
Subversion Repositories cic_core_2

[/] [cic_core_2/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [verilog/] [] - Rev 9

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module cic_d
        parameter INP_DW = 18,                  ///< input data width
        parameter OUT_DW = 18,                  ///< output data width
        parameter CIC_R = 100,                  ///< decimation ratio
        parameter CIC_N = 7,                    ///< number of stages
        parameter CIC_M = 1,                    ///< delay in comb
        parameter SMALL_FOOTPRINT = 1   ///< reduced registers usage, f_clk / (f_samp/CIC_R)  > CIC_N required
        input                                                           clk,                    ///< input clock
        input                                                           reset_n,                ///< input reset
        input                                                           clear,                  ///< input clear integrator, set accumulator to 0
        input   wire    signed [INP_DW-1:0]     inp_samp_data,  ///< input data
        input                                                           inp_samp_str,   ///< input data ready strobe
        output  wire    signed [OUT_DW-1:0]     out_samp_data,  ///< output data
        output                                                          out_samp_str    ///< output data ready strobe
`include "cic_functions.vh"
localparam      B_max = clog2_l((CIC_R * CIC_M) ** CIC_N) + INP_DW - 1;
genvar  i;
        for (i = 0; i < CIC_N; i = i + 1) begin : int_stage
                localparam B_jm1        = B_calc(i    , CIC_N, CIC_R, CIC_M, INP_DW, OUT_DW);   ///< the number of bits to prune in previous stage
                localparam B_j          = B_calc(i + 1, CIC_N, CIC_R, CIC_M, INP_DW, OUT_DW);   ///< the number of bits to prune in current stage
                localparam idw_cur = B_max - B_jm1 + 1;         ///< data width on the input
                localparam odw_cur = B_max - B_j   + 1;         ///< data width on the output
                wire signed [idw_cur - 1 : 0] int_in;           ///< input data bus
                if ( i == 0 )   assign int_in = inp_samp_data;                          ///< if it is the first stage, then takes data from input of CIC filter
                        else            assign int_in = int_stage[i - 1].int_out;       ///< otherwise, takes data from the previous stage of the filter
                wire signed [odw_cur - 1 : 0] int_out;
                integrator #(
                                .clk                    (clk),
                                .reset_n                (reset_n),
                                .clear                  (clear) ,
                                .inp_samp_data  (int_in),
                                .inp_samp_str   (inp_samp_str),
                                .out_samp_data  (int_out)
                initial begin
                        //$display("i:%d integ idw=%2d odw=%2d  B(%2d, %3d, %2d, %2d, %2d, %2d)=%2d, Bj-1=%2d, F_sq=%8d", i, idw_cur, odw_cur, i + 1, CIC_R, CIC_M, CIC_N, INP_DW, OUT_DW, B_j, B_jm1, F_sq_j);
                        $display("i:%d integ idw=%d ", i, idw_cur);
/// downsampler takes data from m-th stage
localparam B_m = B_calc(CIC_N, CIC_N, CIC_R, CIC_M, INP_DW, OUT_DW);    ///< bits to prune on the m-th stage
localparam ds_dw = B_max - B_m + 1;                                                                             ///< data width of the downsampler
wire    signed [ds_dw - 1 : 0]  ds_out_samp_data;
wire                                                    ds_out_samp_str;
initial begin
        //$display("i downsamp dw %d , int_stage[%2d].dw_out = %2d", ds_dw, CIC_N - 1, int_stage[CIC_N - 1].odw_cur);
        $display("i downsamp dw %d", ds_dw);
downsampler #(
                .DATA_WIDTH_INP (ds_dw),
                .CIC_R                  (CIC_R)
                .clk                    (clk),
                .reset_n                (reset_n),
                .clear                  (clear),
                .inp_samp_data  (int_stage[CIC_N - 1].int_out),
                .inp_samp_str   (inp_samp_str),
                .out_samp_data  (ds_out_samp_data),
                .out_samp_str   (ds_out_samp_str)
genvar  j;
wire comb_chain_out_str;
reg     [CIC_N : 0]     comb_inp_str_d;
        wire summ_rdy_str;
        if (SMALL_FOOTPRINT != 0) begin ///< generate comb for small footprint
                always @(negedge reset_n or posedge clk)        ///< shift register for strobe from datasampler, used to latch data from comb at N'th clock after downsamplers strobe
                        if              (~reset_n)      comb_inp_str_d <= '0;
                        else if (clear)         comb_inp_str_d <= '0;
                        else                            comb_inp_str_d <= {comb_inp_str_d[CIC_N - 1 : 0], ds_out_samp_str};
        if (SMALL_FOOTPRINT == 0)       assign summ_rdy_str = '0;
        else                                            assign summ_rdy_str = comb_inp_str_d[CIC_N];

        for (j = 0; j < CIC_N; j = j + 1) begin : comb_stage
                localparam B_m_j_m1             =    B_calc(CIC_N + j    ,      CIC_N, CIC_R, CIC_M, INP_DW, OUT_DW);
                localparam B_m_j                =    B_calc(CIC_N + j + 1,      CIC_N, CIC_R, CIC_M, INP_DW, OUT_DW);
                localparam idw_cur = B_max - B_m_j_m1 + 1;
                localparam odw_cur = B_max - B_m_j + 1;
                wire signed [idw_cur - 1 : 0] comb_in;
                wire signed [idw_cur - 1 : 0] comb_inst_out;
                wire signed [odw_cur - 1 : 0] comb_out;
                wire comb_dv;
                if (j == 0)     assign comb_in = ds_out_samp_data;
                        else    assign comb_in = comb_stage[j - 1].comb_out;
                assign comb_out = comb_inst_out[idw_cur - 1 -: odw_cur];
                comb #(
                                .SAMP_WIDTH             (idw_cur),
                                .CIC_M                  (CIC_M),
                                .clk                    (clk),
                                .reset_n                (reset_n),
                                .clear                  (clear),
                                .samp_inp_str   (ds_out_samp_str),
                                .samp_inp_data  (comb_in),
                                .summ_rdy_str   (summ_rdy_str),
                                .samp_out_str   (comb_dv),
                                .samp_out_data  (comb_inst_out)
                if (SMALL_FOOTPRINT == 0)       assign comb_chain_out_str = comb_stage[CIC_N - 1].comb_dv;
                else                                            assign comb_chain_out_str = comb_inp_str_d[CIC_N - 1];
                initial begin
                        //$display("i:%d  comb idw=%2d odw=%2d  B(%2d, %3d, %2d, %2d, %2d, %2d)=%2d", j, idw_cur, odw_cur, CIC_N + j + 1, CIC_R, CIC_M, CIC_N, INP_DW, OUT_DW, B_m_j);
                        //if (j != 0) $display("odw_prev=%2d, comb_stage[j - 1].odw_cur=%2d", odw_prev, comb_stage[j - 1].odw_cur);
                        $display("i:%d  comb idw=%d", j, idw_cur);
localparam dw_out = B_max - B_calc(2 * CIC_N, CIC_N, CIC_R, CIC_M, INP_DW, OUT_DW) + 1;
reg             signed [OUT_DW-1:0]     comb_out_samp_data_reg;
reg                                                     comb_out_samp_str_reg;

always @(negedge reset_n or posedge clk)
        if              (~reset_n)                                      comb_out_samp_data_reg <= '0;
        else if (comb_chain_out_str)            comb_out_samp_data_reg <= comb_stage[CIC_N - 1].comb_out[dw_out - 1 -: OUT_DW];

always @(negedge reset_n or posedge clk)
        if              (~reset_n)                                      comb_out_samp_str_reg <= '0;
        else if (clear)                                         comb_out_samp_str_reg <= '0;
        else                                                            comb_out_samp_str_reg <= comb_chain_out_str;

assign out_samp_data    = comb_out_samp_data_reg;
assign out_samp_str             = comb_out_samp_str_reg;
task print_parameters_nice;
        integer tot_registers;
        integer j;
        integer B_2Np1;
        integer dw_j;
        integer B_j;
        reg [127:0] h_f0_pre;
        integer log2_h_f0_pre;
        integer h_f0_pre_limit_prec;
        integer h_f0_pre_divider;
        integer h_f0_divider_exp;
        integer h_f0_x_mul;
        integer x_multiplier;
        reg [127:0] F_sq_curr;
        x_multiplier = 100000;
        B_2Np1 = B_max - dw_out + 1;
        h_f0_pre = (CIC_R*CIC_M)**CIC_N;
        h_f0_divider_exp = (B_2Np1 + 1);
        h_f0_pre_limit_prec = 30;
        log2_h_f0_pre = clog2_l(h_f0_pre);
        if (log2_h_f0_pre > h_f0_pre_limit_prec) begin
                //$display(" log2_h_f0_pre = %2d, lim %2d", log2_h_f0_pre, h_f0_pre_limit_prec);
                h_f0_pre_divider = log2_h_f0_pre - h_f0_pre_limit_prec;
                //$display(" h_f0_pre_divider = %2d", h_f0_pre_divider);
                h_f0_pre = h_f0_pre >> h_f0_pre_divider;
                h_f0_divider_exp = h_f0_divider_exp - h_f0_pre_divider;
                //$display(" log2_h_f0_pre limited = %2d, divider_exp limited %2d", log2_h_f0_pre, h_f0_divider_exp);
                h_f0_x_mul = x_multiplier * h_f0_pre / 2**(h_f0_divider_exp);
        else begin
                h_f0_x_mul = x_multiplier * h_f0_pre / 2**(B_2Np1 + 1);
        $display("CIC inp_dw   %d", INP_DW);
        $display("CIC out_dw   %d", OUT_DW);
        $display("CIC B_max    %d", B_max);
        $display("CIC B_out    %d", dw_out);
        $display("CIC B_2Np1   %d", B_2Np1);
        $display("CIC h(f=0)   %1d.%1d", h_f0_x_mul / x_multiplier, h_f0_x_mul % x_multiplier);
        $display(" clog2_l((r*m)**n)  %d", clog2_l((CIC_R*CIC_M)**CIC_N)); 
        tot_registers = 0;
        for (j = 1; j < 2 * CIC_N + 2; j = j + 1) begin : check_Bj
                F_sq_curr = F_sq_calc(j, CIC_N, CIC_R, CIC_M);
                B_j = B_calc(j, CIC_N, CIC_R, CIC_M, INP_DW, OUT_DW);
                dw_j = B_max - B_j + 1;
                tot_registers = tot_registers + dw_j;
        $display("CIC total registers %2d", tot_registers);

        initial begin : initial_print_parameters
        if (1) begin 
        if (0) begin
                for (j = 0; j < CIC_N; j = j + 1) begin : print_int_stage
                        initial begin
                                $display("CIC integrator j:%2d B %2d B_ jm1 %2d odw_prev %2d in_dw %3d out_dw %3d data_width_pass %3d", j + 1, int_stage[j].B_j, int_stage[j].B_jm1, int_stage[j].odw_prev, int_stage[j].idw_cur, int_stage[j].odw_cur, 0);
                initial begin
                                $display("CIC downsampler     B %2d                                  ds_dw %3d", B_m, ds_dw);
                for (j = 0; j < CIC_N; j = j + 1) begin : print_comb_stage
                        initial begin
                                $display("CIC comb       j:%2d B %2d B_mjm1 %2d             in_dw %3d out_dw %3d", j, comb_stage[j].B_m_j, comb_stage[j].B_m_j_m1, comb_stage[j].idw_cur, comb_stage[j].odw_cur);
                initial begin
                        $display("CIC out odw %3d", OUT_DW);

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