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/// Copyright by Syntacore LLC © 2016-2020. See LICENSE for details
/// @file <scr1_mem_axi.sv>
/// @brief Memory AXI bridge
`include "scr1_memif.svh"
`include "scr1_arch_description.svh"
module scr1_mem_axi
parameter SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE = 2, // Power of 2 value
parameter SCR1_AXI_IDWIDTH = 4,
parameter SCR1_ADDR_WIDTH = 32,
parameter SCR1_AXI_REQ_BP = 1,
parameter SCR1_AXI_RESP_BP = 1
// Clock and Reset
input logic clk,
input logic rst_n,
input logic axi_reinit,
// Core Interface
output logic core_idle,
output logic core_req_ack,
input logic core_req,
input type_scr1_mem_cmd_e core_cmd,
input type_scr1_mem_width_e core_width,
input logic [SCR1_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] core_addr,
input logic [31:0] core_wdata,
output logic [31:0] core_rdata,
output type_scr1_mem_resp_e core_resp,
// AXI
output logic [SCR1_AXI_IDWIDTH-1:0] awid,
output logic [SCR1_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] awaddr,
output logic [ 7:0] awlen,
output logic [ 2:0] awsize,
output logic [ 1:0] awburst,
output logic awlock,
output logic [ 3:0] awcache,
output logic [ 2:0] awprot,
output logic [ 3:0] awregion,
output logic [ 3:0] awuser,
output logic [ 3:0] awqos,
output logic awvalid,
input logic awready,
output logic [31:0] wdata,
output logic [3:0] wstrb,
output logic wlast,
output logic [3:0] wuser,
output logic wvalid,
input logic wready,
input logic [SCR1_AXI_IDWIDTH-1:0] bid,
input logic [ 1:0] bresp,
input logic bvalid,
input logic [ 3:0] buser,
output logic bready,
output logic [SCR1_AXI_IDWIDTH-1:0] arid,
output logic [SCR1_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] araddr,
output logic [ 7:0] arlen,
output logic [ 2:0] arsize,
output logic [ 1:0] arburst,
output logic arlock,
output logic [ 3:0] arcache,
output logic [ 2:0] arprot,
output logic [ 3:0] arregion,
output logic [ 3:0] aruser,
output logic [ 3:0] arqos,
output logic arvalid,
input logic arready,
input logic [SCR1_AXI_IDWIDTH-1:0] rid,
input logic [31:0] rdata,
input logic [ 1:0] rresp,
input logic rlast,
input logic [ 3:0] ruser,
input logic rvalid,
output logic rready
// Local functions
function automatic logic [2:0] width2axsize (
input type_scr1_mem_width_e width );
logic [2:0] axsize;
case (width)
SCR1_MEM_WIDTH_BYTE : axsize = 3'b000;
SCR1_MEM_WIDTH_HWORD: axsize = 3'b001;
SCR1_MEM_WIDTH_WORD : axsize = 3'b010;
default: axsize = 'x;
width2axsize = axsize; // cp.11
typedef struct packed {
type_scr1_mem_width_e axi_width;
logic [SCR1_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] axi_addr;
logic [31:0] axi_wdata;
} type_scr1_request_s;
typedef struct packed {
logic req_write;
logic req_addr;
logic req_data;
logic req_resp;
} type_scr1_req_status_s;
//type_scr1_request_s [SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE-1:0] req_fifo;
logic [1:0] req_fifo_axi_width[SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE-1:0];
logic [SCR1_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] req_fifo_axi_addr [SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE-1:0];
logic [31:0] req_fifo_axi_wdata [SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE-1:0];
//type_scr1_req_status_s [SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE-1:0] req_status;
logic [SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE-1:0] req_status_req_write ;
logic [SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE-1:0] req_status_req_addr ;
logic [SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE-1:0] req_status_req_data ;
logic [SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE-1:0] req_status_req_resp ;
//type_scr1_req_status_s [SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE-1:0] req_status_new;
logic [SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE-1:0] req_status_new_req_write ;
logic [SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE-1:0] req_status_new_req_addr ;
logic [SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE-1:0] req_status_new_req_data ;
logic [SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE-1:0] req_status_new_req_resp ;
logic [SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE-1:0] req_status_en;
logic [$clog2(SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE)-1:0] req_aval_ptr;
logic [$clog2(SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE)-1:0] req_proc_ptr;
logic [$clog2(SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE)-1:0] req_done_ptr;
logic rresp_err;
logic [31:0] rcvd_rdata;
type_scr1_mem_resp_e rcvd_resp;
logic force_read;
logic force_write;
assign core_req_ack = ~axi_reinit &
~req_status_req_resp[req_aval_ptr] &
assign rready = ~req_status_req_write[req_done_ptr];
assign bready = req_status_req_write[req_done_ptr];
assign force_read = SCR1_AXI_REQ_BP & core_req & core_req_ack & req_aval_ptr==req_proc_ptr & core_cmd==SCR1_MEM_CMD_RD;
assign force_write = SCR1_AXI_REQ_BP & core_req & core_req_ack & req_aval_ptr==req_proc_ptr & core_cmd==SCR1_MEM_CMD_WR;
integer i;
always_comb begin: idle_status
core_idle = 1'b1;
for (i=0; i<SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE; i=i+1) begin
core_idle &= req_status_req_resp[i]==1'b0;
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (core_req & core_req_ack) begin
req_fifo_axi_width[req_aval_ptr] <= core_width;
req_fifo_axi_addr[req_aval_ptr] <= core_addr;
req_fifo_axi_wdata[req_aval_ptr] <= core_wdata;
// Request Status Queue
// It is used for holding control info of processing requests
// Combinational logic of Request Status Queue
always_comb begin
// Default
req_status_en = '0; // No update
req_status_new_req_write = req_status_req_write; // Hold request info
req_status_new_req_addr = req_status_req_addr; // Hold request info
req_status_new_req_data = req_status_req_data; // Hold request info
req_status_new_req_resp = req_status_req_resp; // Hold request info
// Update status on new core request
if( core_req & core_req_ack ) begin
req_status_en[req_aval_ptr] = 1'd1;
req_status_new_req_resp[req_aval_ptr] = 1'd1;
req_status_new_req_write[req_aval_ptr] = core_cmd == SCR1_MEM_CMD_WR;
req_status_new_req_addr[req_aval_ptr] = ~( (force_read & arready) |
(force_write & awready) );
req_status_new_req_data[req_aval_ptr] = ~( (force_write & wready & awlen == 8'd0) |
(~force_write & core_cmd == SCR1_MEM_CMD_RD) );
// Update status on AXI address phase
if ( (awvalid & awready) | (arvalid & arready) ) begin
req_status_en[req_proc_ptr] = 1'd1;
req_status_new_req_addr[req_proc_ptr] = 1'd0;
// Update status on AXI data phase
if ( wvalid & wready & wlast ) begin
req_status_en[req_proc_ptr] = 1'd1;
req_status_new_req_data[req_proc_ptr] = 1'd0;
// Update status when AXI finish transaction
if ( (bvalid & bready) | (rvalid & rready & rlast) ) begin
req_status_en[req_done_ptr] = 1'd1;
req_status_new_req_resp[req_done_ptr] = 1'd0;
// Request Status Queue register
integer j;
always_ff @(negedge rst_n, posedge clk) begin
if (~rst_n) begin
req_status_req_write <= '0;
req_status_req_addr <= '0;
req_status_req_data <= '0;
req_status_req_resp <= '0;
end else begin
for (j = 0; j < SCR1_REQ_BUF_SIZE; j = j+1) begin // cp.4
if ( req_status_en[j] ) begin
req_status_req_write[j] <= req_status_new_req_write[j];
req_status_req_addr[j] <= req_status_new_req_addr[j];
req_status_req_data[j] <= req_status_new_req_data[j];
req_status_req_resp[j] <= req_status_new_req_resp[j];
always_ff @(negedge rst_n, posedge clk) begin
if (~rst_n) req_aval_ptr <= '0;
else if (core_req & core_req_ack) req_aval_ptr <= req_aval_ptr + 1'b1;
always_ff @(negedge rst_n, posedge clk) begin
if (~rst_n) begin
req_proc_ptr <= '0;
end else begin
if (( awvalid & awready & wvalid & wready & wlast) |
(~force_write & ~req_status_req_data[req_proc_ptr] & awvalid & awready ) |
(~force_write & ~req_status_req_addr[req_proc_ptr] & wvalid & wready & wlast) |
( ~req_status_req_data[req_proc_ptr] & arvalid & arready ) ) begin
req_proc_ptr <= req_proc_ptr + 1'b1;
always_ff @(negedge rst_n, posedge clk) begin
if (~rst_n) begin
req_done_ptr <= '0;
end else begin
if ((bvalid & bready | rvalid & rready & rlast) & req_status_req_resp[req_done_ptr]) begin
req_done_ptr <= req_done_ptr + 1'b1;
assign arvalid = req_status_req_addr[req_proc_ptr] & ~req_status_req_write[req_proc_ptr] | force_read;
assign awvalid = req_status_req_addr[req_proc_ptr] & req_status_req_write[req_proc_ptr] | force_write;
assign wvalid = req_status_req_data[req_proc_ptr] & req_status_req_write[req_proc_ptr] | force_write;
assign araddr = (~force_read )? req_fifo_axi_addr[req_proc_ptr] : core_addr;
assign awaddr = (~force_write)? req_fifo_axi_addr[req_proc_ptr] : core_addr;
always_comb begin
if (bvalid & bready & req_status_req_resp[req_done_ptr]) begin
rcvd_resp = (bresp==2'b00)? SCR1_MEM_RESP_RDY_OK :
end else begin
if (rvalid & rready & rlast & req_status_req_resp[req_done_ptr]) begin
rcvd_resp = (rresp==2'b00)? SCR1_MEM_RESP_RDY_OK :
end else begin
rcvd_resp = SCR1_MEM_RESP_NOTRDY;
wire [SCR1_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] CurAddr1 = req_fifo_axi_addr[req_proc_ptr];
wire [1:0] bShift1 = CurAddr1[1:0];
// Write data signals adaptation
always_comb begin
if (force_write)
case (core_width)
SCR1_MEM_WIDTH_BYTE : wstrb = 4'h1 << core_addr[1:0];
SCR1_MEM_WIDTH_HWORD: wstrb = 4'h3 << core_addr[1:0];
SCR1_MEM_WIDTH_WORD : wstrb = 4'hf << core_addr[1:0];
default: wstrb = 'x;
case (req_fifo_axi_width[req_proc_ptr])
SCR1_MEM_WIDTH_BYTE : wstrb = 4'h1 << bShift1;
SCR1_MEM_WIDTH_HWORD: wstrb = 4'h3 << bShift1;
SCR1_MEM_WIDTH_WORD : wstrb = 4'hf << bShift1;
default: wstrb = 'x;
assign wdata = (force_write)? core_wdata << (8* core_addr[1:0]) :
req_fifo_axi_wdata[req_proc_ptr] << (8* bShift1);
// Read data adaptation
always_comb begin
case (req_fifo_axi_width[req_done_ptr])
SCR1_MEM_WIDTH_BYTE : rcvd_rdata = rdata >> (8*bShift2);
SCR1_MEM_WIDTH_HWORD: rcvd_rdata = rdata >> (8*bShift2);
SCR1_MEM_WIDTH_WORD : rcvd_rdata = rdata >> (8*bShift2);
default: rcvd_rdata = 'x;
if (SCR1_AXI_RESP_BP == 1) begin : axi_resp_bp
assign core_rdata = (rvalid & rready & rlast) ? rcvd_rdata : '0;
assign core_resp = (axi_reinit) ? SCR1_MEM_RESP_NOTRDY : rcvd_resp;
end else begin : axi_resp_no_bp
always_ff @(negedge rst_n, posedge clk) begin
if (~rst_n) core_resp <= SCR1_MEM_RESP_NOTRDY;
else core_resp <= (axi_reinit) ? SCR1_MEM_RESP_NOTRDY : rcvd_resp;
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (rvalid & rready & rlast) core_rdata <= rcvd_rdata;
// AXI interface assignments
assign awid = SCR1_AXI_IDWIDTH'(1);
assign awlen = 8'd0;
assign awsize = (force_write) ? width2axsize(core_width) : width2axsize(req_fifo_axi_width[req_proc_ptr]);
assign awburst = 2'd1;
assign awcache = 4'd2;
assign awlock = '0;
assign awprot = '0;
assign awregion = '0;
assign awuser = '0;
assign awqos = '0;
assign arid = SCR1_AXI_IDWIDTH'(0);
assign arlen = 8'd0;
assign arsize = (force_read) ? width2axsize(core_width) : width2axsize(req_fifo_axi_width[req_proc_ptr]);
assign arburst = 2'd1;
assign arcache = 4'd2;
assign arprot = '0;
assign arregion = '0;
assign arlock = '0;
assign arqos = '0;
assign aruser = '0;
assign wlast = 1'd1;
assign wuser = '0;
// Assertion
// X checks
SCR1_SVA_AXI_X_CHECK0 : assert property (@(negedge clk) disable iff (~rst_n) !$isunknown({core_req, awready, wready, bvalid, arready, rvalid}) )
else $error("AXI bridge: X state on input");
SCR1_SVA_AXI_X_CHECK1 : assert property (@(negedge clk) disable iff (~rst_n) core_req |->
!$isunknown({core_cmd, core_width, core_addr}) )
else $error("AXI bridge: X state on input");
SCR1_SVA_AXI_X_CHECK2 : assert property (@(negedge clk) disable iff (~rst_n) bvalid |->
!$isunknown({bid, bresp}) )
else $error("AXI bridge: X state on input");
SCR1_SVA_AXI_X_CHECK3 : assert property (@(negedge clk) disable iff (~rst_n) rvalid |->
!$isunknown({rid, rresp}) )
else $error("AXI bridge: X state on input");
endmodule : scr1_mem_axi
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