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// Filename: 	migsdram.v
// Project:	Pipelined Wishbone to AXI converter
// Purpose:	This file isn't really a part of the synthesis implementation 
//		of the wb2axip project itself, but rather it is an example
//	of how the wb2axip project can be used to connect a MIG generated
//	IP component.
//	This implementation depends upon the existence of a MIG generated
//	core, named "mig_axis", and illustrates how such a core might be
//	connected to the wbm2axip bridge.  Specific options of the mig_axis
//	setup include 6 identifier bits, and a full-sized bus width of 128
//	bits.   These two settings are both appropriate for driving a DDR3
//	memory (whose minimum transfer size is 128 bits), but may need to be
//	adjusted to support other memories.
// Creator:	Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
//		Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015-2017, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of  the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program.  (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory.  Run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.)  If not, see
// <> for a copy.
// License:	GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
`default_nettype	none
module	migsdram(i_clk, i_clk_200mhz, o_sys_clk, i_rst, o_sys_reset,
	// Wishbone components
		i_wb_cyc, i_wb_stb, i_wb_we, i_wb_addr, i_wb_data, i_wb_sel,
		o_wb_ack, o_wb_stall, o_wb_data, o_wb_err,
	// SDRAM connections
		o_ddr_ck_p, o_ddr_ck_n,
		o_ddr_reset_n, o_ddr_cke,
		o_ddr_cs_n, o_ddr_ras_n, o_ddr_cas_n, o_ddr_we_n,
		o_ddr_ba, o_ddr_addr, 
		o_ddr_odt, o_ddr_dm,
		io_ddr_dqs_p, io_ddr_dqs_n,
	parameter	DDRWIDTH = 16, WBDATAWIDTH=32;
	parameter	AXIDWIDTH = 6;
	// The SDRAM address bits (RAMABITS) are a touch more difficult to work
	// out.  Here we leave them as a fixed parameter, but there are 
	// consequences to this.  Specifically, the wishbone data width, the
	// wishbone address width, and this number have interactions not
	// well captured here.
	parameter	RAMABITS = 28;
	// All DDR3 memories have 8 timeslots.  This, if the DDR3 memory
	// has 16 bits to it (as above), the entire transaction must take
	// AXIWIDTH bits ...
	localparam	AXIWIDTH= DDRWIDTH *8;
	localparam	DW=WBDATAWIDTH;
	localparam	AW=(WBDATAWIDTH==32)? RAMABITS-2
				: RAMABITS-5)); // (WBDATAWIDTH==256)
	localparam	SELW= (WBDATAWIDTH/8);
	input	wire		i_clk, i_clk_200mhz, i_rst;
	output	wire		o_sys_clk;
	output	reg		o_sys_reset;
	input	wire		i_wb_cyc, i_wb_stb, i_wb_we;
	input	wire	[(AW-1):0]	i_wb_addr;
	input	wire	[(DW-1):0]	i_wb_data;
	input	wire	[(SELW-1):0]	i_wb_sel;
	output	wire			o_wb_ack, o_wb_stall;
	output	wire	[(DW-1):0]	o_wb_data;
	output	wire			o_wb_err;
	output	wire	[0:0]		o_ddr_ck_p, o_ddr_ck_n;
	output	wire	[0:0]		o_ddr_cke;
	output	wire			o_ddr_reset_n,
					o_ddr_ras_n, o_ddr_cas_n, o_ddr_we_n;
	output	wire	[0:0]			o_ddr_cs_n;
	output	wire	[2:0]			o_ddr_ba;
	output	wire	[13:0]			o_ddr_addr;
	output	wire	[0:0]			o_ddr_odt;
	output	wire	[(DDRWIDTH/8-1):0]	o_ddr_dm;
	inout	wire	[1:0]			io_ddr_dqs_p, io_ddr_dqs_n;
	inout	wire	[(DDRWIDTH-1):0]	io_ddr_data;
	wire	aresetn;
	assign	aresetn = 1'b1; // Never reset
	// Write address channel
	wire	[(AXIDWIDTH-1):0]	s_axi_awid;
	wire	[(RAMABITS-1):0]	s_axi_awaddr;
	wire	[7:0]			s_axi_awlen;
	wire	[2:0]			s_axi_awsize;
	wire	[1:0]			s_axi_awburst;
	wire	[0:0]			s_axi_awlock;
	wire	[3:0]			s_axi_awcache;
	wire	[2:0]			s_axi_awprot;
	wire	[3:0]			s_axi_awqos;
	wire				s_axi_awvalid;
	wire				s_axi_awready;
	// Writei data channel
	wire	[(AXIWIDTH-1):0]	s_axi_wdata;
	wire	[(AXIWIDTH/8-1):0]	s_axi_wstrb;
	wire				s_axi_wlast, s_axi_wvalid, s_axi_wready;
	// Write response channel
	wire				s_axi_bready;
	wire	[(AXIDWIDTH-1):0]	s_axi_bid;
	wire	[1:0]			s_axi_bresp;
	wire				s_axi_bvalid;
	// Read address channel
	wire	[(AXIDWIDTH-1):0]	s_axi_arid;
	wire	[(RAMABITS-1):0]	s_axi_araddr;
	wire	[7:0]			s_axi_arlen;
	wire	[2:0]			s_axi_arsize;
	wire	[1:0]			s_axi_arburst;
	wire	[0:0]			s_axi_arlock;
	wire	[3:0]			s_axi_arcache;
	wire	[2:0]			s_axi_arprot;
	wire	[3:0]			s_axi_arqos;
	wire				s_axi_arvalid;
	wire				s_axi_arready;
	// Read response/data channel
	wire	[(AXIDWIDTH-1):0]	s_axi_rid;
	wire	[(AXIWIDTH-1):0]	s_axi_rdata;
	wire	[1:0]			s_axi_rresp;
	wire				s_axi_rlast;
	wire				s_axi_rvalid;
	wire				s_axi_rready;
	// Other wires ...
	wire		init_calib_complete, mmcm_locked;
	wire		app_sr_active, app_ref_ack, app_zq_ack;
	wire		app_sr_req, app_ref_req, app_zq_req;
	wire		w_sys_reset;
	wire	[11:0]	w_device_temp;
	mig_axis	mig_sdram(
		.ddr3_ck_p(o_ddr_ck_p),		.ddr3_ck_n(o_ddr_ck_n),
		.ddr3_reset_n(o_ddr_reset_n),	.ddr3_cke(o_ddr_cke),
		.ddr3_cs_n(o_ddr_cs_n),		.ddr3_ras_n(o_ddr_ras_n),
		.ddr3_we_n(o_ddr_we_n),		.ddr3_cas_n(o_ddr_cas_n),
		.ddr3_ba(o_ddr_ba),		.ddr3_addr(o_ddr_addr),
		.ddr3_dqs_p(io_ddr_dqs_p),	.ddr3_dqs_n(io_ddr_dqs_n),
		.ddr3_dq(io_ddr_data),		.ddr3_dm(o_ddr_dm),
		.s_axi_awid(s_axi_awid),	.s_axi_awaddr(s_axi_awaddr),
		.s_axi_awlen(s_axi_awlen),	.s_axi_awsize(s_axi_awsize),
		.s_axi_awburst(s_axi_awburst),	.s_axi_awlock(s_axi_awlock),
		.s_axi_awcache(s_axi_awcache),	.s_axi_awprot(s_axi_awprot),
		.s_axi_awqos(s_axi_awqos),	.s_axi_awvalid(s_axi_awvalid),
		.s_axi_wready(	s_axi_wready),
		.s_axi_wdata(	s_axi_wdata),
		.s_axi_wstrb(	s_axi_wstrb),
		.s_axi_wlast(	s_axi_wlast),
		.s_axi_wvalid(	s_axi_wvalid),
		.s_axi_bready(s_axi_bready),	.s_axi_bid(s_axi_bid),
		.s_axi_bresp(s_axi_bresp),	.s_axi_bvalid(s_axi_bvalid),
		.s_axi_arid(s_axi_arid),	.s_axi_araddr(s_axi_araddr),
		.s_axi_arlen(s_axi_arlen),	.s_axi_arsize(s_axi_arsize),
		.s_axi_arburst(s_axi_arburst),	.s_axi_arlock(s_axi_arlock),
		.s_axi_arcache(s_axi_arcache),	.s_axi_arprot(s_axi_arprot),
		.s_axi_arqos(s_axi_arqos),	.s_axi_arvalid(s_axi_arvalid),
		.s_axi_rready(s_axi_rready),	.s_axi_rid(s_axi_rid),
		.s_axi_rdata(s_axi_rdata),	.s_axi_rresp(s_axi_rresp),
		.s_axi_rlast(s_axi_rlast),	.s_axi_rvalid(s_axi_rvalid),
	wbm2axisp	#( 
			.AW(AW), .DW(DW)
				// .i_reset(i_rst), // internally unused
				// Write address channel signals
				.o_axi_awid(	s_axi_awid), 
				.o_axi_awaddr(	s_axi_awaddr), 
				.o_axi_awlen(	s_axi_awlen), 
				.o_axi_awsize(	s_axi_awsize), 
				.o_axi_awburst(	s_axi_awburst), 
				.o_axi_awlock(	s_axi_awlock), 
				.o_axi_awcache(	s_axi_awcache), 
				.o_axi_awprot(	s_axi_awprot),  // s_axi_awqos
				.o_axi_awqos(	s_axi_awqos),  // s_axi_awqos
				.o_axi_awvalid(	s_axi_awvalid), 
				.i_axi_awready(	s_axi_awready), 
				.i_axi_wready(	s_axi_wready),
				.o_axi_wdata(	s_axi_wdata),
				.o_axi_wstrb(	s_axi_wstrb),
				.o_axi_wlast(	s_axi_wlast),
				.o_axi_wvalid(	s_axi_wvalid),
				.o_axi_bready(	s_axi_bready),
				.i_axi_bid(	s_axi_bid),
				.i_axi_bresp(	s_axi_bresp),
				.i_axi_bvalid(	s_axi_bvalid),
				.i_axi_arready(	s_axi_arready),
				.o_axi_arid(	s_axi_arid),
				.o_axi_araddr(	s_axi_araddr),
				.o_axi_arlen(	s_axi_arlen),
				.o_axi_arsize(	s_axi_arsize),
				.o_axi_arburst(	s_axi_arburst),
				.o_axi_arlock(	s_axi_arlock),
				.o_axi_arcache(	s_axi_arcache),
				.o_axi_arprot(	s_axi_arprot),
				.o_axi_arqos(	s_axi_arqos),
				.o_axi_arvalid(	s_axi_arvalid),
				.o_axi_rready(	s_axi_rready),
				.i_axi_rid(	s_axi_rid),
				.i_axi_rdata(	s_axi_rdata),
				.i_axi_rresp(	s_axi_rresp),
				.i_axi_rlast(	s_axi_rlast),
				.i_axi_rvalid(	s_axi_rvalid),
				.i_wb_cyc(	i_wb_cyc),
				.i_wb_stb(	i_wb_stb),
				.i_wb_we(	i_wb_we),
				.i_wb_addr(	i_wb_addr),
				.i_wb_data(	i_wb_data),
				.i_wb_sel(	i_wb_sel),
				.o_wb_ack(	o_wb_ack),
				.o_wb_stall(	o_wb_stall),
				.o_wb_data(	o_wb_data),
				.o_wb_err(	o_wb_err)
	// Convert from active low to active high, *and* hold the system in
	// reset until the memory comes up.	
	initial	o_sys_reset = 1'b1;
	always @(posedge o_sys_clk)
		o_sys_reset <= (!w_sys_reset)
	BUFG	sysclk(i_clk, o_sys_clk);
	initial	o_sys_reset <= 1'b1;
	always	@(posedge i_clk)
		o_sys_reset <= 1'b1;
	OBUFDS ckobuf(.I(i_clk), .O(o_ddr_ck_p), .OB(o_ddr_ck_n));
	assign	o_ddr_reset_n	= 1'b0;
	assign	o_ddr_cke[0]	= 1'b0;
	assign	o_ddr_cs_n[0]	= 1'b1;
	assign	o_ddr_cas_n	= 1'b1;
	assign	o_ddr_ras_n	= 1'b1;
	assign	o_ddr_we_n	= 1'b1;
	assign	o_ddr_ba	= 3'h0;
	assign	o_ddr_addr	= 14'h00;
	assign	o_ddr_dm	= 2'b00;
	assign	io_ddr_data	= 16'h0;
	OBUFDS	dqsbufa(.I(i_clk), .O(io_ddr_dqs_p[1]), .OB(io_ddr_dqs_n[1]));
	OBUFDS	dqsbufb(.I(i_clk), .O(io_ddr_dqs_p[0]), .OB(io_ddr_dqs_n[0]));

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