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[/] [wdsp/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [vhdl/] [WISHBONE_FFT/] [interface_slave_fft.vhd] - Rev 11
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library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use ieee.math_real.all; --use work.fft_pkg.all; entity interface_slave_fft is generic( N: integer:=1024; data_wordwidth: integer:=32; adress_wordwidth: integer:=32; reg_control:integer:=0; reg_data:integer:=4; reg_status:integer:=8; reg_memory:integer:=12 ); port( ACK_O: out std_logic;--to MASTER ADR_I: in std_logic_vector( adress_wordwidth-1 downto 0 ); ADR_FFT: in std_logic_vector( integer(ceil(log2(real(N))))-1 downto 0 ); DAT_I: in std_logic_vector( data_wordwidth-1 downto 0 );--from MASTER sDAT_I: in std_logic_vector( data_wordwidth-1 downto 0 );--from SLAVE DAT_O: out std_logic_vector( data_wordwidth-1 downto 0 );--to MASTER sDAT_O: out std_logic_vector( data_wordwidth-1 downto 0 );--to SLAVE STB_I: in std_logic;--from MASTER WE_I: in std_logic;--from MASTER FFT_finish_in: in std_logic;--from SLAVE FFT_enable: out std_logic;--to SLAVE enable_in: in std_logic;--from SLAVE clear_out: out std_logic;--to SLAVE clk: in std_logic ); end entity; architecture RTL of interface_slave_fft is component ramsita IS PORT ( address : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (9 DOWNTO 0); clock : IN STD_LOGIC := '1'; data : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 DOWNTO 0); wren : IN STD_LOGIC ; q : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 DOWNTO 0) ); END component; component RAM_Memory is generic( Add_WordWidth: integer; Data_WordWidth: integer ); port( DATi: in std_logic_vector( Data_WordWidth-1 downto 0 ); DATo: out std_logic_vector( Data_WordWidth-1 downto 0 ); ADR_WB: in std_logic_vector( Add_WordWidth-1 downto 0 ); ADR_FFT: in std_logic_vector( Add_WordWidth-1 downto 0 ); W_R: in std_logic; clk: in std_logic ); end component; signal OUT_AUX,OUT_AUX1, ZERO: std_logic_vector( Data_wordwidth-1 downto 0 ); signal ADD_aux:std_logic_vector( integer(ceil(log2(real((N+3)*4))))-1 downto 0 ); signal ack_r, ack_w: std_logic; begin OUT_AUX<=DAT_I; ZERO<=std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(0,Data_wordwidth)); ACK_O<=ack_r or ack_w; --Reconocimiento de escritura sin estado de espera ack_w<= '1' when (STB_I='1' and WE_I='1') else '0'; --Reconocimiento de lectura con 1 estado de espera, caso RAM sincrona process(clk) begin if(rising_edge(clk)) then if(STB_I='1' and WE_I='0') then ack_r<='1'; else ack_r<='0'; end if; end if; end process; --Se elimina offset para direcciones de lectura de memoria RAM ADD_aux<=std_logic_vector(unsigned(ADR_I(integer(ceil(log2(real((N+3)*4))))-1 downto 0))-(reg_memory)); RAM: RAM_Memory generic map( Add_WordWidth=>integer(ceil(log2(real(N)))), Data_WordWidth=>Data_WordWidth ) port map( DATi=>sDAT_I, DATo=>OUT_AUX1, --Divide entre cuatro, direcciones alineadas cada 4 bytes ADR_WB=>ADD_aux(integer(ceil(log2(real((N)))))+1 downto 2), ADR_FFT=>ADR_FFT(integer(ceil(log2(real(N))))-1 downto 0), W_R=>enable_in, clk=>clk ); --Decodificador de escritura process(ADR_I,STB_I,WE_I,ZERO,OUT_AUX,OUT_AUX1,FFT_finish_in) begin if (WE_I='1' and STB_I='1') then--ESCRIBIR EN FFT case ADR_I(integer(ceil(log2(real((N+3)*4))))-1 downto 0) is when std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(Reg_control,integer(ceil(log2(real((N+3)*4)))))) => clear_out<='1'; FFT_enable<='1'; sDAT_O<=ZERO; when std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(Reg_data,integer(ceil(log2(real((N+3)*4))))))=> sDAT_O<=OUT_AUX; FFT_enable<='1'; clear_out<='0'; when OTHERS => sDAT_O<=ZERO; clear_out<='0'; FFT_enable<='0'; end case; else sDAT_O<=ZERO; clear_out<='0'; FFT_enable<='0'; end if; end process; --Decodificador de lectura process(ADR_I,STB_I,WE_I,ZERO,OUT_AUX,OUT_AUX1,FFT_finish_in) begin if (WE_I='0' and STB_I='1') then if ADR_I(integer(ceil(log2(real((N+3)*4))))-1 downto 0) = std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(Reg_status,integer(ceil(log2(real((N+3)*4)))))) then DAT_O(0)<=FFT_finish_in; DAT_O(Data_wordwidth-1 downto 1)<=ZERO(Data_wordwidth-1 downto 1); else DAT_O<=OUT_AUX1; end if; else DAT_O<=ZERO; end if; end process; end architecture;
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