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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: vbomconv 672 2015-05-02 21:58:28Z mueller $
# Copyright 2007-2015 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
# This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# for complete details.
#  Revision History:
# Date         Rev Version  Comment
# 2015-02-15   646   1.11   add vivado support: add -xlpath, use instead
#                           of XTWI_PATH; drop --ise_path; add @lib:unimacro;
#                           drop --viv_vhdl; add --vsyn_prj, --dep_vsyn;
#                           drop cygwin support;
# 2014-07-26   575   1.10.1 use XTWI_PATH now (ise/vivado switch done later)
# 2013-10-20   543   1.10   add --viv_vhdl
# 2012-02-05   456   1.9.4  redo filename substitution (= and :); add --get_top
# 2012-01-02   448   1.9.3  use in ghdl_m -fexplicit also when simprim used
# 2011-11-27   433   1.9.2  use in ghdl_m -fexplicit when unisim used
# 2011-08-13   405   1.9.1  always write 'vhdl' into xst prj files again; for
#                           -xst_export: remove opt file export, add ucf_cpp
#                           handling
# 2011-06-26   385   1.9    add --ise_path, pass it to vbomconv --xst_prj
# 2011-06-09   383   1.8.6  fix xst_vhdl.opt logic (use rtl/vlib now)
# 2010-07-03   312   1.8.5  add --flist action
# 2010-06-03   299   1.8.4  generate ucf->ncd dependencies in dep_xst
# 2010-04-26   284   1.8.3  add _[sft]sim support for ISim
# 2009-11-28   253   1.8.2  fixup print_help...;
# 2009-11-22   252   1.8.1  add (export|dep)_isim, full ISim support;
#                           add [isim] [sim], allow tag lists like [ghdl,isim];
#                           --trace and messages to STDERR;
# 2009-11-20   251   1.8    add isim_prj, first ISim support
# 2008-03-09   124   1.7.3  add in .dep_(ghdl|xst) all dep on vbom dependencies
#                           target now also dependant on .dep_ file
# 2008-03-02   122   1.7.2  add @lib:<name> directive to include UNISIM
# 2007-12-17   102   1.7.1  fix @ucf_cpp logic.
# 2007-12-16   101   1.7    add @ucf_cpp pseudo tag (handle cpp'ed ucf files)
# 2007-11-25    98   1.6.1  drop trailing blanks on input lines
# 2007-11-02    94   1.6    added (xst|ghdl)_export
# 2007-10-26    92   1.5.1  emit '--no-vital-checks' for --ghdl_m for _[sft]sim
# 2007-10-14    98   1.5    handle .exe files under cygwin properly
# 2007-09-15    82   1.4    handle C source objects properly
# 2007-08-10    72   1.3    add [xst], [ghdl] prefix support
# 2007-07-22    68   1.2    add "tag = val"; list files in 'ready to analyse'
#                           order; add --ghdl_a option
# 2007-07-08    65   1.1    add "tag : names"; inferral of _[ft]sim vboms
# 2007-07-06    64   1.0    Initial version

use 5.005;                                  # require Perl 5.005 or higher
use strict;                                 # require strict checking
use FileHandle;

use Getopt::Long;

my %opts = ();

GetOptions(\%opts, "help", "trace", "xlpath=s",
                   "dep_ghdl", "dep_xst", "dep_isim", "dep_vsyn",
                   "xst_prj", "isim_prj",
                   "ghdl_a", "ghdl_a_cmd",
                   "ghdl_i", "ghdl_i_cmd",
                   "ghdl_m", "ghdl_m_cmd",
                   "flist") || exit 1;

sub print_help;
sub read_vbom;
sub scan_vbom;
sub copy_edir;
sub write_vbomdep;
sub canon_fname;

my @vbom_queue;                             # list of pending vbom's
my @srcfile_list;                           # list of sources in compile order
my @xdcfile_list;                           # list of xdc files
my %vbom_files;                             # key=vbom; val=full file list
my %vbom_xdc;                               # key=vbom; val=xdc spec list
my %vbom_done;                              # key=vbom; val=done flags
my %vbom_rank;                              # key=vbom; val=vbom ranks
my %srcfile_rank;                           # key=source file; val=file rank
my %para_tbl;                               # substitution table
my @ucf_cpp_list;
my $is_ghdl = 0;                            # ghdl simulation target
my $is_xst  = 0;                            # XST synthesis target
my $is_isim = 0;                            # ISim simulation target
my $is_vsyn = 0;                            # vivado synthesis target
my $is_vsim = 0;                            # vivado simulation target
my $is_sim  = 0;                            # simulation target (generic)
my $is_any  = 0;                            # ignore tags (for --flist)
my $nactions = 0;                           # number of action commands
my $top_vbom;                               # top level vbom (from argv)
my $stem;                                   # stem of $top_vbom
my $top;                                    # top level entity name
my $top_done = 0;                           # @top seen
my $has_unisim;                             # @lib:unisim seen or implied
my $has_unimacro;                           # @lib:unimacro seen
my $has_simprim;                            # @lib:simprim seen or implied
my $is_ssim;
my $is_fsim;
my $is_tsim;
my $do_trace = exists $opts{trace};
my $level = 0;                              # vbom nesting level
my $xst_writevhdl = 1;
my $xlpath=$opts{xlpath};
my $no_xlpath = ! defined $xlpath || $xlpath eq "";

autoflush STDOUT 1;             # autoflush, so nothing lost on exec later

if (exists $opts{help}) {
  exit 0;

# ensure that one and only one vbom is specified

if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1) {
  print STDERR "vbomconv-E: only one vbom file name allowed\n\n";
  exit 1;

# check that only one action is defined, mark xst, gdhl, or isim class

foreach (keys %opts) {
  $nactions += 1 unless ($_ eq "trace" || $_ eq "xlpath");
  $is_ghdl = 1   if ($_ eq "dep_ghdl");
  $is_ghdl = 1   if ($_ =~ /^ghdl_/);

  $is_xst  = 1   if ($_ eq "dep_xst");
  $is_xst  = 1   if ($_ =~ /^xst_/);

  $is_isim = 1   if ($_ eq "dep_isim");
  $is_isim = 1   if ($_ =~ /^isim_/);

  $is_vsyn = 1   if ($_ eq "dep_vsyn");
  $is_vsyn = 1   if ($_ =~ /^vsyn_/);

  $is_any  = 1   if ($_ eq "flist");

$is_sim = $is_ghdl | $is_isim | $is_vsim;

print STDERR "-- [ghdl] active\n" if $do_trace && $is_ghdl;
print STDERR "-- [xst] active\n"  if $do_trace && $is_xst;
print STDERR "-- [isim] active\n" if $do_trace && $is_isim;
print STDERR "-- [vsyn] active\n" if $do_trace && $is_vsyn;
print STDERR "-- [vsim] active\n" if $do_trace && $is_vsim;
print STDERR "-- [sim] active\n"  if $do_trace && $is_sim;

if ($nactions > 1) {
  print STDERR "vbomconv-E: only one action qualifier allowed\n\n";
  exit 1;

$top_vbom = $ARGV[0];

$top_vbom .= ".vbom" unless $top_vbom =~ m{\.vbom$};

$stem = $top_vbom;
$stem =~ s{\..*$}{};

$top = $stem;
$top =~ s{^.*/}{};

# now prepare virtual _fsim and _tsim vbom's
# they are inferred from the _ssim vbom's

if ($top_vbom =~ m{_ssim\.vbom$}) { # detect _ssim
  $is_ssim = 1;
if ($top_vbom =~ m{_fsim\.vbom$}) { # map _fsim -> _ssim
  $is_fsim = 1;
  $top_vbom =~ s{_fsim\.vbom$}{_ssim.vbom};
if ($top_vbom =~ m{_tsim\.vbom$}) { # map _tsim -> _ssim
  $is_tsim = 1;
  $top_vbom =~ s{_tsim\.vbom$}{_ssim.vbom};

# traverse all vbom's start with command line argument

push @vbom_queue, $top_vbom;

while (@vbom_queue) {
  my $cur_vbom = shift @vbom_queue;

# traverse internal vbom representation to build file table

$vbom_rank{$top_vbom} = {min=>1, max=>1};

# sort file table, build file list (decreasing rank)
#   sort first by decreasing rank and second by filename
#   second sort only to get stable sequence, independent of hash keys

my @srcpair_list;
foreach (keys %srcfile_rank) {
  push @srcpair_list, [$srcfile_rank{$_}, $_];

@srcfile_list = map {$_->[1]}
                sort {$b->[0] <=> $a->[0] || $a->[1] cmp $b->[1]}

# setup vbom list by rank
my @vbom_rank_list;
foreach (sort keys %vbom_rank) {
  push @vbom_rank_list, [$vbom_rank{$_}{min}, $vbom_rank{$_}{max}, $_];
my @vbomfile_list_min = map {$_->[2]}
                        sort {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0] || $a->[1] cmp $b->[1]}

# setup xdc files list (if one @xdc: seen)
foreach (@vbomfile_list_min) {
  push @xdcfile_list, @{$vbom_xdc{$_}} if exists $vbom_xdc{$_};

# now generate output and actions, depending on options given

# --trace ------------------------------------------------------------

if ($do_trace) {
  print STDERR "\n";
  print STDERR "filename substitution table:\n";
  foreach (sort keys %para_tbl) {
    print STDERR "  $_ = $para_tbl{$_}\n";

  print STDERR "\n";
  print STDERR "final vbom_rank table (sort by min rank):\n";
  print STDERR "  min  max  var  vbom-name:\n";
  foreach (sort {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0] || $a->[2] cmp $b->[2]} @vbom_rank_list) {
    printf STDERR "  %3d  %3d  %3d  %s\n",
      $_->[0], $_->[1], $_->[1]-$_->[0], $_->[2];

  print STDERR "\n";
  print STDERR "final srcfile_rank table (sort by rank):\n";
  foreach (sort {$b->[0] <=> $a->[0] || $a->[1] cmp $b->[1]} @srcpair_list) {
    printf STDERR "  %5d  %s\n", $_->[0], $_->[1];

  print STDERR "\n";
  print STDERR "properties:\n";
  print STDERR "  \@top: $top\n";

# --ghdh_a -- ghdl analysis command ----------------------------------

if (exists $opts{ghdl_a} || exists $opts{ghdl_a_cmd}) {
  if ($no_xlpath && ($has_unisim || $has_unimacro || $has_simprim) ) {
    print STDERR "vbomconv-E: --xlpath required with ghdl_a or ghdl_a_cmd";
    exit 1;

  foreach (@srcfile_list) {
    my $file = $_;
    my $cmd = "ghdl -a";
    $cmd .= " -P$xlpath/unisim"    if $has_unisim;
    $cmd .= " -P$xlpath/unimacro"  if $has_unimacro;
    $cmd .= " -P$xlpath/simprim"   if $has_simprim;
    $cmd .= " --ieee=synopsys";
    $cmd .= " $file";
    print "$cmd\n";
    if (exists $opts{ghdl_a}) {
      my $wrc = system "/bin/sh", "-c", $cmd;
      if ($wrc != 0) {
        my $rc = int($wrc/256);
        if ($rc == 0) {
          my $sig = $wrc % 256;
          print STDERR "vbomconv-I: compilation aborted by signal $sig\n";
        } else {
          print STDERR "vbomconv-I: compilation failed (rc=$rc) $?\n";

# --ghdh_i -- ghdl inspection command --------------------------------

if (exists $opts{ghdl_i} || exists $opts{ghdl_i_cmd}) {
  my %ghdl_work;

  # read ghdl "" file. It has the format
  #   file . "<filename>" "<file_date>" "ghdl -i or -a date>":
  #     entity <entity> at nn( nn) + nn on nn;
  #     architecture <arch> of <entity> at nn( nn) + nn on nn;

  if (-r "") {
    open (WFILE, "") or
      die "can't open for read $!";
    while (<WFILE>) {
      if (m{^file \. \"(.*?)\"}) {
        $ghdl_work{$1} = 1;
    close (WFILE);

  my $cmd = "ghdl -i";
  my $nfile = 0;

  foreach (@srcfile_list) {
    next if /\.c$/;                         # skip C sources, only vhd handled
    if (not exists $ghdl_work{$_}) {
      $cmd .= " \\\n  $_";
      $nfile += 1;

  if ($nfile) {
    print "$cmd\n";
    if (exists $opts{ghdl_i}) {
      exec "/bin/sh", "-c", $cmd;
      die "failed to exec /bin/sh -c $cmd: $!";
  } else {
    print "# $cmd  ## all files already inspected\n";

# --ghdh_m -- ghdl make command --------------------------------------
# Note: the 'buildin' make used by the -m option of ghdl does not
#       check for object files linked with -Wl, e.g. vhpi objects.
#       To force a re-elaboration the old executable is deleted first.
#       If used from make with proper dependencies, this will just do
#       the right thing.

if (exists $opts{ghdl_m} || exists $opts{ghdl_m_cmd} ) {
  my $cmd = "";

  if ($no_xlpath && ($has_unisim || $has_unimacro || $has_simprim) ) {
    print STDERR "vbomconv-E: --xlpath required with ghdl_m or ghdl_m_cmd";
    exit 1;

  if  (-r $stem) {              # check for old executable
    $cmd .= "rm $stem\n" ;      # rm to force elaboration

  $cmd .= "ghdl -m";
  $cmd .= " -o $stem";
                                 # -fexplicit needed for ISE 13.1,13.3
  $cmd .= ' -fexplicit'          if $has_unisim or $has_unimacro or $has_simprim;
  $cmd .= " -P$xlpath/unisim"    if $has_unisim;
  $cmd .= " -P$xlpath/unimacro"  if $has_unimacro;
  $cmd .= " -P$xlpath/simprim"   if $has_simprim;
  $cmd .= " --ieee=synopsys";
  $cmd .= " --no-vital-checks"      if $is_ssim or $is_fsim or $is_tsim;

  foreach (@srcfile_list) {
    next unless /\.c$/;         # C source ?
    my $ofile = $_;             # copy to break alias for following s///
    $ofile =~ s{^.*/}{};        # remove directory path
    $ofile =~ s/\.c$/.o/;       # add clause to link C source object file
    $cmd .= " -Wl,$ofile";
  $cmd .= " $top";
  print "$cmd\n";
  if (exists $opts{ghdl_m}) {
    exec "/bin/sh", "-c", $cmd;
    die "failed to exec /bin/sh -c $cmd: $!";

# --xst_prj ----------------------------------------------------------

if (exists $opts{xst_prj}) {
  ## $xst_writevhdl = 0; # needed in case "-use_new_parser yes" used
  foreach (@srcfile_list) {
    if ($xst_writevhdl) {
      print "vhdl work $_\n";
    } else {
      print "work $_\n";       # for ISE S-6/V-6 compilations with '-ifmt VHDL'

# --isim_prj ---------------------------------------------------------

if (exists $opts{isim_prj}) {
  foreach (@srcfile_list) {
    print "vhdl work $_\n";

# --vsyn_prj ---------------------------------------------------------

if (exists $opts{vsyn_prj}) {
  # setup sources
  print "#\n";
  print "# setup sources\n";
  print "#\n";
  print "set src_files {\n";
  foreach (@srcfile_list) {
    print "    $_\n";
  print "}\n";
  print "\n";

  print "set obj [get_filesets sources_1]\n";
  print "add_files -norecurse -fileset \$obj \$src_files\n";
  print "set_property \"top\" \"$top\" \$obj\n";

  # setup constraints
  print "#\n";
  print "# setup constraints\n";
  print "#\n";

  print "set xdc_files {\n";
  foreach (@xdcfile_list) {
    print "    $_\n";
  print "}\n";
  print "\n";

  print "set obj [get_filesets constrs_1]\n";
  print "add_files -norecurse -fileset \$obj \$xdc_files\n";

  print "\n";

# --dep_ghdl ---------------------------------------------------------

if (exists $opts{dep_ghdl}) {

  my $stem_fsim = $stem;
  my $stem_tsim = $stem;
  $stem_fsim =~ s/_ssim$/_fsim/;
  $stem_tsim =~ s/_ssim$/_tsim/;

  print "#\n";
  print "$stem : $stem.dep_ghdl\n";
  if ($is_ssim) {
    print "$stem_fsim : $stem.dep_ghdl\n";
    print "$stem_tsim : $stem.dep_ghdl\n";
  print "#\n";

  foreach (@srcfile_list) {
    if (/\.c$/) {
      my $ofile = $_;           # copy to break alias for following s///
      $ofile =~ s{^.*/}{};      # remove directory path
      $ofile =~ s/\.c$/.o/;     # object file name
      print "$stem : $ofile\n"; # depend on C source object file
                                # C source object compilation dependence
      open (ODEPFILE, ">$ofile.dep_ghdl") or 
        die "can't write $ofile.dep_ghdl: $!";
      print ODEPFILE "$ofile : $_\n";
      print ODEPFILE "\t\$(COMPILE.c) \$(OUTPUT_OPTION) \$<\n";
      close ODEPFILE;
    } else {
      print "$stem : $_\n";

  if ($is_ssim) {

    foreach (@srcfile_list) {
      my $file = $_;            # copy to break alias for following s///
      if (/\.c$/) {
        $file =~ s{^.*/}{};     # remove directory path
        $file =~ s/\.c$/.o/;    # depend on object file for C sources
      } else {
        $file =~ s/_ssim\.vhd$/_fsim.vhd/;
      print "$stem_fsim : $file\n";

    foreach (@srcfile_list) {
      my $file = $_;            # copy to break alias for following s///
      if (/\.c$/) {
        $file =~ s{^.*/}{};     # remove directory path
        $file =~ s/\.c$/.o/;    # depend on object file for C sources
      } else {
        $file =~ s/_ssim\.vhd$/_tsim.vhd/;
      print "$stem_tsim : $file\n";




# --dep_xst ----------------------------------------------------------

if (exists $opts{dep_xst}) {
  print "#\n";
  print "$stem.ngc : $stem.dep_xst\n";
  print "#\n";
  foreach (@srcfile_list) {
    print "$stem.ngc : $_\n";
  # handle cpp preprocessed ucf's
  foreach (@ucf_cpp_list) {
    my $file = $_;
    $file =~ s/\.ucf$//;
    print "#\n";
    print "$file.ncd : $file.ucf\n";
    print "include $file.dep_ucf_cpp\n";
  # handle plain ucf's
  if (scalar(@ucf_cpp_list)==0 && -r "$stem.ucf") {
    print "#\n";
    print "$stem.ncd : $stem.ucf\n";

# --dep_isim ---------------------------------------------------------

if (exists $opts{dep_isim}) {
  my $stem_isim = $stem . "_ISim";

  $stem_isim =~ s/_ssim_ISim$/_ISim_ssim/ if ($is_ssim);

  my $stem_fsim_isim = $stem_isim;
  my $stem_tsim_isim = $stem_isim;
  $stem_fsim_isim =~ s/_ssim$/_fsim/;
  $stem_tsim_isim =~ s/_ssim$/_tsim/;

  print "#\n";
  print "$stem_isim : $stem.dep_isim\n";
  if ($is_ssim) {
    print "$stem_fsim_isim : $stem.dep_isim\n";
    print "$stem_tsim_isim : $stem.dep_isim\n";
  print "#\n";

  foreach (@srcfile_list) {
    print "$stem_isim : $_\n";

  if ($is_ssim) {

    foreach (@srcfile_list) {
      my $file = $_;            # copy to break alias for following s///
      $file =~ s/_ssim\.vhd$/_fsim.vhd/;
      print "$stem_fsim_isim : $file\n";

    foreach (@srcfile_list) {
      my $file = $_;            # copy to break alias for following s///
      $file =~ s/_ssim\.vhd$/_tsim.vhd/;
      print "$stem_tsim_isim : $file\n";



# --dep_vsyn ---------------------------------------------------------

if (exists $opts{dep_vsyn}) {
  print "#\n";
  print "$stem.bit : $stem.dep_vsyn\n";
  print "#\n";
  my @files;
  push @files, @srcfile_list;
  push @files, @xdcfile_list;
  foreach (@files) {
    print "$stem.bit : $_\n";
  print "#\n";
  foreach (@files) {
    print "${stem}_syn.dcp : $_\n";
  print "#\n";
  foreach (@files) {
    print "${stem}_rou.dcp : $_\n";

# --ghdl_export or xst_export or isim_export -------------------------

if (exists $opts{ghdl_export}  or
    exists $opts{xst_export} or
    exists $opts{isim_export}) {
  my $edir;
  $edir = $opts{ghdl_export} if exists $opts{ghdl_export};
  $edir = $opts{xst_export}  if exists $opts{xst_export};
  $edir = $opts{isim_export} if exists $opts{isim_export};

  if (not -d $edir) {
    print STDERR "vbomconv-I: create target directory $edir\n";
    system("mkdir -p $edir") == 0 or die "mkdir failed: $?";
  } else {
    print STDERR "vbomconv-I: target directory $edir already exists\n";

  open(PFILE, ">$edir/$stem.prj") or die "can't write open $edir/$stem.prj: $!";

  foreach (@srcfile_list) {
    my $fname  = $_;
    my $fdpath = ".";
    if (m{(.*)/(.*)}) {
      $fname  = $2;
      $fdpath = $1;
    copy_edir($_, $edir);
    print PFILE "vhdl work $fname\n";


  # Note: currently no xflow opt files exported !!
  if (exists $opts{xst_export}) {
    open(XFILE, ">$edir/$stem.xcf") or 
      die "can't write open $edir/$stem.xcf: $!";

    foreach(glob("*.xcf")) { copy_edir($_, $edir); }

    if (-r "$stem.ucf_cpp") {
      system "/bin/sh", "-c", "make $stem.ucf";

    foreach(glob("*.ucf")) { copy_edir($_, $edir); }


# --get_top ----------------------------------------------------------

if (exists $opts{get_top}) {
  print "$top\n";

# --flist ------------------------------------------------------------

if (exists $opts{flist}) {

  my @flist;

  push @flist, @srcfile_list;
  push @flist, sort keys %vbom_done;

  if (scalar(@ucf_cpp_list)) {
    foreach (@ucf_cpp_list) {
      push @flist, $_."_cpp";
  } else {
    if (-r "$stem.ucf") {
      push @flist, "$stem.ucf";

  push @flist, @xdcfile_list;

  foreach (sort @flist) {
    my $fname  = $_;
    my $fdpath = ".";
    if (m{(.*)/(.*)}) {
      $fname  = $2;
      $fdpath = $1;
    print "$fdpath/$fname\n";



sub read_vbom {
  my ($vbom) = @_;

  print STDERR "-- open $vbom\n" if $do_trace;

  open (IFILE, $vbom)    or die "can't open for read $vbom: $!";

  my $vbom_path = "";
  my $vbom_file = $vbom;
  if ($vbom =~ m{^(.*)/([a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)$}) {
    $vbom_path = $1;
    $vbom_file = $2;

  $vbom_done{$vbom} += 1;                   # mark this vbom already read

  while (<IFILE>) {
    next if /^\s*#/;                        # drop comments
    next if /^\s*$/;                        # drop empty lines

    s/\s*$//;                               # drop trailing blanks

    # process parameter definitions
    if (m{([\w]+)\s*=\s*(.*)}) {
      my $para = $1;
      my $val  = $2;
      if ($val eq "") {
        print STDERR "vbomconv-E: invalid \'$_\' in $vbom_file\n";
        exit 1;
      if (not exists $para_tbl{$para}) {
        $para_tbl{$para} = canon_fname($vbom_path, $val);
        print STDERR "--- define \${$para} = $val\n" if $do_trace;
      } else {
        print STDERR "--- ignore \${$para} = $val\n" if $do_trace;

    # process parameter substitutions
    while (m{\$\{([\w]+)\s*(:=)?\s*(.*?)\}}) {
      my $para = $1;
      my $del  = $2;
      my $val  = $3;
      my $pre  = $`;
      my $post = $';
      if (defined $del && $del eq ":=") {
        if (not exists $para_tbl{$para}) {
          $para_tbl{$para} = canon_fname($vbom_path, $val);
          print STDERR "--- define \${$para := $val}\n" if $do_trace;
        } else {
          print STDERR "--- ignore \${$para := $val}\n" if $do_trace;
      if (defined $para_tbl{$para}) {
        if ($do_trace) {
          print STDERR "--- use    \${$para} -> $para_tbl{$para}\n";
        } else {
          ## print STDERR "vbomconv-I: \${$para} -> $para_tbl{$para}\n";
        $_ = $pre . "!" . $para_tbl{$para} . $post;
      } else {
        print STDERR "vbomconv-E: undefined \${$para} in $vbom_file\n";
        exit 1;

    if (/^\[([a-z,]+)\]\s*(.+)$/) {         # [xxx,yyy] tag seen
      my $qual = $1;
      my $name = $2;
      my $keep = $is_any;
      ## print STDERR "+++1 |$qual|$name|$vbom|\n";
      foreach my $pref (split /,/,$qual) {
        if ($pref =~ /^(ghdl|xst|isim|vsyn|vsim|sim)$/) {
          $keep = 1 if ($pref eq "ghdl" && $is_ghdl);
          $keep = 1 if ($pref eq "xst"  && $is_xst);
          $keep = 1 if ($pref eq "isim" && $is_isim);
          $keep = 1 if ($pref eq "vsyn" && $is_vsyn);
          $keep = 1 if ($pref eq "vsim" && $is_vsim);
          $keep = 1 if ($pref eq "sim"  && $is_sim);
        } else {
          print STDERR "vbomconv-W: unknown tag [$pref] in $vbom_file\n";
      if (not $keep) {
        print STDERR "--- drop \"$_\"\n" if $do_trace;
      $_ = $name;                           # remove [xxx] tag

    my $tag;
    my $val = $_;

    # detect tag:val lines
    if (m{^\s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$}) {
      $tag = $1;
      $val = $2;

      # process @top:<entity> lines
      if ($tag eq '@top') {
        $top = $val unless $top_done;

      # process @ucf_cpp:<file> lines
      } elsif ($tag eq '@ucf_cpp') {
        push @ucf_cpp_list, $val;

      # process @xdc:<file> lines
      } elsif ($tag eq '@xdc') {
        push @{$vbom_xdc{$vbom}}, canon_fname($vbom_path, $val);

      # process @lib:<name> lines
      } elsif ($tag eq '@lib') {
        if ($val eq 'unisim') {
          $has_unisim = 1;
        } elsif ($val eq 'unimacro') {
          $has_unimacro = 1;
        } elsif ($val eq 'simprim') {
          $has_simprim = 1;
        } else {
          print STDERR "vbomconv-E: invalid lib type \'$tag\' in $vbom_file\n";
          exit 1;

      # catch invalid @ tags
      } else {
        print STDERR "vbomconv-E: invalid \'$tag:\' line in $vbom_file\n";
        exit 1;

    # now do _fsim, _tsim mapping
    $val =~ s{_ssim\.vhd$}{_fsim.vhd} if $is_fsim;
    $val =~ s{_ssim\.vhd$}{_tsim.vhd} if $is_tsim;

    # process normal .vhd or .vbom file lines
    # canonize file name unless not already done by filename substitution
    my $fullname;
    if ($val =~ m{^!(.*)$}) {
      $fullname = $1;
    } else {
      $fullname = canon_fname($vbom_path, $val);

    # determine whether additional libs needed
    if ($fullname =~ m{_ssim\.vhd$}) {      # ends in _ssim.vhd
      $has_unisim = 1;
    if ($fullname =~ m{_[ft]sim\.vhd$}) {   # ends in _fsim.vhd or _tsim.vhd
      $has_simprim = 1;

    # build vbom table
    push @{$vbom_files{$vbom}}, $fullname;
    print STDERR "--- add    $fullname\n" if $do_trace;

    # if a vbom, queue if not not already read
    if ($fullname =~ m{\.vbom$} && not exists $vbom_done{$fullname} ) {
       push @vbom_queue, $fullname;
       print STDERR "--- queue  $fullname\n" if $do_trace;


  $top_done = 1;

  close (IFILE);


sub scan_vbom {
  my ($vbom) = @_;

  $level += 1;
  my $rank = 1000*$level + scalar(@{$vbom_files{$vbom}});
  print STDERR "--> $level: $vbom\n" if $do_trace;

  die "vbomcov-E excessive vbom stack depth \n" if $level>=1000;

  if (exists $vbom_rank{$vbom}) {
    $vbom_rank{$vbom}{min} = $level if $level < $vbom_rank{$vbom}{min};
    $vbom_rank{$vbom}{max} = $level if $level > $vbom_rank{$vbom}{max};
  } else {
    $vbom_rank{$vbom} = {min=>$level, max=>$level};

  foreach (@{$vbom_files{$vbom}}) {
    my $file = $_;
    $rank -= 1;
    if (m{\.vbom$}) {
    } else {
      if (exists $srcfile_rank{$file}) {
        if ($rank > $srcfile_rank{$file}) {
          print STDERR "   $file   $srcfile_rank{$file} -> $rank\n" if $do_trace;
          $srcfile_rank{$file} = $rank;
        } else {
          print STDERR "   $file   $srcfile_rank{$file} (keep)\n" if $do_trace;
      } else {
         $srcfile_rank{$file} = $rank;
         print STDERR "   $file   $srcfile_rank{$file} (new)\n" if $do_trace;

  print STDERR "<-- $level: $vbom\n" if $do_trace;
  $level -= 1;



sub copy_edir {
  my ($file, $edir) = @_;
  print "cp -p $file $edir\n";
  system("cp -p $file $edir")==0 or die "cp -p failed: $?";


sub write_vbomdep {
  my ($target) = @_;
  print "#\n";
  print "# .dep_* on .vbom dependencies\n";
  print "#\n";
  foreach (sort keys %vbom_done) {
    print "$target : $_\n";

sub canon_fname {
  my ($vpath,$fname) = @_;
    # get full relative file name (relative to cwd)
    $fname = "$vpath/$fname" if $vpath ne "";

    # remove 'inner' .., e.g.  ../x/../y -->  ../y
    # this will also canonize the file names, thus same file same name

    my @flist;
    foreach (split "/",$fname) {
      if (scalar(@flist) && $flist[$#flist] ne ".." && $_ eq "..") {
        pop @flist;
      } else {
        push @flist, $_;

    return join "/", @flist;


sub print_help {
  print "usage: vbomconf <command> file.vbom\n";
  print "  --help           this message\n";
  print "  --trace          trace recursive processing of vbom's\n";
  print "  --dep_ghdl       generate ghdl dependencies for make\n";
  print "  --dep_xst        generate xst  dependencies for make\n";
  print "  --dep_isim       generate isim dependencies for make\n";
  print "  --dep_vsyn       generate vsyn dependencies for make\n";
  print "  --ghdl_a         generate and execute ghdl -a  (analyse)\n";
  print "  --ghdl_a_cmd     like ghdl_a, but only print command, no exec\n";
  print "  --ghdl_i         generate and execute ghdl -i  (inspect)\n";
  print "  --ghdl_i_cmd     like ghdl_i, but only print command, no exec\n";
  print "  --ghdl_m         generate and execute ghdl -m  (make)\n";
  print "  --ghdl_m_cmd     like ghdl_m, but only print command, no exec\n";
  print "  --xst_prj        generate xst project file\n";
  print "  --isim_prj       generate isim project file\n";
  print "  --vsyn_prj       generate vivado synthesis project definition\n";
  print "  --ghdl_export=s  export all ghdl source files into directory s\n";
  print "  --xst_export=s   export all xst source files into directory s\n";
  print "  --isim_export=s  export all isim source files into directory s\n";
  print "  --get_top        return top level entity name\n";
  print "  --flist          list all files touched by vbom for all tags\n";

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