Subversion Repositories xmatchpro
[/] [xmatchpro/] [trunk/] [xmw4-comdec/] [xmatch_sim7/] [fifo_test.vhd] - Rev 9
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library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using -- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values --use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; -- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating -- any Xilinx primitives in this code. --library UNISIM; --use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity xmatch_controller is port ( rst_CODMU : IN STD_LOGIC; clk_CODMU : IN STD_LOGIC; rst_HOST : IN STD_LOGIC; clk_HOST : IN STD_LOGIC; din_HOST : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0); wr_en_HOST : IN STD_LOGIC; rd_en_HOST : IN STD_LOGIC; dout_HOST : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0); full_HOST : OUT STD_LOGIC; empty_HOST : OUT STD_LOGIC; command_CR_HOST : in std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); status_CDI_HOST : out std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0) ); end xmatch_controller; architecture Behavioral of xmatch_controller is component level1r is port ( CS : in bit ; RW : in bit; ADDRESS : in bit_vector(3 downto 0); CONTROL_IN : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); CONTROL_OUT_C : out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); CONTROL_OUT_D : out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); CLK : in bit ; CLEAR : in bit; BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CC : in bit; BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CU : in bit; BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DC : in bit; BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DU : in bit; WAIT_CU : in bit; WAIT_CC : in bit; WAIT_DC : in bit; WAIT_DU : in bit; U_DATAIN : in bit_vector(31 downto 0); C_DATAIN : in bit_vector(31 downto 0); U_DATAOUT : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); C_DATAOUT : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); FINISHED_C : out bit; FINISHED_D : out bit; COMPRESSING : out bit; FLUSHING_C : out bit; FLUSHING_D : out bit; DECOMPRESSING : out bit; U_DATA_VALID : out bit; C_DATA_VALID : out bit; DECODING_OVERFLOW : out bit; CODING_OVERFLOW : out bit; CRC_ERROR : out bit; INTERRUPT_REQUEST : out bit; INTERRUPT_ACKNOWLEDGE : in bit; BUS_REQUEST_CC : out bit; BUS_REQUEST_CU : out bit; BUS_REQUEST_DC : out bit; BUS_REQUEST_DU : out bit ); end component; component fifo_32x512 is port ( rst : IN STD_LOGIC; wr_clk : IN STD_LOGIC; rd_clk : IN STD_LOGIC; din : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0); wr_en : IN STD_LOGIC; rd_en : IN STD_LOGIC; dout : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0); full : OUT STD_LOGIC; almost_full : OUT STD_LOGIC; empty : OUT STD_LOGIC ); end component; -- All signals to convert from std_logic to bit signal CS_bit : bit; signal RW_bit : bit; signal ADDRESS_bit : bit_vector (3 downto 0); signal CONTROL_std : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); signal CLK_bit : bit; signal CLEAR_bit : bit; signal BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CC_bit : bit := '1'; signal BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CU_bit : bit := '1'; signal BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DC_bit : bit := '1'; signal BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DU_bit : bit := '1'; signal WAIT_CU_bit : bit; signal WAIT_CC_bit : bit; signal WAIT_DC_bit : bit; signal WAIT_DU_bit : bit; signal U_DATAIN_bit : bit_vector (31 downto 0); signal C_DATAIN_bit : bit_vector (31 downto 0); signal C_DATAOUT_std : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); signal U_DATAOUT_std : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); signal FINISHED_C_bit : bit; signal FINISHED_D_bit : bit; signal U_DATA_VALID_bit : bit; signal C_DATA_VALID_bit : bit; signal INTERUPT_ACKNWLDGE_bit : bit; signal BUS_REQUEST_CC_bit : bit; signal BUS_REQUEST_CU_bit : bit; signal BUS_REQUEST_DC_bit : bit; signal BUS_REQUEST_DU_bit : bit; signal COMPRESSING_bit : bit; signal FLUSHING_C_bit : bit; signal FLUSHING_D_bit : bit; signal DECOMPRESSING_bit : bit; signal DECODING_OVERFLOW_bit : bit; signal CODING_OVERFLOW_bit : bit; signal CRC_ERROR_bit : bit; signal INTERRUPT_REQUEST_bit : bit; signal U_DATAIN_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0):= (others => '0'); signal C_DATAIN_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0):= (others => '0'); -- Signals used for FIFO signal FIFO_read_signal : std_logic := '0'; signal FIFO_data_out : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal FIFO_write_signal : std_logic := '0'; signal FIFO_data_in : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- State machine type states is ( IDLE, COMPRESS_START, COMPRESS_START1, COMPRESS_START2, COMPRESS_INIT_BLOCKSIZE, COMPRESS_INIT_COMMAND, COMPRESS_WAIT_FILESIZE, COMPRESS_WAIT, COMPRESS_WAIT_BUS_ACK_CU, COMPRESS_WAIT_SEND, COMPRESS_SEND_DATA, COMPRESS_WAIT_REQ_CU, COMPRESS_WAIT_CU_SEND, COMPRESS_WAIT_INTERRUPT_REQUEST, COMPRESS_WAIT_NEXT_PACKET, COMPRESS_WAIT_EMPTY_HOST, DECOMPRESS_START, DECOMPRESS_START1, DECOMPRESS_START2, DECOMPRESS_INIT_BLOCKSIZE, DECOMPRESS_INIT_COMMAND, DECOMPRESS_WAIT, DECOMPRESS_WAIT_BUS_ACK_DC, DECOMPRESS_WAIT_SEND, DECOMPRESS_SEND_DATA, DECOMPRESS_WAIT_REQ_DC, DECOMPRESS_WAIT_DC_SEND, DECOMPRESS_WAIT_FINISH_DC, DECOMPRESS_WAIT_INTERRUPT_REQUEST, DECOMPRESS_WAIT_NEXT_PACKET, END_STATE); signal cur_state : states; signal next_state : states; type fifo_din_states is ( IDLE, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8,S9,S10,S11 ); signal FIFO_DIN_c_state : fifo_din_states; -- current state signal FIFO_DIN_n_state : fifo_din_states; -- next state signal reg_ADDRESS : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal reg_CONTROL : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal reg_THRESHOLD : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal reg_BLOCKSIZE : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal full_CODMU : STD_LOGIC; signal empty_CODMU : STD_LOGIC; signal clr_CODMU : STD_LOGIC; signal CLR_XMATCH_C : STD_LOGIC := '1'; signal CLR_XMATCH_D : STD_LOGIC := '1'; signal reg_FILESIZE : std_logic_vector(28 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal counter_BLOCKSIZE : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- used for checking purposes if the uncompressed file almost reach 0 signal FINISHED_C_all : STD_LOGIC := '0'; signal FINISHED_D_all : STD_LOGIC := '0'; signal status_2 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):= (others => '0'); signal status_1 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):= (others => '0'); signal status_0 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):= (others => '0'); signal full_HOST_reg : std_logic; signal empty_CODMU_reg : std_logic; signal full_CODMU_reg : std_logic; signal empty_HOST_reg : std_logic; signal bitvec_xmatch : bit_vector(13 downto 0); signal stdvec_xmatch : std_logic_vector(13 downto 0); signal reg_TEMP : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); begin assert (C_DATAOUT_std /= "01001001110000000111111010001001") report "Value appeared on signal" severity note; status_2 <= full_HOST_reg & empty_CODMU_reg & full_CODMU_reg & empty_HOST_reg & counter_BLOCKSIZE(13 downto 2); status_1 <= stdvec_xmatch(7 downto 0); status_0 <= FINISHED_C_all & stdvec_xmatch(13) & FINISHED_D_all & stdvec_xmatch(12) & stdvec_xmatch(11 downto 8); bitvec_xmatch <= FINISHED_C_bit & FINISHED_D_bit & CODING_OVERFLOW_bit & DECODING_OVERFLOW_bit & CRC_ERROR_bit & INTERRUPT_REQUEST_bit & FLUSHING_C_bit & COMPRESSING_bit & FLUSHING_D_bit & DECOMPRESSING_bit & BUS_REQUEST_CC_bit & BUS_REQUEST_CU_bit & BUS_REQUEST_DC_bit & BUS_REQUEST_DU_bit; stdvec_xmatch <= to_stdlogicvector(bitvec_xmatch); status_CDI_HOST <= status_2 & status_1 & status_0; xmatchpro : level1r port map ( CS => CS_bit, RW => RW_bit, ADDRESS => ADDRESS_bit, CONTROL_IN => CONTROL_std, CONTROL_OUT_C => open, CONTROL_OUT_D => open, CLK => CLK_bit, CLEAR => CLEAR_bit, BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CC => BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CC_bit, BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CU => BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CU_bit, BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DC => BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DC_bit, BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DU => BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DU_bit, WAIT_CU => WAIT_CU_bit, WAIT_CC => WAIT_CC_bit, WAIT_DC => WAIT_DC_bit, WAIT_DU => WAIT_DU_bit, U_DATAIN => U_DATAIN_bit, C_DATAIN => C_DATAIN_bit, U_DATAOUT => U_DATAOUT_std, C_DATAOUT => C_DATAOUT_std, FINISHED_C => FINISHED_C_bit, FINISHED_D => FINISHED_D_bit, COMPRESSING => COMPRESSING_bit, FLUSHING_C => FLUSHING_C_bit, FLUSHING_D => FLUSHING_D_bit, DECOMPRESSING => DECOMPRESSING_bit, U_DATA_VALID => U_DATA_VALID_bit, C_DATA_VALID => C_DATA_VALID_bit, DECODING_OVERFLOW => DECODING_OVERFLOW_bit, CODING_OVERFLOW => CODING_OVERFLOW_bit, CRC_ERROR => CRC_ERROR_bit, INTERRUPT_REQUEST => INTERRUPT_REQUEST_bit, INTERRUPT_ACKNOWLEDGE => INTERUPT_ACKNWLDGE_bit, BUS_REQUEST_CC => BUS_REQUEST_CC_bit, BUS_REQUEST_CU => BUS_REQUEST_CU_bit, BUS_REQUEST_DC => BUS_REQUEST_DC_bit, BUS_REQUEST_DU => BUS_REQUEST_DU_bit ); FIFO_HOST2CODMU : fifo_32x512 PORT MAP ( rst => not rst_HOST, wr_clk => clk_HOST, rd_clk => clk_CODMU, din => din_HOST, wr_en => wr_en_HOST, rd_en => FIFO_read_signal, dout => FIFO_data_out, full => full_HOST_reg, almost_full => open, empty => empty_CODMU_reg ); full_HOST <= full_HOST_reg; empty_CODMU <= empty_CODMU_reg; -- rst_CODMU was replaced with rst_HOST in FIFO_CODMU2HOST FIFO_CODMU2HOST : fifo_32x512 PORT MAP ( rst => not rst_HOST, wr_clk => clk_CODMU, rd_clk => clk_HOST, din => FIFO_data_in, wr_en => FIFO_write_signal, rd_en => rd_en_HOST, dout => dout_HOST, full => open, almost_full => full_CODMU_reg, empty => empty_HOST_reg ); full_CODMU <= full_CODMU_reg; empty_HOST <= empty_HOST_reg; -- Clock and Reset Declaration, convert from std_logic to bit to be used in Xmatch CLK_bit <= to_bit (clk_CODMU); CLEAR_bit <= (to_bit (rst_CODMU)) and ((to_bit (CLR_XMATCH_C)) xor (to_bit (not CLR_XMATCH_D))); --CLEAR_bit <= (to_bit (CLR_XMATCH_C)) xor (to_bit (not CLR_XMATCH_D)); -- Note: This is bit mapping of Bus2IP_Data example -- Bus2IP_Data <= "1101 1100 00001000 0000000000100000"; -- 1101 is the Compression Channel at R1C Register called Uncompressed Block Size Register for ADDRESS -- 1100 is the Compression Channel at R0C Register called Command Register for CONTROL -- 00001000 is equivalent to 8 for THRESHOLD -- 0000000000100000 is equivalent to 32 which means 32 Bytes size -- The IP Core read from source address and send in both U_DATAIN and C_DATAIN -- The state machine will decide which will be used for Compression/Decompression U_DATAIN_bit <= to_bitvector (U_DATAIN_reg); C_DATAIN_bit <= to_bitvector (C_DATAIN_reg); U_DATAIN_PROCESS : process (clk_CODMU, clr_CODMU, FIFO_read_signal) begin if (clr_CODMU = '0') then U_DATAIN_reg <= x"00000000"; elsif ((clk_CODMU'event) and (clk_CODMU = '1')) then if (rst_HOST = '0') then U_DATAIN_reg <= x"00000000"; elsif (FIFO_read_signal = '1') then U_DATAIN_reg <= FIFO_data_out; else U_DATAIN_reg <= U_DATAIN_reg; end if; else U_DATAIN_reg <= U_DATAIN_reg; end if; end process U_DATAIN_PROCESS; C_DATAIN_PROCESS : process (clk_CODMU, clr_CODMU, FIFO_read_signal) begin if (clr_CODMU = '0') then C_DATAIN_reg <= x"00000000"; elsif ((clk_CODMU'event) and (clk_CODMU = '1')) then if (rst_HOST = '0') then C_DATAIN_reg <= x"00000000"; elsif (FIFO_read_signal = '1') then C_DATAIN_reg <= FIFO_data_out; else C_DATAIN_reg <= C_DATAIN_reg; end if; else C_DATAIN_reg <= C_DATAIN_reg; end if; end process C_DATAIN_PROCESS; -- Acknowledgement bus from Compressor and Decompressor -- CU is from Compressor to compress from Uncompressed BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CU_PROCESS: process (clk_CODMU, clr_CODMU) is begin if (clr_CODMU = '0') then BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CU_bit <= '1'; elsif ((clk_CODMU'event) and (clk_CODMU = '1')) then if (BUS_REQUEST_CU_bit = '1') then BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CU_bit <= '1'; else BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CU_bit <= '0'; end if; else BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CU_bit <= BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CU_bit; end if; end process BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CU_PROCESS; BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DC_PROCESS: process (clk_CODMU, clr_CODMU) is begin if (clr_CODMU = '0') then BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DC_bit <= '1'; elsif ((clk_CODMU'event) and (clk_CODMU = '1')) then if (BUS_REQUEST_DC_bit = '1') then BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DC_bit <= '1'; else BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DC_bit <= '0'; end if; else BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DC_bit <= BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DC_bit; end if; end process BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DC_PROCESS; BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CC_PROCESS: process (clk_CODMU, clr_CODMU) is begin if (clr_CODMU = '0') then BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CC_bit <= '1'; elsif ((clk_CODMU'event) and (clk_CODMU = '1')) then if (BUS_REQUEST_CC_bit = '1') then BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CC_bit <= '1'; else BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CC_bit <= '0'; end if; else BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CC_bit <= BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CC_bit; end if; end process BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CC_PROCESS; BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DU_PROCESS: process (clk_CODMU, clr_CODMU) is begin if (clr_CODMU = '0') then BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DU_bit <= '1'; elsif ((clk_CODMU'event) and (clk_CODMU = '1')) then if (BUS_REQUEST_DU_bit = '1') then BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DU_bit <= '1'; else BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DU_bit <= '0'; end if; else BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DU_bit <= BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DU_bit; end if; end process BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DU_PROCESS; -- CC is from Compressor to compress becomes Compressed -- DC is from Decompressor to decompress from Compressed -- DU is from Decompressor to decompress becomes Uncompressed --BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CU_bit <= BUS_REQUEST_CU_bit; --BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_CC_bit <= BUS_REQUEST_CC_bit; --BUS_ACKNOWLEDGE_DU_bit <= BUS_REQUEST_DU_bit; --COMMAND_CR_PROCESS: process (clk_CODMU, clr_CODMU, command_CR_HOST) is --begin --if (clr_CODMU = '0') then -- reg_ADDRESS <= (others => '0'); -- reg_CONTROL <= (others => '0'); -- reg_THRESHOLD <= (others => '0'); -- reg_BLOCKSIZE <= (others => '0'); -- reg_FILESIZE <= (others => '0'); --elsif ((clk_CODMU'event) and (clk_CODMU = '1')) then -- case (command_CR_HOST(29 downto 28)) is -- when "01" => -- If the controller receive compress/decompress request, then save these 4 CR informations into registers -- reg_ADDRESS <= command_CR_HOST(31 downto 28); -- reg_CONTROL <= command_CR_HOST(27 downto 24); -- reg_THRESHOLD <= command_CR_HOST(23 downto 16); -- reg_BLOCKSIZE <= command_CR_HOST(15 downto 0); -- reg_FILESIZE <= (others => '0'); -- when "10" => -- in C language, use bitwise OR operation | with 0x20000000 for filesize with optimized-compression, max filesize: 512 MB -- reg_FILESIZE <= command_CR_HOST(28 downto 0); -- when "11" => -- in C language, use bitwise OR operation | with 0x30000000 for filesize without optimized-compression, maxfilesize: 2^28 = 256 MB -- reg_FILESIZE <= '0' & command_CR_HOST(27 downto 0); -- when others => -- reg_ADDRESS <= reg_ADDRESS; -- reg_CONTROL <= reg_CONTROL; -- reg_THRESHOLD <= reg_THRESHOLD; -- reg_BLOCKSIZE <= reg_BLOCKSIZE; -- reg_FILESIZE <= reg_FILESIZE; -- end case; -- else -- reg_ADDRESS <= reg_ADDRESS; -- reg_CONTROL <= reg_CONTROL; -- reg_THRESHOLD <= reg_THRESHOLD; -- reg_BLOCKSIZE <= reg_BLOCKSIZE; -- reg_FILESIZE <= reg_FILESIZE; -- end if; --end process COMMAND_CR_PROCESS; COUNTER_BLOCKSIZE_PROCESS: process (clk_CODMU, clr_CODMU, cur_state, FIFO_read_signal, U_DATAIN_reg) is begin if ((clk_CODMU'event) and (clk_CODMU = '1')) then if FIFO_read_signal = '1' and U_DATAIN_reg /= x"00000000" then counter_BLOCKSIZE <= counter_BLOCKSIZE - 4; elsif (cur_state = COMPRESS_INIT_BLOCKSIZE) then -- if either Compress or Decompress counter_BLOCKSIZE <= reg_BLOCKSIZE; -- blocksize else counter_BLOCKSIZE <= counter_BLOCKSIZE; end if; else counter_BLOCKSIZE <= counter_BLOCKSIZE; end if; end process COUNTER_BLOCKSIZE_PROCESS; ---- State machine sequence (synchronous process) --SM_SEQ: process (clk_CODMU, rst_HOST) is --begin -- if clk_CODMU'event and clk_CODMU = '1' then -- if rst_HOST = '0' then -- cur_state <= IDLE; -- else -- cur_state <= next_state; -- end if; -- else -- cur_state <= cur_state; -- end if; --end process SM_SEQ; -- State machine sequence (synchronous process) SM_SEQ: process (clk_CODMU, rst_HOST) is begin if clk_CODMU'event and clk_CODMU = '1' then if rst_HOST = '0' then cur_state <= IDLE; FIFO_DIN_c_state <= IDLE; else cur_state <= next_state; FIFO_DIN_c_state <= FIFO_DIN_n_state; end if; else cur_state <= cur_state; FIFO_DIN_c_state <= FIFO_DIN_c_state; end if; end process SM_SEQ; -- State machine (combinatorial process) SM_COMB: process (cur_state, reg_ADDRESS, reg_FILESIZE, counter_BLOCKSIZE, command_CR_HOST, BUS_REQUEST_CU_bit, FINISHED_C_bit, U_DATAIN_reg, BUS_REQUEST_DC_bit, FINISHED_D_bit, C_DATAIN_reg, wr_en_HOST, empty_CODMU, INTERRUPT_REQUEST_bit, empty_HOST_reg, COMPRESSING_bit, DECOMPRESSING_bit) is begin next_state <= cur_state; -- default remain current state CS_bit <= '1'; RW_bit <= '1'; ADDRESS_bit <= "0011"; -- "0011" is an unused Address which not be used by Compressor/Decompressor CONTROL_std <= x"00000000"; WAIT_CU_bit <= '0'; WAIT_DC_bit <= '0'; INTERUPT_ACKNWLDGE_bit <= '1'; FIFO_read_signal <= '0'; clr_CODMU <= '1'; CLR_XMATCH_C <= '1'; CLR_XMATCH_D <= '1'; FINISHED_C_all <= '0'; FINISHED_D_all <= '0'; case cur_state is when IDLE => -- command_CR_HOST(31 downto 28) is the ADDRESS register of XMatch case (command_CR_HOST(31 downto 28)) is when "1101" => next_state <= COMPRESS_START; when "1001" => next_state <= DECOMPRESS_START; when others => next_state <= IDLE; end case; when COMPRESS_START => CLR_XMATCH_C <= '0'; next_state <= COMPRESS_START1; when COMPRESS_START1 => reg_ADDRESS <= command_CR_HOST(31 downto 28); reg_CONTROL <= command_CR_HOST(27 downto 24); reg_THRESHOLD <= command_CR_HOST(23 downto 16); reg_TEMP <= command_CR_HOST; -- a temporary register to hold the previous value of command_CR next_state <= COMPRESS_START2; when COMPRESS_START2 => if (command_CR_HOST = reg_TEMP) then next_state <= COMPRESS_START2; else reg_BLOCKSIZE <= command_CR_HOST; next_state <= COMPRESS_INIT_BLOCKSIZE; end if; when COMPRESS_INIT_BLOCKSIZE => RW_bit <= '0'; CS_bit <= '0'; ADDRESS_bit <= to_bitvector (reg_ADDRESS); --CONTROL_std <= x"0000" & reg_BLOCKSIZE; CONTROL_std <= reg_BLOCKSIZE; next_state <= COMPRESS_INIT_COMMAND; when COMPRESS_INIT_COMMAND => RW_bit <= '0'; CS_bit <= '0'; ADDRESS_bit <= to_bitvector (reg_CONTROL); CONTROL_std <= "0000000000000000" & "0100" & reg_THRESHOLD & "0000"; next_state <= COMPRESS_WAIT; -- skip COMPRESS_WAIT_FILESIZE when COMPRESS_WAIT_FILESIZE => if reg_FILESIZE /= x"00000000" then -- if controller has not received the filesize information yet next_state <= COMPRESS_WAIT; else next_state <= COMPRESS_WAIT_FILESIZE; end if; -- Compression wait if bus request CU is ready, and the FIFO of CoDMU is not empty (has data) when COMPRESS_WAIT => if BUS_REQUEST_CU_bit = '0' and empty_CODMU = '0' then next_state <= COMPRESS_WAIT_BUS_ACK_CU; else next_state <= COMPRESS_WAIT; end if; -- Wait for 1 clock cycle of Bus Ack CU when COMPRESS_WAIT_BUS_ACK_CU => next_state <= COMPRESS_WAIT_SEND; -- FIFO read signal has one delay clock cycle, before Wait CU is asserted when COMPRESS_WAIT_SEND => if U_DATAIN_reg /= x"00000000" then WAIT_CU_bit <= '1'; -- the WAIT_CU will not be triggered if the first word is 0, due to absence of First Word Fall Through FIFO else WAIT_CU_bit <= '0'; end if; FIFO_read_signal <= '1'; next_state <= COMPRESS_SEND_DATA; -- Send data from FIFO to Xmatch when COMPRESS_SEND_DATA => --WAIT_CU_bit <= '1'; if U_DATAIN_reg /= x"00000000" then WAIT_CU_bit <= '1'; -- the WAIT_CU will not be triggered if the first word is 0, due to absence of First Word Fall Through FIFO else WAIT_CU_bit <= '0'; end if; if counter_BLOCKSIZE = x"0000" then next_state <= COMPRESS_WAIT_REQ_CU; elsif BUS_REQUEST_CU_bit = '1' then WAIT_CU_bit <= '0'; next_state <= COMPRESS_WAIT_REQ_CU; else FIFO_read_signal <= '1'; next_state <= COMPRESS_SEND_DATA; end if; -- Wait if Bus Request CU is availabe (0) again when COMPRESS_WAIT_REQ_CU => -- WAIT_CU_bit <= '1'; if BUS_REQUEST_CU_bit = '0' then next_state <= COMPRESS_WAIT_CU_SEND; elsif FINISHED_C_bit = '0' then next_state <= COMPRESS_WAIT_NEXT_PACKET; else next_state <= COMPRESS_WAIT_REQ_CU; end if; -- Read the first data goes out before read from FIFO again when COMPRESS_WAIT_CU_SEND => --WAIT_CU_bit <= '1'; next_state <= COMPRESS_SEND_DATA; when COMPRESS_WAIT_INTERRUPT_REQUEST => if INTERRUPT_REQUEST_bit = '0' then INTERUPT_ACKNWLDGE_bit <= '0'; clr_CODMU <= '0'; next_state <= COMPRESS_WAIT_EMPTY_HOST; else next_state <= COMPRESS_WAIT_INTERRUPT_REQUEST; end if; when COMPRESS_WAIT_NEXT_PACKET => if empty_CODMU = '0' then -- check if any packet left CLR_XMATCH_C <= '0'; next_state <= COMPRESS_START; -- it will automatically starts Compressor Mode because there is still data available else -- -- clr_CODMU <= '0'; next_state <= COMPRESS_WAIT_INTERRUPT_REQUEST; end if; when COMPRESS_WAIT_EMPTY_HOST => if empty_HOST_reg = '1' then FINISHED_C_all <= '1'; next_state <= IDLE; else next_state <= COMPRESS_WAIT_EMPTY_HOST; end if; -- when COMPRESS_START1 => -- reg_ADDRESS <= command_CR_HOST(31 downto 28); -- reg_CONTROL <= command_CR_HOST(27 downto 24); -- reg_THRESHOLD <= command_CR_HOST(23 downto 16); -- reg_TEMP <= command_CR_HOST; -- a temporary register to hold the previous value of command_CR -- next_state <= COMPRESS_START2; -- -- when COMPRESS_START2 => -- if (command_CR_HOST = reg_TEMP) then -- next_state <= COMPRESS_START2; -- else -- reg_BLOCKSIZE <= command_CR_HOST; -- next_state <= COMPRESS_INIT_BLOCKSIZE; -- end if; when DECOMPRESS_START => CLR_XMATCH_D <= '0'; next_state <= DECOMPRESS_START1; when DECOMPRESS_START1 => reg_ADDRESS <= command_CR_HOST(31 downto 28); reg_CONTROL <= command_CR_HOST(27 downto 24); reg_THRESHOLD <= command_CR_HOST(23 downto 16); reg_TEMP <= command_CR_HOST; -- a temporary register to hold the previous value of command_CR next_state <= DECOMPRESS_START2; when DECOMPRESS_START2 => if (command_CR_HOST = reg_TEMP) then next_state <= DECOMPRESS_START2; else reg_BLOCKSIZE <= command_CR_HOST; next_state <= DECOMPRESS_INIT_BLOCKSIZE; end if; when DECOMPRESS_INIT_BLOCKSIZE => RW_bit <= '0'; CS_bit <= '0'; ADDRESS_bit <= to_bitvector (reg_ADDRESS); --CONTROL_std <= x"0000" & reg_BLOCKSIZE; CONTROL_std <= reg_BLOCKSIZE; next_state <= DECOMPRESS_INIT_COMMAND; when DECOMPRESS_INIT_COMMAND => RW_bit <= '0'; CS_bit <= '0'; ADDRESS_bit <= to_bitvector (reg_CONTROL); CONTROL_std <= "0000000000000000" & "0100" & reg_THRESHOLD & "0000"; next_state <= DECOMPRESS_WAIT; -- Deompression wait if bus request DC is ready, and the FIFO of CoDMU is not empty (has data) when DECOMPRESS_WAIT => if BUS_REQUEST_DC_bit = '0' and empty_CODMU = '0' then FIFO_read_signal <= '1'; next_state <= DECOMPRESS_WAIT_BUS_ACK_DC; else next_state <= DECOMPRESS_WAIT; end if; -- Wait for 1 clock cycle of Bus Ack CU when DECOMPRESS_WAIT_BUS_ACK_DC => next_state <= DECOMPRESS_WAIT_SEND; -- FIFO read signal has one delay clock cycle, before Wait DC is asserted when DECOMPRESS_WAIT_SEND => if C_DATAIN_reg /= x"00000000" then WAIT_DC_bit <= '1'; -- the WAIT_DC will not be triggered if the first word is 0 else WAIT_DC_bit <= '0'; end if; FIFO_read_signal <= '1'; next_state <= DECOMPRESS_SEND_DATA; -- Send data from FIFO to Xmatch when DECOMPRESS_SEND_DATA => if C_DATAIN_reg = x"00000000" then next_state <= DECOMPRESS_WAIT_FINISH_DC; elsif BUS_REQUEST_DC_bit = '1' then next_state <= DECOMPRESS_WAIT_REQ_DC; else WAIT_DC_bit <= '1'; FIFO_read_signal <= '1'; next_state <= DECOMPRESS_SEND_DATA; end if; -- Wait if Bus Request DC is availabe (0) again when DECOMPRESS_WAIT_REQ_DC => if FINISHED_D_bit = '0' then next_state <= DECOMPRESS_WAIT_INTERRUPT_REQUEST; elsif BUS_REQUEST_DC_bit = '0' then next_state <= DECOMPRESS_WAIT_DC_SEND; else next_state <= DECOMPRESS_WAIT_REQ_DC; end if; -- Read the first data goes out before read from FIFO again when DECOMPRESS_WAIT_DC_SEND => next_state <= DECOMPRESS_SEND_DATA; -- The last tail was x"00000000", so WAIT_DC is asserted (with final compressed data) until BUS REQ DC has completed it's job when DECOMPRESS_WAIT_FINISH_DC => WAIT_DC_bit <= '1'; if BUS_REQUEST_DC_bit = '1' then next_state <= DECOMPRESS_WAIT_REQ_DC; else next_state <= DECOMPRESS_WAIT_FINISH_DC; end if; when DECOMPRESS_WAIT_INTERRUPT_REQUEST => if INTERRUPT_REQUEST_bit = '0' then INTERUPT_ACKNWLDGE_bit <= '0'; next_state <= DECOMPRESS_WAIT_NEXT_PACKET; -- clr_CODMU <= '0'; -- next_state <= IDLE; else next_state <= DECOMPRESS_WAIT_INTERRUPT_REQUEST; end if; when DECOMPRESS_WAIT_NEXT_PACKET => if empty_CODMU = '0' then -- check if any packet left CLR_XMATCH_D <= '0'; next_state <= DECOMPRESS_START; -- it will automatically starts Compressor Mode because there is still data available else FINISHED_D_all <= '1'; clr_CODMU <= '0'; next_state <= IDLE; end if; when END_STATE => if INTERRUPT_REQUEST_bit = '0' then clr_CODMU <= '0'; next_state <= IDLE; else next_state <= END_STATE; end if; when others => end case; end process SM_COMB; WAIT_DU_PROCESS: process (full_CODMU) is begin if (full_CODMU = '0') then WAIT_DU_bit <= '1'; else WAIT_DU_bit <= '0'; end if; end process WAIT_DU_PROCESS; WAIT_CC_PROCESS: process (full_CODMU) is begin if (full_CODMU = '0') then WAIT_CC_bit <= '1'; else WAIT_CC_bit <= '0'; end if; end process WAIT_CC_PROCESS; -- ---- State machine (combinatorial process) --SM_COMB1: process ( FIFO_DIN_c_state, reg_FILESIZE, -- empty_CODMU, full_CODMU, -- C_DATAOUT_std, FLUSHING_C_bit, FINISHED_C_bit, C_DATA_VALID_bit, -- U_DATAOUT_std, FLUSHING_D_bit, FINISHED_D_bit, U_DATA_VALID_bit, BUS_REQUEST_DU_bit -- ) is --begin -- --FIFO_data_in <= x"00000000"; --FIFO_DIN_n_state <= FIFO_DIN_c_state; --FIFO_write_signal <= '0'; --WAIT_DU_bit <= '1'; --WAIT_CC_bit <= '1'; -- --case FIFO_DIN_c_state is -- -- when IDLE => -- if BUS_REQUEST_DU_bit = '0' then -- FIFO_DIN_n_state <= S1; -- elsif BUS_REQUEST_CC_bit = '0' then -- FIFO_DIN_n_state <= S4; -- else -- FIFO_DIN_n_state <= IDLE; -- end if; -- -- when S1 => -- if U_DATA_VALID_bit = '0' then -- FIFO_write_signal <= '1'; -- FIFO_data_in <= U_DATAOUT_std; -- else -- FIFO_write_signal <= '0'; -- FIFO_data_in <= FIFO_data_in; -- end if; -- if full_CODMU = '1' then -- FIFO_DIN_n_state <= S3; -- else -- FIFO_DIN_n_state <= S1; -- end if; -- -- -- wait until it is not empty -- when S2 => -- FIFO_DIN_n_state <= S1; -- -- when S3 => -- WAIT_DU_bit <= '0'; ---- FIFO_write_signal <= '1'; ---- FIFO_data_in <= U_DATAOUT_std; -- if full_CODMU = '1' then -- FIFO_DIN_n_state <= S2; -- else -- FIFO_DIN_n_state <= S1; -- end if; -- -- when S4 => -- if C_DATA_VALID_bit = '0' then -- FIFO_write_signal <= '1'; -- FIFO_data_in <= C_DATAOUT_std; -- else -- FIFO_write_signal <= '0'; -- FIFO_data_in <= FIFO_data_in; -- end if; -- if full_CODMU = '1' then -- FIFO_DIN_n_state <= S6; -- else -- FIFO_DIN_n_state <= S4; -- end if; -- -- when S5 => -- FIFO_DIN_n_state <= S4; -- -- when S6 => -- WAIT_CC_bit <= '0'; ---- FIFO_write_signal <= '1'; ---- FIFO_data_in <= U_DATAOUT_std; -- if full_CODMU = '1' then -- FIFO_DIN_n_state <= S5; -- else -- FIFO_DIN_n_state <= S4; -- end if; -- -- when S7 => -- -- -- when S8 => -- -- -- when S9 => -- -- -- when S10 => -- -- -- when S11 => -- -- -- when others => -- --end case; -- --end process SM_COMB1; -- write compressed/decompressed data to write_buffer write_C_D_buffer: process (clk_CODMU, C_DATA_VALID_bit, U_DATA_VALID_bit, cur_state) is begin if (clk_CODMU'event) and (clk_CODMU = '1') then if cur_state = COMPRESS_WAIT_NEXT_PACKET then FIFO_write_signal <= '1'; FIFO_data_in <= x"00000001"; elsif C_DATA_VALID_bit = '0' then FIFO_write_signal <= '1'; FIFO_data_in <= C_DATAOUT_std; elsif U_DATA_VALID_bit = '0' then FIFO_write_signal <= '1'; FIFO_data_in <= U_DATAOUT_std; else FIFO_write_signal <= '0'; FIFO_data_in <= x"00000000"; end if; end if; end process write_C_D_buffer; end Behavioral;