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-- $Id: rbd_rbmon.vhd 672 2015-05-02 21:58:28Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2010-2015 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Module Name:    rbd_rbmon - syn
-- Description:    rbus dev: rbus monitor
-- Dependencies:   memlib/ram_1swsr_wfirst_gen
-- Test bench:     rlink/tb/tb_rlink_tba_ttcombo
-- Target Devices: generic
-- Tool versions:  xst 12.1-14.7; ghdl 0.29-0.31
-- Synthesized (xst):
-- Date         Rev  ise         Target      flop lutl lutm slic t peri
-- 2014-12-22   619 14.7  131013 xc6slx16-2   114  209    -   72 s  5.6
-- 2014-12-21   593 14.7  131013 xc6slx16-2    99  207    -   77 s  7.0
-- 2010-12-27   349 12.1    M53d xc3s1000-4    95  228    -  154 s 10.4
-- Revision History: 
-- Date         Rev Version  Comment
-- 2015-05-02   672   5.0.1  use natural for AWIDTH to work around a ghdl issue
-- 2014-12-22   619   5.0    reorganized, supports now 16 bit addresses
-- 2014-09-13   593   4.1    change default address -> ffe8
-- 2014-08-15   583   4.0    rb_mreq addr now 16 bit (but only 8 bit recorded)
-- 2011-11-19   427   1.0.3  now numeric_std clean
-- 2011-03-27   374   1.0.2  rename ncyc -> nbusy because it counts busy cycles
-- 2010-12-31   352   1.0.1  simplify irb_ack logic
-- 2010-12-27   349   1.0    Initial version 
-- Addr   Bits  Name        r/w/f  Function
--  000         cntl        r/w/f  Control register
--          02    wena      r/w/-    wrap enable
--          01    stop      r/w/f    writing 1 stops  moni
--          00    start     r/w/f    writing 1 starts moni and clears addr
--  001         stat        r/w/-  Status register
--       15:13    bsize     r/-/-    buffer size (AWIDTH-9)
--          00    wrap      r/-/-    line address wrapped (cleared on go)
--  010         hilim       r/w/-  upper address limit, inclusive (def: 0xfffb)
--  011         lolim       r/w/-  lower address limit, inclusive (def: 0x0000)
--  100         addr        r/w/-  Address register
--        *:02    laddr     r/w/-    line address
--       01:00    waddr     r/w/-    word address
--  101         data        r/w/-  Data register
--     data format:
--     word 3     15 : burst      (2nd re/we in a aval sequence)
--                14 : tout       (busy in last re-we cycle)
--                13 : nak        (no ack in last non-busy cycle)
--                12 : ack        (ack  seen)
--                11 : busy       (busy seen)
--                10 : err        (err  seen)
--                09 : we         (write cycle)
--                08 : init       (init  cycle)
--             07:00 : delay to prev (msb's)
--     word 2  15:10 : delay to prev (lsb's)
--             09:00 : number of busy cycles
--     word 1        : data
--     word 0        : addr
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
use work.memlib.all;
use work.rblib.all;
-- Note: AWIDTH has type natural to allow AWIDTH=0 can be used in if generates
--       to control the instantiation. ghdl checks even for not instantiated
--       entities the validity of generics, that's why natural needed here ....
entity rbd_rbmon is                     -- rbus dev: rbus monitor
  generic (
    RB_ADDR : slv16 := slv(to_unsigned(16#ffe8#,16));
    AWIDTH : natural := 9);
  port (
    CLK  : in slbit;                    -- clock
    RESET : in slbit;                   -- reset
    RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type;          -- rbus: request
    RB_SRES : out rb_sres_type;         -- rbus: response
    RB_SRES_SUM : in rb_sres_type       -- rbus: response (sum for monitor)
end entity rbd_rbmon;
architecture syn of rbd_rbmon is
  constant rbaddr_cntl  : slv3 := "000";   -- cntl  address offset
  constant rbaddr_stat  : slv3 := "001";   -- stat  address offset
  constant rbaddr_hilim : slv3 := "010";   -- hilim address offset
  constant rbaddr_lolim : slv3 := "011";   -- lolim address offset
  constant rbaddr_addr  : slv3 := "100";   -- addr  address offset
  constant rbaddr_data  : slv3 := "101";   -- data  address offset
  constant cntl_rbf_wena     : integer :=     2;
  constant cntl_rbf_stop     : integer :=     1;
  constant cntl_rbf_start    : integer :=     0;
  subtype  stat_rbf_bsize   is integer range 15 downto 13;
  constant stat_rbf_wrap     : integer :=     0;
  subtype  addr_rbf_laddr   is integer range 2+AWIDTH-1 downto  2;
  subtype  addr_rbf_waddr   is integer range  1 downto  0;
  constant dat3_rbf_burst    : integer :=    15;
  constant dat3_rbf_tout     : integer :=    14;
  constant dat3_rbf_nak      : integer :=    13;
  constant dat3_rbf_ack      : integer :=    12;
  constant dat3_rbf_busy     : integer :=    11;
  constant dat3_rbf_err      : integer :=    10;
  constant dat3_rbf_we       : integer :=     9;
  constant dat3_rbf_init     : integer :=     8;
  subtype  dat3_rbf_ndlymsb is integer range  7 downto  0;
  subtype  dat2_rbf_ndlylsb is integer range 15 downto 10;
  subtype  dat2_rbf_nbusy   is integer range  9 downto  0;
  type regs_type is record              -- state registers
    rbsel : slbit;                      -- rbus select
    wena : slbit;                       -- wena flag (wrap enable)
    go : slbit;                         -- go flag
    hilim : slv16;                      -- upper address limit
    lolim : slv16;                      -- lower address limit
    wrap : slbit;                       -- laddr wrap flag
    laddr : slv(AWIDTH-1 downto 0);     -- line address
    waddr : slv2;                       -- word address
    rbtake_1 : slbit;                   -- rb capture active in last cycle
    rbaddr  : slv16;                    -- rbus trace: addr
    rbinit  : slbit;                    -- rbus trace: init
    rbwe    : slbit;                    -- rbus trace: we
    rback   : slbit;                    -- rbus trace: ack  seen
    rbbusy  : slbit;                    -- rbus trace: busy seen
    rberr   : slbit;                    -- rbus trace: err  seen
    rbnak   : slbit;                    -- rbus trace: nak  detected
    rbtout  : slbit;                    -- rbus trace: tout detected
    rbburst : slbit;                    -- rbus trace: burst detected
    rbdata  : slv16;                    -- rbus trace: data
    rbnbusy : slv10;                    -- rbus number of busy cycles
    rbndly  : slv14;                    -- rbus delay to prev. access
  end record regs_type;
  constant laddrzero : slv(AWIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
  constant laddrlast : slv(AWIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others=>'1');
  constant regs_init : regs_type := (
    '0',                                -- rbsel
    '0','0',                            -- wena,go
    x"fffb",                            -- hilim (def: fffb)
    x"0000",                            -- lolim (def: 0000)
    '0',                                -- wrap
    laddrzero,                          -- laddr
    "00",                               -- waddr
    '0',                                -- rbtake_1
    (others=>'0'),                      -- rbaddr
    '0','0','0','0','0',                -- rbinit,rbwe,rback,rbbusy,rberr
    '0','0','0',                        -- rbnak,rbtout,rbburst
    (others=>'0'),                      -- rbdata
    (others=>'0'),                      -- rbnbusy
    (others=>'0')                       -- rbndly
  constant rbnbusylast : slv10 := (others=>'1');
  constant rbndlylast  : slv14 := (others=>'1');
  signal R_REGS : regs_type := regs_init;
  signal N_REGS : regs_type := regs_init;
  signal BRAM_EN : slbit := '0';
  signal BRAM_WE : slbit := '0';
  signal BRAM0_DI : slv32 := (others=>'0');
  signal BRAM1_DI : slv32 := (others=>'0');
  signal BRAM0_DO : slv32 := (others=>'0');
  signal BRAM1_DO : slv32 := (others=>'0');
  assert AWIDTH>=9 and AWIDTH<=14 
    report "assert(AWIDTH>=9 and AWIDTH<=14): unsupported AWIDTH"
    severity failure;
  BRAM1 : ram_1swsr_wfirst_gen
    generic map (
      DWIDTH => 32)
    port map (
      CLK   => CLK,
      EN    => BRAM_EN,
      WE    => BRAM_WE,
      ADDR  => R_REGS.laddr,
      DI    => BRAM1_DI,
      DO    => BRAM1_DO
  BRAM0 : ram_1swsr_wfirst_gen
    generic map (
      DWIDTH => 32)
    port map (
      CLK   => CLK,
      EN    => BRAM_EN,
      WE    => BRAM_WE,
      ADDR  => R_REGS.laddr,
      DI    => BRAM0_DI,
      DO    => BRAM0_DO
  proc_regs: process (CLK)
    if rising_edge(CLK) then
      if RESET = '1' then
        R_REGS <= regs_init;
        R_REGS <= N_REGS;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process proc_regs;
  proc_next : process (R_REGS, RB_MREQ, RB_SRES_SUM, BRAM0_DO, BRAM1_DO)
    variable r : regs_type := regs_init;
    variable n : regs_type := regs_init;
    variable irb_ack  : slbit := '0';
    variable irb_busy : slbit := '0';
    variable irb_err  : slbit := '0';
    variable irb_dout  : slv16 := (others=>'0');
    variable irbena  : slbit := '0';
    variable ibramen : slbit := '0';    -- BRAM enable
    variable ibramwe : slbit := '0';    -- BRAN we
    variable rbtake : slbit := '0';
    variable laddr_inc : slbit := '0';
    variable idat0 : slv16 := (others=>'0');
    variable idat1 : slv16 := (others=>'0');
    variable idat2 : slv16 := (others=>'0');
    variable idat3 : slv16 := (others=>'0');
    r := R_REGS;
    n := R_REGS;
    irb_ack  := '0';
    irb_busy := '0';
    irb_err  := '0';
    irb_dout := (others=>'0');
    irbena  := or RB_MREQ.we;
    ibramen := '0';
    ibramwe := '0';
    laddr_inc := '0';
    -- rbus address decoder
    n.rbsel := '0';
    if RB_MREQ.aval='1' and RB_MREQ.addr(15 downto 3)=RB_ADDR(15 downto 3) then
      n.rbsel := '1';
      ibramen := '1';
    end if;
    -- rbus transactions
    if r.rbsel = '1' then
      irb_ack := irbena;                -- ack all accesses
      case RB_MREQ.addr(2 downto 0) is
        when rbaddr_cntl =>                 -- cntl ------------------
          if RB_MREQ.we = '1' then 
            n.wena := RB_MREQ.din(cntl_rbf_wena);
            if RB_MREQ.din(cntl_rbf_start) = '1' then
              n.go    := '1';
              n.wrap  := '0';
              n.laddr := laddrzero;
              n.waddr := "00";
            end if;
            if RB_MREQ.din(cntl_rbf_stop) = '1' then
              n.go    := '0';
            end if;
          end if;
        when rbaddr_stat => null;           -- stat ------------------
        when rbaddr_hilim =>                -- hilim -----------------
          if RB_MREQ.we = '1' then
            n.hilim := RB_MREQ.din;
          end if;
        when rbaddr_lolim =>                -- lolim -----------------
          if RB_MREQ.we = '1' then
            n.lolim := RB_MREQ.din;
          end if;
        when rbaddr_addr =>                 -- addr ------------------
          if RB_MREQ.we = '1' then
            n.go    := '0';
            n.wrap  := '0';
            n.laddr := RB_MREQ.din(addr_rbf_laddr);
            n.waddr := RB_MREQ.din(addr_rbf_waddr);
          end if;
        when rbaddr_data =>                 -- data ------------------
          if r.go='1' or RB_MREQ.we='1' then
            irb_err := '1';
          end if;
          if = '1' then
            n.waddr := slv(unsigned(r.waddr) + 1);
            if r.waddr = "11" then
              laddr_inc := '1';
            end if;
          end if;
        when others =>                      -- <> --------------------
          irb_err := '1';
      end case;
    end if;
    -- rbus output driver
    if r.rbsel = '1' then
      case RB_MREQ.addr(2 downto 0) is
        when rbaddr_cntl =>                 -- cntl ------------------
          irb_dout(cntl_rbf_wena)  := r.wena;
          irb_dout(cntl_rbf_start) := r.go;
        when rbaddr_stat =>                 -- stat ------------------
          irb_dout(stat_rbf_bsize) := slv(to_unsigned(AWIDTH-9,3));
          irb_dout(stat_rbf_wrap)  := r.wrap;
        when rbaddr_hilim =>                -- hilim -----------------
          irb_dout                 := r.hilim;
        when rbaddr_lolim =>                -- lolim -----------------
          irb_dout                 := r.lolim;
        when rbaddr_addr =>                 -- addr ------------------
          irb_dout(addr_rbf_laddr) := r.laddr;
          irb_dout(addr_rbf_waddr) := r.waddr;
        when rbaddr_data =>                 -- data ------------------
          case r.waddr is
            when "11" => irb_dout := BRAM1_DO(31 downto 16);
            when "10" => irb_dout := BRAM1_DO(15 downto  0);
            when "01" => irb_dout := BRAM0_DO(31 downto 16);
            when "00" => irb_dout := BRAM0_DO(15 downto  0);
            when others => null;
          end case;
        when others => null;
      end case;
    end if;
    -- rbus monitor 
    --   a rbus transaction are captured if the address is in alim window
    --   and the access is not refering to rbd_rbmon itself
    rbtake := '0';
    if RB_MREQ.aval='1' and irbena='1' then              -- aval and (re or we)
      if unsigned(RB_MREQ.addr)>=unsigned(r.lolim) and   -- and in addr window
         unsigned(RB_MREQ.addr)<=unsigned(r.hilim) and
         r.rbsel='0' then                                -- and not self
        rbtake := '1';
      end if;
    end if;
    if RB_MREQ.init = '1' then                           -- also take init's
      rbtake := '1';
    end if;
    if rbtake = '1' then                -- if capture active
      n.rbaddr := RB_MREQ.addr;           -- keep track of some state
      n.rbinit := RB_MREQ.init;
      n.rbwe   := RB_MREQ.we;
      if RB_MREQ.init='1' or RB_MREQ.we='1' then  -- for write/init of din
        n.rbdata := RB_MREQ.din;
      else                                        -- for read of dout
        n.rbdata := RB_SRES_SUM.dout;
      end if;
      if r.rbtake_1 = '0' then            -- if initial cycle of a transaction
        n.rback  := RB_SRES_SUM.ack;
        n.rbbusy := RB_SRES_SUM.busy;
        n.rberr  := RB_SRES_SUM.err;
        n.rbnbusy := (others=>'0');
      else                                -- if non-initial cycles
        if RB_SRES_SUM.err = '1' then       -- keep track of err flags
          n.rberr := '1';
        end if;
        if r.rbnbusy /= rbnbusylast then      -- and count  
          n.rbnbusy := slv(unsigned(r.rbnbusy) + 1);
        end if;
      end if;
      n.rbnak  := not RB_SRES_SUM.ack;
      n.rbtout := RB_SRES_SUM.busy;
    else                                -- if capture not active
      if r.go='1' and r.rbtake_1='1' then -- active and transaction just ended
        ibramen := '1';
        ibramwe := '1';
        laddr_inc := '1';
        n.rbburst := '1';                   -- assume burst
      end if;
      if r.rbtake_1 = '1' then            -- rbus transaction just ended
        n.rbndly := (others=>'0');          -- clear delay counter
      else                                -- just idle
        if r.rbndly /= rbndlylast then      -- count cycles
          n.rbndly := slv(unsigned(r.rbndly) + 1);
        end if;
      end if;
    end if;
    if RB_MREQ.aval = '0' then          -- if aval gone
      n.rbburst := '0';                   -- clear burst flag
    end if;
    if laddr_inc = '1' then
      n.laddr := slv(unsigned(r.laddr) + 1);
      if r.go='1' and r.laddr=laddrlast then
        if r.wena = '1' then
          n.wrap := '1';
          n.go   := '0';
        end if;
      end if;
    end if;
    idat3 := (others=>'0');
    idat3(dat3_rbf_burst)  := r.rbburst;
    idat3(dat3_rbf_tout)   := r.rbtout;
    idat3(dat3_rbf_nak)    := r.rbnak;
    idat3(dat3_rbf_ack)    := r.rback;
    idat3(dat3_rbf_busy)   := r.rbbusy;
    idat3(dat3_rbf_err)    := r.rberr;
    idat3(dat3_rbf_we)     := r.rbwe;
    idat3(dat3_rbf_init)   := r.rbinit;
    idat3(dat3_rbf_ndlymsb):= r.rbndly(13 downto 6);
    idat2(dat2_rbf_ndlylsb):= r.rbndly( 5 downto 0);
    idat2(dat2_rbf_nbusy)  := r.rbnbusy;
    idat1 := r.rbdata;
    idat0 := r.rbaddr;
    n.rbtake_1 := rbtake;
    N_REGS <= n;
    BRAM_EN <= ibramen;
    BRAM_WE <= ibramwe;
    BRAM1_DI <= idat3 & idat2;
    BRAM0_DI <= idat1 & idat0;
    RB_SRES.dout <= irb_dout;
    RB_SRES.ack  <= irb_ack;
    RB_SRES.err  <= irb_err;
    RB_SRES.busy <= irb_busy;
  end process proc_next;
end syn;

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