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[/] [wdsp/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [vhdl/] [WISHBONE_FFT/] [fft_core_pipeline1.vhd] - Rev 11
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-- N point FFT -- Uses R2^2SDF algorithm -- -- Generics used: -- N - number of points taken - powers of 2 only, ranging f 8 to 1024 points. -- input_ width - bit width of the input vector -- twiddle width - width of the twiddle factors stored in the ROM -- add_g - Adder growth - Adders grow 0 or 1 bits each time they are used -- Exculdes adders in the complex multiplier (that is handled by mult_g) -- mult_g - multiplier growth - 0 to twiddle_width+ 1 - Growth during the complex -- multiplier stages -- -- Width of output vector is as follows (num_stages=log2(N): -- N width -- 8,16 input_width + (num_stages * add_g) + mult_g -- 32,64 input_width + (num_ stages * add_g) + 2*mult_g -- 128,256 input_width + (num_stage s * add_g) + 3*mult_g -- 512,1024 input_width + (num_stages * add_g) + 4*mult_g -- -- Due to the way this system was made parameterizable, there are many signals -- that will remain unconnected. This is normal. -- -- Default generics are for a simple 64 point FFT -- Each stage with complex multiplier introduces a 1/2 gain --Changes made by Alex-Parrado to the original version of Adam Robert Miller --Pipeline registers and clock enables, have been added. Clock frequency above of 100 MHz for all FFT sizes --Synchronous ROMs for proper RAM block inferring. MATLAB scripts have been modified. LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL; --USE ieee.std_logic_arith.ALL; use ieee.math_real.all; use work.fft_pkg .all; entity fft_core_pipeline1 is generic ( input_width : integer :=16; twiddle_width : integer :=16; N : integer :=1024; add_g : integer:=0;--1; --Either 0 or 1 only. mult_g : integer:=0--9 --Can be any number from 0 to twiddle_width+1 ); port ( clock : in std_logic; resetn : in std_logic; enable : in std_logic; clear : in std_logic; enable_out: out std_logic; frame_ready: out std_logic; index : out std_logic_vector(integer(ceil(log2(real((N)))))-1 downto 0); xin_r : in std_logic_vector(input_width-1 downto 0); xin_i : in std_logic_vector(input_width-1 downto 0); Xout_r : out std_logic_vector (input_width+((integer(ceil(log2(real((N)))))-1)/2)*mult_g+integer(ceil(log2(real((N)))))*add_g-1 downto 0); Xout_i : out std_logic_vector (input_width+((integer(ceil(log2(real((N)))))-1)/2)*mult_g+integer(ceil(log2(real((N)))))*add_g-1 downto 0) ); end fft_core_pipeline1; architecture structure of fft_core_pipeline1 is --Signal declarations constant num_stages: integer :=integer(ceil(log2(real((N))))); signal control: std_logic_vector(num_stages-1 downto 0); signal bit_reverse_index: std_logic_vector(num_stages-1 downto 0); type stage_array is array (1 to num_stages-1) of std_logic_vector(input_width+(num_stages*add_g)+(((num_stages-1)/2)*mult_g)-1 downto 0); signal stoscon_r: stage_array; signal stoscon_i: stage_array; type rom_array is array (1 to (num_stages-1)/2) of std_logic_vector(twiddle_width-1 downto 0); signal rtoscon_r: rom_array; signal rtoscon_i: rom_array; type enables_array is array (0 to num_stages+1) of std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); signal enables: enables_array; type counter_registers_array is array (0 to num_stages+1) of std_logic_vector(num_stages-1 downto 0); signal counter_registers: counter_registers_array; -- signal xin_r_reg : std_logic_vector(input_width-1 downto 0); signal xin_i_reg : std_logic_vector(input_width-1 downto 0); signal t_ff: std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); signal en_t_ff:std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); signal clear_t_ff:std_logic; --component declarations component counterhle generic (width : integer); port ( clock : in std_logic; resetn : in std_logic; enable : in std_logic; clear : in std_logic; countout : out std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0) ); end component; component rom1 generic ( data_width : integer; address_width : integer); port ( clk: in std_logic; address: IN std_logic_vector (address_width-1 DOWNTO 0); datar : OUT std_logic_vector (data_width-1 DOWNTO 0); datai : OUT std_logic_vector (data_width-1 DOWNTO 0) ); end component; component rom2 generic ( data_width : integer; address_width : integer); port ( clk: in std_logic; address : IN std_logic_vector (address_width-1 DOWNTO 0); datar : OUT std_logic_vector (data_width-1 DOWNTO 0); datai : OUT std_logic_vector (data_width-1 DOWNTO 0) ); end component; component rom3 generic ( data_width : integer; address_width : integer); port ( clk: in std_logic; address : IN std_logic_vector (address_width-1 DOWNTO 0); datar : OUT std_logic_vector (data_width-1 DOWNTO 0); datai : OUT std_logic_vector (data_width-1 DOWNTO 0) ); end component; component rom4 generic ( data_width : integer; address_width : integer); port ( clk: in std_logic; address : IN std_logic_vector (address_width-1 DOWNTO 0); datar : OUT std_logic_vector (data_width-1 DOWNTO 0); datai : OUT std_logic_vector (data_width-1 DOWNTO 0) ); end component; component stage_I generic ( data_width : INTEGER; add_g : INTEGER; shift_stages : INTEGER); port ( prvs_r :in std_logic_vector(data_width-1-add_g downto 0); prvs_i :in std_logic_vector(data_width-1-add_g downto 0); s :in std_logic; clock : in std_logic; enable: in std_logic; resetn : in std_logic; tonext_r :out std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0); tonext_i :out std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0)); end component; component stage_II generic ( data_width : INTEGER; add_g : INTEGER; mult_g : INTEGER; twiddle_width : INTEGER; shift_stages : INTEGER ); port ( prvs_r :in std_logic_vector(data_width-1-add_g downto 0); prvs_i :in std_logic_vector(data_width-1-add_g downto 0) ; t :in std_logic; s :in std_logic; clock : in std_logic; enable: in std_logic; resetn : in std_logic; fromrom_r :in std_logic_vector (twiddle_width-1 downto 0) ; fromrom_i :in std_logic_vector(twiddle_width-1 downto 0); tonext_r :out std_logic_vector(data_width+mult_g-1 downto 0); tonext_i :out std_logic_vector(data_width+mult_g-1 downto 0)); end component; component stage_I_last generic ( data_width : INTEGER; add_g : INTEGER ); port ( prvs_r :in std_logic_vector(data_width-1-add_g downto 0); prvs_i :in std_logic_vector(data_width-1-add_g downto 0); s :in std_logic; clock : in std_logic; resetn : in std_logic; enable: in std_logic; tonext_r :out std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0); tonext_i :out std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0)); end component; component stage_II_last generic ( data_width : INTEGER; add_g : INTEGER ); port ( prvs_r :in std_logic_vector(data_width-1-add_g downto 0); prvs_i :in std_logic_vector(data_width-1-add_g downto 0); t :in std_logic; s :in std_logic; clock : in std_logic; enable: in std_logic; resetn : in std_logic; tonext_r :out std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0); tonext_i :out std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0)); end component; component shiftreg1 generic ( data_width : integer ); port ( clock : IN std_logic; enable: in std_logic; clear: in std_logic; read_data : OUT std_logic_vector (data_width-1 DOWNTO 0); write_data : IN std_logic_vector (data_width-1 DOWNTO 0); resetn : IN std_logic ); end component; begin controller : component counterhle generic map ( width=>num_stages ) port map ( clock=>clock, resetn=>resetn, clear => clear, enable=>enable, countout=>control ); -- Counter, pipeline registers counter_registers(0)<=control; forcounterregs: for i in 0 to num_stages generate counterregi: shiftreg1 generic map( data_width=>num_stages ) port map ( clock=>clock, enable=>'1', clear => clear, read_data=>counter_registers(i+1), write_data=>counter_registers(i), resetn=>resetn ); end generate; --Enable, pipeline registers enables(0)(0)<=enable; forenablesregs: for i in 0 to num_stages generate enableregi: shiftreg1 generic map( data_width=>1 ) port map ( clock=>clock, enable=>'1', clear => clear, read_data=>enables(i+1), write_data=>enables(i), resetn=>resetn ); end generate; --Input registers reginputr: shiftreg1 generic map( data_width=>input_width ) port map ( clock=>clock, enable=>'1', clear => '0', read_data=>xin_r_reg, write_data=>xin_r, resetn=>resetn ); reginputi: shiftreg1 generic map( data_width=>input_width ) port map ( clock=>clock, enable=>'1', clear => '0', read_data=>xin_i_reg, write_data=>xin_i, resetn=>resetn ); stages : for i in 1 to num_stages generate -- constan ity : in r :=i rem 2; t par tege -- constant shift_stages : integer := 2**(num_stages - i); -- consta nt rom_loc : integer :=i/2; -- constant data_width : integer :=input_width + (i*add_g) + (((i-1)/2)*mult_g); -- constant s: integer : =(num_stages-i); -- constant t : integer :=(num_stages-i+1); initial_stage: if i=1 generate initial_stage_I : component stage_I generic map ( data_width=>input_width + (i*add_g)+(((i-1)/2)*mult_g), add_g=>add_g, shift_stages=>2**(num_stages - i)) port map ( prvs_r=>xin_r_reg,prvs_i=>xin_i_reg,s=>counter_registers(i)((num_stages-i)), clock=>clock, enable=>enables(i)(0), resetn=>resetn, tonext_r=>stoscon_r(i)(input_width+(i*add_g) + (( (i-1)/2)*mult_g)-1 downto 0), tonext_i=>stoscon_i(i)(input_width+ (i*add_g) + (( (i-1)/2)*mult_g)-1 downto 0)); end generate initial_stage; even_stages: if ((i rem 2)=0) and (i/=num_stages) generate inner_stage_II : component stage_II generic map ( data_width=>input_width + (i*add_g) + (((i-1)/2)*mult_g), add_g=>add_g,mult_g=>mult_g, twiddle_width=>twiddle_width, shift_stages=>2**(num_stages - i) ) port map ( prvs_r=>stoscon_r(i-1)(input_width + (i*add_g) + (((i -1)/2)*mult_g)-1-add_g downto 0), prvs_i=>stoscon_i(i-1)(input_width + (i*add_g) + (((i-1)/2)*mult_g)-1-add_g downto 0), t=>counter_registers(i)((num_stages-i+1)), s=>counter_registers(i)((num_stages-i)),clock=>clock,resetn=>resetn, enable=>enables(i)(0), fromrom_r=>rtoscon_r(i/2),fromrom_i=>rtoscon_i(i/2), tonext_r=>stoscon_r(i)(input_width + (i*add_g) + (((i-1)/2)*mult_g)+mult_g-1 downto 0), tonext_i=>stoscon_i(i)(input_width + (i*add_g) + (((i-1)/2)*mult_g)+mult_g-1 downto 0) ); first_rom: if (i/2)=1 generate rom_1 : component rom1 generic map ( data_width=>twiddle_width, address_width=>(num_stages-i+1)+1 ) port map ( clk=>clock, address=>counter_registers(i-1)((num_stages-i+1) downto 0 ), datar=>rtoscon_r(i/2),datai=>rtoscon_i(i/2)); end generate first_rom; second_rom: if (i/2)=2 generate rom_2 : component rom2 generic map ( data_width=>twiddle_width, address_width=>(num_stages-i+1)+1 ) port map ( clk=>clock, address=>counter_registers(i-1)((num_stages-i+1 ) downto 0), datar=>rtoscon_r(i/2),datai=>rtoscon_i(i/2) ); end generate second_rom; third_rom: if (i/2)=3 generate rom_3 : component rom3 generic map ( data_width =>twiddle_width, address_width=>(num_stages-i+1)+1 ) port map ( clk=>clock, address=>counter_registers(i-1)((num_stages-i+1) downto 0), datar=>rtoscon_r(i/2),datai=>rtoscon_i(i/2) ); end generate third_rom; fourth_rom: if (i/2)=4 generate rom_4 : component rom4 generic map ( data_width=>twiddle_width, address_width=>(num_stages-i+1)+1 ) port map ( clk=>clock, address=>counter_registers(i-1)((num_stages-i+1) downto 0), datar=>rtoscon_r(i/2),datai=>rtoscon_i(i/2) ); end generate fourth_rom; end generate even_stages; odd_stages: if (((i rem 2)=1) and (i/=num_stages)) and (i/=1) generate inner_stage_I : component stage_I generic map ( data_width=>input_width + (i*add_g) + (((i-1)/2)*mult_g), add_g=>add_g, shift_stages=>2**(num_stages - i) ) port map ( prvs_r=>stoscon_r(i-1)(input_width + (i*add_g) + (((i-1)/2)*mult_g)-1-add_g downto 0), prvs_i=>stoscon_i(i-1)(input_width + (i*add_g) + (((i-1)/2)*mult_g)-1-add_g downto 0), s=>counter_registers(i)( (num_stages-i)), enable=>enables(i)(0), clock=>clock, resetn=>resetn, tonext_r=>stoscon_r(i)(input_width+ (i*add_g) + ( ((i -1)/2)*mult_g)-1 downto 0), tonext_i=>stoscon_i(i)(input_width + (i*add_g) + ( ((i- 1)/2)*mult_g)-1 downto 0) ); end generate odd_stages; end_on_even: if (i=num_stages) and ((i rem 2)=0) generate last_stage_II : component stage_II_last generic map ( data_width=>input_width + (i*add_g) + (((i-1)/2)*mult_g), add_g=>add_g ) port map ( prvs_r=>stoscon_r(i-1)(input_width + (i*add_g) + (((i-1)/2)*mult_g)-1-add_g downto 0), prvs_i=>stoscon_i(i-1)(input_width + (i*add_g) + (((i-1)/2)*mult_g)-1-add_g downto 0), t=>counter_registers(i)((num_stages-i+1)), s=>counter_registers(i)((num_stages-i)),clock=>clock , resetn=>resetn, enable=>enables(i)(0), tonext_r=>Xout_r, tonext_i=>Xout_i ); end generate end_on_even; end_on_odd: if (i=num_stages) and ((i rem 2)=1) generate last_stage_I : component stage_I_last generic map ( data_width=>input_width + (i*add_g) + (((i-1)/2)*mult_g), add_g=>add_g ) port map ( prvs_r=>stoscon_r(i-1)(input_width + (i*add_g) + (((i-1)/2)*mult_g)-1-add_g downto 0), prvs_i=>stoscon_i(i-1)(input_width + (i*add_g) + (((i-1)/2)*mult_g)-1-add_g downto 0), s=>counter_registers(i)( (num_stages-i)), clock=>clock, enable=>enables(i)(0), resetn=>resetn, tonext_r=>Xout_r, tonext_i=>Xout_i ); end generate end_on_odd; end generate stages; --Frequency bin with bit reversal bit_reverse_index<=std_logic_vector(unsigned(counter_registers(num_stages+1))+1); bit_reverse: for i in 0 to num_stages-1 generate index(i)<=bit_reverse_index(num_stages-1-i); end generate; --T flip-flop for enable_out generation control tff: shiftreg1 generic map( data_width=>1 ) port map ( clock=>clock, enable=>((en_t_ff(0) or clear_t_Ff) and enables(num_stages)(0)) or clear, clear => clear or clear_t_ff, read_data=>t_ff, write_data=>en_t_ff, resetn=>resetn ); en_t_ff(0)<= '1' when (unsigned(counter_registers(num_stages+1))=(N-1)) else '0'; clear_t_ff <= '1' when (unsigned(counter_registers(num_stages+1))=(N-1) and t_ff(0)='1') else '0'; --Enable out includes pipeline latency enable_out<=enables(num_stages+1)(0) when (t_ff="1") else '0' ; --Frame ready, falling edge detector process(resetn,clock) variable detect : std_ulogic_vector (1 downto 0); begin if resetn ='0' then detect := "00"; elsif rising_edge(clock) then if (clear ='1') then frame_ready<='0'; else detect(1) := detect(0); -- record last value of sync in detect(1) detect(0) := t_ff(0) ; --record current sync in detect(0) if detect = "01" then -- rising_edge frame_ready<='0'; elsif detect = "10" then --falling_edge frame_ready<='1'; end if; end if; end if; end process; end;
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