Subversion Repositories xge_mac
[/] [xge_mac/] [trunk/] [tbench/] [proto_systemverilog/] [verification/] [testbench.sv] - Rev 22
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* Testbench file for verification environment of 10GE MAC Core.
* @file: testbench.sv
* @author: Pratik Mahajan
* @par Contact: pratik@e-pigeonpost.com
* @par Company: UCSC (SV 1896 Systemverilog for Advanced verification course)
* @version: $LastChangedRevision$
* @par Last Changed Date:
* $LastChangedDate$
* @par Last Changed By:
* $LastChangedBy$
* top block (module) mainly to instantiate all programs/modules and to generate clocks.
* Clocks are generated as per specification requirements:
* Wishbone interface clock: 30 - 156MHz
* Simple Tx-Rx interface clock: 156.25 MHz
* XGMII Rx interface clock: 156.25 MHz
* XGMII Tx interface clock: 156.25 MHz
* This clock generator will create Wishbone interface clock at 78.125 MHz (cause it has
* clock time of half of 156.25)
* @param: clkWishboneInterface (wishbone interface clock or main clock, will be used to generate all other clocks)
* @param: clkSimpleTxRxInterface
* @param: clkXGMIIInterfaceRx
* @param: clkXGMIIInterfaceTx
module top ();
bit clkWishboneInterface;
bit clkSimpleTxRxInterface;
bit clkXGMIIInterfaceRx;
bit clkXGMIIInterfaceTx;
initial begin
clkWishboneInterface = 0;
clkSimpleTxRxInterface = 0;
clkXGMIIInterfaceRx = 0;
clkXGMIIInterfaceTx = 0;
initial forever #1600 clkWishboneInterface = ~clkWishboneInterface;
// Creating all other clocks from wishbone clock to make it look better and easily
// portable (arguable) However wishbone interface clock looses flexibility of having
// any value to create 30-156MHz range
// Following block can be modified to have each clock generated independently
// and having more flexibility.
always @(posedge clkWishboneInterface) begin
// initial forever #3200 begin
clkSimpleTxRxInterface = ~clkSimpleTxRxInterface;
clkXGMIIInterfaceRx = ~clkXGMIIInterfaceRx;
clkXGMIIInterfaceTx = ~clkXGMIIInterfaceTx;
initial begin
$dumpfile ("toTest.dump");
$dumpvars (0, top);
// Instantiation of Interface
macCoreInterface instInterface ( .clkWishboneInterface (clkWishboneInterface),
.clkTxRxInterface (clkSimpleTxRxInterface),
.clkXGMIIInterfaceRx (clkXGMIIInterfaceRx),
.clkXGMIIInterfaceTx (clkXGMIIInterfaceTx)
// Instantiation of MAC DUT
xge_mac instMAC ( // Simple Tx-Rx interface signals
.clk_156m25 (instInterface.clkTxRxInterface),
.pkt_rx_ren (instInterface.receiveReadEnable),
.pkt_rx_avail (instInterface.receiveAvailable),
.pkt_rx_data (instInterface.receivedData),
.pkt_rx_eop (instInterface.receiveEndOfPacket),
.pkt_rx_err (instInterface.receiveError),
.pkt_rx_mod (instInterface.receivePacketLengthModulus),
.pkt_rx_sop (instInterface.receiveStartOfPacket),
.pkt_rx_val (instInterface.receiveValid),
.pkt_tx_data (instInterface.transmitData),
.pkt_tx_eop (instInterface.transmitEndOfPacket),
.pkt_tx_mod (instInterface.transmitPacketLengthModulus),
.pkt_tx_sop (instInterface.transmitStartOfPacket),
.pkt_tx_full (instInterface.transmitFIFOFull),
.pkt_tx_val (instInterface.transmitValid),
.reset_156m25_n (instInterface.rstTxRxInterface_n),
// XGMII interface signals
.clk_xgmii_rx (instInterface.clkXGMIIInterfaceRx),
.reset_xgmii_rx_n (instInterface.rstXGMIIInterfaceRx_n),
.xgmii_rxc (instInterface.xgmiiTransmitControl),
.xgmii_rxd (instInterface.xgmiiTransmitData),
.clk_xgmii_tx (instInterface.clkXGMIIInterfaceTx),
.reset_xgmii_tx_n (instInterface.rstXGMIIInterfaceTx_n),
.xgmii_txc (instInterface.xgmiiTransmitControl),
.xgmii_txd (instInterface.xgmiiTransmitData),
// Wishbone interface signals
.wb_clk_i (instInterface.clkWishboneInterface),
.wb_rst_i (instInterface.rstWishboneInterface),
.wb_adr_i (instInterface.wishboneInputAddress),
.wb_cyc_i (instInterface.wishboneCycle),
.wb_dat_i (instInterface.wishboneInputData),
.wb_stb_i (instInterface.wishboneStrobe),
.wb_we_i (instInterface.wishboneWriteEnable),
.wb_ack_o (instInterface.wishboneAck),
.wb_dat_o (instInterface.wishboneOutputData),
.wb_int_o (instInterface.wishboneInterrupt)
// Testcase instatiation
testcase instTest ( .driverTestInterface (instInterface.TESTMOD ),
.monitorTestInterface (instInterface.TESTMOD )
endmodule // top