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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (C) Copyright 2013 DFC Design, s.r.o., Brno, Czech Republic -- Author: Marek Kvas (m.kvas@dfcdesign.cz) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This file is part of UDP/IPv4 for 10 G Ethernet core. -- -- UDP/IPv4 for 10 G Ethernet core is free software: you can -- redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of -- the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- UDP/IPv4 for 10 G Ethernet core is distributed in the hope that -- it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even -- the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License -- for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License along with UDP/IPv4 for 10 G Ethernet core. If not, -- see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- First block of the receiver chain. It has XGMII as an input. -- Output is raw 64 bit data guaranteed to be aligned on the frame start and -- stripped of preamble and CRC, valid signal covering frame data, -- and byte enable signal that shall be used in case data amount is not -- 8 byte aligned. Another signal indicates either CRC error or line -- signalized error, in which case frame should be discarded. -- -- Byte enable signal is guaranteed to be all ones for whole frame except -- for the last word, in case packet length is not 8 byte integer divisible. -- -- This can work under assumption that minimum IPG in incoming stream is -- 4 bytes. This means when T is on L0-L4, S cannot be on L5-L7 of the same -- cycle and when T is on L5-L7 S cannot be on L0-L3 of the next cycle. Under -- this condition DV is always at leased one cycle deasserted between -- frames. -- -- RST must be asserted for 16 cycles to fully empty pipeline -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; Library UNISIM; use UNISIM.vcomponents.all; library work; use work.srl_pkg.all; entity frame_receiver is port ( RST : in std_logic; -- Sync to XGMII_RX_CLK -- XGMII RX input interface XGMII_RXCLK : in std_logic; XGMII_RXD : in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); XGMII_RXC : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- Output interface RX_DATA : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); RX_DV : out std_logic; RX_BE : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); RX_ERR : out std_logic; RX_ERR_VALID : out std_logic ); end entity; architecture synthesis of frame_receiver is -- Local constants constant LC_START_CHAR : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"FB"; constant LC_TERM_CHAR : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"FD"; constant LC_ERR_CHAR : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"FE"; -- Aligning block signal align_buf_data : std_logic_vector(XGMII_RXD'length-1 downto 0); signal align_res_data : std_logic_vector(XGMII_RXD'length-1 downto 0); signal align_res_data_d: std_logic_vector(XGMII_RXD'length-1 downto 0); signal align_buf_ctrl : std_logic_vector(XGMII_RXC'length-1 downto 0); signal align_res_ctrl : std_logic_vector(XGMII_RXC'length-1 downto 0); type align_mode_type is (S_L0, S_L4); signal align_mode : align_mode_type; signal crc_data_d : std_logic_vector(XGMII_RXD'length-1 downto 0); signal crc_data_dd : std_logic_vector(XGMII_RXD'length-1 downto 0); signal data_mask_d : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal data_mask_dd : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal crc_mask_dd : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal crc_dv_d : std_logic; signal crc_dv_dd : std_logic; signal crc_eop : std_logic; signal crc_eop_d : std_logic; signal crc_eop_dd : std_logic; signal data_valid : std_logic; signal data_valid_d : std_logic; signal sop_found : std_logic; signal sop_found_d : std_logic; signal extracted_crc : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal extracted_crc_eq : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal extracted_crc_n : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal data_err_valid : std_logic; signal data_err_valid_d : std_logic; signal data_err_valid_dd : std_logic; signal data_err_valid_reg : std_logic; signal data_err_valid_d_reg : std_logic; signal data_err_valid_dd_reg : std_logic; signal data_err : std_logic; signal data_err_d : std_logic; signal data_err_dd : std_logic; -- Internal versions of output signals signal rx_data_i : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); signal rx_dv_i : std_logic; signal rx_err_i : std_logic; signal rx_err_valid_i : std_logic; signal rx_be_i : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal data_err_eq_m1 : std_logic; -- crc connection signal crc32_result : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal crc32_result_n : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal crc_vld : std_logic; -- Returns true if there is a terminate command character in data function check_terminate_func(rxc : std_logic_vector; rxd : std_logic_vector) return boolean is variable res : boolean := false; begin if (rxd(7 downto 0) = LC_TERM_CHAR and rxc(0) = '1') or (rxd(15 downto 8) = LC_TERM_CHAR and rxc(1) = '1') or (rxd(23 downto 16) = LC_TERM_CHAR and rxc(2) = '1') or (rxd(31 downto 24) = LC_TERM_CHAR and rxc(3) = '1') or (rxd(39 downto 32) = LC_TERM_CHAR and rxc(4) = '1') or (rxd(47 downto 40) = LC_TERM_CHAR and rxc(5) = '1') or (rxd(55 downto 48) = LC_TERM_CHAR and rxc(6) = '1') or (rxd(63 downto 56) = LC_TERM_CHAR and rxc(7) = '1') then res := true; end if; return res; end function; -- Returns true if there is a error command character in data function check_err_func(rxc : std_logic_vector; rxd : std_logic_vector) return boolean is variable res : boolean := false; begin if (rxd(7 downto 0) = LC_ERR_CHAR and rxc(0) = '1') or (rxd(15 downto 8) = LC_ERR_CHAR and rxc(1) = '1') or (rxd(23 downto 16) = LC_ERR_CHAR and rxc(2) = '1') or (rxd(31 downto 24) = LC_ERR_CHAR and rxc(3) = '1') or (rxd(39 downto 32) = LC_ERR_CHAR and rxc(4) = '1') or (rxd(47 downto 40) = LC_ERR_CHAR and rxc(5) = '1') or (rxd(55 downto 48) = LC_ERR_CHAR and rxc(6) = '1') or (rxd(63 downto 56) = LC_ERR_CHAR and rxc(7) = '1') then res := true; end if; return res; end function; -- transform byte enables to crc mask function be_to_crc_mask_func(be : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is variable res : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); begin case be(7 downto 0) is when "00000000" => res := "000"; when "00000001" => res := "111"; when "00000011" => res := "110"; when "00000111" => res := "101"; when "00001111" => res := "100"; when "00011111" => res := "011"; when "00111111" => res := "010"; when "01111111" => res := "001"; when others => res := "000"; end case; return res; end function; function swap_bytes32_cut(i : std_logic_vector; idx : integer) return std_logic_vector is variable res : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); begin res(7 downto 0 ) := i(31 + idx*8 downto 24+ idx*8 ); res(15 downto 8 ) := i(23 + idx*8 downto 16+ idx*8 ); res(23 downto 16) := i(15 + idx*8 downto 8 + idx*8 ); res(31 downto 24) := i(7 + idx*8 downto 0 + idx*8 ); return res; end function; begin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Allign data if start is on Lane 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align_proc : process (XGMII_RXCLK) variable tmp : std_logic_vector(2*align_res_data'length - 1 downto 0); begin if rising_edge(XGMII_RXCLK) then tmp := align_res_data & align_res_data_d; rx_err_valid_i <= '0'; rx_err_i <= '0'; crc_eop <= '0'; sop_found <= '0'; -- First stage - directly connected to input if XGMII_RXC(0) = '1' and XGMII_RXD((0+1)*8-1 downto 0*8) = LC_START_CHAR then align_mode <= S_L0; sop_found <= '1'; data_err <= '0'; elsif XGMII_RXC(0) = '1' and XGMII_RXD((4+1)*8-1 downto 4*8) = LC_START_CHAR then align_mode <= S_L4; sop_found <= '1'; data_err <= '0'; end if; align_buf_data <= XGMII_RXD; align_buf_ctrl <= XGMII_RXC; -- Second stage - registers after multiplexer that takes data -- either from buffer or from input case align_mode is when S_L0 => align_res_data <= align_buf_data; align_res_ctrl <= align_buf_ctrl; when S_L4 => align_res_data <= XGMII_RXD(31 downto 0) & align_buf_data(63 downto 32); align_res_ctrl <= XGMII_RXC(3 downto 0) & align_buf_ctrl(7 downto 4); end case; sop_found_d <= sop_found; -- Derive correct BE and crc mask, align data for crc to this info -- derive error signal (remote error or invalid control combination -- 3 cycles align_res_data_d <= align_res_data; crc_data_d <= align_res_data_d; crc_data_dd <= crc_data_d; crc_eop_d <= crc_eop; crc_eop_dd <= crc_eop_d; data_mask_dd <= data_mask_d; crc_mask_dd <= be_to_crc_mask_func(data_mask_dd); data_valid <= data_valid or sop_found_d; data_valid_d <= data_valid; crc_dv_d <= data_valid_d; crc_dv_dd <= crc_dv_d; if data_valid = '1' then data_mask_d <= (others => '1'); end if; if data_valid = '1' and check_terminate_func (align_res_ctrl, align_res_data) then case align_res_ctrl is when "10000000" => data_mask_d <= "00000111"; data_valid_d <= '1'; data_valid <= '0'; crc_eop <= '1'; extracted_crc <= swap_bytes32_cut(tmp,11); when "11000000" => data_mask_d <= "00000011"; data_valid_d <= '1'; data_valid <= '0'; crc_eop <= '1'; extracted_crc <= swap_bytes32_cut(tmp,10); when "11100000" => data_mask_d <= "00000001"; data_valid_d <= '1'; data_valid <= '0'; crc_eop <= '1'; extracted_crc <= swap_bytes32_cut(tmp,9); when "11110000" => data_mask_d <= "00000000"; data_valid_d <= '0'; data_valid <= '0'; crc_eop_d <= '1'; extracted_crc <= swap_bytes32_cut(tmp,8); when "11111000" => data_mask_d <= "00000000"; data_valid_d <= '0'; data_valid <= '0'; data_mask_dd <= "01111111"; crc_eop_d <= '1'; extracted_crc <= swap_bytes32_cut(tmp,7); when "11111100" => data_mask_d <= "00000000"; data_valid_d <= '0'; data_valid <= '0'; data_mask_dd <= "00111111"; crc_eop_d <= '1'; extracted_crc <= swap_bytes32_cut(tmp,6); when "11111110" => data_mask_d <= "00000000"; data_valid_d <= '0'; data_valid <= '0'; data_mask_dd <= "00011111"; crc_eop_d <= '1'; extracted_crc <= swap_bytes32_cut(tmp,5); when "11111111" => data_mask_d <= "00000000"; data_valid_d <= '0'; data_valid <= '0'; data_mask_dd <= "00001111"; crc_eop_d <= '1'; extracted_crc <= swap_bytes32_cut(tmp,4); when others => data_err <= '1'; data_valid_d <= '0'; data_valid <= '0'; end case; end if; if check_err_func(align_res_ctrl, align_res_data) then data_err <= '1'; end if; -- Check CRC validity -- takes 1 cycle, but crc itself has 4 cycles -- 5 cycles if crc_vld = '1' then if extracted_crc /= crc32_result then -- CRC error rx_err_i <= '1'; else rx_err_i <= data_err_eq_m1; end if; rx_err_valid_i <= '1'; end if; -- Reset only input to pipeline reset should be held asserted long -- enough to reset pipeline if RST = '1' then align_mode <= S_L0; align_buf_data <= (others => '0'); align_buf_ctrl <= (others => '0'); align_res_data <= (others => '0'); align_res_ctrl <= (others => '0'); data_valid <= '0'; sop_found <= '0'; end if; end if; end process; -- Equalized signals rx_data_eq_inst : ssrl_bus generic map (rx_data'length, 4) port map (XGMII_RXCLK, crc_data_dd,rx_data_i); rx_be_eq_inst : ssrl_bus generic map (rx_be'length, 5) port map (XGMII_RXCLK, data_mask_dd, rx_be_i); rx_dv_eq_inst : ssrl generic map (4) port map (XGMII_RXCLK, crc_dv_dd, rx_dv_i); data_err_eq_inst : ssrl generic map (4) port map (XGMII_RXCLK, data_err, data_err_eq_m1); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Process data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crc32_gen_inst: entity work.crc32_gen generic map ( DATA_WIDTH => 64 ) port map( DI => crc_data_dd, DI_DV => crc_dv_dd, EOP => crc_eop_dd, MASK => crc_mask_dd, CLK => XGMII_RXCLK, RESET => RST, CRC => crc32_result, DO_DV => crc_vld ); crc32_result_n <= not crc32_result; -- Outputs assignment RX_DATA <= rx_data_i; RX_DV <= rx_dv_i; RX_BE <= rx_be_i; RX_ERR <= rx_err_i; RX_ERR_VALID <= rx_err_valid_i; end architecture;
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