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[/] [mips_enhanced/] [trunk/] [grlib-gpl-1.0.19-b3188/] [lib/] [tech/] [stratixii/] [simprims/] [stratixii_components.vhd] - Rev 2

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-- Copyright (C) 1991-2006 Altera Corporation
-- Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions 
-- and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic 
-- functions, and any output files any of the foregoing 
-- (including device programming or simulation files), and any 
-- associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
-- to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License 
-- Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License 
-- Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including, 
-- without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of 
-- programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by 
-- Altera or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the 
-- applicable agreement for further details.
-- Quartus II 6.0 Build 178 04/27/2006
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use work.stratixii_atom_pack.all;
component stratixii_lcell_ff
    generic (
             x_on_violation : string := "on";
             lpm_type : string := "stratixii_lcell_ff";
             tsetup_datain_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_adatasdata_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_sclr_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_sload_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_datain_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_adatasdata_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_sclr_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_sload_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tpd_clk_regout_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_aclr_regout_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_aload_regout_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_adatasdata_regout: VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_datain : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_adatasdata : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_sclr : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_sload : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_aclr : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_aload : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
             MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks: Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks: Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath: STRING := "*"
    port (
          datain : in std_logic := '0';
          clk : in std_logic := '0';
          aclr : in std_logic := '0';
          aload : in std_logic := '0';
          sclr : in std_logic := '0';
          sload : in std_logic := '0';
          ena : in std_logic := '1';
          adatasdata : in std_logic := '0';
          devclrn : in std_logic := '1';
          devpor : in std_logic := '1';
          regout : out std_logic
end component;
component stratixii_lcell_comb
    generic (
             lut_mask : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '1');
             shared_arith : string := "off";
             extended_lut : string := "off";
             lpm_type : string := "stratixii_lcell_comb";
             TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
             MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks: Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks: Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath: STRING := "*";
             tpd_dataa_combout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datab_combout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datac_combout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datad_combout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datae_combout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_dataf_combout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datag_combout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_dataa_sumout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datab_sumout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datac_sumout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datad_sumout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_dataf_sumout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_cin_sumout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_sharein_sumout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_dataa_cout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datab_cout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datac_cout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datad_cout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_dataf_cout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_cin_cout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_sharein_cout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_dataa_shareout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datab_shareout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datac_shareout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datad_shareout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_dataa : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_datab : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_datac : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_datad : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_datae : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_dataf : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_datag : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_cin : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_sharein : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    port (
          dataa : in std_logic := '0';
          datab : in std_logic := '0';
          datac : in std_logic := '0';
          datad : in std_logic := '0';
          datae : in std_logic := '0';
          dataf : in std_logic := '0';
          datag : in std_logic := '0';
          cin : in std_logic := '0';
          sharein : in std_logic := '0';
          combout : out std_logic;
          sumout : out std_logic;
          cout : out std_logic;
          shareout : out std_logic
end component;
component  stratixii_io 
generic (
         operation_mode : string := "input";
         ddio_mode : string := "none";
         open_drain_output : string := "false";
         bus_hold : string := "false";
         output_register_mode : string := "none";
         output_async_reset : string := "none";
         output_power_up : string := "low";
         output_sync_reset : string := "none";
         tie_off_output_clock_enable : string := "false";
         oe_register_mode : string := "none";
         oe_async_reset : string := "none";
         oe_power_up : string := "low";
         oe_sync_reset : string := "none";
         tie_off_oe_clock_enable : string := "false";
         input_register_mode : string := "none";
         input_async_reset : string := "none";
         input_power_up : string := "low";
         input_sync_reset : string := "none";
         extend_oe_disable : string := "false";
         dqs_input_frequency : string := "10000 ps";
         dqs_out_mode : string := "none";
         dqs_delay_buffer_mode : string := "low";
         dqs_phase_shift : integer := 0;
         inclk_input : string := "normal";
         ddioinclk_input : string := "negated_inclk";
         dqs_offsetctrl_enable : string := "false";
         dqs_ctrl_latches_enable : string := "false";
         dqs_edge_detect_enable : string := "false";
         gated_dqs : string := "false";
         sim_dqs_intrinsic_delay : integer := 0;
         sim_dqs_delay_increment : integer := 0;
         sim_dqs_offset_increment : integer := 0;
         lpm_type : string := "stratixii_io"
port (
      datain          : in std_logic := '0';
      ddiodatain      : in std_logic := '0';
      oe              : in std_logic := '1';
      outclk          : in std_logic := '0';
      outclkena       : in std_logic := '1';
      inclk           : in std_logic := '0';
      inclkena        : in std_logic := '1';
      areset          : in std_logic := '0';
      sreset          : in std_logic := '0';
      ddioinclk       : in std_logic := '0';
      delayctrlin     : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := "000000";
      offsetctrlin    : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := "000000";
      dqsupdateen     : in std_logic := '0';
      linkin		  : in std_logic := '0';
      terminationcontrol : in std_logic_vector(13 downto 0) := "00000000000000";      
      devclrn         : in std_logic := '1';
      devpor          : in std_logic := '1';
      devoe           : in std_logic := '0';
      padio           : inout std_logic;
      combout         : out std_logic;
      regout          : out std_logic;
      ddioregout      : out std_logic;
      dqsbusout		  : out std_logic;
      linkout		  : out std_logic
end component;
component stratixii_clkctrl
    generic (
             clock_type : STRING := "Auto";
             lpm_type : STRING := "stratixii_clkctrl";
             TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath : STRING := "*";
             tipd_inclk : VitalDelayArrayType01(3 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01); 
             tipd_clkselect : VitalDelayArrayType01(1 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01); 
             tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    port (
          inclk       : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
          clkselect   : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00";
          ena         : in std_logic := '1';
          devclrn     : in std_logic := '1';
          devpor      : in std_logic := '1';
          outclk      : out std_logic
end component;	
component stratixii_mac_mult
      dataa_width       : integer := 18;
      datab_width       : integer := 18;
      dataa_clock       : string := "none";
      datab_clock       : string := "none";
      signa_clock       : string := "none"; 
      signb_clock       : string := "none";
      round_clock       : string := "none";
      saturate_clock    : string := "none";
      output_clock      : string := "none"; 
      dataa_clear       : string := "none";
      datab_clear       : string := "none";
      signa_clear       : string := "none"; 
      signb_clear       : string := "none";
      round_clear       : string := "none";
      saturate_clear    : string := "none";
      output_clear      : string := "none";
      bypass_multiplier : string := "no";
      mode_clock        : string := "none";   
      zeroacc_clock     : string := "none";   
      mode_clear 	: string := "none";   
      zeroacc_clear 	: string := "none";   
      signa_internally_grounded : string := "false";
      signb_internally_grounded : string := "false";
      lpm_hint          : string := "true";
      dynamic_mode      : string := "no";    
      lpm_type          : string := "stratixii_mac_mult"
      dataa                   : IN std_logic_vector(dataa_width-1 DOWNTO 0) := (others => '0');   
      datab                   : IN std_logic_vector(datab_width-1 DOWNTO 0) := (others => '0');
      scanina                 : IN std_logic_vector(dataa_width-1 DOWNTO 0) := (others => '0');   
      scaninb                 : IN std_logic_vector(datab_width-1 DOWNTO 0) := (others => '0');
      sourcea                 : IN std_logic := '0';
      sourceb                 : IN std_logic := '0';
      signa                   : IN std_logic := '0';   
      signb                   : IN std_logic := '0';   
      round                   : IN std_logic := '0';   
      saturate                : IN std_logic := '0';   
      clk                     : IN std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0) := (others => '0');   
      aclr                    : IN std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0) := (others => '0');   
      ena                     : IN std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0) := (others => '0');   
      mode                    : IN std_logic := '0';     
      zeroacc                 : IN std_logic := '0';     
      dataout                 : OUT std_logic_vector((dataa_width+datab_width)-1 DOWNTO 0);   
      scanouta                : OUT std_logic_vector(dataa_width-1 DOWNTO 0);   
      scanoutb                : OUT std_logic_vector(datab_width-1 DOWNTO 0);   
      devclrn   : in std_logic := '1';   
      devpor    : in std_logic := '1'
end component;
component stratixii_mac_out
      operation_mode    : string := "output_only";
      dataa_width       : integer := 1;
      datab_width       : integer := 1;
      datac_width       : integer := 1;
      datad_width       : integer := 1;
      dataout_width     : integer := 144;
      addnsub0_clock    : string := "none";
      addnsub1_clock    : string := "none";
      zeroacc_clock     : string := "none";
      round0_clock      : string := "none";
      round1_clock      : string := "none";
      saturate_clock    : string := "none";
      multabsaturate_clock : string := "none";
      multcdsaturate_clock : string := "none";
      signa_clock       : string := "none";
      signb_clock       : string := "none";
      output_clock      : string := "none";
      addnsub0_clear    : string := "none";
      addnsub1_clear    : string := "none";
      zeroacc_clear     : string := "none";
      round0_clear : string := "none";
      round1_clear : string := "none";
      saturate_clear : string := "none";
      multabsaturate_clear : string := "none";
      multcdsaturate_clear : string := "none";
      signa_clear       : string := "none";
      signb_clear       : string := "none";
      output_clear      : string := "none";
      addnsub0_pipeline_clock   : string := "none";
      addnsub1_pipeline_clock   : string := "none";
      round0_pipeline_clock     : string := "none";
      round1_pipeline_clock     : string := "none";
      saturate_pipeline_clock   : string := "none";
      multabsaturate_pipeline_clock : string := "none";
      multcdsaturate_pipeline_clock : string := "none";
      zeroacc_pipeline_clock    : string := "none";
      signa_pipeline_clock      : string := "none";
      signb_pipeline_clock      : string := "none";
      addnsub0_pipeline_clear   : string := "none";
      addnsub1_pipeline_clear   : string := "none";
      round0_pipeline_clear     : string := "none";
      round1_pipeline_clear     : string := "none";
      saturate_pipeline_clear   : string := "none";
      multabsaturate_pipeline_clear : string := "none";
      multcdsaturate_pipeline_clear : string := "none";
      zeroacc_pipeline_clear : string := "none";
      signa_pipeline_clear : string := "none";
      signb_pipeline_clear : string := "none";
      mode0_clock       : string := "none";     
      mode1_clock       : string := "none";     
      zeroacc1_clock    : string := "none";   
      saturate1_clock   : string := "none";  
      output1_clock     : string := "none";
      output2_clock     : string := "none";
      output3_clock     : string := "none";
      output4_clock     : string := "none";
      output5_clock     : string := "none";
      output6_clock     : string := "none";
      output7_clock     : string := "none";
      mode0_clear       : string := "none";     
      mode1_clear       : string := "none";     
      zeroacc1_clear    : string := "none";     
      saturate1_clear   : string := "none";  
      output1_clear     : string := "none";
      output2_clear     : string := "none";
      output3_clear     : string := "none";
      output4_clear     : string := "none";
      output5_clear     : string := "none";
      output6_clear     : string := "none";
      output7_clear     : string := "none";
      mode0_pipeline_clock      : string := "none";     
      mode1_pipeline_clock      : string := "none";     
      zeroacc1_pipeline_clock   : string := "none";     
      saturate1_pipeline_clock  : string := "none";  
      mode0_pipeline_clear      : string := "none";     
      mode1_pipeline_clear      : string := "none";     
      zeroacc1_pipeline_clear   : string := "none";  
      saturate1_pipeline_clear  : string := "none";  
      dataa_forced_to_zero      : string := "no";    
      datac_forced_to_zero      : string := "no";    
      lpm_hint                  : string := "true";
      lpm_type                  : string := "stratixii_mac_out"
      dataa     : in std_logic_vector (dataa_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
      datab     : in std_logic_vector (datab_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
      datac     : in std_logic_vector (datac_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
      datad     : in std_logic_vector (datad_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
      zeroacc   : in std_logic := '0';
      addnsub0  : in std_logic := '1';
      addnsub1  : in std_logic := '1';
      round0    : in std_logic := '0';
      round1    : in std_logic := '0';
      saturate  : in std_logic := '0';
      multabsaturate : in std_logic := '0';
      multcdsaturate : in std_logic := '0';
      signa     : in std_logic := '1';
      signb     : in std_logic := '1';
      clk       : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) := "0000";
      aclr      : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) := "0000";
      ena       : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) := "1111";
      mode0     : in std_logic := '0';     
      mode1     : in std_logic := '0';     
      zeroacc1  : in std_logic := '0';     
      saturate1 : in std_logic := '0';     
      dataout   : out std_logic_vector (dataout_width -1 downto 0);
      accoverflow : out std_logic;
      devclrn   : in std_logic := '1';   
      devpor    : in std_logic := '1'
end component;
COMPONENT stratixii_pll
    GENERIC (operation_mode              : string := "normal";
             pll_type                    : string := "auto";
             compensate_clock            : string := "clk0";
             feedback_source             : string := "e0";
             qualify_conf_done           : string := "off";
             test_input_comp_delay       : integer := 0;
             test_feedback_comp_delay    : integer := 0;
             inclk0_input_frequency      : integer := 10000;
             inclk1_input_frequency      : integer := 10000;
             gate_lock_signal            : string := "yes";
             gate_lock_counter           : integer := 1;
             self_reset_on_gated_loss_lock : string := "off";
             valid_lock_multiplier       : integer := 1;
             invalid_lock_multiplier     : integer := 5;
             switch_over_type            : string := "auto";
             switch_over_on_lossclk      : string := "off";
             switch_over_on_gated_lock   : string := "off";
             switch_over_counter         : integer := 1;
             enable_switch_over_counter  : string := "off";
             bandwidth                   : integer := 0;
             bandwidth_type              : string := "auto";
             down_spread                 : string := "0 %";
             spread_frequency            : integer := 0;
             clk0_output_frequency       : integer := 0; 
             clk0_multiply_by            : integer := 1;
             clk0_divide_by              : integer := 1;
             clk0_phase_shift            : string := "0";
             clk0_duty_cycle             : integer := 50;
             clk1_output_frequency       : integer := 0; 
             clk1_multiply_by            : integer := 1;
             clk1_divide_by              : integer := 1;
             clk1_phase_shift            : string := "0";
             clk1_duty_cycle             : integer := 50;
             clk2_output_frequency       : integer := 0; 
             clk2_multiply_by            : integer := 1;
             clk2_divide_by              : integer := 1;
             clk2_phase_shift            : string := "0";
             clk2_duty_cycle             : integer := 50;
             clk3_output_frequency       : integer := 0; 
             clk3_multiply_by            : integer := 1;
             clk3_divide_by              : integer := 1;
             clk3_phase_shift            : string := "0";
             clk3_duty_cycle             : integer := 50;
             clk4_output_frequency       : integer := 0; 
             clk4_multiply_by            : integer := 1;
             clk4_divide_by              : integer := 1;
             clk4_phase_shift            : string := "0";
             clk4_duty_cycle             : integer := 50;
             clk5_output_frequency       : integer := 0; 
             clk5_multiply_by            : integer := 1;
             clk5_divide_by              : integer := 1;
             clk5_phase_shift            : string := "0";
             clk5_duty_cycle             : integer := 50;
             pfd_min                     : integer := 0;
             pfd_max                     : integer := 0;
             vco_min                     : integer := 0;
             vco_max                     : integer := 0;
             vco_center                  : integer := 0;
             m_initial                   : integer := 1;
             m                           : integer := 1;
             n                           : integer := 1;
             m2                          : integer := 1;
             n2                          : integer := 1;
             ss                          : integer := 0;
             c0_high                     : integer := 1;
             c0_low                      : integer := 1;
             c0_initial                  : integer := 1;
             c0_mode                     : string := "bypass";
             c0_ph                       : integer := 0;
             c1_high                     : integer := 1;
             c1_low                      : integer := 1;
             c1_initial                  : integer := 1;
             c1_mode                     : string := "bypass";
             c1_ph                       : integer := 0;
             c2_high                     : integer := 1;
             c2_low                      : integer := 1;
             c2_initial                  : integer := 1;
             c2_mode                     : string := "bypass";
             c2_ph                       : integer := 0;
             c3_high                     : integer := 1;
             c3_low                      : integer := 1;
             c3_initial                  : integer := 1;
             c3_mode                     : string := "bypass";
             c3_ph                       : integer := 0;
             c4_high                     : integer := 1;
             c4_low                      : integer := 1;
             c4_initial                  : integer := 1;
             c4_mode                     : string := "bypass";
             c4_ph                       : integer := 0;
             c5_high                     : integer := 1;
             c5_low                      : integer := 1;
             c5_initial                  : integer := 1;
             c5_mode                     : string := "bypass";
             c5_ph                       : integer := 0;
             m_ph                        : integer := 0;
             clk0_counter                : string := "c0";
             clk1_counter                : string := "c1";
             clk2_counter                : string := "c2";
             clk3_counter                : string := "c3";
             clk4_counter                : string := "c4";
             clk5_counter                : string := "c5";
             c1_use_casc_in              : string := "off";
             c2_use_casc_in              : string := "off";
             c3_use_casc_in              : string := "off";
             c4_use_casc_in              : string := "off";
             c5_use_casc_in              : string := "off";
             m_test_source               : integer := 5;
             c0_test_source              : integer := 5;
             c1_test_source              : integer := 5;
             c2_test_source              : integer := 5;
             c3_test_source              : integer := 5;
             c4_test_source              : integer := 5;
             c5_test_source              : integer := 5;
             enable0_counter             : string := "c0";
             enable1_counter             : string := "c1";
             sclkout0_phase_shift        : string := "0";
             sclkout1_phase_shift        : string := "0";
             charge_pump_current         : integer := 0;
             loop_filter_c               : integer := 1;
             loop_filter_r               : string := "1.0" ;
             common_rx_tx                : string := "off";
             rx_outclock_resource        : string := "auto";
             use_vco_bypass              : string := "false";
             use_dc_coupling             : string := "false";
             pll_compensation_delay      : integer := 0;
             simulation_type             : string := "functional";
             lpm_type                    : string := "stratixii_pll";
             clk0_use_even_counter_mode  : string := "off";
             clk1_use_even_counter_mode  : string := "off";
             clk2_use_even_counter_mode  : string := "off";
             clk3_use_even_counter_mode  : string := "off";
             clk4_use_even_counter_mode  : string := "off";
             clk5_use_even_counter_mode  : string := "off";
             clk0_use_even_counter_value : string := "off";
             clk1_use_even_counter_value : string := "off";
             clk2_use_even_counter_value : string := "off";
             clk3_use_even_counter_value : string := "off";
             clk4_use_even_counter_value : string := "off";
             clk5_use_even_counter_value : string := "off";
             vco_multiply_by             : integer := 0;
             vco_divide_by               : integer := 0;
             vco_post_scale              : integer := 1;
             XOn                         : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOn                       : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             MsgOnChecks                 : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks                   : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             TimingChecksOn              : Boolean := true;
             InstancePath                : STRING := "*";
             tipd_inclk                  : VitalDelayArrayType01(1 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
             tipd_ena                    : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_pfdena                 : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_areset                 : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_fbin                   : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_scanclk                : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_scanread               : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_scanwrite              : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_scandata               : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_clkswitch              : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tsetup_scandata_scanclk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_scandata_scanclk_noedge_posedge  : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_scanread_scanclk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_scanread_scanclk_noedge_posedge  : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_scanwrite_scanclk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_scanwrite_scanclk_noedge_posedge  : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst
    PORT    (inclk          : IN std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
             fbin           : IN std_logic := '0';
             ena            : IN std_logic := '1';
             clkswitch      : IN std_logic := '0';
             areset         : IN std_logic := '0';
             pfdena         : IN std_logic := '1';
             scanread       : IN std_logic := '0';
             scanwrite      : IN std_logic := '0';
             scandata       : IN std_logic := '0';
             scanclk        : IN std_logic := '0';
             testin         : IN std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
             clk            : OUT std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
             clkbad         : OUT std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
             activeclock    : OUT std_logic;
             locked         : OUT std_logic;
             clkloss        : OUT std_logic;
             scandataout    : OUT std_logic;
             scandone       : OUT std_logic;
             testupout      : OUT std_logic;
             testdownout    : OUT std_logic;
             -- lvds specific ports
             enable0        : OUT std_logic;
             enable1        : OUT std_logic;
             sclkout        : OUT std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)
COMPONENT stratixii_lvds_transmitter
    GENERIC ( channel_width                    : integer := 10;
              bypass_serializer                : String  := "false";
              invert_clock                     : String  := "false";
              use_falling_clock_edge           : String  := "false";
              use_serial_data_input            : String  := "false";
              use_post_dpa_serial_data_input   : String  := "false";
              preemphasis_setting              : integer := 0;
              vod_setting                      : integer := 0;
              differential_drive               : integer := 0;
              lpm_type                         : String  := "stratixii_lvds_transmitter";
              TimingChecksOn                   : Boolean := True;
              MsgOn                            : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
              XOn                              : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
              MsgOnChecks                      : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
              XOnChecks                        : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
              InstancePath                     : String  := "*";
              tpd_clk0_dataout_posedge         : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
              tpd_clk0_dataout_negedge         : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
              tpd_serialdatain_dataout         : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
              tpd_postdpaserialdatain_dataout  : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
              tipd_clk0                        : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
              tipd_enable0                     : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
              tipd_datain                      : VitalDelayArrayType01(9 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefpropDelay01);
              tipd_serialdatain                : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
              tipd_postdpaserialdatain         : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01
    PORT     ( clk0                     : in std_logic;
               enable0                  : in std_logic := '0';
               datain                   : in std_logic_vector(channel_width - 1 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
               serialdatain             : in std_logic := '0';
               postdpaserialdatain      : in std_logic := '0';
               devclrn                  : in std_logic := '1';
               devpor                   : in std_logic := '1';
               dataout                  : out std_logic;
               serialfdbkout            : out std_logic
COMPONENT stratixii_lvds_receiver
    GENERIC ( channel_width                  :  integer := 10;
              data_align_rollover            :  integer := 2;
              enable_dpa                     :  string := "off";
              lose_lock_on_one_change        :  string := "off";
              reset_fifo_at_first_lock       :  string := "on";
              align_to_rising_edge_only      :  string := "on";
              use_serial_feedback_input      :  string := "off";
              dpa_debug                      :  string := "off";
              x_on_bitslip                   :  string := "on";
              lpm_type                       :  string := "stratixii_lvds_receiver";
              MsgOn                    : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
              XOn                      : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
              MsgOnChecks              : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
              XOnChecks                : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
              InstancePath             : String := "*";
              tipd_clk0                : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
              tipd_datain              : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
              tipd_enable0             : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
              tipd_dpareset            : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
              tipd_dpahold             : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
              tipd_dpaswitch           : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
              tipd_fiforeset           : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
              tipd_bitslip             : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
              tipd_bitslipreset        : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
              tipd_serialfbk           : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
              tpd_clk0_dpalock_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    PORT    ( clk0                    : IN std_logic;
              datain                  : IN std_logic := '0';
              enable0                 : IN std_logic := '0';
              dpareset                : IN std_logic := '0';
              dpahold                 : IN std_logic := '0';
              dpaswitch               : IN std_logic := '0';
              fiforeset               : IN std_logic := '0';
              bitslip                 : IN std_logic := '0';
              bitslipreset            : IN std_logic := '0';
              serialfbk               : IN std_logic := '0';
              dataout                 : OUT std_logic_vector(channel_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
              dpalock                 : OUT std_logic;
              bitslipmax              : OUT std_logic;
              serialdataout           : OUT std_logic;
              postdpaserialdataout    : OUT std_logic;
              devclrn                 : IN std_logic := '1';
              devpor                  : IN std_logic := '1'
COMPONENT stratixii_dll
    GENERIC ( 
    input_frequency          : string := "10000 ps";
    delay_chain_length       : integer := 16;
    delay_buffer_mode        : string := "low";
    delayctrlout_mode        : string := "normal";
    static_delay_ctrl        : integer := 0;
    offsetctrlout_mode       : string := "static";
    static_offset            : string := "0";
    jitter_reduction         : string := "false";
    use_upndnin              : string := "false";
    use_upndninclkena        : string := "false";
    sim_valid_lock           : integer := 1;
    sim_loop_intrinsic_delay : integer := 1000;
    sim_loop_delay_increment : integer := 100;
    sim_valid_lockcount      : integer := 90;  -- 10000 = 1000 + 100*dllcounter
    lpm_type                 : string := "stratixii_dll";
    tipd_clk                 : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
    tipd_aload               : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
    tipd_offset              : VitalDelayArrayType01(5 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
    tipd_upndnin             : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
    tipd_upndninclkena       : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
    tipd_addnsub             : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
    TimingChecksOn           : Boolean := True;
    MsgOn                    : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
    XOn                      : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
    MsgOnChecks              : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
    XOnChecks                : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
    InstancePath             : String := "*";
    tpd_offset_delayctrlout  : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
    tpd_clk_upndnout_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
    tsetup_offset_clk_noedge_posedge        : VitalDelayArrayType(5 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefSetupHoldCnst);
    thold_offset_clk_noedge_posedge         : VitalDelayArrayType(5 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefSetupHoldCnst);
    tsetup_upndnin_clk_noedge_posedge       : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
    thold_upndnin_clk_noedge_posedge        : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
    tsetup_upndninclkena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
    thold_upndninclkena_clk_noedge_posedge  : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
    tsetup_addnsub_clk_noedge_posedge       : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
    thold_addnsub_clk_noedge_posedge        : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
    tpd_clk_delayctrlout_posedge            : VitalDelayArrayType01(5 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01)
    PORT    ( clk                      : IN std_logic := '0';
              aload                    : IN std_logic := '0';
              offset                   : IN std_logic_vector(5 DOWNTO 0) := "000000";
              upndnin                  : IN std_logic := '0';
              upndninclkena            : IN std_logic := '1';
              addnsub                  : IN std_logic := '0';
              delayctrlout             : OUT std_logic_vector(5 DOWNTO 0);
              offsetctrlout            : OUT std_logic_vector(5 DOWNTO 0);
              dqsupdate                : OUT std_logic;
              upndnout                 : OUT std_logic;	
              devclrn                  : IN std_logic := '1';
              devpor                   : IN std_logic := '1'
component  stratixii_rublock 
		operation_mode			: string := "remote";
		sim_init_config			: string := "factory";
		sim_init_watchdog_value	: integer := 0;
		sim_init_page_select	: integer := 0;
		sim_init_status			: integer := 0;
		lpm_type				: string := "stratixii_rublock"
		clk			: in std_logic; 
		shiftnld	: in std_logic; 
		captnupdt	: in std_logic; 
		regin		: in std_logic; 
		rsttimer	: in std_logic; 
		rconfig		: in std_logic; 
		regout		: out std_logic; 
		pgmout		: out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0)
end component;
COMPONENT stratixii_termination
    runtime_control           : string := "false";
    use_core_control          : string := "false";
    pullup_control_to_core    : string := "true";
    use_high_voltage_compare  : string := "true";
    use_both_compares         : string := "false";
    pullup_adder              : integer := 0;
    pulldown_adder            : integer := 0;
    half_rate_clock           : string := "false";
    power_down : string       := "true";
    left_shift : string       := "false";
    test_mode : string        := "false";
    lpm_type : string         := "stratixii_termination";
    tipd_rup                  : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
    tipd_rdn                  : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
    tipd_terminationclock     : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
    tipd_terminationclear     : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
    tipd_terminationenable    : VitalDelayType01 := DefpropDelay01;
    tipd_terminationpullup    : VitalDelayArrayType01(6 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
    tipd_terminationpulldown  : VitalDelayArrayType01(6 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
    TimingChecksOn           : Boolean := True;
    MsgOn                    : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
    XOn                      : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
    MsgOnChecks              : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
    XOnChecks                : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
    InstancePath             : String := "*";
    tpd_terminationclock_terminationcontrol_posedge       : VitalDelayArrayType01(13 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
    tpd_terminationclock_terminationcontrolprobe_posedge  : VitalDelayArrayType01(6 downto 0)  := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01)
    PORT ( 
    rup                      : IN std_logic := '0';
    rdn                      : IN std_logic := '0';
    terminationclock         : IN std_logic := '0';
    terminationclear         : IN std_logic := '0';
    terminationenable        : IN std_logic := '1';
    terminationpullup        : IN std_logic_vector(6 DOWNTO 0) := "0000000";
    terminationpulldown      : IN std_logic_vector(6 DOWNTO 0) := "0000000";
    devclrn                  : IN std_logic := '1';
    devpor                   : IN std_logic := '0';
    incrup                   : OUT std_logic;
    incrdn                   : OUT std_logic;
    terminationcontrol       : OUT std_logic_vector(13 DOWNTO 0);
    terminationcontrolprobe  : OUT std_logic_vector(6 DOWNTO 0)
component stratixii_routing_wire
    generic (
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             tpd_datain_dataout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datainglitch_dataout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_datain : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    PORT (
          datain : in std_logic;
          dataout : out std_logic
end component;
component  stratixii_jtag 
    generic (
            lpm_type	: string := "stratixii_jtag"
    port    (
            tms : in std_logic := '0'; 
            tck : in std_logic := '0'; 
            tdi : in std_logic := '0'; 
            ntrst : in std_logic := '0'; 
            tdoutap : in std_logic := '0'; 
            tdouser : in std_logic := '0'; 
            tdo: out std_logic; 
            tmsutap: out std_logic; 
            tckutap: out std_logic; 
            tdiutap: out std_logic; 
            shiftuser: out std_logic; 
            clkdruser: out std_logic; 
            updateuser: out std_logic; 
            runidleuser: out std_logic; 
            usr1user: out std_logic
end component;
component  stratixii_crcblock 
    generic (
            oscillator_divider : integer := 1;
            lpm_type : string := "stratixii_crcblock"
	port    (
            clk         : in std_logic := '0'; 
            shiftnld    : in std_logic := '0'; 
            ldsrc       : in std_logic := '0'; 
            crcerror    : out std_logic; 
            regout      : out std_logic
end component;
component  stratixii_asmiblock
	 generic (
					lpm_type	: string := "stratixii_asmiblock"
    port (
          dclkin : in std_logic; 
    		 scein : in std_logic; 
    		 sdoin : in std_logic; 
    		 oe : in std_logic; 
          data0out: out std_logic
end component;
component stratixii_ram_block
      operation_mode            : string := "single_port";
      mixed_port_feed_through_mode : string := "dont_care"; 
      ram_block_type            : string := "auto"; 
      logical_ram_name          : string := "ram_name"; 
      init_file                 : string := "init_file.hex"; 
      init_file_layout          : string := "none";
      data_interleave_width_in_bits : integer := 1;
      data_interleave_offset_in_bits : integer := 1;
      port_a_logical_ram_depth  : integer := 0;
      port_a_logical_ram_width  : integer := 0;
      port_a_data_in_clear      : string := "none";
      port_a_address_clear      : string := "none";
      port_a_write_enable_clear : string := "none";
      port_a_data_out_clock     : string := "none";
      port_a_data_out_clear     : string := "none";
      port_a_first_address      : integer := 0;
      port_a_last_address       : integer := 0;
      port_a_first_bit_number   : integer := 0;
      port_a_data_width         : integer := 1;
      port_a_byte_enable_clear  : string := "none";
      port_a_data_in_clock      : string := "clock0"; 
      port_a_address_clock      : string := "clock0"; 
      port_a_write_enable_clock : string := "clock0";
      port_a_byte_enable_clock  : string := "clock0";
      port_b_logical_ram_depth  : integer := 0;
      port_b_logical_ram_width  : integer := 0;
      port_b_data_in_clock      : string := "none";
      port_b_data_in_clear      : string := "none";
      port_b_address_clock      : string := "none";
      port_b_address_clear      : string := "none";
      port_b_read_enable_write_enable_clock : string := "none";
      port_b_read_enable_write_enable_clear : string := "none";
      port_b_data_out_clock     : string := "none";
      port_b_data_out_clear     : string := "none";
      port_b_first_address      : integer := 0;
      port_b_last_address       : integer := 0;
      port_b_first_bit_number   : integer := 0;
      port_b_data_width         : integer := 1;
      port_b_byte_enable_clear  : string := "none";
      port_b_byte_enable_clock  : string := "none";
      port_a_address_width      : integer := 1; 
      port_b_address_width      : integer := 1; 
      port_a_byte_enable_mask_width : integer := 1; 
      port_b_byte_enable_mask_width : integer := 1; 
      power_up_uninitialized	: string := "false";
      port_a_byte_size : integer := 0;
      port_a_disable_ce_on_input_registers : string := "off";
      port_a_disable_ce_on_output_registers : string := "off";
      port_b_byte_size : integer := 0;
      port_b_disable_ce_on_input_registers : string := "off";
      port_b_disable_ce_on_output_registers : string := "off";
      lpm_type                  : string := "stratixii_ram_block";
      lpm_hint                  : string := "true";
      connectivity_checking     : string := "off";
      mem_init0 : bit_vector := X"0";
      mem_init1 : bit_vector := X"0"
      portawe           : in std_logic := '0';
      portabyteenamasks : in std_logic_vector (port_a_byte_enable_mask_width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (others => '1');
      portbbyteenamasks : in std_logic_vector (port_b_byte_enable_mask_width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (others => '1');
      portbrewe         : in std_logic := '0';
      clr0              : in std_logic := '0';
      clr1              : in std_logic := '0';
      clk0              : in std_logic := '0';
      clk1              : in std_logic := '0';
      ena0              : in std_logic := '1';
      ena1              : in std_logic := '1';
      portadatain       : in std_logic_vector (port_a_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (others => '0');
      portbdatain       : in std_logic_vector (port_b_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (others => '0');
      portaaddr         : in std_logic_vector (port_a_address_width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (others => '0');
      portbaddr         : in std_logic_vector (port_b_address_width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (others => '0');
      portaaddrstall    : in std_logic := '0';
      portbaddrstall    : in std_logic := '0';
      devclrn           : in std_logic := '1';
      devpor            : in std_logic := '1';
      portadataout      : out std_logic_vector (port_a_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
      portbdataout      : out std_logic_vector (port_b_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0)
end component;
end stratixii_components;

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