Subversion Repositories xmatchpro
[/] [xmatchpro/] [trunk/] [xmw4-comdec/] [xmatch_sim7/] [tb_d.vhd] - Rev 9
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LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL; use ieee.std_logic_textio.all; use std.textio.all; ENTITY testbench IS END testbench; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF testbench IS COMPONENT xmatch_controller PORT ( rst_CODMU : IN STD_LOGIC; clk_CODMU : IN STD_LOGIC; rst_HOST : IN STD_LOGIC; clk_HOST : IN STD_LOGIC; din_HOST : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0); wr_en_HOST : IN STD_LOGIC; rd_en_HOST : IN STD_LOGIC; dout_HOST : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0); full_HOST : OUT STD_LOGIC; empty_HOST : OUT STD_LOGIC; command_CR_HOST : in std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); status_CDI_HOST : out std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0) ); END COMPONENT; --Inputs signal rst_CODMU : std_logic := '0'; signal clk_CODMU : std_logic := '0'; signal rst_HOST : std_logic := '1'; signal clk_HOST : std_logic := '0'; signal din_HOST : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal wr_en_HOST : std_logic := '0'; signal rd_en_HOST : std_logic := '0'; signal command_CR_HOST : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); --Outputs signal dout_HOST : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal full_HOST : std_logic; signal empty_HOST : std_logic; signal status_CDI_HOST : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Clock period definitions constant clk_CODMU_period : time := 10 ns; constant clk_HOST_period : time := 10 ns; -- others signal tlast_boolean : boolean := false; BEGIN -- Component Instantiation uut: xmatch_controller PORT MAP( clk_CODMU => clk_CODMU, rst_CODMU => rst_CODMU, clk_HOST => clk_HOST, rst_HOST => rst_HOST, din_HOST => din_HOST, wr_en_HOST => wr_en_HOST, rd_en_HOST => rd_en_HOST, dout_HOST => dout_HOST, full_HOST => full_HOST, empty_HOST => empty_HOST, command_CR_HOST => command_CR_HOST, status_CDI_HOST => status_CDI_HOST ); clk_CODMU_process :process begin clk_CODMU <= '1'; wait for clk_CODMU_period/2; clk_CODMU <= '0'; wait for clk_CODMU_period/2; end process; clk_HOST_process :process begin clk_HOST <= '1'; wait for clk_HOST_period/2; clk_HOST <= '0'; wait for clk_HOST_period/2; end process; -- ---------------------- COMMENT / UNCOMMENT FOR DECOMPRESSION START HERE -------------------------- -- WRITE_CMD_D : process begin wait for clk_CODMU_period*2; -- command_CR_HOST_HOST (32-bit): -- addr (4-bit) & ctrl (4-bit) & trhshold (8-bit) & blocksize (16-bit) ---- command_CR_HOST <= "10011000000010000000001000000000"; -- BlockSize 512 ---- command_CR_HOST <= "10011000000010000000010000000000"; -- BlockSize 1024 ---- command_CR_HOST <= "10011000000010000000100000000000"; -- BlockSize 2048 ---- command_CR_HOST <= "10011000000010000001000000000000"; -- BlockSize 4096 ---- command_CR_HOST <= "10011000000010000010000000000000"; -- BlockSize 8192 ---- command_CR_HOST <= "10011000000010000100000000000000"; -- BlockSize 16384 ---- command_CR_HOST <= "10011000000010001000000000000000"; -- BlockSize 32768 -- -- -- addr(4) & ctrl(4) & trhshold(8) & reserved (16) command_CR_HOST <= "1001100000001000" & "0000000000000000"; -- wait for clk_CODMU_period*50; -- command_CR_HOST <= "00000000000000101000111001100000"; -- U_alice_167520.txt file -- --command_CR_HOST <= "00000000000000000010000000000000"; -- U_alice_8192.txt file -- --command_CR_HOST <= "00000000000000000010000000000000"; -- U_alice_8192.txt file -- --command_CR_HOST <= "00000000000000001000000000000000"; -- this is the file U_alice_32768.txt command_CR_HOST <= "00000000000000000001111100000000"; -- this is the file 7936 bytes -- wait for clk_CODMU_period*50; command_CR_HOST <= "00000000000000000000000000000000"; wait; end process; -- -- DECOMPRESS WRITE_D: process -- -- --file INPUT_FILE_txt : TEXT open read_mode is "test_file/" & "C_alice_32768_NEW_BLOCKSIZE" & ".txt"; file INPUT_FILE_txt : TEXT open read_mode is "test_file/" & "C_alice_167520_NEW_BLOCKSIZE" & ".txt"; -------------- simulate 1000us -- --file INPUT_FILE_txt : TEXT open read_mode is "test_file/" & "C_alice_8192_NEW_BLOCKSIZE" & ".txt"; -- --file INPUT_FILE_txt : TEXT open read_mode is "test_file/" & "C_4KB_TEST_NEW_BLOCKSIZE" & ".txt"; variable LIN : line; variable SPACE : character; variable tdata_file : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); variable tlast_file : std_logic; -- begin -- wait for 0 ns; -- rst_CODMU <= '1'; rst_HOST <= '1'; wait for clk_CODMU_period*1; wr_en_HOST <= '0'; wait for clk_CODMU_period*1; rst_HOST <= '1'; wait for clk_CODMU_period*1; rst_HOST <= '1'; while ((not(endfile(INPUT_FILE_txt)))) loop if (full_HOST ='0') then readline(INPUT_FILE_txt , LIN); read(LIN , tdata_file); read(LIN , SPACE); read(LIN , tlast_file); wait for clk_HOST_period; din_HOST <= tdata_file; wr_en_HOST <= '1'; --command_CR_HOST_HOST <= "00000000000000000000000000000000"; -- if tlast_file /= '0' then ---- tlast_boolean <= false; ---- else ---- tlast_boolean <= true; ---- end if; else wait for clk_HOST_period; wr_en_HOST <= '0'; end if; end loop; -- wait for clk_HOST_period; wr_en_HOST <= '0'; wait; -- end process; -- READ_D: process -- file OUTPUT_FILE_txt : TEXT open write_mode is "test_file/" & "D_alice_32768_NEW_BLOCKSIZE" & ".txt"; -- file OUTPUT_FILE_txt : TEXT open write_mode is "test_file/" & "D_alice_167520_NEW_BLOCKSIZE" & ".txt"; -- --file OUTPUT_FILE_txt : TEXT open write_mode is "test_file/" & "D_alice_8192_NEW_BLOCKSIZE" & ".txt"; -- --file OUTPUT_FILE_txt : TEXT open write_mode is "test_file/" & "D_4KB_TEST_NEW_BLOCKSIZE" & ".txt"; variable outline : line; --line number declaration variable linenumber : integer:=1; variable C_DATAOUT_std_temp : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"FFFFFFFF"; -- begin -- rd_en_HOST <= '0'; wait for 0 ns; wait for clk_HOST_period*1; -- while ((empty_HOST ='0')) loop -- rd_en_HOST <='1'; wait for clk_HOST_period; rd_en_HOST <='0'; wait for clk_HOST_period; C_DATAOUT_std_temp := dout_HOST; write(outline, C_DATAOUT_std_temp); writeline(OUTPUT_FILE_txt, outline); linenumber := linenumber + 1; -- -- end loop; end process; -- -- ---------------------- COMMENT / UNCOMMENT FOR DECOMPRESSION END HERE -------------------------- END;