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[/] [xucpu/] [trunk/] [VHDL/] [datapath/] [dp_000.vhdl] - Rev 41
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-- Copyright 2015, Jürgen Defurne -- -- This file is part of the Experimental Unstable CPU System. -- -- The Experimental Unstable CPU System Is free software: you can redistribute -- it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License -- as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the -- License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- The Experimental Unstable CPU System is distributed in the hope that it will -- be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser -- General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License -- along with Experimental Unstable CPU System. If not, see -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt. LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL; ENTITY dp_000 IS END dp_000; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF dp_000 IS -- Component Declaration for the Unit Under Test (UUT) COMPONENT dp PORT( reset : IN STD_LOGIC; clock : IN STD_LOGIC; reg_a : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 DOWNTO 0); reg_b : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 DOWNTO 0); reg_input : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0); op_sel : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); we : IN STD_LOGIC; pc_input : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0); pc_load : IN STD_LOGIC; dr_load : IN STD_LOGIC; ar_load : IN STD_LOGIC; aa_load : IN STD_LOGIC; ab_load : IN STD_LOGIC; addr_sel : IN STD_LOGIC; zero : OUT STD_LOGIC; n_zero : OUT STD_LOGIC; data_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0); data_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0); addr_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(14 DOWNTO 0) ); END COMPONENT; -- purpose: Convert a register number into a STD_LOGIC_VECTOR FUNCTION reg (reg_nr, len : NATURAL) RETURN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR IS BEGIN -- reg RETURN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(to_unsigned(reg_nr, len)); END reg; --Inputs -- These two are master signals -- There should also be a reset generated by the test code FOR -- resetting the data path. SIGNAL reset : STD_LOGIC := '0'; SIGNAL clock : STD_LOGIC := '0'; SIGNAL dp_rst : STD_LOGIC := '0'; SIGNAL reg_a : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); SIGNAL reg_b : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); SIGNAL reg_input : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); SIGNAL op_sel : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); SIGNAL we : STD_LOGIC := '0'; SIGNAL pc_input : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); SIGNAL pc_load : STD_LOGIC := '0'; SIGNAL dr_load : STD_LOGIC := '0'; SIGNAL ar_load : STD_LOGIC := '0'; SIGNAL aa_load : STD_LOGIC := '0'; SIGNAL ab_load : STD_LOGIC := '0'; SIGNAL addr_sel : STD_LOGIC := '0'; SIGNAL data_in : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); SIGNAL l_dp_rst : STD_LOGIC := '0'; SIGNAL l_reg_a : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); SIGNAL l_reg_b : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); SIGNAL l_reg_input : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); SIGNAL l_op_sel : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); SIGNAL l_we : STD_LOGIC := '0'; SIGNAL l_pc_input : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); SIGNAL l_pc_load : STD_LOGIC := '0'; SIGNAL l_dr_load : STD_LOGIC := '0'; SIGNAL l_ar_load : STD_LOGIC := '0'; SIGNAL l_aa_load : STD_LOGIC := '0'; SIGNAL l_ab_load : STD_LOGIC := '0'; SIGNAL l_addr_sel : STD_LOGIC := '0'; SIGNAL l_data_in : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); --Outputs SIGNAL zero : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL n_zero : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL data_out : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL addr_out : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(14 DOWNTO 0); -- Clock period definitions CONSTANT clock_period : TIME := 10 ns; SUBTYPE state_range IS NATURAL RANGE 0 TO 104; -- State machine definitions SIGNAL current : state_range := 0; SIGNAL next_s : state_range := 0; BEGIN -- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) uut : dp PORT MAP ( reset => dp_rst, clock => clock, reg_a => reg_a, reg_b => reg_b, reg_input => reg_input, op_sel => op_sel, we => we, pc_input => pc_input, pc_load => pc_load, dr_load => dr_load, ar_load => ar_load, aa_load => aa_load, ab_load => ab_load, addr_sel => addr_sel, zero => zero, n_zero => n_zero, data_in => data_in, data_out => data_out, addr_out => addr_out ); -- Clock process definitions clock_process : PROCESS BEGIN clock <= '0'; WAIT FOR clock_period/2; clock <= '1'; WAIT FOR clock_period/2; END PROCESS; -- Stimulus process stim_proc : PROCESS BEGIN -- hold reset state for 100 ns. WAIT FOR 100 ns; reset <= '1'; WAIT FOR clock_period*10; -- insert stimulus here IF current = 11 AND next_s = 11 THEN WAIT; END IF; END PROCESS; -- purpose: This is the microcontroller pipeline register -- type : sequential -- inputs : clock, reset -- outputs: reg_a,reg_b,reg_input,op_sel pipeline_reg : PROCESS (clock, reset) BEGIN -- PROCESS controller IF reset = '0' THEN -- asynchronous reset (active low) dp_rst <= '0'; reg_a <= (OTHERS => '0'); reg_b <= (OTHERS => '0'); reg_input <= (OTHERS => '0'); op_sel <= (OTHERS => '0'); we <= '0'; pc_input <= (OTHERS => '0'); pc_load <= '0'; dr_load <= '0'; ar_load <= '0'; aa_load <= '0'; ab_load <= '0'; addr_sel <= '0'; data_in <= (OTHERS => '0'); current <= 0; ELSIF rising_edge(clock) THEN -- rising clock edge dp_rst <= l_dp_rst; reg_a <= l_reg_a; reg_b <= l_reg_b; reg_input <= l_reg_input; op_sel <= l_op_sel; we <= l_we; pc_input <= l_pc_input; pc_load <= l_pc_load; dr_load <= l_dr_load; ar_load <= l_ar_load; aa_load <= l_aa_load; ab_load <= l_ab_load; addr_sel <= l_addr_sel; data_in <= l_data_in; current <= next_s; END IF; END PROCESS pipeline_reg; -- purpose: Compute the next state based upon the current state and result zero state -- type : combinational -- inputs : current, zero, n_zero -- outputs: l_* next_state_logic : PROCESS (current, zero, n_zero) BEGIN -- PROCESS next_state_logic next_s <= 0; l_dp_rst <= '1'; l_reg_a <= (OTHERS => '0'); l_reg_b <= (OTHERS => '0'); l_reg_input <= (OTHERS => '0'); l_op_sel <= (OTHERS => '0'); l_we <= '0'; l_pc_input <= (OTHERS => '0'); l_pc_load <= '0'; l_dr_load <= '0'; l_ar_load <= '0'; l_aa_load <= '0'; l_ab_load <= '0'; l_addr_sel <= '0'; l_data_in <= (OTHERS => '0'); CASE current IS WHEN 0 => next_s <= 1; l_dp_rst <= '0'; WHEN 1 => next_s <= 2; l_dp_rst <= '1'; l_reg_a <= "00001"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_we <= '1'; l_data_in <= X"F0F0"; WHEN 2 => next_s <= 3; l_reg_a <= "00001"; l_reg_b <= "00001"; l_pc_input <= "10"; l_pc_load <= '1'; l_dr_load <= '1'; l_ar_load <= '1'; l_aa_load <= '1'; l_ab_load <= '1'; l_addr_sel <= '1'; WHEN 3 => next_s <= 4; l_addr_sel <= '1'; WHEN 4 => next_s <= 5; l_dp_rst <= '0'; WHEN 5 => next_s <= 6; l_data_in <= X"A1B2"; l_pc_input <= "01"; l_pc_load <= '1'; l_addr_sel <= '0'; WHEN 6 => next_s <= 7; WHEN 7 => next_s <= 8; l_dp_rst <= '0'; WHEN 8 => -- Reset state next_s <= 9; l_data_in <= X"DEAD"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= "00000"; l_we <= '1'; WHEN 9 => -- Present value to register file next_s <= 10; l_reg_a <= "00000"; l_pc_input <= "10"; l_pc_load <= '1'; WHEN 10 => -- Read value from register file into PC next_s <= 11; WHEN 11 => next_s <= 12; l_dp_rst <= '0'; WHEN 12 => -- Reset state next_s <= 13; l_data_in <= X"BEEF"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= "00010"; l_we <= '1'; WHEN 13 => -- Load into register 2 next_s <= 14; l_reg_a <= "00010"; l_dr_load <= '1'; WHEN 14 => -- Load from register into data out next_s <= 15; WHEN 15 => next_s <= 16; l_dp_rst <= '0'; WHEN 16 => next_s <= 17; l_data_in <= X"FEED"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= "00011"; l_we <= '1'; WHEN 17 => next_s <= 18; l_reg_input <= "11"; l_reg_a <= "01111"; l_reg_b <= "00011"; l_we <= '1'; WHEN 18 => next_s <= 19; l_reg_a <= "01111"; l_dr_load <= '1'; WHEN 19 => next_s <= 20; WHEN 20 => -- Start AND cycle next_s <= 21; l_dp_rst <= '0'; WHEN 21 => -- Reset cycle next_s <= 22; l_data_in <= X"0FA6"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= "00100"; l_we <= '1'; WHEN 22 => -- Present 0FA6 to register 00100 next_s <= 23; l_data_in <= X"FA84"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= "00101"; l_we <= '1'; WHEN 23 => -- Present FA84 to register 00101 next_s <= 24; l_reg_a <= "00100"; l_reg_b <= "00101"; l_aa_load <= '1'; l_ab_load <= '1'; WHEN 24 => -- Read reg a and b into A and B next_s <= 25; l_reg_input <= "10"; l_reg_a <= "00110"; l_we <= '1'; l_op_sel <= "1010"; WHEN 25 => -- Perform AND operation, write result -- into reg 00110 next_s <= 26; l_reg_a <= reg(6, 5); l_dr_load <= '1'; WHEN 26 => -- Load reg a into data out register next_s <= 27; WHEN 27 => next_s <= 28; l_dp_rst <= '0'; WHEN 28 => -- Reset cycle next_s <= 29; l_data_in <= X"0111"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= reg(7, 5); l_we <= '1'; WHEN 29 => -- Present 0111 to register 00111 next_s <= 30; l_data_in <= X"0F21"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= reg(8, 5); l_we <= '1'; WHEN 30 => -- Present 0F21 to register 01000 next_s <= 31; l_reg_a <= reg(7, 5); l_reg_b <= reg(8, 5); l_aa_load <= '1'; l_ab_load <= '1'; WHEN 31 => -- Read reg a and b into A and B next_s <= 32; l_reg_input <= "10"; l_reg_a <= reg(9, 5); l_we <= '1'; l_op_sel <= "0111"; WHEN 32 => -- Perform ADD operation, write result -- into reg 01001 next_s <= 33; l_reg_a <= reg(9, 5); l_dr_load <= '1'; WHEN 33 => -- Load reg a into data out register next_s <= 34; WHEN 34 => next_s <= 35; l_dp_rst <= '0'; WHEN 35 => -- Reset cycle (1) next_s <= 36; l_data_in <= X"7321"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= reg(10, 5); l_we <= '1'; WHEN 36 => -- Present X"7321" to register 10 (2) next_s <= 37; l_data_in <= X"6421"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= reg(11, 5); l_we <= '1'; WHEN 37 => -- Present X"6421" to register 11 (3) next_s <= 38; l_reg_a <= reg(10, 5); l_reg_b <= reg(11, 5); l_aa_load <= '1'; l_ab_load <= '1'; WHEN 38 => -- Read reg a and b into A and B (4) next_s <= 39; l_reg_input <= "10"; l_reg_a <= reg(12, 5); l_we <= '1'; l_op_sel <= "1000"; WHEN 39 => -- Perform ADD operation, write result -- into reg 12 (5) next_s <= 40; l_reg_a <= reg(12, 5); l_dr_load <= '1'; WHEN 40 => -- Load reg a into data out register (6) next_s <= 41; WHEN 41 => next_s <= 42; l_dp_rst <= '0'; WHEN 42 => -- Reset cycle (1) next_s <= 43; l_data_in <= X"0101"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= reg(13, 5); l_we <= '1'; WHEN 43 => -- Present X"0101" to register 13 (2) next_s <= 44; l_data_in <= X"0011"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= reg(14, 5); l_we <= '1'; WHEN 44 => -- Present X"0011" to register 14 (3) next_s <= 45; l_reg_a <= reg(13, 5); l_reg_b <= reg(14, 5); l_aa_load <= '1'; l_ab_load <= '1'; WHEN 45 => -- Read reg a and b into A and B (4) next_s <= 46; l_reg_input <= "10"; l_reg_a <= reg(15, 5); l_we <= '1'; l_op_sel <= "1011"; WHEN 46 => -- Perform OR operation, write result -- into reg 15 (5) next_s <= 47; l_reg_a <= reg(15, 5); l_dr_load <= '1'; WHEN 47 => -- Load reg a into data out register (6) next_s <= 48; WHEN 48 => next_s <= 49; l_dp_rst <= '0'; WHEN 49 => -- Reset cycle (1) next_s <= 50; l_data_in <= X"0101"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= reg(0, 5); l_we <= '1'; WHEN 50 => -- Present X"0101" to register 0 (2) next_s <= 51; l_data_in <= X"0011"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= reg(1, 5); l_we <= '1'; WHEN 51 => -- Present X"0011" to register 1 (3) next_s <= 52; l_reg_a <= reg(0, 5); l_reg_b <= reg(1, 5); l_aa_load <= '1'; l_ab_load <= '1'; WHEN 52 => -- Read reg a and b into A and B (4) next_s <= 53; l_reg_input <= "10"; l_reg_a <= reg(2, 5); l_we <= '1'; l_op_sel <= "1100"; WHEN 53 => -- Perform XOR operation, write result -- into reg 2 (5) next_s <= 54; l_reg_a <= reg(2, 5); l_dr_load <= '1'; WHEN 54 => -- Load reg a into data out register (6) next_s <= 55; WHEN 55 => next_s <= 56; l_dp_rst <= '0'; WHEN 56 => -- Reset cycle (1) next_s <= 57; l_data_in <= X"0A0C"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= reg(2, 5); l_we <= '1'; WHEN 57 => -- Present X"0A0C" to register 2 (2) next_s <= 58; l_reg_a <= reg(2, 5); l_aa_load <= '1'; WHEN 58 => -- Read reg a into A (3) next_s <= 59; l_reg_input <= "10"; l_reg_a <= reg(3, 5); l_we <= '1'; l_op_sel <= "1101"; WHEN 59 => -- Perform NOT operation, write result -- into reg 3 (4) next_s <= 60; l_reg_a <= reg(3, 5); l_dr_load <= '1'; WHEN 60 => -- Load reg a into data out register (5) next_s <= 61; WHEN 61 => next_s <= 62; l_dp_rst <= '0'; WHEN 62 => -- Reset cycle (1) next_s <= 63; l_data_in <= X"7310"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= reg(4, 5); l_we <= '1'; WHEN 63 => -- Present X"7310" to register 4 (2) next_s <= 64; l_reg_a <= reg(4, 5); l_aa_load <= '1'; WHEN 64 => -- Read reg a into A (3) next_s <= 65; l_reg_input <= "10"; l_reg_a <= reg(5, 5); l_we <= '1'; l_op_sel <= "1110"; WHEN 65 => -- Perform SLL operation, write result -- into reg 5 (4) next_s <= 66; l_reg_a <= reg(5, 5); l_dr_load <= '1'; WHEN 66 => -- Load reg a into data out register (5) next_s <= 67; WHEN 67 => next_s <= 68; l_dp_rst <= '0'; WHEN 68 => -- Reset cycle (1) next_s <= 69; l_data_in <= X"C426"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= reg(6, 5); l_we <= '1'; WHEN 69 => -- Present X"C426" to register 6 (2) next_s <= 70; l_reg_a <= reg(6, 5); l_aa_load <= '1'; WHEN 70 => -- Read reg a into A (3) next_s <= 71; l_reg_input <= "10"; l_reg_a <= reg(7, 5); l_we <= '1'; l_op_sel <= "1111"; WHEN 71 => -- Perform SLL operation, write result -- into reg 5 (4) next_s <= 72; l_reg_a <= reg(7, 5); l_dr_load <= '1'; WHEN 72 => -- Load reg a into data out register (5) next_s <= 73; WHEN 73 => next_s <= 74; l_dp_rst <= '0'; WHEN 74 => -- Reset cycle (1) next_s <= 75; l_data_in <= X"001F"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= reg(8, 5); l_we <= '1'; WHEN 75 => -- Present X"C426" to register 6 (2) next_s <= 76; l_reg_a <= reg(8, 5); l_aa_load <= '1'; WHEN 76 => -- Read reg a into A (3) next_s <= 77; l_reg_input <= "10"; l_reg_a <= reg(9, 5); l_we <= '1'; l_op_sel <= "0000"; WHEN 77 => -- Perform INC operation, write result -- into reg 5 (4) next_s <= 78; l_reg_a <= reg(9, 5); l_dr_load <= '1'; WHEN 78 => -- Load reg a into data out register (5) next_s <= 79; WHEN 79 => next_s <= 80; l_dp_rst <= '0'; WHEN 80 => -- Reset cycle (1) next_s <= 81; l_data_in <= X"1000"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= reg(9, 5); l_we <= '1'; WHEN 81 => -- Present X"1000" to register 9 (2) next_s <= 82; l_reg_a <= reg(9, 5); l_aa_load <= '1'; WHEN 82 => -- Read reg a into A (3) next_s <= 83; l_reg_input <= "10"; l_reg_a <= reg(10, 5); l_we <= '1'; l_op_sel <= "0001"; WHEN 83 => -- Perform DEC operation, write result -- into reg 10 (4) next_s <= 84; l_reg_a <= reg(10, 5); l_dr_load <= '1'; WHEN 84 => -- Load reg a into data out register (5) next_s <= 85; WHEN 85 => next_s <= 86; l_dp_rst <= '0'; WHEN 86 => -- Reset cycle (1) next_s <= 87; l_data_in <= X"1000"; l_pc_input <= "01"; l_pc_load <= '1'; WHEN 87 => -- Present X"1000" to the program -- counter (2) next_s <= 88; l_pc_input <= "00"; l_pc_load <= '1'; WHEN 88 => -- Reload the program counter next_s <= 89; WHEN 89 => next_s <= 90; l_dp_rst <= '0'; WHEN 90 => -- Reset cycle (1) next_s <= 91; l_data_in <= X"2000"; l_pc_input <= "01"; l_pc_load <= '1'; WHEN 91 => -- Present X"2000" to the program -- counter (2) next_s <= 92; l_reg_input <= "01"; l_reg_a <= reg(11, 5); l_we <= '1'; WHEN 92 => -- Store PC in register 11 next_s <= 93; l_reg_a <= reg(11, 5); l_dr_load <= '1'; WHEN 93 => -- Store reg 11 into data register next_s <= 94; WHEN 94 => next_s <= 95; l_dp_rst <= '0'; WHEN 95 => next_s <= 96; l_data_in <= X"0000"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= reg(12, 5); l_we <= '1'; WHEN 96 => next_s <= 97; l_reg_a <= reg(12, 5); WHEN 97 => next_s <= 98; WHEN 98 => next_s <= 99; WHEN 99 => next_s <= 100; l_dp_rst <= '0'; WHEN 100 => next_s <= 101; l_data_in <= X"0001"; l_reg_input <= "00"; l_reg_a <= reg(13, 5); l_we <= '1'; WHEN 101 => next_s <= 102; l_reg_a <= reg(13, 5); WHEN 102 => next_s <= 103; WHEN 103 => next_s <= 104; WHEN 104 => next_s <= 104; END CASE; END PROCESS next_state_logic; -- purpose: This process checks the values of the data path for every state -- type : sequential -- inputs : clock, reset -- outputs: assert_tests : PROCESS (clock) BEGIN -- PROCESS assert_tests IF rising_edge(clock) THEN -- rising clock edge CASE current IS WHEN 1 => ASSERT data_out = X"0000" REPORT "data out register not zero" SEVERITY failure; ASSERT addr_out = "111" & X"FF" & X"E" REPORT "address out register not zero" SEVERITY failure; WHEN 4 => ASSERT data_out = X"F0F0" REPORT "data out register not F0F0" SEVERITY failure; ASSERT addr_out = "111" & X"0F" & X"0" REPORT "address out register not 70F0" SEVERITY failure; WHEN 7 => ASSERT addr_out = "010" & X"1B" & X"2" REPORT "address out register not 21B2" SEVERITY failure; WHEN 11 => ASSERT addr_out = "101" & X"EA" & X"D" REPORT "address out register not 5EAD" SEVERITY failure; WHEN 15 => ASSERT data_out = X"BEEF" REPORT "data out register not BEEF" SEVERITY failure; WHEN 20 => ASSERT data_out = X"FEED" REPORT "data out register not FEED" SEVERITY failure; WHEN 27 => ASSERT data_out = X"0A84" REPORT "data out register not 0A84" SEVERITY failure; WHEN 34 => ASSERT data_out = X"1032" REPORT "data out register not 1032" SEVERITY failure; WHEN 41 => ASSERT data_out = X"0F00" REPORT "data out register not 0F00" SEVERITY failure; WHEN 48 => ASSERT data_out = X"0111" REPORT "data out register not 0111" SEVERITY failure; WHEN 55 => ASSERT data_out = X"0110" REPORT "XOR: data out register not 0110" SEVERITY failure; WHEN 61 => ASSERT data_out = X"F5F3" REPORT "NOT: data out register not F5F3" SEVERITY failure; WHEN 67 => ASSERT data_out = X"E620" REPORT "SLL: data out register not E620" SEVERITY failure; WHEN 73 => ASSERT data_out = X"6213" REPORT "SLR: data out register not 6213" SEVERITY failure; WHEN 79 => ASSERT data_out = X"0020" REPORT "INC: data out register not 0020" SEVERITY failure; WHEN 85 => ASSERT data_out = X"0FFF" REPORT "DEC: data out register not 0FFF" SEVERITY failure; WHEN 89 => ASSERT addr_out = "001000000000001" REPORT "PC-I: address out not 1001" SEVERITY failure; WHEN 94 => ASSERT data_out = X"2000" REPORT "PC-II: data out register not 2000" SEVERITY failure; WHEN 98 => ASSERT zero = '1' REPORT "TEST-I: zero result not correct" SEVERITY failure; WHEN OTHERS => NULL; END CASE; END IF; END PROCESS assert_tests; END;
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