
Subversion Repositories lattice6502

[/] [lattice6502/] [ghdl/] [usrcode.asm] - Rev 7

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        cpu 6502
PAGE 40,120
;       ****************************************************************************************
;       This is intended to be the template for the user code                               ****
;       ****************************************************************************************
;       These flags are used for conditional assembly.
;       Just select the instructions to be tested.
shiftfg equ     0
intfg   equ     0
Xfg     equ     0
Yfg     equ     0
AddXfg  equ     0
AddYfg  equ     1
;       ********************************************************

return  equ     $fff6   ;jump to fcoo to return control and restart
sendtxt equ     $fff0
hex2txt equ     $fff3
irq     equ     $4002
nmi     equ     $4003
break   equ     $10
intrpt  equ     $04

*       =       $0010
point   dw      table2
        dw      table2 + 1
        dw      table2 + 2
        dw      table2 + 3
        dw      table2 + 4
        dw      table2 + 5
        dw      table2 + 6
        dw      table2 + 7
        dw      table2 + 8
table3  db      $00
bittbl1 db      $1,  $2,  $4,  $8,  $10, $20, $40, $80
nottbl1 db      $fe, $fd, $fa, $f7, $ef, $df, $bf, $7f

*       =       $290    ;user code starts at $290

main    clc

IF      shiftfg
;       *****************************************************
;       Shift instruction to be tested follows
;       Table2 abs and abs,x
;       Table2 zero and zero,x
        ldy     #$a5
        ldx     #$03
        lda     #$5a

        sta     table2 + 3      ;ror and rol test
        lda     #$00
        rol     table2,x
        rol     table2 + 3
        rol     table2 + 3
        rol     table2,x
        lda     table2 + 3

        sta     table3 + 3      ;test asl lsr
        lda     #$00
        lsr     table3,x
        lsr     table3 + 3
        lsr     table3 + 3
        lsr     table3,x
        lda     table3 + 3
;       *****************************************************
        lsr     ;test all shift instruction implied
        lsr     ;ie shift reg_a

;       *****************************************************

IF      intfg
;       *****************************************************
;       Testing of Interrupts
;       Comment in or out interrupt as required
        lda     #$fe
        sta     nmi

;       lda     #$fe
;       sta     irq

;       brk
;       ****************************************************

IF      Xfg
;       *****************************************************
        ldx     #$03            ;lda & eor test with reg_x
        ldy     #1              ;First test zero and zero,x
        lda     bittbl1 + 3
        eor     bittbl1,x       ;should be 0
        bne     failtst
        ldy     #2
        lda     bittbl1,x
        eor     bittbl1 + 3
        bne     failtst

        ldx     #$04
        ldy     #3              ;then abs
        lda     bittbl2 + 4
        eor     bittbl2,x       ;should be 0
        bne     failtst
        ldy     #4
        lda     bittbl2,x
        eor     bittbl2 + 4
        bne     failtst 

        ldy     #5              ;ora & and test with reg_x
        ldx     #$05            ;First test zero and zero,x
        ora     bittbl1 +5      ;set a bit
        and     nottbl1,x       ;clear it
        bne     failtst
        ldy     #6
        ora     bittbl1,x
        and     nottbl1 + 5
        bne     failtst

        ldy     #7              ;again using abs and abs,x
        ldx     #$05
        ora     bittbl2 + 5     ;set a bit
        and     nottbl2,x       ;clear it
        bne     failtst
        ldy     #8
        ora     bittbl2,x
        and     nottbl2 + 5
        bne     failtst

passx   lda     #"P"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"a"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"s"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"s"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #" "
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"X"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"\r"
        jsr     sendtxt

        jmp     (return)

;       *****************************************************
IF      Yfg
;       *****************************************************
        ldy     #$03            ;lda & eor test with reg_x
        ldx     #1              ;First test zero and zero,y
        lda     bittbl1 + 3
        eor     bittbl1,y       ;should be 0
        bne     failtst
        ldx     #2
        lda     bittbl1,y
        eor     bittbl1 + 3
        bne     failtst

        ldy     #$04
        ldx     #3              ;then abs
        lda     bittbl2 + 4
        eor     bittbl2,y       ;should be 0
        bne     failtst
        ldx     #4
        lda     bittbl2,y
        eor     bittbl2 + 4
        bne     failtst 

        ldx     #5              ;ora & and test with reg_x
        ldy     #$05            ;First test zero and zero,y
        ora     bittbl1 +5      ;set a bit
        and     nottbl1,y       ;clear it
        bne     failtst
        ldx     #6
        ora     bittbl1,y
        and     nottbl1 + 5
        bne     failtst

        ldx     #7              ;again using abs and abs,y
        ldy     #$05
        ora     bittbl2 + 5     ;set a bit
        and     nottbl2,y       ;clear it
        bne     failtst
        ldx     #8
        ora     bittbl2,y
        and     nottbl2 + 5
        bne     failtst

passy   lda     #"P"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"a"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"s"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"s"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #" "
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"Y"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"\r"
        jsr     sendtxt

        jmp     (return)

;       *****************************************************

IF      AddXfg
;       *****************************************************
        ldx     #$03            ;adc & sbc test with reg_x
        ldy     #1              ;First test zero & zero,x
        lda     #0
        adc     bittbl1 + 3
        sbc     bittbl1,x       ;should be 0
        bne     failtst
        ldy     #2
        lda     #0
        adc     bittbl1,x
        sbc     bittbl1 + 3
        bne     failtst

        ldx     #$04
        ldy     #3              ;then abs
        lda     #0
        adc     bittbl2 + 4
        sbc     bittbl2,x       ;should be 0
        bne     failtst
        ldy     #4
        lda     #0
        adc     bittbl2,x
        sbc     bittbl2 + 4
        bne     failtst 

        ldy     #5              ;ora & cmp test with reg_x
        ldx     #$05            ;First test zero & zero,x
        ora     bittbl1 +5      ;set a bit
        cmp     bittbl1,x       ;clear it
        bne     failtst
        ldy     #6
        ora     bittbl1,x
        cmp     bittbl1 + 5
        bne     failtst

        ldy     #7              ;again using abs cmp abs,x
        ldx     #$05
        ora     bittbl2 + 5     ;set a bit
        cmp     bittbl2,x       ;clear it
        bne     failtst
        ldy     #8
        ora     bittbl2,x
        cmp     bittbl2 + 5
        bne     failtst

passx   lda     #"P"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"a"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"s"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"s"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #" "
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"A"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"\r"
        jsr     sendtxt

        jmp     (return)

IF      AddYfg
;       *****************************************************
        ldy     #$03            ;adc & sbc test with reg_x
        ldx     #1              ;First test zero & zero,y
        lda     #0
        adc     bittbl1 + 3
        sbc     bittbl1,y       ;should be 0
        bne     failtst
        ldx     #2
        lda     #0
        adc     bittbl1,y
        sbc     bittbl1 + 3
        bne     failtst

        ldy     #$04
        ldx     #3              ;then abs
        lda     #0
        adc     bittbl2 + 4
        sbc     bittbl2,y       ;should be 0
        bne     failtst
        ldx     #4
        lda     #0
        adc     bittbl2,y
        sbc     bittbl2 + 4
        bne     failtst 

        ldy     #5              ;ora & cmp test with reg_x
        ldx     #$05            ;First test zero & zero,y
        ora     bittbl1 +5      ;set a bit
        cmp     bittbl1,y       ;clear it
        bne     failtst
        ldx     #6
        ora     bittbl1,y
        cmp     bittbl1 + 5
        bne     failtst

        ldx     #7              ;again using abs cmp abs,y
        ldy     #$05
        ora     bittbl2 + 5     ;set a bit
        cmp     bittbl2,y       ;clear it
        bne     failtst
        ldx     #8
        ora     bittbl2,y
        cmp     bittbl2 + 5
        bne     failtst

passx   lda     #"P"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"a"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"s"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"s"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #" "
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"C"
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"\r"
        jsr     sendtxt

        jmp     (return)

failtst php

        lda     #"Y"    ;Display Y register     
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"="
        jsr     sendtxt
        jsr     hex2txt
        lda     #" "
        jsr     sendtxt

        lda     #"X"    ;Display X register     
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"="
        jsr     sendtxt
        jsr     hex2txt
        lda     #" "
        jsr     sendtxt

        lda     #"A"    ;Display A register     
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"="
        jsr     sendtxt
        jsr     hex2txt
        lda     #" "
        jsr     sendtxt

        lda     #"C"    ;Display carry
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"="
        jsr     sendtxt
        bcc     clear1
        lda     #"1"
        jmp     cont1
clear1  lda     #"0"
cont1   jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #" "
        jsr     sendtxt

        lda     #"V"    ;Display overflow
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"="
        jsr     sendtxt
        bvc     clear2
        lda     #"1"
        jmp     cont2
clear2  lda     #"0"
cont2   jsr     sendtxt 
        lda     #" "
        jsr     sendtxt

        lda     #"Z"    ;Display zero
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"="
        jsr     sendtxt
        beq     clear3
        lda     #"0"
        jmp     cont3
clear3  lda     #"1"
cont3   jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #" "
        jsr     sendtxt

        lda     #"M"    ;Display minus
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"="
        jsr     sendtxt
        bpl     clear4
        lda     #"1"
        jmp     cont4
clear4  lda     #"0"
cont4   jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #" "
        jsr     sendtxt

        lda     #"I"    ;Display Interrupt flag
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"="
        jsr     sendtxt
        and     #intrpt
        beq     clear5
        lda     #"1"
        jmp     cont5
clear5  lda     #"0"
cont5   jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #" "
        jsr     sendtxt

        lda     #"B"    ;Display Break flag
        jsr     sendtxt
        lda     #"="
        jsr     sendtxt
        and     #break
        beq     clear6
        lda     #"1"
        jmp     cont6
clear6  lda     #"0"
cont6   jsr     sendtxt

        lda     #"\r"
        jsr     sendtxt
        jmp     (return)

bittbl2 db      $1,  $2,  $4,  $8,  $10, $20, $40, $80
nottbl2 db      $fe, $fd, $fa, $f7, $ef, $df, $bf, $7f

*       = $03e0
table2  db      0
        db      1
        db      2
        db      3
        db      4
        db      5
        db      6
        db      7
        db      8
        db      9
        db      10
        db      11
        db      12
        db      13
        db      14
        db      15

*       =       $07ff
        nop             ;I need this to mark end of bin code.

;       end of program

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