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[/] [openhmc/] [trunk/] [openHMC/] [rtl/] [hmc_controller/] [openhmc_top.v] - Rev 15

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 *                              .--------------. .----------------. .------------.
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 *       ___  _ __   ___ _ __  | |  | |__| |  | | |  |   \/   |  | | |/ .'   \_|| |
 *      / _ \| '_ \ / _ \ '_ \ | |  |  __  |  | | |  | |\  /| |  | | || |       | |
 *       (_) | |_) |  __/ | | || | _| |  | |_ | | | _| |_\/_| |_ | | |\ `.___.'\| |
 *      \___/| .__/ \___|_| |_|| ||____||____|| | ||_____||_____|| | | `._____.'| |
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 *           |_|               | '------------' | '--------------' | '----------' |
 *                              '--------------' '----------------' '------------'
 *  openHMC - An Open Source Hybrid Memory Cube Controller
 *  (C) Copyright 2014 Computer Architecture Group - University of Heidelberg
 *  B6, 26
 *  68159 Mannheim
 *  Germany
 *  Contact:
 *   This source file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 *   This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 *   along with this source file.  If not, see <>.
 *  Module name: openhmc_top
 *  DESIGN CONTROL: Use the following defines if desired:
 *  `define XILINX
 *          Uses Xilinx DSP48 as counter in the Register File
 *  `define ASYNC_RES
 *          Define the active low reset to be asynchronous
 *  `define RESET_ALL
 *          Use Reset values for all registers
`default_nettype none
module openhmc_top #(
    //Define width of the datapath
    parameter FPW                   = 4,        //Legal Values: 2,4,6,8
    parameter LOG_FPW               = 2,        //Legal Values: 1 for FPW=2 ,2 for FPW=4 ,3 for FPW=6/8
    parameter DWIDTH                = FPW*128,  //Leave untouched
    //Define HMC interface width
    parameter LOG_NUM_LANES         = 3,                //Set 3 for half-width, 4 for full-width
    parameter NUM_LANES             = 2**LOG_NUM_LANES, //Leave untouched
    parameter NUM_DATA_BYTES        = FPW*16,           //Leave untouched
    //Define width of the register file
    parameter HMC_RF_WWIDTH         = 64,   //Leave untouched    
    parameter HMC_RF_RWIDTH         = 64,   //Leave untouched
    parameter HMC_RF_AWIDTH         = 4,    //Leave untouched
    //Configure the Functionality
    parameter LOG_MAX_RX_TOKENS     = 8,    //Set the depth of the RX input buffer. Must be >= LOG(rf_rx_buffer_rtc) in the RF. Dont't care if OPEN_RSP_MODE=1
    parameter LOG_MAX_HMC_TOKENS    = 10,   //Set the depth of the HMC input buffer. Must be >= LOG of the corresponding field in the HMC internal register
    parameter HMC_RX_AC_COUPLED     = 1,    //Set to 0 to bypass the run length limiter, saves logic and 1 cycle delay
    parameter DETECT_LANE_POLARITY  = 1,    //Set to 0 if lane polarity is not applicable, saves logic
    parameter CTRL_LANE_POLARITY    = 1,    //Set to 0 if lane polarity is not applicable or performed by the transceivers, saves logic and 1 cycle delay
                                            //If set to 1: Only valid if DETECT_LANE_POLARITY==1, otherwise tied to zero
    parameter CTRL_LANE_REVERSAL    = 1,    //Set to 0 if lane reversal is not applicable or performed by the transceivers, saves logic
    parameter CTRL_SCRAMBLERS       = 1,    //Set to 0 to remove the option to disable (de-)scramblers for debugging, saves logic
    parameter OPEN_RSP_MODE         = 0,    //Set to 1 if running response open loop mode, bypasses the RX input buffer
    parameter RX_RELAX_INIT_TIMING  = 1,    //Per default, incoming TS1 sequences are only checked for the lane independent h'F0 sequence. Save resources and
                                            //eases timing closure. !Lane reversal is still detected
    parameter RX_BIT_SLIP_CNT_LOG   = 5,    //Define the number of cycles between bit slips. Refer to the transceiver user guide
                                            //Example: RX_BIT_SLIP_CNT_LOG=5 results in 2^5=32 cycles between two bit slips
    parameter SYNC_AXI4_IF          = 0,    //Set to 1 if AXI IF is synchronous to clk_hmc to use simple fifos
    parameter XIL_CNT_PIPELINED     = 1,    //If Xilinx counters are used, set to 1 to enabled output register pipelining
    //Set the direction of bitslip. Set to 1 if bitslip performs a shift right, otherwise set to 0 (see the corresponding transceiver user guide)
    parameter BITSLIP_SHIFT_RIGHT   = 1,    
    //Debug Params
    parameter DBG_RX_TOKEN_MON      = 1     //Set to 0 to remove the RX Link token monitor, saves logic
) (
    input  wire                         clk_user,   //Connect if SYNC_AXI4_IF==0
    input  wire                         clk_hmc,    //Connect!
    input  wire                         res_n_user, //Connect if SYNC_AXI4_IF==0
    input  wire                         res_n_hmc,  //Connect!
    //----Connect AXI Ports
    //From AXI to HMC Ctrl TX
    input  wire                         s_axis_tx_TVALID,
    output wire                         s_axis_tx_TREADY,
    input  wire [DWIDTH-1:0]            s_axis_tx_TDATA,
    input  wire [NUM_DATA_BYTES-1:0]    s_axis_tx_TUSER,
    //From HMC Ctrl RX to AXI
    output wire                         m_axis_rx_TVALID,
    input  wire                         m_axis_rx_TREADY,
    output wire [DWIDTH-1:0]            m_axis_rx_TDATA,
    output wire [NUM_DATA_BYTES-1:0]    m_axis_rx_TUSER,
    //----Connect Transceiver
    output wire  [DWIDTH-1:0]           phy_data_tx_link2phy,//Connect!
    input  wire  [DWIDTH-1:0]           phy_data_rx_phy2link,//Connect!
    output wire  [NUM_LANES-1:0]        phy_bit_slip,       //Must be connected if DETECT_LANE_POLARITY==1 AND CTRL_LANE_POLARITY=0
    output wire  [NUM_LANES-1:0]        phy_lane_polarity,  //All 0 if CTRL_LANE_POLARITY=1
    input  wire                         phy_tx_ready,       //Optional information to RF
    input  wire                         phy_rx_ready,       //Release RX descrambler reset when PHY ready
    output wire                         phy_init_cont_set,  //Can be used to release transceiver reset if used
    //----Connect HMC
    output wire                         P_RST_N,
    output wire                         LXRXPS,
    input  wire                         LXTXPS,
    input  wire                         FERR_N,
    //----Connect RF
    input  wire  [HMC_RF_AWIDTH-1:0]    rf_address,
    output wire  [HMC_RF_RWIDTH-1:0]    rf_read_data,
    output wire                         rf_invalid_address,
    output wire                         rf_access_complete,
    input  wire                         rf_read_en,
    input  wire                         rf_write_en,
    input  wire  [HMC_RF_WWIDTH-1:0]    rf_write_data
//---------WIRING AND SIGNAL STUFF---------------------------------------------------------------------
localparam MAX_RTC_RET_LOG   =   (FPW == 2) ? 6 :
                                 (FPW == 4) ? 7 :
`ifdef XILINX
    localparam RF_COUNTER_SIZE          = 48;
    localparam RF_COUNTER_SIZE          = 64;
// ----Assign AXI interface wires
wire [4*FPW-1:0]            m_axis_rx_TUSER_temp;
assign                      m_axis_rx_TUSER = {{NUM_DATA_BYTES-(4*FPW){1'b0}}, m_axis_rx_TUSER_temp};
wire   s_axis_tx_TREADY_n;
assign s_axis_tx_TREADY =   ~s_axis_tx_TREADY_n;
wire   m_axis_rx_TVALID_n;
assign m_axis_rx_TVALID =   ~m_axis_rx_TVALID_n;
// ----TX FIFO Wires
wire    [DWIDTH-1:0]        tx_d_in_data;
wire                        tx_shift_out;
wire                        tx_empty;
wire                        tx_a_empty;
wire    [3*FPW-1:0]         tx_d_in_ctrl;
// ----RX FIFO Wires
wire    [DWIDTH-1:0]        rx_d_in_data;
wire                        rx_shift_in;
wire                        rx_a_full;
wire    [4*FPW-1:0]         rx_d_in_ctrl;
wire                        rx2tx_link_retry;
wire                        rx2tx_error_abort_mode;
wire                        rx2tx_error_abort_mode_cleared;
wire    [7:0]               rx2tx_hmc_frp;
wire    [7:0]               rx2tx_rrp;
wire    [MAX_RTC_RET_LOG-1:0]rx2tx_returned_tokens;
wire    [LOG_FPW:0]         rx2tx_hmc_tokens_to_return;
wire    [LOG_FPW:0]         rx2tx_hmc_poisoned_tokens_to_return;
// ----Register File
wire                        rf_cnt_retry;
wire                        rf_run_length_bit_flip;
wire                        rf_error_abort_not_cleared;
wire  [RF_COUNTER_SIZE-1:0] rf_cnt_poisoned;
wire  [RF_COUNTER_SIZE-1:0] rf_cnt_p;
wire  [RF_COUNTER_SIZE-1:0] rf_cnt_np;
wire  [RF_COUNTER_SIZE-1:0] rf_cnt_r;
wire  [RF_COUNTER_SIZE-1:0] rf_cnt_rsp_rcvd;
wire                        rf_link_up;
wire [2:0]                  rf_rx_init_status;
wire [1:0]                  rf_tx_init_status;
wire [LOG_MAX_HMC_TOKENS-1:0]rf_hmc_tokens_av;
wire [LOG_MAX_RX_TOKENS-1:0]rf_rx_tokens_av;
//Init Status
wire                        rf_all_descramblers_aligned;
wire [NUM_LANES-1:0]        rf_descrambler_aligned;
wire [NUM_LANES-1:0]        rf_descrambler_part_aligned;
wire                        rf_hmc_init_cont_set;
wire                        rf_set_hmc_sleep;
wire                        rf_warm_reset;
wire                        rf_scrambler_disable;
wire [NUM_LANES-1:0]        rf_lane_polarity;
wire [NUM_LANES-1:0]        rf_descramblers_locked;
wire [LOG_MAX_RX_TOKENS-1:0]rf_rx_buffer_rtc;
wire                        rf_lane_reversal_detected;
wire [4:0]                  rf_irtry_received_threshold;
wire [4:0]                  rf_irtry_to_send;
wire                        rf_run_length_enable;
assign phy_init_cont_set = rf_hmc_init_cont_set;
wire                    rf_scrambler_disable_temp;
wire [LOG_MAX_RX_TOKENS-1:0]  rf_rx_buffer_rtc_temp;
    if(CTRL_SCRAMBLERS==1) begin : ctrl_scramblers
        assign rf_scrambler_disable = rf_scrambler_disable_temp;
    end else begin : remove_scrambler_disable_bit
        assign rf_scrambler_disable = 1'b0;
    if(OPEN_RSP_MODE==1) begin : remove_rx_tokens_rsp_open_loop_mode
        assign rf_rx_buffer_rtc = {LOG_MAX_RX_TOKENS{1'b0}};
    end else begin : regular_mode_use_rx_tokens
        assign rf_rx_buffer_rtc = rf_rx_buffer_rtc_temp;
// ----Assign PHY wires
assign phy_lane_polarity = (CTRL_LANE_POLARITY==1) ? {NUM_LANES{1'b0}} : rf_lane_polarity;
//---------INSTANTIATIONS HERE-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if(SYNC_AXI4_IF==0) begin : async_axi4_tx_fifo
        openhmc_async_fifo #(
        ) fifo_tx_data (
            //From AXI-4 TX IF
            .shift_in(s_axis_tx_TVALID && s_axis_tx_TREADY),
            //To TX Link Logic
    end else begin : synchronous_axi4_tx_fifo
    `ifdef XILINX
        openhmc_sync_fifo_xilinx #(
        ) fifo_tx_data_sync_xilinx(
            //To RX LINK Logic
            .shift_in(s_axis_tx_TVALID && s_axis_tx_TREADY),
            //AXI-4 RX IF
        openhmc_sync_fifo_reg_based #(
        ) fifo_tx_data_sync(
            //To RX LINK Logic
            .shift_in(s_axis_tx_TVALID && s_axis_tx_TREADY),
            //AXI-4 RX IF
tx_link #(
) tx_link_I(
    //----TO HMC PHY
    //----HMC IF
    //----RX Block
    //Monitoring    1-cycle set to increment
rx_link #(
    //Configure the functionality
) rx_link_I (
    //----TO HMC PHY
    //----TO TX Block
    //Monitoring    1-cycle set to increment
    //Init Status
    if(SYNC_AXI4_IF==0) begin : async_axi4_rx_fifo
        openhmc_async_fifo #(
        ) fifo_rx_data(
            //To RX LINK Logic
            //AXI-4 RX IF
            .shift_out(m_axis_rx_TVALID && m_axis_rx_TREADY),
    end else begin : synchronous_axi4_rx_fifo
    `ifdef XILINX
        openhmc_sync_fifo_xilinx #(
        ) fifo_rx_data_sync_xilinx(
            //To RX LINK Logic
            //AXI-4 RX IF
            .shift_out(m_axis_rx_TVALID && m_axis_rx_TREADY),
        openhmc_sync_fifo_reg_based #(
        ) fifo_rx_data_sync(
            //To RX LINK Logic
            //AXI-4 RX IF
            .shift_out(m_axis_rx_TVALID && m_axis_rx_TREADY),
//---Register File---Register File---Register File---Register File---Reg
    openhmc_rf #(
    ) openhmc_rf_I (
        //system IF
        //rf access
        //status registers
        //init status
        //Single bit counter
`default_nettype wire

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