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[/] [z80soc/] [trunk/] [V0.6/] [S3E/] [rot_ctrl.vhd] - Rev 40
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-- -- Rotary Control for Spartan 3E Starter Kit -- Adapted to attach to z80soc by: -- -- Ronivon C. Costa -- 2008/05/12 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reference design - Rotary encoder and simple LEDs on Spartan-3E Starter Kit (Revision C) -- -- Ken Chapman - Xilinx Ltd - November 2005 -- Revised 20th February 2006 -- -- This design demonstrates how to interface to the rotary encoder and simple LEDs. -- At the start, only one LED is on. -- Turning the rotary encoder to the left or right will cause -- the LED which is on to appear to also move in the corresponding direction. -- Pressing the rotary encoder will invert all LEDs so that only one is off. -- -- The design also uses the 50MHz oscillator provided on the board. -- -- Instructional value -- Basic VHDL including definition of inputs and outputs. -- UCF (User Constraints File) constraints to define pin assignments to match board. -- UCF constraints to apply pull-up and pull-down resistors to input pins. -- Detecting rotary movement. -- Synchronous design. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- NOTICE: -- -- Copyright Xilinx, Inc. 2006. This code may be contain portions patented by other -- third parties. By providing this core as one possible implementation of a standard, -- Xilinx is making no representation that the provided implementation of this standard -- is free from any claims of infringement by any third party. Xilinx expressly -- disclaims any warranty with respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including -- but not limited to any warranty or representation that the implementation is free -- from claims of any third party. Furthermore, Xilinx is providing this core as a -- courtesy to you and suggests that you contact all third parties to obtain the -- necessary rights to use this implementation. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Library declarations -- -- Standard IEEE libraries -- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; ENTITY ROT_CTRL IS PORT ( CLOCK : IN STD_LOGIC; ROT_A : IN STD_LOGIC; ROT_B : IN STD_LOGIC; DIRECTION : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0)); END ROT_CTRL; ARCHITECTURE RTL OF ROT_CTRL IS SIGNAL rotary_in : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); SIGNAL rotary_in_a : std_logic; SIGNAL rotary_in_b : std_logic; SIGNAL rotary_q1 : std_logic; SIGNAL rotary_q2 : std_logic; SIGNAL delay_rotary_q1 : std_logic; SIGNAL rotary_event : std_logic; SIGNAL rotary_left : std_logic; SIGNAL counter : std_logic_vector(21 downto 0); BEGIN -- -- Define direction based on rotary movement, and return to processor -- return_dir: process(CLOCK) begin if CLOCK'event and CLOCK = '1' then if rotary_event='1' then if rotary_left='1' then DIRECTION <= "10"; -- Rotating to the left counter <= "0000000000000000000000"; else DIRECTION <= "01"; -- Rotating to the right counter <= "0000000000000000000000"; end if; else if counter = "1111111111111111111111" then DIRECTION <= "00"; counter <= "0000000000000000000000"; else counter <= counter + 1; end if; end if; end if; end process; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Interface to rotary encoder. -- Detection of movement and direction. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The rotary switch contacts are filtered using their offset (one-hot) style to -- clean them. Circuit concept by Peter Alfke. -- Note that the clock rate is fast compared with the switch rate. -- -- The rising edges of 'rotary_q1' indicate that a rotation has occurred and the -- state of 'rotary_q2' at that time will indicate the direction. -- rotary_direction: process(CLOCK) begin if CLOCK'event and CLOCK='1' then delay_rotary_q1 <= rotary_q1; if rotary_q1='1' and delay_rotary_q1='0' then rotary_event <= '1'; rotary_left <= rotary_q2; else rotary_event <= '0'; rotary_left <= rotary_left; end if; end if; end process; rotary_filter: process(CLOCK) begin if CLOCK'event and CLOCK='1' then --Synchronise inputs to clock domain using flip-flops in input/output blocks. rotary_in_a <= ROT_A; rotary_in_b <= ROT_B; rotary_in <= rotary_in_a & rotary_in_b; case rotary_in is when "00" => rotary_q1 <= '0'; rotary_q2 <= rotary_q2; when "01" => rotary_q1 <= rotary_q1; rotary_q2 <= '0'; when "10" => rotary_q1 <= rotary_q1; rotary_q2 <= '1'; when "11" => rotary_q1 <= '1'; rotary_q2 <= rotary_q2; when others => rotary_q1 <= rotary_q1; rotary_q2 <= rotary_q2; end case; end if; end process; end;