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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// tb_lpc_top.v //// //// //// //// This file is part of the Wishbone LPC Bridge project //// //// http://www.opencores.org/projects/wb_lpc/ //// //// //// //// Author: //// //// - Howard M. Harte (hharte@opencores.org) //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2008 Howard M. Harte //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// //// //// //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// //// later version. //// //// //// //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// //// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// //// details. //// //// //// //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// //// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `timescale 1 ns / 1 ns `include "../../rtl/verilog/wb_lpc_defines.v" // Define Module for Test Fixture module wb_lpc_master_bench(); // LPC Host Inputs reg clk_i; reg nrst_i; reg [31:0] wbs_adr_i; reg [31:0] wbs_dat_i; reg [3:0] wbs_sel_i; reg [1:0] wbs_tga_i; reg wbs_we_i; reg wbs_stb_i; reg wbs_cyc_i; wire [3:0] lad_i; reg [2:0] dma_chan_i; reg dma_tc_i; // LPC Host Outputs wire [31:0] wbs_dat_o; wire wbs_ack_o; wire wbs_err_o; wire lframe_o; wire [3:0] lad_o; wire lad_oe; // Bidirs wire [3:0] lad_bus; // LPC Peripheral Inputs wire [31:0] wbm_dat_i; wire wbm_ack_i; wire wbm_err_i; // LPC Peripheral Outputs wire [31:0] wbm_adr_o; wire [31:0] wbm_dat_o; wire [3:0] wbm_sel_o; wire [1:0] wbm_tga_o; wire wbm_we_o; wire wbm_stb_o; wire wbm_cyc_o; wire [2:0] dma_chan_o; wire dma_tc_o; wire [3:0] slave_lad_i; wire [3:0] slave_lad_o; reg dma_req_i; reg [7:0] regfile_ws; task Reset; begin nrst_i = 1; # 1000; nrst_i = 0; # 1000; nrst_i = 1; # 1000; end endtask task wb_write; input reg [31:0] adr_i; input reg [3:0] sel_i; input reg [31:0] dat_i; input reg expect_err; reg [7:0] wait_cnt; begin wbs_adr_i = adr_i; wbs_sel_i = sel_i; wbs_dat_i = dat_i; wbs_stb_i = 1'b1; wbs_cyc_i = 1'b1; wbs_we_i = 1'b1; wait_cnt = 0; while ((wbs_ack_o == 0) & (wait_cnt < 1000)) begin wait_cnt = wait_cnt+1; # 100; end if(wait_cnt == 1000) begin $display($time, " Error, wb_w[%x/%x]: timeout waiting for ack", adr_i, dat_i); $stop(1); end if(expect_err != wbs_err_o) begin $display($time, " Error: wb_w[%x/%x]: wb_err_o is %d, expected %d", adr_i, dat_i, wbs_err_o, expect_err); $stop(1); end wbs_stb_i = 1'b0; wbs_cyc_i = 1'b0; wbs_we_i = 1'b0; wait_cnt = 0; while ((wbs_ack_o == 1) & (wait_cnt < 100)) begin wait_cnt = wait_cnt+1; # 100; end if(wait_cnt == 100) begin $display($time, " Error, wb_w[%x]: timeout waiting for ack to go away", adr_i); $stop(1); end end endtask task wb_read; input reg [31:0] adr_i; input reg [3:0] sel_i; input reg [31:0] dat_i; input reg expect_err; reg [7:0] wait_cnt; begin wbs_adr_i = adr_i; wbs_sel_i = sel_i; wbs_dat_i = 32'h0; wbs_stb_i = 1'b1; wbs_cyc_i = 1'b1; wbs_we_i = 1'b0; wait_cnt = 0; while ((wbs_ack_o == 0) & (wait_cnt < 1000)) begin wait_cnt = wait_cnt+1; # 100; end if(wait_cnt == 1000) begin $display($time, " Error, wb_r[%x]: timeout waiting for ack", adr_i); $stop(1); end wbs_stb_i = 1'b0; wbs_cyc_i = 1'b0; if(expect_err != wbs_err_o) begin $display($time, " Error: wb_r[%x/%x]: wb_err_o is %d, expected %d", adr_i, dat_i, wbs_err_o, expect_err); $stop(1); end if(wbs_err_o == 0) begin if(dat_i != wbs_dat_o) begin $display($time, " Error, wb_r[%x]: expected %x, got %x", adr_i, dat_i, wbs_dat_o); $stop(1); end end wait_cnt = 0; while ((wbs_ack_o == 1) & (wait_cnt < 100)) begin wait_cnt = wait_cnt+1; # 100; end if(wait_cnt == 100) begin $display($time, " Error, wb_r[%x]: timeout waiting for ack to go away", adr_i); $stop(1); end end endtask always begin #50 clk_i = 0; #50 clk_i = 1; end // Instantiate the UUT wb_lpc_host UUT_Host ( .clk_i(clk_i), .nrst_i(nrst_i), .wbs_adr_i(wbs_adr_i), .wbs_dat_o(wbs_dat_o), .wbs_dat_i(wbs_dat_i), .wbs_sel_i(wbs_sel_i), .wbs_tga_i(wbs_tga_i), .wbs_we_i(wbs_we_i), .wbs_stb_i(wbs_stb_i), .wbs_cyc_i(wbs_cyc_i), .wbs_ack_o(wbs_ack_o), .wbs_err_o(wbs_err_o), .dma_chan_i(dma_chan_i), .dma_tc_i(dma_tc_i), .lframe_o(lframe_o), .lad_i(lad_i), .lad_o(lad_o), .lad_oe(lad_oe) ); // Instantiate the module wb_lpc_periph UUT_Periph ( .clk_i(clk_i), .nrst_i(nrst_i), .wbm_adr_o(wbm_adr_o), .wbm_dat_o(wbm_dat_o), .wbm_dat_i(wbm_dat_i), .wbm_sel_o(wbm_sel_o), .wbm_tga_o(wbm_tga_o), .wbm_we_o(wbm_we_o), .wbm_stb_o(wbm_stb_o), .wbm_cyc_o(wbm_cyc_o), .wbm_ack_i(wbm_ack_i), .wbm_err_i(wbm_err_i), .dma_chan_o(dma_chan_o), .dma_tc_o(dma_tc_o), .lframe_i(lframe_o), .lad_i(slave_lad_i), .lad_o(slave_lad_o), .lad_oe(slave_lad_oe) ); wire ldrq_o; wire [2:0] master_dma_chan_o; wire master_dma_req_o; // Instantiate the module wb_dreq_periph UUT_DREQ_Periph ( .clk_i(clk_i), .nrst_i(nrst_i), .dma_chan_i(dma_chan_i), .dma_req_i(dma_req_i), .ldrq_o(ldrq_o) ); // Instantiate the module wb_dreq_host UUT_DREQ_Host ( .clk_i(clk_i), .nrst_i(nrst_i), .dma_chan_o(master_dma_chan_o), .dma_req_o(master_dma_req_o), .ldrq_i(ldrq_o) ); wire [31:0] datareg0; wire [31:0] datareg1; // Instantiate the module wb_regfile regfile ( .clk_i(clk_i), .nrst_i(nrst_i), .wb_adr_i(dma_chan_i == 2 ? 32'h00000008 : wbm_adr_o), .wb_dat_o(wbm_dat_i), .wb_dat_i(wbm_dat_o), .wb_sel_i(wbm_sel_o), .wb_we_i(wbm_we_o), .wb_stb_i(wbm_stb_o), .wb_cyc_i(wbm_cyc_o), .wb_ack_o(wbm_ack_i), .wb_err_o(wbm_err_i), .ws_i(regfile_ws), .datareg0(datareg0), .datareg1(datareg1) ); assign lad_bus = lad_oe ? lad_o : (slave_lad_oe ? slave_lad_o : 4'bzzzz); assign lad_i = lad_bus; assign slave_lad_i = lad_bus; // Initialize Inputs initial begin // $monitor("Time: %d clk_i=%b", // $time, clk_i); clk_i = 0; nrst_i = 1; wbs_adr_i = 0; wbs_dat_i = 0; wbs_sel_i = 0; wbs_tga_i = `WB_TGA_IO; wbs_we_i = 0; wbs_stb_i = 0; wbs_cyc_i = 0; dma_chan_i = 3'b0; dma_tc_i = 0; dma_req_i = 0; regfile_ws = 8'h0; // Number of wait-states (0-255) Reset(); $display($time, " * * * Using %d peripheral-side wait-states for this test.", regfile_ws); wbs_tga_i = `WB_TGA_IO; $display($time, " Testing LPC I/O Accesses"); wb_write(32'h00000000, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'h00000012, 0); wb_write(32'h00000001, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'h00000034, 0); wb_write(32'h00000002, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'h00000056, 0); wb_write(32'h00000003, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'h00000078, 0); wb_write(32'h00000004, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'h0000009a, 0); wb_write(32'h00000005, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'h000000bc, 0); wb_write(32'h00000006, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'h000000de, 0); wb_write(32'h00000007, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'h000000f0, 0); wb_read(32'h00000000, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXX12, 0); wb_read(32'h00000001, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXX34, 0); wb_read(32'h00000002, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXX56, 0); wb_read(32'h00000003, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXX78, 0); wb_read(32'h00000004, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXX9a, 0); wb_read(32'h00000005, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXXbc, 0); wb_read(32'h00000006, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXXde, 0); wb_read(32'h00000007, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXXf0, 0); wbs_tga_i = `WB_TGA_MEM; $display($time, " Testing LPC MEM Accesses"); wb_write(32'h00000000, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'h00000012, 0); wb_write(32'h00000001, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'h00000034, 0); wb_write(32'h00000002, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'h00000056, 0); wb_write(32'h00000003, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'h00000078, 0); wb_write(32'h00000004, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'h0000009a, 0); wb_write(32'h00000005, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'h000000bc, 0); wb_write(32'h00000006, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'h000000de, 0); wb_write(32'h00000007, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'h000000f0, 0); wb_read(32'h00000000, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXX12, 0); wb_read(32'h00000001, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXX34, 0); wb_read(32'h00000002, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXX56, 0); wb_read(32'h00000003, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXX78, 0); wb_read(32'h00000004, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXX9a, 0); wb_read(32'h00000005, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXXbc, 0); wb_read(32'h00000006, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXXde, 0); wb_read(32'h00000007, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXXf0, 0); wbs_tga_i = `WB_TGA_DMA; $display($time, " Testing LPC DMA BYTE Accesses"); dma_chan_i = 3'h1; wb_write(32'h00000000, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXX21, 0); wb_read(32'h00000000, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXX21, 0); $display($time, " Testing LPC DMA SHORT Accesses"); dma_chan_i = 3'h3; wb_write(32'h00000000, `WB_SEL_SHORT, 32'hXXXX6543, 0); wb_read(32'h00000000, `WB_SEL_SHORT, 32'hXXXX6543, 0); $display($time, " Testing LPC DMA WORD Accesses"); dma_chan_i = 3'h7; wb_write(32'h00000000, `WB_SEL_WORD, 32'hedcba987, 0); wb_read(32'h00000000, `WB_SEL_WORD, 32'hedcba987, 0); dma_chan_i = 3'h0; wbs_tga_i = `WB_TGA_FW; $display($time, " Testing LPC Firmwre BYTE Accesses"); wb_write(32'h00000000, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXX12, 0); wb_read(32'h00000000, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXX12, 0); $display($time, " Testing LPC Firmware SHORT Accesses"); wb_write(32'h00000000, `WB_SEL_SHORT, 32'hXXXX3456, 0); wb_read(32'h00000000, `WB_SEL_SHORT, 32'hXXXX3456, 0); $display($time, " Testing LPC Firmware WORD Accesses"); wb_write(32'h00000000, `WB_SEL_WORD, 32'h789abcde, 0); wb_read(32'h00000000, `WB_SEL_WORD, 32'h789abcde, 0); dma_chan_i = 3'h0; // Test Wishbone transfers that complete with an error. // This should abort the LPC access in progress and return // a Wishbone error at the host. Note that Wishbone will // detect the bus error when the wishbone master on the // LPC peripheral attempts the Wishbone transfer. For LPC // reads (peripheral to host,) this will be during the // first byte of the LPC transfer. For LPC writes (host // to peripheral,) the Wishbone cycle is initiated when // the last byte of the LPC access is transferred. wbs_tga_i = `WB_TGA_IO; $display($time, " Testing LPC I/O Accesses (with Wishbone error)"); wb_write(32'h00000008, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'h00000012, 1); wb_read(32'h00000008, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXX12, 1); wbs_tga_i = `WB_TGA_MEM; $display($time, " Testing LPC MEM Accesses (with Wishbone error)"); wb_write(32'h00000008, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'h00000012, 1); wb_read(32'h00000008, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXX12, 1); wbs_tga_i = `WB_TGA_DMA; $display($time, " Testing LPC DMA BYTE Accesses (with Wishbone error)"); // DMA channel 2 is a special case, using this channel will cause an // error on the Wishbone backplane. dma_chan_i = 3'h2; wb_write(32'h00000008, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXX21, 1); wb_read(32'h00000008, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXX21, 1); $display($time, " Testing LPC DMA SHORT Accesses (with Wishbone error)"); dma_chan_i = 3'h2; wb_write(32'h00000008, `WB_SEL_SHORT, 32'hXXXX6543, 1); wb_read(32'h00000008, `WB_SEL_SHORT, 32'hXXXX6543, 1); $display($time, " Testing LPC DMA WORD Accesses (with Wishbone error)"); dma_chan_i = 3'h2; wb_write(32'h00000008, `WB_SEL_WORD, 32'hedcba987, 1); wb_read(32'h00000008, `WB_SEL_WORD, 32'hedcba987, 1); dma_chan_i = 3'h0; wbs_tga_i = `WB_TGA_FW; // Firmware accesses cannot generate an error, according to the LPC spec; // however, the wishbone write will fail, so the subsequent read // will return bad data, so we just don't check the read data. $display($time, " Testing LPC Firmwre BYTE Accesses (with Wishbone error)"); wb_write(32'h00000008, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXX12, 0); wb_read(32'h00000008, `WB_SEL_BYTE, 32'hXXXXXXXX, 0); $display($time, " Testing LPC Firmware SHORT Accesses (with Wishbone error)"); wb_write(32'h00000008, `WB_SEL_SHORT, 32'hXXXX3456, 0); wb_read(32'h00000008, `WB_SEL_SHORT, 32'hXXXXXXXX, 0); $display($time, " Testing LPC Firmware WORD Accesses (with Wishbone error)"); wb_write(32'h00000008, `WB_SEL_WORD, 32'h789abcde, 0); wb_read(32'h00000008, `WB_SEL_WORD, 32'hXXXXXXXX, 0); $display($time, " Simulation passed"); $stop(1); end endmodule // wb_lpc_master_tf
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