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/// Copyright by Syntacore LLC © 2016-2020. See LICENSE for details
/// @file       <>
/// @brief      Instruction Fetch Unit (IFU)

 // Functionality:
 // - Controls instruction fetching process:
 //   - Fetches instructions either from IMEM or from Program Buffer, supporting
 //     pending IMEM instructions handling
 //   - Handles new PC misalignment and constructs the correct instruction (supports
 //     RVI and RVC instructions)
 //   - Either stores instructions in the instruction queue or bypasses to the
 //     IDU if the corresponding option is used
 //   - Flushes instruction queue if requested
 // Structure:
 // - Instruction queue
 // - IFU FSM
 // - IFU <-> IMEM i/f
 // - IFU <-> IDU i/f
 // - IFU <-> HDU i/f

`include "scr1_memif.svh"
`include "scr1_arch_description.svh"
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
`include "scr1_hdu.svh"
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN

module scr1_pipe_ifu
    // Control signals
    input   logic                                   rst_n,                      // IFU reset
    input   logic                                   clk,                        // IFU clock
    input   logic                                   pipe2ifu_stop_fetch_i,      // Stop instruction fetch

    // IFU <-> IMEM interface
    input   logic                                   imem2ifu_req_ack_i,         // Instruction memory request acknowledgement
    output  logic                                   ifu2imem_req_o,             // Instruction memory request
    output  logic                                   ifu2imem_cmd_o,             // Instruction memory command (READ/WRITE)
    output  logic [`SCR1_IMEM_AWIDTH-1:0]           ifu2imem_addr_o,            // Instruction memory address
    input   logic [`SCR1_IMEM_DWIDTH-1:0]           imem2ifu_rdata_i,           // Instruction memory read data
    input   logic [1:0]                             imem2ifu_resp_i,            // Instruction memory response

    // IFU <-> EXU New PC interface
    input   logic                                   exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i,       // New PC request (jumps, branches, traps etc)
    input   logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0]                  exu2ifu_pc_new_i,           // New PC

`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
    // IFU <-> HDU Program Buffer interface
    input   logic                                   hdu2ifu_pbuf_fetch_i,       // Fetch instructions provided by Program Buffer
    output  logic                                   ifu2hdu_pbuf_rdy_o,         // Program Buffer Instruction i/f ready
    input   logic                                   hdu2ifu_pbuf_vd_i,          // Program Buffer Instruction valid
    input   logic                                   hdu2ifu_pbuf_err_i,         // Program Buffer Instruction i/f error
    input   logic [SCR1_HDU_CORE_INSTR_WIDTH-1:0]   hdu2ifu_pbuf_instr_i,       // Program Buffer Instruction itself
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN

    output  logic                                   ifu2pipe_imem_txns_pnd_o,   // There are pending imem transactions
`endif // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN

    // IFU <-> IDU interface
    input   logic                                   idu2ifu_rdy_i,              // IDU ready for new data
    output  logic [`SCR1_IMEM_DWIDTH-1:0]           ifu2idu_instr_o,            // IFU instruction
    output  logic                                   ifu2idu_imem_err_o,         // Instruction access fault exception
    output  logic                                   ifu2idu_err_rvi_hi_o,       // 1 - imem fault when trying to fetch second half of an unaligned RVI instruction
    output  logic                                   ifu2idu_vd_o                // IFU request

// Local parameters declaration

localparam SCR1_IFU_Q_SIZE_WORD     = 2;
localparam SCR1_IFU_Q_SIZE_HALF     = SCR1_IFU_Q_SIZE_WORD * 2;
localparam SCR1_TXN_CNT_W           = 3;

localparam SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_ADR_W     = $clog2(SCR1_IFU_Q_SIZE_HALF);
localparam SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_PTR_W     = SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_ADR_W + 1;

localparam SCR1_IFU_Q_FREE_H_W      = $clog2(SCR1_IFU_Q_SIZE_HALF + 1);
localparam SCR1_IFU_Q_FREE_W_W      = $clog2(SCR1_IFU_Q_SIZE_WORD + 1);

// Local types declaration

//typedef enum logic {
parameter    SCR1_IFU_FSM_IDLE    = 1'b0;
parameter    SCR1_IFU_FSM_FETCH   = 1'b1;
//} type_scr1_ifu_fsm_e;

//typedef enum logic[1:0] {
parameter    SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_NONE = 2'b00;  // No write to queue
parameter    SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_FULL = 2'b01;  // Write 32 rdata bits to queue
parameter    SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_HI   = 2'b10;  // Write 16 upper rdata bits to queue
//} type_scr1_ifu_queue_wr_e;

//typedef enum logic[1:0] {
parameter    SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_RD_NONE  = 2'b00; // No queue read
parameter    SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_RD_HWORD = 2'b01; // Read halfword
parameter    SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_RD_WORD  = 2'b10; // Read word
//} type_scr1_ifu_queue_rd_e;

typedef enum logic[1:0] {
    SCR1_BYPASS_NONE,               // No bypass
    SCR1_BYPASS_RVC,                // Bypass RVC
    SCR1_BYPASS_RVI_RDATA_QUEUE,    // Bypass RVI, rdata+queue
    SCR1_BYPASS_RVI_RDATA           // Bypass RVI, rdata only
} type_scr1_bypass_e;
`endif // SCR1_NO_DEC_STAGE

//typedef enum logic [2:0] {
parameter     SCR1_IFU_INSTR_NONE           = 3'b000 ; // No valid instruction
parameter     SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVI_HI_RVI_LO  = 3'b001 ; // Full RV32I instruction
parameter     SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVC_RVC        = 3'b010 ;
parameter     SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVI_LO_RVC     = 3'b011 ;
parameter     SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVC_RVI_HI     = 3'b100 ;
parameter     SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVI_LO_RVI_HI  = 3'b101 ;
parameter     SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVC_NV         = 3'b110 ;  // Instruction after unaligned new_pc
parameter     SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVI_LO_NV      = 3'b111 ;  // Instruction after unaligned new_pc
//} type_scr1_ifu_instr_e;

// Local signals declaration

// Instruction queue signals

// New PC unaligned flag register
logic                               new_pc_unaligned_ff;
logic                               new_pc_unaligned_next;
logic                               new_pc_unaligned_upd;

// IMEM instruction type decoder
logic                               instr_hi_is_rvi;
logic                               instr_lo_is_rvi;
logic [2:0]                         instr_type;

// Register to store if the previous IMEM instruction had low part of RVI instruction
// in its high part
logic                               instr_hi_rvi_lo_ff;
logic                               instr_hi_rvi_lo_next;

// Queue read/write size decoders
logic [1:0]                         q_rd_size;
logic                               q_rd_vd;
logic                               q_rd_none;
logic                               q_rd_hword;
logic [1:0]                         q_wr_size;
logic                               q_wr_none;
logic                               q_wr_full;

// Write/read pointer registers
logic [SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_PTR_W-1:0]    q_rptr;
logic [SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_PTR_W-1:0]    q_rptr_next;
logic                               q_rptr_upd;
logic [SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_PTR_W-1:0]    q_wptr;
logic [SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_PTR_W-1:0]    q_wptr_next;
logic                               q_wptr_upd;

// Instruction queue control signals
logic                               q_wr_en;
logic                               q_flush_req;

// Queue data registers
logic [`SCR1_IMEM_DWIDTH/2-1:0]     q_data  [SCR1_IFU_Q_SIZE_HALF];
logic [`SCR1_IMEM_DWIDTH/2-1:0]     q_data_head;
logic [`SCR1_IMEM_DWIDTH/2-1:0]     q_data_next;

// Queue error flags registers
logic                               q_err   [SCR1_IFU_Q_SIZE_HALF];
logic                               q_err_head;
logic                               q_err_next;

// Instruction queue status signals
logic                               q_is_empty;
logic                               q_has_free_slots;
logic                               q_has_1_ocpd_hw;
logic                               q_head_is_rvc;
logic                               q_head_is_rvi;
logic [SCR1_IFU_Q_FREE_H_W-1:0]     q_ocpd_h;
logic [SCR1_IFU_Q_FREE_H_W-1:0]     q_free_h_next;
logic [SCR1_IFU_Q_FREE_W_W-1:0]     q_free_w_next;

// IFU FSM signals

// IFU FSM control signals
logic                               ifu_fetch_req;
logic                               ifu_stop_req;

logic                               ifu_fsm_curr;
logic                               ifu_fsm_next;
logic                               ifu_fsm_fetch;

// IMEM signals

// IMEM response signals
logic                               imem_resp_ok;
logic                               imem_resp_er;
logic                               imem_resp_er_discard_pnd;
logic                               imem_resp_discard_req;
logic                               imem_resp_received;
logic                               imem_resp_vd;
logic                               imem_handshake_done;

logic [15:0]                        imem_rdata_lo;
logic [31:16]                       imem_rdata_hi;

// IMEM address signals
logic                               imem_addr_upd;
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:2]              imem_addr_ff;
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:2]              imem_addr_next;

// IMEM pending transactions counter
logic                               imem_pnd_txns_cnt_upd;
logic [SCR1_TXN_CNT_W-1:0]          imem_pnd_txns_cnt;
logic [SCR1_TXN_CNT_W-1:0]          imem_pnd_txns_cnt_next;
logic [SCR1_TXN_CNT_W-1:0]          imem_vd_pnd_txns_cnt;
logic                               imem_pnd_txns_q_full;

// IMEM responses discard counter
logic                               imem_resp_discard_cnt_upd;
logic [SCR1_TXN_CNT_W-1:0]          imem_resp_discard_cnt;
logic [SCR1_TXN_CNT_W-1:0]          imem_resp_discard_cnt_next;

`ifdef SCR1_NEW_PC_REG
logic                               new_pc_req_ff;
`endif // SCR1_NEW_PC_REG

// Instruction bypass signals
type_scr1_bypass_e                  instr_bypass_type;
logic                               instr_bypass_vd;
`endif // SCR1_NO_DEC_STAGE

// Instruction queue
 // Instruction queue consists of the following functional units:
 // - New PC unaligned flag register
 // - Instruction type decoder, including register to store if the previous
 //   IMEM instruction had low part of RVI instruction in its high part
 // - Read/write size decoders
 // - Read/write pointer registers
 // - Data and error flag registers
 // - Status logic

// New PC unaligned flag register

assign new_pc_unaligned_upd = exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i | imem_resp_vd;

always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin
    if (~rst_n) begin
        new_pc_unaligned_ff <= 1'b0;
    end else if (new_pc_unaligned_upd) begin
        new_pc_unaligned_ff <= new_pc_unaligned_next;

assign new_pc_unaligned_next = exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i ? exu2ifu_pc_new_i[1]
                             : ~imem_resp_vd        ? new_pc_unaligned_ff
                                                    : 1'b0;

// Instruction type decoder

assign instr_hi_is_rvi = &imem2ifu_rdata_i[17:16];
assign instr_lo_is_rvi = &imem2ifu_rdata_i[1:0];

always_comb begin
    instr_type = SCR1_IFU_INSTR_NONE;

    if (imem_resp_ok & ~imem_resp_discard_req) begin
        if (new_pc_unaligned_ff) begin
            instr_type = instr_hi_is_rvi ? SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVI_LO_NV
                                         : SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVC_NV;
        end else begin // ~new_pc_unaligned_ff
            if (instr_hi_rvi_lo_ff) begin
                instr_type = instr_hi_is_rvi ? SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVI_LO_RVI_HI
                                             : SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVC_RVI_HI;
            end else begin // SCR1_OTHER
                casez ({instr_hi_is_rvi, instr_lo_is_rvi})
                    2'b?1   : instr_type   = SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVI_HI_RVI_LO;
                    2'b00   : instr_type   = SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVC_RVC;
                    2'b10   : instr_type   = SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVI_LO_RVC;

// Register to store if the previous IMEM instruction had low part of RVI
// instruction in its high part

always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin
    if (~rst_n) begin
        instr_hi_rvi_lo_ff <= 1'b0;
    end else begin
        if (exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i) begin
            instr_hi_rvi_lo_ff <= 1'b0;
        end else if (imem_resp_vd) begin
            instr_hi_rvi_lo_ff <= instr_hi_rvi_lo_next;

assign instr_hi_rvi_lo_next = (instr_type == SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVI_LO_NV)
                            | (instr_type == SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVI_LO_RVI_HI)
                            | (instr_type == SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVI_LO_RVC);

// Queue write/read size decoders

// Queue read size decoder
assign q_rd_vd    = ~q_is_empty & ifu2idu_vd_o & idu2ifu_rdy_i;
assign q_rd_hword = q_head_is_rvc | q_err_head
                  | (q_head_is_rvi & instr_bypass_vd)
`endif // SCR1_NO_DEC_STAGE
assign q_rd_size  = ~q_rd_vd   ? SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_RD_NONE
                  : q_rd_hword ? SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_RD_HWORD
                               : SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_RD_WORD;
assign q_rd_none  = (q_rd_size == SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_RD_NONE);

// Queue write size decoder
always_comb begin
    q_wr_size = SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_NONE;
    if (~imem_resp_discard_req) begin
        if (imem_resp_ok) begin
            case (instr_type)
                SCR1_IFU_INSTR_NONE         : q_wr_size = SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_NONE;
                SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVI_LO_NV    : q_wr_size = SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_HI;
                SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVC_NV       : q_wr_size = (instr_bypass_vd & idu2ifu_rdy_i)
                                                        ? SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_NONE
                                                        : SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_HI;
                SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVI_HI_RVI_LO: q_wr_size = (instr_bypass_vd & idu2ifu_rdy_i)
                                                        ? SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_NONE
                                                        : SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_FULL;
                SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVI_LO_RVI_HI: q_wr_size = (instr_bypass_vd & idu2ifu_rdy_i)
                                                        ? SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_HI
                                                        : SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_FULL;
            endcase // instr_type
`else // SCR1_NO_DEC_STAGE
            case (instr_type)
                SCR1_IFU_INSTR_NONE         : q_wr_size = SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_NONE;
                SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVI_LO_NV    : q_wr_size = SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_HI;
                default                     : q_wr_size = SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_FULL;
            endcase // instr_type
`endif // SCR1_NO_DEC_STAGE
        end else if (imem_resp_er) begin
            q_wr_size = SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_FULL;
        end // imem_resp_er
    end // ~imem_resp_discard_req

assign q_wr_none   = (q_wr_size == SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_NONE);
assign q_wr_full   = (q_wr_size == SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_FULL);

// Write/read pointer registers

assign q_flush_req = exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i | pipe2ifu_stop_fetch_i;

// Queue write pointer register
assign q_wptr_upd  = q_flush_req | ~q_wr_none;

always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin
    if (~rst_n) begin
        q_wptr <= '0;
    end else if (q_wptr_upd) begin
        q_wptr <= q_wptr_next;

assign q_wptr_next = q_flush_req ? '0
                   : ~q_wr_none  ? q_wptr + (q_wr_full ? 2'd2 : 1'b1)
                                 : q_wptr;

// Queue read pointer register
assign q_rptr_upd  = q_flush_req | ~q_rd_none;

always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin
    if (~rst_n) begin
        q_rptr <= '0;
    end else if (q_rptr_upd) begin
        q_rptr <= q_rptr_next;

assign q_rptr_next = q_flush_req ? '0
                   : ~q_rd_none  ? q_rptr + (q_rd_hword ? 1'b1 : 2'd2)
                                 : q_rptr;

// Queue data and error flag registers

assign imem_rdata_hi = imem2ifu_rdata_i[31:16];
assign imem_rdata_lo = imem2ifu_rdata_i[15:0];

assign q_wr_en = imem_resp_vd & ~q_flush_req;

always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin
    if (~rst_n) begin
     `ifdef SCR1_MPRF_RST_EN // Two dimensional array init not allowed in YOSYS - cp.13
        q_data  <= '{SCR1_IFU_Q_SIZE_HALF{'0}};
        q_err   <= '{SCR1_IFU_Q_SIZE_HALF{1'b0}};
    end else if (q_wr_en) begin
        case (q_wr_size)
            SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_HI    : begin
                q_data[SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_ADR_W'(q_wptr)]         <= imem_rdata_hi;
                q_err [SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_ADR_W'(q_wptr)]         <= imem_resp_er;
            SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_FULL  : begin
                q_data[SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_ADR_W'(q_wptr)]         <= imem_rdata_lo;
                q_err [SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_ADR_W'(q_wptr)]         <= imem_resp_er;
                q_data[SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_ADR_W'(q_wptr + 1'b1)]  <= imem_rdata_hi;
                q_err [SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_ADR_W'(q_wptr + 1'b1)]  <= imem_resp_er;

assign q_data_head = q_data [SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_ADR_W'(q_rptr)];
assign q_data_next = q_data [SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_ADR_W'(q_rptr + 1'b1)];
assign q_err_head  = q_err  [SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_ADR_W'(q_rptr)];
assign q_err_next  = q_err  [SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_ADR_W'(q_rptr + 1'b1)];

// Queue status logic

assign q_ocpd_h         = SCR1_IFU_Q_FREE_H_W'(q_wptr - q_rptr);
assign q_free_h_next    = SCR1_IFU_Q_FREE_H_W'(SCR1_IFU_Q_SIZE_HALF - (q_wptr - q_rptr_next));
assign q_free_w_next    = SCR1_IFU_Q_FREE_W_W'(q_free_h_next >> 1'b1);

assign q_is_empty       = (q_rptr == q_wptr);
assign q_has_free_slots = (SCR1_TXN_CNT_W'(q_free_w_next) > imem_vd_pnd_txns_cnt);
assign q_has_1_ocpd_hw  = (q_ocpd_h == SCR1_IFU_Q_FREE_H_W'(1));

assign q_head_is_rvi    = &(q_data_head[1:0]);
assign q_head_is_rvc    = ~q_head_is_rvi;


// IFU FSM control signals
assign ifu_fetch_req = exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i & ~pipe2ifu_stop_fetch_i;
assign ifu_stop_req  = pipe2ifu_stop_fetch_i
                     | (imem_resp_er_discard_pnd & ~exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i);

always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin
    if (~rst_n) begin
        ifu_fsm_curr <= SCR1_IFU_FSM_IDLE;
    end else begin
        ifu_fsm_curr <= ifu_fsm_next;

always_comb begin
    case (ifu_fsm_curr)
        SCR1_IFU_FSM_IDLE   : begin
            ifu_fsm_next = ifu_fetch_req ? SCR1_IFU_FSM_FETCH
                                         : SCR1_IFU_FSM_IDLE;
        SCR1_IFU_FSM_FETCH  : begin
            ifu_fsm_next = ifu_stop_req  ? SCR1_IFU_FSM_IDLE
                                         : SCR1_IFU_FSM_FETCH;

assign ifu_fsm_fetch = (ifu_fsm_curr == SCR1_IFU_FSM_FETCH);

// IFU <-> IMEM interface
 // IFU <-> IMEM interface consists of the following functional units:
 // - IMEM response logic
 // - IMEM address register
 // - Pending IMEM transactions counter
 // - IMEM discard responses counter
 // - IFU <-> IMEM interface output signals

// IMEM response logic

assign imem_resp_er             = (imem2ifu_resp_i == SCR1_MEM_RESP_RDY_ER);
assign imem_resp_ok             = (imem2ifu_resp_i == SCR1_MEM_RESP_RDY_OK);
assign imem_resp_received       = imem_resp_ok | imem_resp_er;
assign imem_resp_vd             = imem_resp_received & ~imem_resp_discard_req;
assign imem_resp_er_discard_pnd = imem_resp_er & ~imem_resp_discard_req;

assign imem_handshake_done = ifu2imem_req_o & imem2ifu_req_ack_i;

// IMEM address register

assign imem_addr_upd = imem_handshake_done | exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i;

always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin
    if (~rst_n) begin
        imem_addr_ff <= '0;
    end else if (imem_addr_upd) begin
        imem_addr_ff <= imem_addr_next;

`ifndef SCR1_NEW_PC_REG
assign imem_addr_next = exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i ? exu2ifu_pc_new_i[`SCR1_XLEN-1:2]                 + imem_handshake_done
                      : &imem_addr_ff[5:2]   ? imem_addr_ff                                     + imem_handshake_done
                                             : {imem_addr_ff[`SCR1_XLEN-1:6], imem_addr_ff[5:2] + imem_handshake_done};
`else // SCR1_NEW_PC_REG
assign imem_addr_next = exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i ? exu2ifu_pc_new_i[`SCR1_XLEN-1:2]
                      : &imem_addr_ff[5:2]   ? imem_addr_ff                                     + imem_handshake_done
                                             : {imem_addr_ff[`SCR1_XLEN-1:6], imem_addr_ff[5:2] + imem_handshake_done};
`endif // SCR1_NEW_PC_REG

// Pending IMEM transactions counter
// Pending IMEM transactions occur if IFU request has been acknowledged, but
// response comes in the next cycle or later

assign imem_pnd_txns_cnt_upd  = imem_handshake_done ^ imem_resp_received;

always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin
    if (~rst_n) begin
        imem_pnd_txns_cnt <= '0;
    end else if (imem_pnd_txns_cnt_upd) begin
        imem_pnd_txns_cnt <= imem_pnd_txns_cnt_next;

assign imem_pnd_txns_cnt_next = imem_pnd_txns_cnt + (imem_handshake_done - imem_resp_received);
assign imem_pnd_txns_q_full   = &imem_pnd_txns_cnt;

// IMEM discard responses counter
// IMEM instructions should be discarded in the following 2 cases:
// 1. New PC is requested by jump, branch, mret or other instruction
// 2. IMEM response was erroneous and not discarded
// In both cases the number of instructions to be discarded equals to the number
// of pending instructions.
// In the 1st case we don't need all the instructions that haven't been fetched
// yet, since the PC has changed.
// In the 2nd case, since the IMEM responce was erroneous there is no guarantee
// that subsequent IMEM instructions would be valid.

assign imem_resp_discard_cnt_upd = exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i | imem_resp_er
                                 | (imem_resp_ok & imem_resp_discard_req);

always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin
    if (~rst_n) begin
        imem_resp_discard_cnt <= '0;
    end else if (imem_resp_discard_cnt_upd) begin
        imem_resp_discard_cnt <= imem_resp_discard_cnt_next;

`ifndef SCR1_NEW_PC_REG
assign imem_resp_discard_cnt_next = exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i     ? imem_pnd_txns_cnt_next - imem_handshake_done
                                  : imem_resp_er_discard_pnd ? imem_pnd_txns_cnt_next
                                                             : imem_resp_discard_cnt - 1'b1;
`else // SCR1_NEW_PC_REG
assign imem_resp_discard_cnt_next = exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i | imem_resp_er_discard_pnd
                                  ? imem_pnd_txns_cnt_next
                                  : imem_resp_discard_cnt - 1'b1;
`endif // SCR1_NEW_PC_REG

assign imem_vd_pnd_txns_cnt  = imem_pnd_txns_cnt - imem_resp_discard_cnt;
assign imem_resp_discard_req = |imem_resp_discard_cnt;

// IFU <-> IMEM interface output signals

`ifndef SCR1_NEW_PC_REG
assign ifu2imem_req_o  = (exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i & ~imem_pnd_txns_q_full & ~pipe2ifu_stop_fetch_i)
                       | (ifu_fsm_fetch        & ~imem_pnd_txns_q_full & q_has_free_slots);
assign ifu2imem_addr_o = exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i
                       ? {exu2ifu_pc_new_i[`SCR1_XLEN-1:2], 2'b00}
                       : {imem_addr_ff, 2'b00};
`else // SCR1_NEW_PC_REG
assign ifu2imem_req_o  = ifu_fsm_fetch & ~imem_pnd_txns_q_full & q_has_free_slots;
assign ifu2imem_addr_o = {imem_addr_ff, 2'b00};
`endif // SCR1_NEW_PC_REG

assign ifu2imem_cmd_o  = SCR1_MEM_CMD_RD;

assign ifu2pipe_imem_txns_pnd_o = |imem_pnd_txns_cnt;
`endif // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN

// IFU <-> IDU interface
 // IFU <-> IDU interface consists of the following functional units:
 // - Instruction bypass type decoder
 // - IFU <-> IDU status signals
 // - Output instruction multiplexer


// Instruction bypass type decoder

assign instr_bypass_vd  = (instr_bypass_type != SCR1_BYPASS_NONE);

always_comb begin
    instr_bypass_type    = SCR1_BYPASS_NONE;

    if (imem_resp_vd) begin
        if (q_is_empty) begin
            case (instr_type)
                SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVI_LO_RVC       : begin
                    instr_bypass_type = SCR1_BYPASS_RVC;
                SCR1_IFU_INSTR_RVI_HI_RVI_LO    : begin
                    instr_bypass_type = SCR1_BYPASS_RVI_RDATA;
                default : begin end
            endcase // instr_type
        end else if (q_has_1_ocpd_hw & q_head_is_rvi) begin
            if (instr_hi_rvi_lo_ff) begin
                instr_bypass_type = SCR1_BYPASS_RVI_RDATA_QUEUE;
    end // imem_resp_vd

// IFU <-> IDU interface status signals

always_comb begin
    ifu2idu_vd_o         = 1'b0;
    ifu2idu_imem_err_o   = 1'b0;
    ifu2idu_err_rvi_hi_o = 1'b0;

    if (ifu_fsm_fetch | ~q_is_empty) begin
        if (instr_bypass_vd) begin
            ifu2idu_vd_o          = 1'b1;
            ifu2idu_imem_err_o    = (instr_bypass_type == SCR1_BYPASS_RVI_RDATA_QUEUE)
                                  ? (imem_resp_er | q_err_head)
                                  : imem_resp_er;
            ifu2idu_err_rvi_hi_o  = (instr_bypass_type == SCR1_BYPASS_RVI_RDATA_QUEUE) & imem_resp_er;
        end else if (~q_is_empty) begin
            if (q_has_1_ocpd_hw) begin
                ifu2idu_vd_o         = q_head_is_rvc | q_err_head;
                ifu2idu_imem_err_o   = q_err_head;
                ifu2idu_err_rvi_hi_o = ~q_err_head & q_head_is_rvi & q_err_next;
            end else begin
                ifu2idu_vd_o         = 1'b1;
                ifu2idu_imem_err_o   = q_err_head ? 1'b1 : (q_head_is_rvi & q_err_next);
        end // ~q_is_empty
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
    if (hdu2ifu_pbuf_fetch_i) begin
        ifu2idu_vd_o          = hdu2ifu_pbuf_vd_i;
        ifu2idu_imem_err_o    = hdu2ifu_pbuf_err_i;
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN

// Output instruction multiplexer

always_comb begin
    case (instr_bypass_type)
        SCR1_BYPASS_RVC            : begin
            ifu2idu_instr_o = `SCR1_IMEM_DWIDTH'(new_pc_unaligned_ff ? imem_rdata_hi
                                                                     : imem_rdata_lo);
        SCR1_BYPASS_RVI_RDATA      : begin
            ifu2idu_instr_o = imem2ifu_rdata_i;
            ifu2idu_instr_o = {imem_rdata_lo, q_data_head};
        default                    : begin
            ifu2idu_instr_o = `SCR1_IMEM_DWIDTH'(q_head_is_rvc ? q_data_head
                                                               : {q_data_next, q_data_head});
    endcase // instr_bypass_type
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
    if (hdu2ifu_pbuf_fetch_i) begin
        ifu2idu_instr_o = `SCR1_IMEM_DWIDTH'({'0, hdu2ifu_pbuf_instr_i});
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN

`else   // SCR1_NO_DEC_STAGE

// IFU <-> IDU interface status signals

always_comb begin
    ifu2idu_vd_o          = 1'b0;
    ifu2idu_imem_err_o    = 1'b0;
    ifu2idu_err_rvi_hi_o  = 1'b0;
    if (~q_is_empty) begin
        if (q_has_1_ocpd_hw) begin
            ifu2idu_vd_o          = q_head_is_rvc | q_err_head;
            ifu2idu_imem_err_o    = q_err_head;
        end else begin
            ifu2idu_vd_o          = 1'b1;
            ifu2idu_imem_err_o    = q_err_head ? 1'b1 : (q_head_is_rvi & q_err_next);
            ifu2idu_err_rvi_hi_o  = ~q_err_head & q_head_is_rvi & q_err_next;
    end // ~q_is_empty
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
    if (hdu2ifu_pbuf_fetch_i) begin
        ifu2idu_vd_o          = hdu2ifu_pbuf_vd_i;
        ifu2idu_imem_err_o    = hdu2ifu_pbuf_err_i;
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN

// Output instruction multiplexer

always_comb begin
    ifu2idu_instr_o = q_head_is_rvc ? `SCR1_IMEM_DWIDTH'(q_data_head)
                                    : {q_data_next, q_data_head};
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
    if (hdu2ifu_pbuf_fetch_i) begin
        ifu2idu_instr_o = `SCR1_IMEM_DWIDTH'({'0, hdu2ifu_pbuf_instr_i});
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN

`endif  // SCR1_NO_DEC_STAGE

`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
assign ifu2hdu_pbuf_rdy_o = idu2ifu_rdy_i;
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN


// Assertions

// X checks

SCR1_SVA_IFU_XCHECK : assert property (
    @(negedge clk) disable iff (~rst_n)
    !$isunknown({imem2ifu_req_ack_i, idu2ifu_rdy_i, exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i})
    ) else $error("IFU Error: unknown values");

SCR1_SVA_IFU_XCHECK_REQ : assert property (
    @(negedge clk) disable iff (~rst_n)
    ifu2imem_req_o |-> !$isunknown({ifu2imem_addr_o, ifu2imem_cmd_o})
    ) else $error("IFU Error: unknown {ifu2imem_addr_o, ifu2imem_cmd_o}");

// Behavior checks
SCR1_SVA_IFU_DRC_UNDERFLOW : assert property (
    @(negedge clk) disable iff (~rst_n)
    ~imem_resp_discard_req |=> ~(imem_resp_discard_cnt == SCR1_TXN_CNT_W'('1))
    ) else $error("IFU Error: imem_resp_discard_cnt underflow");
`endif // VERILATOR
SCR1_SVA_IFU_DRC_RANGE : assert property (
    @(negedge clk) disable iff (~rst_n)
    (imem_resp_discard_cnt >= 0) & (imem_resp_discard_cnt <= imem_pnd_txns_cnt)
    ) else $error("IFU Error: imem_resp_discard_cnt out of range");

SCR1_SVA_IFU_QUEUE_OVF : assert property (
    @(negedge clk) disable iff (~rst_n)
    (q_ocpd_h >= SCR1_IFU_Q_FREE_H_W'(SCR1_IFU_Q_SIZE_HALF-1)) |->
    ((q_ocpd_h == SCR1_IFU_Q_FREE_H_W'(SCR1_IFU_Q_SIZE_HALF-1)) ? (q_wr_size != SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_FULL)
                                                                : (q_wr_size == SCR1_IFU_QUEUE_WR_NONE))
    ) else $error("IFU Error: queue overflow");

SCR1_SVA_IFU_IMEM_ERR_BEH : assert property (
    @(negedge clk) disable iff (~rst_n)
    (imem_resp_er & ~imem_resp_discard_req & ~exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i) |=>
    (ifu_fsm_curr == SCR1_IFU_FSM_IDLE) & (imem_resp_discard_cnt == imem_pnd_txns_cnt)
    ) else $error("IFU Error: incorrect behavior after memory error");

SCR1_SVA_IFU_NEW_PC_REQ_BEH : assert property (
    @(negedge clk) disable iff (~rst_n)
    exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i |=> q_is_empty
    ) else $error("IFU Error: incorrect behavior after exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i");
`endif // VERILATOR
SCR1_SVA_IFU_IMEM_ADDR_ALIGNED : assert property (
    @(negedge clk) disable iff (~rst_n)
    ifu2imem_req_o |-> ~|ifu2imem_addr_o[1:0]
    ) else $error("IFU Error: unaligned IMEM access");

SCR1_SVA_IFU_STOP_FETCH : assert property (
    @(negedge clk) disable iff (~rst_n)
    pipe2ifu_stop_fetch_i |=> (ifu_fsm_curr == SCR1_IFU_FSM_IDLE)
    ) else $error("IFU Error: fetch not stopped");
`endif // VERILATOR
SCR1_SVA_IFU_IMEM_FAULT_RVI_HI : assert property (
    @(negedge clk) disable iff (~rst_n)
    ifu2idu_err_rvi_hi_o |-> ifu2idu_imem_err_o
    ) else $error("IFU Error: ifu2idu_imem_err_o == 0");


endmodule : scr1_pipe_ifu

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