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[/] [dma_ahb/] [trunk/] [src/] [dma_ahb32/] [dma_ahb32_core0.v] - Rev 4

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////                                                             ////
////  Author: Eyal Hochberg                                      ////
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////  Downloaded from:                  ////
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//// Copyright (C) 2010 Provartec LTD                            ////
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//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it  ////
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////                                                             ////
//-- File generated by RobustVerilog parser
//-- Version: 1.0
//-- Invoked Fri Mar 25 23:31:22 2011
//-- Source file: dma_core.v
module dma_ahb32_core0(clk,reset,scan_en,idle,ch_int_all_proc,ch_start,periph_tx_req,periph_tx_clr,periph_rx_req,periph_rx_clr,pclk,clken,pclken,psel,penable,paddr,pwrite,pwdata,prdata,pslverr,rd_port_num,wr_port_num,joint_mode_in,joint_remote,rd_prio_top,rd_prio_high,rd_prio_top_num,rd_prio_high_num,wr_prio_top,wr_prio_high,wr_prio_top_num,wr_prio_high_num,WHADDR,WHBURST,WHSIZE,WHTRANS,WHWDATA,WHREADY,WHRESP,RHADDR,RHBURST,RHSIZE,RHTRANS,RHRDATA,RHREADY,RHRESP,WHLAST,WHOLD,RHLAST,RHOLD,WSYNC,RSYNC);
   input              clk;
   input                     reset;
   input                     scan_en;
   output                    idle;
   output [8*1-1:0]   ch_int_all_proc;
   input [7:0]                  ch_start;
   input [31:1]          periph_tx_req;
   output [31:1]          periph_tx_clr;
   input [31:1]          periph_rx_req;
   output [31:1]          periph_rx_clr;
   input              pclk;
   input              clken;
   input              pclken;
   input              psel;
   input              penable;
   input [10:0]          paddr;
   input              pwrite;
   input [31:0]          pwdata;
   output [31:0]          prdata;
   output              pslverr;
   output              rd_port_num;
   output              wr_port_num;
   input              joint_mode_in;
   input              joint_remote;
   input               rd_prio_top;
   input               rd_prio_high;
   input [2:0]              rd_prio_top_num;
   input [2:0]              rd_prio_high_num;
   input               wr_prio_top;
   input               wr_prio_high;
   input [2:0]              wr_prio_top_num;
   input [2:0]              wr_prio_high_num;
   output [32-1:0]    WHADDR;
   output [2:0]              WHBURST;
   output [1:0]              WHSIZE;
   output [1:0]              WHTRANS;
   output [32-1:0]    WHWDATA;
   input                     WHREADY;
   input                     WHRESP;
   output [32-1:0]    RHADDR;
   output [2:0]              RHBURST;
   output [1:0]              RHSIZE;
   output [1:0]              RHTRANS;
   input [32-1:0]     RHRDATA;
   input                     RHREADY;
   input                     RHRESP;
   output                    WHLAST;
   input                     WHOLD;
   output                    RHLAST;
   input                     RHOLD;
   input                     WSYNC;
   input                     RSYNC;
   //outputs of wdt
   wire              wdt_timeout;
   wire [2:0]              wdt_ch_num;
   //outputs of rd arbiter
   wire              rd_ch_go_joint;
   wire              rd_ch_go_null;
   wire              rd_ch_go;
   wire [2:0]              rd_ch_num;
   wire              rd_ch_last;
   //outputs of wr arbiter
   wire              wr_ch_go_joint;
   wire              wr_ch_go;
   wire [2:0]              wr_ch_num_joint;
   wire [2:0]              wr_ch_num;
   wire              wr_ch_last;
   wire              wr_ch_last_joint;
   //outputs of channels
   wire [31:0]              prdata;
   wire              pslverr;
   wire              load_req_in_prog;
   wire [7:0]              ch_idle;
   wire [7:0]              ch_active;
   wire [7:0]              ch_active_joint;
   wire [7:0]              ch_rd_active;
   wire [7:0]              ch_wr_active;
   wire              wr_last_cmd;
   wire              rd_line_cmd;
   wire              wr_line_cmd;
   wire              rd_go_next_line;
   wire              wr_go_next_line;
   wire [7:0]              ch_rd_ready_joint;
   wire [7:0]              ch_rd_ready;
   wire              rd_ready;
   wire              rd_ready_joint;
   wire [32-1:0]      rd_burst_addr;
   wire [7-1:0]     rd_burst_size;
   wire [`TOKEN_BITS-1:0]    rd_tokens;
   wire              rd_port_num;
   wire [`DELAY_BITS-1:0]    rd_periph_delay;
   wire              rd_clr_valid;  
   wire [2:0]              rd_transfer_num;  
   wire              rd_transfer;
   wire [3-1:0]      rd_transfer_size;  
   wire              rd_clr_stall;
   wire [7:0]              ch_wr_ready;
   wire              wr_ready;
   wire              wr_ready_joint;
   wire [32-1:0]      wr_burst_addr;
   wire [7-1:0]     wr_burst_size;
   wire [`TOKEN_BITS-1:0]    wr_tokens;
   wire              wr_port_num;
   wire [`DELAY_BITS-1:0]    wr_periph_delay;
   wire              wr_clr_valid;    
   wire              wr_clr_stall;
   wire [7:0]              ch_joint_req;
   wire              joint_req;
   wire              joint_mode;
   wire              joint_ch_go;
   wire              joint_stall;
   //outputs of rd ctrl
   wire              rd_burst_start;
   wire              rd_finish_joint;
   wire              rd_finish;
   wire              rd_ctrl_busy;
   //outputs of wr ctrl
   wire              wr_burst_start_joint;
   wire              wr_burst_start;
   wire              wr_finish;
   wire              wr_ctrl_busy;
   //outputs of axim wr
   wire              wr_cmd_split;
   wire [2:0]              wr_cmd_num;
   wire              wr_cmd_pending_joint;
   wire              wr_cmd_pending;
   wire              wr_cmd_full_joint;
   wire              ch_fifo_rd;
   wire [3-1:0]      ch_fifo_rsize;
   wire [2:0]              ch_fifo_rd_num;
   wire [2:0]              wr_transfer_num;
   wire              wr_transfer; 
   wire [3-1:0]      wr_transfer_size;
   wire [3-1:0]      wr_next_size;
   wire              wr_clr_line;
   wire [2:0]              wr_clr_line_num;
   wire              wr_cmd_full;
   wire              wr_slverr;
   wire              wr_decerr;
   wire              wr_clr;
   wire              wr_clr_last;
   wire [2:0]              wr_ch_num_resp;
   wire              timeout_aw;
   wire              timeout_w;
   wire [2:0]              timeout_num_aw;
   wire [2:0]              timeout_num_w;
   wire              wr_hold_ctrl;
   wire              wr_hold;
   wire              joint_in_prog;
   wire              joint_not_in_prog;
   wire              joint_mux_in_prog;
   wire              wr_page_cross;
   //outputs of axim rd   
   wire              load_wr;
   wire [2:0]              load_wr_num;
   wire [1:0]              load_wr_cycle;
   wire [32-1:0]      load_wdata;  
   wire              rd_cmd_split; 
   wire              rd_cmd_line;
   wire [2:0]              rd_cmd_num;
   wire              rd_cmd_pending_joint;
   wire              rd_cmd_pending;
   wire              rd_cmd_full_joint;
   wire              ch_fifo_wr;
   wire [32-1:0]      ch_fifo_wdata;
   wire [3-1:0]      ch_fifo_wsize;
   wire [2:0]              ch_fifo_wr_num;
   wire              rd_clr_line;
   wire [2:0]              rd_clr_line_num;
   wire              rd_burst_cmd;
   wire              rd_cmd_full;
   wire              rd_slverr;
   wire              rd_decerr;
   wire              rd_clr;
   wire              rd_clr_last;
   wire              rd_clr_load;
   wire [2:0]              rd_ch_num_resp;
   wire              timeout_ar;
   wire [2:0]              timeout_num_ar;
   wire              rd_hold_joint;
   wire              rd_hold_ctrl;
   wire              rd_hold;
   wire              joint_hold;
   wire              rd_page_cross;
   wire              joint_page_cross;
   wire              rd_arbiter_en;
   wire              wr_arbiter_en;
   wire              rd_cmd_port;
   wire              wr_cmd_port;
   //outputs of fifo ctrl
   wire [32-1:0]      ch_fifo_rdata;
   wire              ch_fifo_rd_valid;
   wire              ch_fifo_wr_ready;
   wire              FIFO_WR;
   wire              FIFO_RD;
   wire [3+5-3-1:0]  FIFO_WR_ADDR;
   wire [3+5-3-1:0]  FIFO_RD_ADDR;
   wire [32-1:0]      FIFO_DIN;
   wire [4-1:0]      FIFO_BSEL;
   //outputs of fifo wrap
   wire [32-1:0]      FIFO_DOUT;
   wire              clk_en;
   wire              gclk;
   assign              joint_mode = joint_mode_in & 1'b1;
   assign              rd_arbiter_en        = 1'b1;
   assign              wr_arbiter_en        = !joint_mode;
   assign              rd_ready             = ch_rd_ready[rd_ch_num];
   assign              wr_ready             = ch_wr_ready[wr_ch_num_joint];
   assign              rd_ready_joint       = joint_mode & joint_req ? rd_ready & wr_ready : rd_ready;
   assign              wr_ready_joint       = joint_mode & joint_req ? rd_ready & wr_ready : wr_ready;
   assign              ch_active_joint      = joint_mode ? ch_rd_active | ch_wr_active : ch_rd_active;
   assign              joint_page_cross     = (rd_page_cross & rd_ready) | (wr_page_cross & wr_ready);
   assign              joint_req            = ch_joint_req[rd_ch_num];
   assign              ch_rd_ready_joint    = joint_mode ?
                 (ch_joint_req & ch_rd_ready & ch_wr_ready) | 
                   ((~ch_joint_req) & (ch_rd_ready | ch_wr_ready)) :
   assign              wr_burst_start_joint = joint_mode & joint_req ? rd_burst_start : wr_burst_start;
   assign              joint_hold           = joint_mux_in_prog | (joint_in_prog & (~joint_req)) | (joint_not_in_prog & joint_req) | joint_stall | (joint_req & joint_page_cross);
   assign              rd_hold_ctrl         = joint_mode ? rd_hold | joint_hold | (joint_in_prog & wr_hold) : rd_hold;
   assign              rd_hold_joint        = joint_mode & (rd_hold_ctrl | rd_ctrl_busy | wr_ctrl_busy);
   assign              wr_hold_ctrl         = joint_mode & (joint_req | joint_in_prog) ? wr_hold | joint_hold : wr_hold;
   assign              rd_ch_go_joint       = rd_ch_go & ch_rd_ready[rd_ch_num] & (~rd_ctrl_busy);
   assign              wr_ch_go_joint       = joint_mode ? (wr_ready & (~wr_ctrl_busy) & 
                                  (joint_req ? rd_ch_go_joint : rd_ch_go & (~rd_ch_go_joint))) : wr_ch_go;
   assign              rd_ch_go_null        = rd_ch_go & (~rd_ch_go_joint) & (joint_mode ? (~wr_ch_go_joint) : 1'b1);
   assign              wr_ch_num_joint      = joint_mode ? rd_ch_num : wr_ch_num;
   assign              wr_ch_last_joint     = joint_mode ? rd_ch_last : wr_ch_last;
   assign              rd_finish_joint      = joint_mode ? rd_finish | wr_finish | rd_ch_go_null : rd_finish | rd_ch_go_null;
   assign              rd_cmd_full_joint    = joint_mode & joint_req ? wr_cmd_full | rd_cmd_full : rd_cmd_full;
   assign              wr_cmd_full_joint    = joint_mode & joint_req ? wr_cmd_full | rd_cmd_full : wr_cmd_full;
   assign              rd_cmd_pending_joint = joint_mode ? rd_cmd_pending | wr_cmd_pending : rd_cmd_pending;
   assign              wr_cmd_pending_joint = joint_mode & joint_req ? rd_cmd_pending | wr_cmd_pending : wr_cmd_pending;
   assign              idle                 = &ch_idle;
   assign             gclk = clk;
   dma_ahb32_core0_wdt  dma_ahb32_core0_wdt (
   dma_ahb32_core0_arbiter_rd (
   dma_ahb32_core0_arbiter_wr (
   dma_ahb32_core0_ctrl  dma_ahb32_core0_ctrl_rd (
   dma_ahb32_core0_ctrl  dma_ahb32_core0_ctrl_wr (
   dma_ahb32_core0_ahbm_wr (
   dma_ahb32_core0_ahbm_rd (
   //compatible to AXI
   assign             rd_cmd_split           = 1'd0; //needed for OUTS
   assign             wr_cmd_split           = 1'd0; //needed for OUTS
   assign             wr_cmd_num             = 3'd0; //needed for OUTS
   assign             load_wr_num            = ch_fifo_wr_num;
   assign             load_wdata             = ch_fifo_wdata;
   assign             rd_decerr              = 1'b0;
   assign             wr_decerr              = 1'b0;
   assign             rd_ch_num_resp         = rd_transfer_num;
   assign             timeout_w              = 1'd0;
   assign              timeout_num_w          = 3'd0;
   assign             rd_page_cross          = 1'b0;
   assign             wr_page_cross          = 1'b0;
   dma_ahb32_core0_channels (
              .clk(clk), //non gated

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