath_res_dbox   => DRES <= DBOX_DOUT;
      when c_dpath_res_lbox   => DRES <= LBOX_DOUT;
      when c_dpath_res_mbox   => DRES <= MBOX_DOUT;
      when c_dpath_res_vmdout => DRES <= VM_DOUT;
      when c_dpath_res_fpdout => DRES <= (others=>'0');
      when c_dpath_res_ireg   => DRES <= R_IREG;
      when c_dpath_res_cpdin  => DRES <= CP_DIN;
      when others => null;
    end case;
  end process proc_dres_sel;
  proc_cres_sel: process (ABOX_CCOUT, DBOX_CCOUT, LBOX_CCOUT, MBOX_CCOUT,
                          CCIN, CNTL)
    case CNTL.cres_sel is
      when c_dpath_res_abox   => CCOUT <= ABOX_CCOUT;
      when c_dpath_res_dbox   => CCOUT <= DBOX_CCOUT;
      when c_dpath_res_lbox   => CCOUT <= LBOX_CCOUT;
      when c_dpath_res_mbox   => CCOUT <= MBOX_CCOUT;
      when c_dpath_res_vmdout => CCOUT <= CCIN;
      when c_dpath_res_fpdout => CCOUT <= "0000";
      when c_dpath_res_ireg   => CCOUT <= CCIN;
      when c_dpath_res_cpdin  => CCOUT <= CCIN;
      when others => null;
    end case;
  end process proc_cres_sel;
  proc_dregs: process (CLK)
    if CLK'event and CLK='1' then
      if CNTL.dsrc_we = '1' then
        if CNTL.dsrc_sel = '0' then
          R_DSRC <= GPR_DSRC;
          R_DSRC <= DRES;
        end if;
      end if;
      if CNTL.ddst_we = '1' then
        if CNTL.ddst_sel = '0' then
          R_DDST <= GPR_DDST;
          R_DDST <= DRES;
        end if;
      end if;
      if CNTL.dtmp_we = '1' then
        case CNTL.dtmp_sel is
          when c_dpath_dtmp_dsrc  => R_DTMP <= GPR_DSRC;
          when c_dpath_dtmp_psw   =>
            R_DTMP <= (others=>'0');
            R_DTMP(psw_ibf_cmode) <= PSW.cmode;
            R_DTMP(psw_ibf_pmode) <= PSW.pmode;
            R_DTMP(psw_ibf_rset)  <= PSW.rset;
            R_DTMP(psw_ibf_pri)   <= PSW.pri;
            R_DTMP(psw_ibf_tflag) <= PSW.tflag;
            R_DTMP(psw_ibf_cc)    <=;
          when c_dpath_dtmp_dres  => R_DTMP <= DRES;
          when c_dpath_dtmp_drese => R_DTMP <= DRESE;
          when others => null;
        end case;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process proc_dregs;
  proc_mregs: process (CLK)
    if CLK'event and CLK='1' then
      if CNTL.ireg_we = '1' then
        R_IREG <= VM_DOUT;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process proc_mregs;
  proc_cpdout: process (CLK)
    if CLK'event and CLK='1'then
      if CRESET = '1' then
        R_CPDOUT <= (others=>'0');
        if CNTL.cpdout_we = '1' then
          R_CPDOUT <= DRES;
        end if;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process proc_cpdout;
  proc_vmaddr_sel: process (R_DSRC, R_DDST, R_DTMP, GPR_PC, CNTL)
    case CNTL.vmaddr_sel is
      when c_dpath_vmaddr_dsrc => VM_ADDR <= R_DSRC;
      when c_dpath_vmaddr_ddst => VM_ADDR <= R_DDST;
      when c_dpath_vmaddr_dtmp => VM_ADDR <= R_DTMP;
      when c_dpath_vmaddr_pc   => VM_ADDR <= GPR_PC;
      when others => null;
    end case;
  end process proc_vmaddr_sel;
  STAT.ccout_z <= CCOUT(2);             -- current Z cc flag
  PCOUT   <= GPR_PC;
  IREG    <= R_IREG;
  VM_DIN  <= DRES;
  DM_STAT_DP.pc        <= GPR_PC;
  DM_STAT_DP.psw       <= PSW;
  DM_STAT_DP.ireg      <= R_IREG;
  DM_STAT_DP.ireg_we   <= CNTL.ireg_we;
  DM_STAT_DP.dsrc      <= R_DSRC;
  DM_STAT_DP.ddst      <= R_DDST;
  DM_STAT_DP.dtmp      <= R_DTMP;
  DM_STAT_DP.dres      <= DRES;
  DM_STAT_DP.gpr_adst  <= CNTL.gpr_adst;
  DM_STAT_DP.gpr_mode  <= CNTL.gpr_mode;
  DM_STAT_DP.gpr_bytop <= CNTL.gpr_bytop;
  DM_STAT_DP.gpr_we    <= CNTL.gpr_we;
end syn;

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