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[/] [z80soc/] [trunk/] [V0.7.3/] [DE1/] [vhdl/] [lcd.vhd] - Rev 46
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-- VHDL CODE by Gerry O'Brien - HD44780 LCD Controller STATE_MACHINE --==================================================-- -- -- VHDL Architecture DE2_LCD_lib.TOP_LCD_DE2.LCD_DISPLAY_arch -- -- Created: -- by - Gerry O'Brien -- WWW.DIGITAL-CIRCUITRY.COM -- at - 15:30:18 26/03/2015 -- -- using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2010.3 (Build 21) -- LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all; ENTITY LCD IS PORT( reset : IN std_logic; -- Map this Port to a Switch within your [Port Declarations / Pin Planer] CLOCK_50 : IN std_logic; -- Using the DE2 50Mhz Clk, in order to Genreate the 400Hz signal... clk_count_400hz reset count value must be set to: <= x"0F424" LCD_RS : OUT std_logic; LCD_EN : OUT std_logic; LCD_RW : OUT std_logic; LCD_ON : OUT std_logic; LCD_BLON : OUT std_logic; LCD_DATA : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); lcd_on_sig : IN STD_LOGIC; next_char : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); char_count : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 downto 0); clk400hz : OUT STD_LOGIC ); END LCD ; -- ARCHITECTURE RTL OF LCD IS type state_type is (hold, func_set, display_on, mode_set, print_string, line2, return_home, drop_LCD_EN, reset1, reset2, reset3, display_off, display_clear); signal state, next_command : state_type; signal data_bus_value : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0); signal clk_count_400hz : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(19 downto 0); signal char_count_sig : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 downto 0); signal clk_400hz_enable,LCD_RW_int : std_logic; signal data_bus : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0); signal LCD_CHAR_ARRAY : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); BEGIN LCD_DATA <= data_bus; data_bus <= data_bus_value when LCD_RW_int = '0' else "ZZZZZZZZ"; LCD_RW <= LCD_RW_int; char_count <= char_count_sig; clk400hz <= clk_400hz_enable; --======================= CLOCK SIGNALS ============================-- process(CLOCK_50) begin if (rising_edge(CLOCK_50)) then if (reset = '0') then clk_count_400hz <= x"00000"; clk_400hz_enable <= '0'; else if (clk_count_400hz <= x"0F424") then -- If using the DE2 50Mhz Clock, use clk_count_400hz <= x"0F424" (50Mhz/400hz = 12500 converted to HEX = 0F424 ) clk_count_400hz <= clk_count_400hz + 1; -- In Theory for a 27Mhz Clock, use clk_count_400hz <= x"01A5E" (27Mhz/400hz = 6750 converted to HEX = 01A5E ) clk_400hz_enable <= '0'; -- In Theory for a 25Mhz Clock. use clk_count_400hz <= x"0186A" (25Mhz/400hz = 6250 converted to HEX = 0186A ) else clk_count_400hz <= x"00000"; clk_400hz_enable <= '1'; end if; end if; end if; end process; --==================================================================-- --======================== LCD DRIVER CORE ==============================-- -- STATE MACHINE WITH RESET -- --===================================================-----===============-- process (CLOCK_50, reset) begin if reset = '0' then state <= reset1; data_bus_value <= x"38"; -- RESET next_command <= reset2; LCD_EN <= '1'; LCD_RS <= '0'; LCD_RW_int <= '0'; elsif rising_edge(CLOCK_50) then if clk_400hz_enable = '1' then --========================================================-- -- State Machine to send commands and data to LCD DISPLAY --========================================================-- case state is -- Set Function to 8-bit transfer and 2 line display with 5x8 Font size -- see Hitachi HD44780 family data sheet for LCD command and timing details --======================= INITIALIZATION START ============================-- when reset1 => LCD_EN <= '1'; LCD_RS <= '0'; LCD_RW_int <= '0'; data_bus_value <= x"38"; -- EXTERNAL RESET state <= drop_LCD_EN; next_command <= reset2; char_count_sig <= "00000"; when reset2 => LCD_EN <= '1'; LCD_RS <= '0'; LCD_RW_int <= '0'; data_bus_value <= x"38"; -- EXTERNAL RESET state <= drop_LCD_EN; next_command <= reset3; when reset3 => LCD_EN <= '1'; LCD_RS <= '0'; LCD_RW_int <= '0'; data_bus_value <= x"38"; -- EXTERNAL RESET state <= drop_LCD_EN; next_command <= func_set; -- Function Set --==============-- when func_set => LCD_EN <= '1'; LCD_RS <= '0'; LCD_RW_int <= '0'; data_bus_value <= x"38"; -- Set Function to 8-bit transfer, 2 line display and a 5x8 Font size state <= drop_LCD_EN; next_command <= display_off; -- Turn off Display --==============-- when display_off => LCD_EN <= '1'; LCD_RS <= '0'; LCD_RW_int <= '0'; data_bus_value <= x"08"; -- Turns OFF the Display, Cursor OFF and Blinking Cursor Position OFF.......(0F = Display ON and Cursor ON, Blinking cursor position ON) state <= drop_LCD_EN; next_command <= display_clear; -- Clear Display --==============-- when display_clear => LCD_EN <= '1'; LCD_RS <= '0'; LCD_RW_int <= '0'; data_bus_value <= x"01"; -- Clears the Display state <= drop_LCD_EN; next_command <= display_on; -- Turn on Display and Turn off cursor --===================================-- when display_on => LCD_EN <= '1'; LCD_RS <= '0'; LCD_RW_int <= '0'; data_bus_value <= x"0C"; -- Turns on the Display (0E = Display ON, Cursor ON and Blinking cursor OFF) state <= drop_LCD_EN; next_command <= mode_set; -- Set write mode to auto increment address and move cursor to the right --====================================================================-- when mode_set => LCD_EN <= '1'; LCD_RS <= '0'; LCD_RW_int <= '0'; data_bus_value <= x"06"; -- Auto increment address and move cursor to the right state <= drop_LCD_EN; next_command <= print_string; --======================= INITIALIZATION END ============================-- --=======================================================================-- -- Write ASCII hex character Data to the LCD --=======================================================================-- when print_string => state <= drop_LCD_EN; LCD_EN <= '1'; LCD_RS <= '1'; LCD_RW_int <= '0'; -- ASCII character to output if (next_char(7 downto 4) /= x"0") then data_bus_value <= next_char; else -- Convert 4-bit value to an ASCII hex digit if next_char(3 downto 0) >9 then -- ASCII A...F data_bus_value <= x"4" & (next_char(3 downto 0)-9); else -- ASCII 0...9 data_bus_value <= x"3" & next_char(3 downto 0); end if; end if; state <= drop_LCD_EN; -- Loop to send out 32 characters to LCD Display (16 by 2 lines) if (char_count_sig < 31) AND (next_char /= x"fe") then char_count_sig <= char_count_sig +1; else char_count_sig <= "00000"; end if; -- Jump to second line? if char_count_sig = 15 then next_command <= line2; -- Return to first line? elsif (char_count_sig = 31) or (next_char = x"fe") then next_command <= return_home; else next_command <= print_string; end if; -- Set write address to line 2 character 1 --======================================-- when line2 => LCD_EN <= '1'; LCD_RS <= '0'; LCD_RW_int <= '0'; data_bus_value <= x"c0"; state <= drop_LCD_EN; next_command <= print_string; -- Return write address to first character position on line 1 --=========================================================-- when return_home => LCD_EN <= '1'; LCD_RS <= '0'; LCD_RW_int <= '0'; data_bus_value <= x"80"; state <= drop_LCD_EN; next_command <= print_string; -- The next states occur at the end of each command or data transfer to the LCD -- Drop LCD E line - falling edge loads inst/data to LCD controller --============================================================================-- when drop_LCD_EN => LCD_EN <= '0'; state <= hold; -- Hold LCD inst/data valid after falling edge of E line --====================================================-- when hold => state <= next_command; LCD_BLON <= '1'; -- roni LCD_ON <= '1'; LCD_ON <= lcd_on_sig; end case; end if;-- CLOSING STATEMENT FOR "IF clk_400hz_enable = '1' THEN" end if;-- CLOSING STATEMENT FOR "IF reset = '0' THEN" end process; END ARCHITECTURE RTL;