Subversion Repositories z80control
[/] [z80control/] [trunk/] [CII_Starter_USB_API_v1/] [HW/] [Multi_Sdram/] [control_interface.v] - Rev 12
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//Legal Notice: (C)2006 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Your //use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other //software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any //output files any of the foregoing (including device programming or //simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are //expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program //License Subscription Agreement or other applicable license agreement, //including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose //of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera //or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable //agreement for further details. module control_interface( CLK, RESET_N, CMD, ADDR, REF_ACK, INIT_ACK, CM_ACK, NOP, READA, WRITEA, REFRESH, PRECHARGE, LOAD_MODE, SADDR, REF_REQ, INIT_REQ, CMD_ACK ); `include "Sdram_Params.h" input CLK; // System Clock input RESET_N; // System Reset input [2:0] CMD; // Command input input [`ASIZE-1:0] ADDR; // Address input REF_ACK; // Refresh request acknowledge input INIT_ACK; // Initial request acknowledge input CM_ACK; // Command acknowledge output NOP; // Decoded NOP command output READA; // Decoded READA command output WRITEA; // Decoded WRITEA command output REFRESH; // Decoded REFRESH command output PRECHARGE; // Decoded PRECHARGE command output LOAD_MODE; // Decoded LOAD_MODE command output [`ASIZE-1:0] SADDR; // Registered version of ADDR output REF_REQ; // Hidden refresh request output INIT_REQ; // Hidden initial request output CMD_ACK; // Command acknowledge reg NOP; reg READA; reg WRITEA; reg REFRESH; reg PRECHARGE; reg LOAD_MODE; reg [`ASIZE-1:0] SADDR; reg REF_REQ; reg INIT_REQ; reg CMD_ACK; // Internal signals reg [15:0] timer; reg [15:0] init_timer; // Command decode and ADDR register always @(posedge CLK or negedge RESET_N) begin if (RESET_N == 0) begin NOP <= 0; READA <= 0; WRITEA <= 0; SADDR <= 0; end else begin SADDR <= ADDR; // register the address to keep proper // alignment with the command if (CMD == 3'b000) // NOP command NOP <= 1; else NOP <= 0; if (CMD == 3'b001) // READA command READA <= 1; else READA <= 0; if (CMD == 3'b010) // WRITEA command WRITEA <= 1; else WRITEA <= 0; end end // Generate CMD_ACK always @(posedge CLK or negedge RESET_N) begin if (RESET_N == 0) CMD_ACK <= 0; else if ((CM_ACK == 1) & (CMD_ACK == 0)) CMD_ACK <= 1; else CMD_ACK <= 0; end // refresh timer always @(posedge CLK or negedge RESET_N) begin if (RESET_N == 0) begin timer <= 0; REF_REQ <= 0; end else begin if (REF_ACK == 1) begin timer <= REF_PER; REF_REQ <=0; end else if (INIT_REQ == 1) begin timer <= REF_PER+200; REF_REQ <=0; end else timer <= timer - 1'b1; if (timer==0) REF_REQ <= 1; end end // initial timer always @(posedge CLK or negedge RESET_N) begin if (RESET_N == 0) begin init_timer <= 0; REFRESH <= 0; PRECHARGE <= 0; LOAD_MODE <= 0; INIT_REQ <= 0; end else begin if (init_timer < (INIT_PER+201)) init_timer <= init_timer+1; if (init_timer < INIT_PER) begin REFRESH <=0; PRECHARGE <=0; LOAD_MODE <=0; INIT_REQ <=1; end else if(init_timer == (INIT_PER+20)) begin REFRESH <=0; PRECHARGE <=1; LOAD_MODE <=0; INIT_REQ <=0; end else if( (init_timer == (INIT_PER+40)) || (init_timer == (INIT_PER+60)) || (init_timer == (INIT_PER+80)) || (init_timer == (INIT_PER+100)) || (init_timer == (INIT_PER+120)) || (init_timer == (INIT_PER+140)) || (init_timer == (INIT_PER+160)) || (init_timer == (INIT_PER+180)) ) begin REFRESH <=1; PRECHARGE <=0; LOAD_MODE <=0; INIT_REQ <=0; end else if(init_timer == (INIT_PER+200)) begin REFRESH <=0; PRECHARGE <=0; LOAD_MODE <=1; INIT_REQ <=0; end else begin REFRESH <=0; PRECHARGE <=0; LOAD_MODE <=0; INIT_REQ <=0; end end end endmodule