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[/] [wdsp/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [vhdl/] [WISHBONE_IIR/] [SOS.vhd] - Rev 11
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library ieee; --library work; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; --Structure SOS entity SOS is generic (WordWidth:integer;--width signal of in/out Bit_growth:integer; NSECT:integer;--Cant of sections M:integer;--width word of coefs Q:integer--Q--Quantifer ); port( signal_input :in std_logic_vector(WordWidth+Bit_growth-1 downto 0); h0: in std_logic_vector((NSECT*M*6)-1 downto 0); gain: in std_logic_vector(M-1 downto 0); signal_output:out std_logic_vector(WordWidth+Bit_growth-1 downto 0); en_out : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); enable_out:out std_logic; clk,reset,clear,enable:in std_logic ); end entity; architecture RTL of SOS is --Filter Tworder component component Tworder is generic (WordWidth:integer;--:=16;--width signal of in/out Bit_growth:integer; M:integer;--:=16;--width word of coefs Q:integer--:=15--Quantifer ); port( signal_input :in std_logic_vector(WordWidth+Bit_growth-1 downto 0); a0,a1,a2,b0,b1,b2: in std_logic_vector(M-1 downto 0); signal_output:out std_logic_vector(WordWidth+Bit_growth-1 downto 0); clk,reset,clear,enable:in std_logic ); end component; --The fullregister component component fullregister is generic ( N: integer ); port ( clk : in std_logic; reset_n : in std_logic; enable : in std_logic; clear : in std_logic; d : in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); q : out std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0) ); end component; -- type output_aux is array(NSECT downto 0) of std_logic_vector(WordWidth+Bit_growth-1 downto 0); signal output,out_reg: output_aux; type gain_out_t is array(NSECT downto 0) of std_logic_vector(M+WordWidth+Bit_growth-1 downto 0); signal gain_out: gain_out_t; constant Nh: integer :=(NSECT*M*6); signal filter_coef:std_logic_vector(Nh-1 downto 0); signal signal_output_aux:std_logic_vector(WordWidth+Bit_growth-1 downto 0); --type aux_enable is array (0 to NSECT) of std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); type aux_enable is array (0 to 2*NSECT) of std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); signal enable_aux:aux_enable; begin filter_coef<=h0; myfilter: for k in NSECT-1 downto 0 generate filter: entity work.Tworder(typeIII) generic map( WordWidth=>WordWidth, Bit_growth=>Bit_growth, M=>M, Q=>Q ) port map( signal_input => out_reg(k), a2=>filter_coef((1*(M)+(k*(M)*6))-1 downto (k*(M)*6)), a1=>filter_coef((2*(M)+(k*(M)*6))-1 downto (1*(M)+(k*(M)*6))), a0=>filter_coef((3*(M)+(k*(M)*6))-1 downto (2*(M)+(k*(M)*6))), b2=>filter_coef((4*(M)+(k*(M)*6))-1 downto (3*(M)+(k*(M)*6))), b1=>filter_coef((5*(M)+(k*(M)*6))-1 downto (4*(M)+(k*(M)*6))), b0=>filter_coef((6*(M)+(k*(M)*6))-1 downto (5*(M)+(k*(M)*6))), signal_output => output(k), clk=>clk, reset=>reset, clear=>clear, enable=>enable_aux(k*2)(0) ); gain_out(k)<=std_logic_vector(signed(gain)*signed(output(k))); Reg_seg:fullregister generic map( N=>WordWidth+Bit_growth ) port map ( clk=>clk, reset_n=>reset, enable=>'1', clear=>clear, d=>gain_out(k)(WordWidth+Bit_growth-1+Q downto Q), q=>out_reg(k+1) ); end generate; myenables: for k in 0 to 2*NSECT-1 generate Reg_enables:fullregister generic map( N=>1 ) port map ( clk=>clk, reset_n=>reset, enable=>'1', clear=>clear, d=>enable_aux(k), q=>enable_aux(k+1) ); end generate; out_reg(0)<=signal_input; enable_aux(0)(0)<=enable; enable_out<=enable_aux(to_integer((2*(unsigned(en_out))+2)))(0); signal_output_aux <= gain_out(to_integer(unsigned(en_out)))(WordWidth+Bit_growth-1+Q downto Q); Reg_out:fullregister generic map( N=>WordWidth+Bit_growth ) port map ( clk=>clk, reset_n=>reset, enable=>'1', clear=>clear, d=>signal_output_aux, q=>signal_output ); end architecture;