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## Filename: Makefile
## Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
## Purpose: This makefile attempts to build the ZipCPU toolchain. This
## includes binutils and GCC. (Eventually, it will include the
## standard library as well ...) Configuration options for binutils, GCC,
## and newlib can be found (and set) in the gas-script.sh, gcc-script.sh,
## and nlib-script.sh files respectively.
## Targets:
## make all:
## Includes the install target, but also the pdf documentation
## files that come with binutils and gcc. Building this target
## will require a LaTeX distribution in addition to the needs of
## the other targets. Since the PDFs can be found on line,
## building them is not really necessary, but may be quite useful.
## make install
## Attempts to build binutils, gcc, and newlib, and to install
## them into the local install directory.
## This is the default target
## make binutils
## make gcc
## make newlib
## Builds the respective packages
## make binutils-install
## make gcc-install
## make newlib-install
## Installs the respective packages into the install directory,
## building them first if necessary.
## make clean
## Removes all build products--to include the source directories
## that are built from patched tarballs.
## Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
## Gisselquist Technology, LLC
## Copyright (C) 2015-2017, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
## This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
## for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
## target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
## <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for a copy.
## License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on www.gnu.org,
## http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
.PHONY: all basic-install install build
install: basic-install
all: basic-install binutils-pdf-install gcc-pdf-install
basic-install: gas-install gcc-install newlib-install
build: gas gcc-all nlib
CC: gcc
export INSTALLD:=$(shell pwd)/install
export PATH:=$(PATH):$(INSTALLD)/cross-tools/bin
SUBMAKE:=$(MAKE) --no-print-directory
$(BINUTILSD)-zip/nonce.txt: $(BINUTILSD).tar.bz2 gas-zippatch.patch
rm -rf $(BINUTILSD)-zip/
tar -xjf ./$(BINUTILSD).tar.bz2 --transform s,$(BINUTILSD),$(BINUTILSD)-zip,
-bash -c "cd $(BINUTILSD)-zip; patch -p1 <../gas-zippatch.patch"
rm -rf $(BUILDGASD)
touch $(BINUTILSD)-zip/nonce.txt
$(BUILDGASD)/nonce.txt: $(BINUTILSD)-zip/nonce.txt
bash -c "if [ ! -e build-gas ]; then bash gas-script.sh; fi"
touch $(BUILDGASD)/nonce.txt
.PHONY: binutils
binutils: $(BUILDGASD)/nonce.txt
$(SUBMAKE) --directory=$(BUILDGASD)
@echo "Binutils package build complete"
.PHONY: binutils-install
binutils-install: binutils
$(SUBMAKE) --directory=$(BUILDGASD) install
cp ../bench/zipsim.ld install/cross-tools/zip/lib/ldscripts
bash -c "if [[ ! -f $(BUILDGASD)/install-nonce.txt ]]; then touch $(BUILDGASD)/install-nonce.txt; fi"
@echo "Binutils installed"
.PHONY: binutils-pdf
binutils-pdf: binutils
$(SUBMAKE) --directory=$(BUILDGASD) pdf
@echo "Binutils pdfs made"
.PHONY: pdfd
define mk-pdfd
@bash -c "if [[ ! -d $(PDFD) ]]; then mkdir -p $(PDFD); fi"
.PHONY: binutils-pdf-install
binutils-pdf-install: binutils-pdf pdfd
find $(BUILDGASD) -name "*.pdf" -exec cp \{\} $(PDFD)/ \;
@echo "Binutils pdfs installed"
.PHONY: gas
gas: binutils
.PHONY: gas-install
gas-install: binutils-install
$(BUILDGASD)/install-nonce.txt: binutils-install
# We can also set the environment variable DEJAGNU to point to our site .exp
# file.
gas-check: binutils-install
+$(SUBMAKE) --directory=$(BUILDGASD) check RUNTESTFLAGS="--target_board=zip-sim"
# Now let's try the same thing for GCC
$(GCCD)-zip/nonce.txt: $(BUILDGASD)/install-nonce.txt
$(GCCD)-zip/nonce.txt: $(GCCD).tar.bz2 gcc-zippatch.patch
rm -rf $(GCCD)-zip/
tar -xjf ./$(GCCD).tar.bz2 --transform s,$(GCCD),$(GCCD)-zip,
-bash -c "cd $(GCCD)-zip; patch -p1 <../gcc-zippatch.patch"
rm -rf $(BUILDGCCD)
touch $(GCCD)-zip/nonce.txt
$(GCCD)-zip/gcc/config/zip/genzipops.c: $(GCCD)-zip/nonce.txt
genzipops: $(GCCD)-zip/gcc/config/zip/genzipops.c $(GCCD)-zip/nonce.txt
$(CC) $< -o $@
$(GCCD)-zip/gcc/config/zip/zip-ops.md: genzipops
./genzipops $@
$(BUILDGCCD)/nonce.txt: $(BUILDGASD)/install-nonce.txt
$(BUILDGCCD)/nonce.txt: $(GCCD)-zip/nonce.txt $(GCCD)-zip/gcc/config/zip/zip-ops.md
bash -c "if [[ ! -e $(BUILDGCCD) ]]; then bash gcc-script.sh; fi"
touch $(BUILDGCCD)/nonce.txt
# GCC must be done in two parts: The host files first, which don't depend
# upon a built compiler, and then all the libraries that depend upon the
# built compiler.
gcc-host: $(BUILDGCCD)/nonce.txt
+$(SUBMAKE) --directory=$(BUILDGCCD) all-host
@echo "GCC package build complete"
.PHONY: zip-gcc
zip-gcc: gcc-host
gcc-install-host: $(BUILDGCCD)/nonce.txt gcc-host
+$(SUBMAKE) --directory=$(BUILDGCCD) install-host
@bash -c "if [[ ! -f $(BUILDGCCD)/install-nonce.txt ]]; then touch $(BUILDGCCD)/install-nonce.txt; fi"
@echo "GCC package installed"
.PHONY: zip-gcc-install
zip-gcc-install: gcc-install-host
$(INSTALLD)/cross-tools/bin/zip-gcc: zip-gcc-install
$(BUILDGCCD)/install-nonce.txt: zip-gcc-install
$(INSTALLD)/cross-tools/bin/zip-cc: zip-gcc-install
bash -c "cd $(INSTALLD)/cross-tools/bin; if [[ ! -e zip-cc ]]; then ln -s zip-gcc zip-cc; fi"
.PHONY: gcc-pdf-install
# Now for the second part of GCC. This part depends upon newlib as well as
# GCC proper.
.PHONY: gcc
gcc: $(BUILDGASD)/install-nonce.txt
gcc: $(BUILDNLIB)/install-nonce.txt
gcc: $(BUILDGCCD)/nonce.txt
+$(SUBMAKE) --directory=$(BUILDGCCD)
.PHONY: gcc-install
gcc-install: gcc
+$(SUBMAKE) --directory=$(BUILDGCCD) install
@echo "GCC installed"
.PHONY: gcc-pdf
gcc-pdf: $(BUILDGCCD)/nonce.txt
+$(SUBMAKE) --directory=$(BUILDGCCD) pdf
@echo "GCC documentation built"
gcc-pdf-install: gcc-pdf $(PDFD)/
find $(BUILDGCCD) -name "*.pdf" -exec cp \{\} $(PDFD)/ \;
@echo "GCC documentation/pdfs installed"
# And repeat for newlib
$(NLIBD)-zip/nonce.txt: $(BUILDGCCD)/install-nonce.txt
$(NLIBD)-zip/nonce.txt: $(NLIBD).tar.gz nlib-zippatch.patch
rm -rf $(NLIBD)-zip/
tar -xzf ./$(NLIBD).tar.gz --transform s,$(NLIBD),$(NLIBD)-zip,
-bash -c "cd $(NLIBD)-zip; patch -p1 <../nlib-zippatch.patch"
rm -rf $(BUILDNLIB)
touch $(NLIBD)-zip/nonce.txt
$(BUILDNLIB)/nonce.txt: $(NLIBD)-zip/nonce.txt $(BUILDGASD)/nonce.txt
bash nlib-script.sh
touch $(BUILDNLIB)/nonce.txt
.PHONY: newlib
newlib: $(BUILDGCCD)/install-nonce.txt
newlib: $(BUILDNLIB)/nonce.txt
newlib: $(INSTALLD)/cross-tools/bin/zip-cc
+$(SUBMAKE) --directory=$(BUILDNLIB)
@echo "Newlib build complete"
.PHONY: newlib-install
newlib-install: newlib
+$(SUBMAKE) --directory=$(BUILDNLIB) install
@bash -c "if [[ ! -f $(BUILDNLIB)/install-nonce.txt ]]; then touch $(BUILDNLIB)/install-nonce.txt; fi"
@echo "Newlib installed"
# Some abbreviations for targets
.PHONY: nlib nlib-install
nlib: newlib
nlib-install: newlib-install
$(BUILDNLIB)/install-nonce.txt: newlib-install
# Finally, can we build and install zasm?
# zasm:
# $(SUBMAKE) --directory=$(ZASMD) all
# zasm-install: zasm
# $(SUBMAKE) --directory=$(ZASMD) install
# The clean target
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(INSTALLD)/cros-tools/bin/zip-*
rm -rf $(BINUTILSD)-zip/ $(GCCD)-zip/ $(NLIBD)-zip/
# $(SUBMAKE) --no-print-directory --directory=$(ZASMD) clean