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-- Processor Common Library Package
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-- Filename:        lib_pkg.vhd
-- Naming Conventions:
--      active low signals:                     "*_n"
--      clock signals:                          "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" 
--      reset signals:                          "rst", "rst_n" 
--      generics:                               "C_*" 
--      user defined types:                     "*_TYPE" 
--      state machine next state:               "*_ns" 
--      state machine current state:            "*_cs" 
--      combinatorial signals:                  "*_com" 
--      pipelined or register delay signals:    "*_d#" 
--      counter signals:                        "*cnt*"
--      clock enable signals:                   "*_ce" 
--      internal version of output port         "*_i"
--      device pins:                            "*_pin" 
--      ports:                                  - Names begin with Uppercase 
--      processes:                              "*_PROCESS" 
--      component instantiations:               "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC>
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-- need conversion function to convert reals/integers to std logic vectors
use ieee.std_logic_arith.conv_std_logic_vector;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
package lib_pkg is
-- Type Declarations
type CHAR_TO_INT_TYPE is array (character) of integer;
-- type INTEGER_ARRAY_TYPE is array (natural range <>) of integer;
-- Type SLV64_ARRAY_TYPE is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(0 to 63);
-- Function and Procedure Declarations
function max2 (num1, num2 : integer) return integer;
function min2 (num1, num2 : integer) return integer;
function Addr_Bits(x,y : std_logic_vector) return integer;
function clog2(x : positive) return natural;
function pad_power2 ( in_num : integer )  return integer;
function pad_4 ( in_num : integer )  return integer;
function log2(x : natural) return integer;
function pwr(x: integer; y: integer) return integer;
function String_To_Int(S : string) return integer;
function itoa (int : integer) return string;
-- Constant Declarations
-- the RESET_ACTIVE constant should denote the logic level of an active reset
constant RESET_ACTIVE       : std_logic         := '1'; 
-- table containing strings representing hex characters for conversion to
-- integers
    ('0'     => 0,
     '1'     => 1,
     '2'     => 2,
     '3'     => 3,
     '4'     => 4,
     '5'     => 5,
     '6'     => 6,
     '7'     => 7,
     '8'     => 8,
     '9'     => 9,
     'A'|'a' => 10,
     'B'|'b' => 11,
     'C'|'c' => 12,
     'D'|'d' => 13,
     'E'|'e' => 14,
     'F'|'f' => 15,
     others  => -1);
end lib_pkg;
package body lib_pkg is
-- Function Definitions
-- Function max2
-- This function returns the greater of two numbers.
function max2 (num1, num2 : integer) return integer is
    if num1 >= num2 then
        return num1;
        return num2;
    end if;
end function max2;
-- Function min2
-- This function returns the lesser of two numbers.
function min2 (num1, num2 : integer) return integer is
    if num1 <= num2 then
        return num1;
        return num2;
    end if;
end function min2;
-- Function Addr_bits
-- function to convert an address range (base address and an upper address)
-- into the number of upper address bits needed for decoding a device
-- select signal.  will handle slices and big or little endian
function Addr_Bits(x,y : std_logic_vector) return integer is
  variable addr_xor : std_logic_vector(x'range);
  variable count    : integer := 0;
  assert x'length = y'length and (x'ascending xnor y'ascending)
    report "Addr_Bits: arguments are not the same type"
    severity ERROR;
  addr_xor := x xor y;
  for i in x'range
    if addr_xor(i) = '1' then return count;
    end if;
    count := count + 1;
  end loop;
  return x'length;
end Addr_Bits;
-- Function clog2 - returns the integer ceiling of the base 2 logarithm of x,
--                  i.e., the least integer greater than or equal to log2(x).
function clog2(x : positive) return natural is
  variable r  : natural := 0;
  variable rp : natural := 1; -- rp tracks the value 2**r
  while rp < x loop -- Termination condition T: x <= 2**r
    -- Loop invariant L: 2**(r-1) < x
    r := r + 1;
    if rp > integer'high - rp then exit; end if;  -- If doubling rp overflows
      -- the integer range, the doubled value would exceed x, so safe to exit.
    rp := rp + rp;
  end loop;
  -- L and T  <->  2**(r-1) < x <= 2**r  <->  (r-1) < log2(x) <= r
  return r; --
end clog2;
-- Function pad_power2
-- This function returns the next power of 2 from the input number. If the 
-- input number is a power of 2, this function returns the input number.
-- This function is used to round up the number of masters to the next power
-- of 2 if the number of masters is not already a power of 2.
-- Input argument 0, which is not a power of two, is accepted and returns 0.
-- Input arguments less than 0 are not allowed.
function pad_power2 (in_num : integer  ) return integer is
    if in_num = 0 then
        return 0;
        return 2**(clog2(in_num));
    end if;
end pad_power2;
-- Function pad_4
-- This function returns the next multiple of 4 from the input number. If the 
-- input number is a multiple of 4, this function returns the input number.
function pad_4 (in_num : integer  ) return integer is
variable out_num     : integer;
    out_num := (((in_num-1)/4) + 1)*4;
    return out_num;
end pad_4;
-- Function log2 -- returns number of bits needed to encode x choices
--   x = 0  returns 0
--   x = 1  returns 0
--   x = 2  returns 1
--   x = 4  returns 2, etc.
function log2(x : natural) return integer is
  variable i  : integer := 0; 
  variable val: integer := 1;
  if x = 0 then return 0;
    for j in 0 to 29 loop -- for loop for XST 
      if val >= x then null; 
        i := i+1;
        val := val*2;
      end if;
    end loop;
  -- Fix per CR520627  XST was ignoring this anyway and printing a  
  -- Warning in SRP file. This will get rid of the warning and not
  -- impact simulation.  
  -- synthesis translate_off
    assert val >= x
      report "Function log2 received argument larger" &
             " than its capability of 2^30. "
      severity failure;
  -- synthesis translate_on
    return i;
  end if;  
end function log2; 
-- Function pwr -- x**y
-- negative numbers not allowed for y
function pwr(x: integer; y: integer) return integer is
  variable z : integer := 1;
  if y = 0 then return 1; 
    for i in 1 to y loop
      z := z * x;
    end loop;
    return z;
  end if;
end function pwr;
-- Function itoa
-- The itoa function converts an integer to a text string.
-- This function is required since `image doesn't work in Synplicity
-- Valid input range is -9999 to 9999
  function itoa (int : integer) return string is
    type table is array (0 to 9) of string (1 to 1);
    constant LUT     : table :=
      ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9");
    variable str1            : string(1 to 1);
    variable str2            : string(1 to 2);
    variable str3            : string(1 to 3);
    variable str4            : string(1 to 4);
    variable str5            : string(1 to 5);
    variable abs_int         : natural;
    variable thousands_place : natural;
    variable hundreds_place  : natural;
    variable tens_place      : natural;
    variable ones_place      : natural;
    variable sign            : integer;
    abs_int := abs(int);
    if abs_int > int then sign := -1;
    else sign := 1;
    end if;
    thousands_place :=  abs_int/1000;
    hundreds_place :=  (abs_int-thousands_place*1000)/100;
    tens_place :=      (abs_int-thousands_place*1000-hundreds_place*100)/10;
    ones_place :=      
    if sign>0 then
      if thousands_place>0 then
        str4 := LUT(thousands_place) & LUT(hundreds_place) & LUT(tens_place) &
        return str4;
      elsif hundreds_place>0 then 
        str3 := LUT(hundreds_place) & LUT(tens_place) & LUT(ones_place);
        return str3;
      elsif tens_place>0 then
        str2 := LUT(tens_place) & LUT(ones_place);
        return str2;
        str1 := LUT(ones_place);
        return str1;
      end if;
      if thousands_place>0 then
        str5 := "-" & LUT(thousands_place) & LUT(hundreds_place) & 
          LUT(tens_place) & LUT(ones_place);
        return str5;
      elsif hundreds_place>0 then 
        str4 := "-" & LUT(hundreds_place) & LUT(tens_place) & LUT(ones_place);
        return str4;
      elsif tens_place>0 then
        str3 := "-" & LUT(tens_place) & LUT(ones_place);
        return str3;
        str2 := "-" & LUT(ones_place);
        return str2;
      end if;
    end if;  
  end itoa; 
-- Function String_To_Int
-- Converts a string of hex character to an integer
-- accept negative numbers
  function String_To_Int(S : String) return Integer is
    variable Result : integer := 0;
    variable Temp   : integer := S'Left;
    variable Negative : integer := 1;
    for I in S'Left to S'Right loop
      if (S(I) = '-') then
        Temp     := 0;
        Negative := -1;
        Temp := STRHEX_TO_INT_TABLE(S(I));
        if (Temp = -1) then
          assert false
            report "Wrong value in String_To_Int conversion " & S(I)
            severity error;
        end if;
      end if;
      Result := Result * 16 + Temp;
    end loop;
    return (Negative * Result);
  end String_To_Int;
end package body lib_pkg;

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