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[/] [p9813_rgb_led_string_driver/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [VHDL/] [fifo_pack.vhd] - Rev 2

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library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
package fifo_pack is
-- Component declarations not provided any more.
-- With VHDL '93 and newer, component declarations are allowed,
-- but not required.
-- Please to try direct instantiation instead, for example:
--   instance_name : entity work.entity_name(beh)
end fifo_pack;
-- SWISS ARMY FIFO with fill level output
-- Description:
-- This is the same as "fifo_with_fill_level" but it has been
-- coded to select whether Block RAMs or distributed RAMs are inferred.
-- Note : When USE_BRAM=0, the behavior when reading the FIFO is to
--        make read data available immediately during the clock cycle
--        in which fifo_rd_i='1'.  When USE_BRAM/=0, then an additional
--        clock cycle occurs following the fifo_rd_i pulse, before the
--        output data is available.
--        Please be aware of this.
library IEEE;
library work;
use work.function_pack.all;
entity swiss_army_fifo is
    generic (
      USE_BRAM         : integer :=  1; -- Set to nonzero value for BRAM, zero for distributed RAM
      WIDTH            : integer :=  8;
      DEPTH            : integer :=  5;
      FILL_LEVEL_BITS  : integer :=  3; -- Should be at least int(floor(log2(DEPTH))+1.0)
      PF_FULL_POINT    : integer :=  3;
      PF_FLAG_POINT    : integer :=  2;
      PF_EMPTY_POINT   : integer :=  0
    port (
      sys_rst_n       : in  std_logic; -- Asynchronous
      sys_clk         : in  std_logic;
      sys_clk_en      : in  std_logic;
      reset_i         : in  std_logic;  -- Synchronous
      fifo_wr_i       : in  std_logic;
      fifo_din        : in  unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
      fifo_rd_i       : in  std_logic;
      fifo_dout       : out unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
      fifo_fill_level : out unsigned(FILL_LEVEL_BITS-1 downto 0);
      fifo_full       : out std_logic;
      fifo_empty      : out std_logic;
      fifo_pf_full    : out std_logic;
      fifo_pf_flag    : out std_logic;
      fifo_pf_empty   : out std_logic           
end swiss_army_fifo;
architecture beh of swiss_army_fifo is
  -- Constants
  constant FLG_WIDTH : integer := bit_width(DEPTH); -- Bit Width of memory address.  Pointers are one bit wider,
                                                    -- so that fill_level can represent the full quantity of 
                                                    -- items stored in the FIFO.  This is important when DEPTH
                                                    -- is an even power of 2.
  -- Signal Declarations
  signal rd_row     : unsigned(FLG_WIDTH downto 0);
  signal wr_row     : unsigned(FLG_WIDTH downto 0);
  signal fill_level : unsigned(FLG_WIDTH downto 0);
  signal ram_we_a   : std_logic;
  signal ram_dout   : unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
  TYPE STATE_TYPE IS (st_empty, st_data, st_full);
  signal current_state : STATE_TYPE ;
  signal bram_dat_b : unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
  fifo_empty      <= '1' when (current_state=st_empty) else '0';
  fifo_full       <= '1' when (current_state=st_full)  else '0';
  fifo_pf_full    <= '1' when (fill_level>=PF_FULL_POINT or current_state=st_full) else '0';
  fifo_pf_flag    <= '1' when (fill_level>=PF_FLAG_POINT) else '0';
  fifo_pf_empty   <= '1' when (fill_level<=PF_EMPTY_POINT and current_state/=st_full) else '0';
  fifo_fill_level <= resize(fill_level,FILL_LEVEL_BITS);
-- The FIFO Fill Level
fill_level_proc: process(wr_row, rd_row, current_state)
    if (current_state=st_empty) then
      fill_level <= (others=>'0');
    elsif (wr_row>rd_row) then
      fill_level <= wr_row-rd_row;
      fill_level <= DEPTH+(wr_row-rd_row);
    end if;
  end process;
-- The FIFO memory
-- Port A is the write side.
-- Port B is dedicated to reading only.
-- The hexfile is used to permit initialization of the RAM
  fifo_ram : entity work.swiss_army_ram(beh)
    generic map(
      USE_BRAM  => USE_BRAM,
      WRITETHRU => 0, -- Set to nonzero value for writethrough mode
      USE_FILE  => 0, -- Set to nonzero value to use INIT_FILE
      INIT_VAL  => 0,
      INIT_SEL  => 0, -- No generate loop here
      INIT_FILE => "foo.txt", -- ASCII hexadecimal init file name (not needed)
      FIL_WIDTH => 32, -- Bit width of init file lines
    port map (
       clk_a    => sys_clk,
       clk_b    => sys_clk,
       adr_a_i  => wr_row(FLG_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
       adr_b_i  => rd_row(FLG_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
       we_a_i   => ram_we_a,
       en_a_i   => sys_clk_en,
       dat_a_i  => fifo_din,
       dat_a_o  => open,
       we_b_i   => '0',
       en_b_i   => sys_clk_en,
       dat_b_i  => bram_dat_b,
       dat_b_o  => ram_dout
  bram_dat_b <= (others=>'0');
  ram_we_a <= '1' when fifo_wr_i='1' and (current_state/=st_full or (current_state=st_full and fifo_rd_i='1')) else '0';
  fifo_dout <= ram_dout;
-- The FIFO state machine
  clocked : PROCESS(sys_clk, sys_rst_n)
  procedure do_write is
    if (wr_row=DEPTH-1) then  -- Roll buffer index for non-power-of-two
      wr_row <= (others=>'0');
    end if;
  end do_write;
  procedure do_read is
    if (rd_row=DEPTH-1) then  -- Roll buffer index for non-power-of-two
      rd_row <= (others=>'0');
    end if;
  end do_read;
    if (sys_rst_n = '0') then
      current_state <= st_empty;
      rd_row   <= (others=>'0');
      wr_row   <= (others=>'0');
    elsif (sys_clk'EVENT and sys_clk = '1') then
      if (sys_clk_en='1') then
        if (reset_i='1') then
          current_state <= st_empty;
          wr_row <= (others=>'0');
          rd_row <= (others=>'0');
          case current_state is
          -- When empty, one can only read if also writing
          when st_empty =>
            if (fifo_wr_i='1') then
              if (fifo_rd_i='1') then
              end if;
            end if;
          when st_data =>
            if (fifo_wr_i='1') then
              if (fifo_rd_i='0' and fill_level=DEPTH-1) then
              end if;
            end if;
            if (fifo_rd_i='1') then
              if (fifo_wr_i='0' and fill_level=1) then
              end if;
            end if;
          -- When full, one can only write if also reading
          when st_full =>
            if (fifo_rd_i='1') then
              if (fifo_wr_i='1') then
              end if;
            end if;
          when others => null;
          end case;
        end if;
      end if; -- sys_clk_en
    end if; -- sys_clk
  end process clocked;
end beh;
-- VALIDATION FIFO with fill level output
-- Description:
-- This is the same as "swiss_army_fifo" but it has been given
-- two head pointers.  One of them is used for loading new data,
-- and the other is used when the loaded data is to be validated,
-- and for tracking the number of validated data entries contained
-- within the FIFO.
-- This FIFO was envisioned for working with packetized data, where
-- a data validation check is available at the end of the packet, such
-- as a CRC field.
-- The principle at work here is that new data bytes are written
-- using head pointer A, but if at the end of the packet, the data
-- are deemed to be invalid, then head pointer A is "reset" back
-- to the last valid point, thereby neatly "throwing away" the
-- invalid data into the "bit bucket."  On the other hand, if the data are
-- deemed valid, then head pointer B is loaded to be equal to head
-- pointer A, thereby causing the entire validated packet to become
-- available for reading.
-- The read side of the FIFO only presents validated data for reading.
-- This situation gives rise to two sets of FIFO status outputs,
-- one set for each side of the FIFO.  Thus, there is a write fill
-- level, and a read fill level, each with full accoutrements.
-- The validation or invalidation is done by asserting the appropriate
-- signal during a write cycle.  If both signals are asserted at the
-- same time, the signals are ignored, and no validation or invalidation
-- is performed.
-- Validation or invalidation can be performed at any time.  If the data
-- already loaded into the FIFO are validated when the FIFO writing side is
-- full, then the reading side becomes full at that time.  However, no new
-- data can be written into the FIFO when it is full, for obvious reasons.
-- On the other hand, if the FIFO is not full, and a new data byte is being
-- written at the same time that an invalidation is being performed, then the
-- new data value is technically written into the FIFO RAM, but it can never
-- be read out of the storage since the pointers are updated at the same time,
-- effectively cutting the new data value out of the valid FIFO area.
-- This is as it should be, since the new data are technically considered
-- invalid in that case.
-- Further musings:
-- Because validation/invalidation can happen even when writes are not being
-- performed, one may consider the wr_dat_good_i and wr_dat_bad_i inputs as
-- synchronous FIFO pointer load commands.  Asserting wr_dat_good_i has the
-- effect of loading wr_row_b so that it is the same as wr_row_a.  Asserting
-- wr_dat_bad_i has the effect of keeping wr_row_b set to the current wr_row_a
-- value.
-- Thus, if one were to tie wr_dat_good_i to '1' and wr_dat_bad_i to '0', then
-- this "validation" FIFO operates identically to a regular FIFO, in which all
-- data are considered valid at the time they are written into the FIFO.
-- Note : When USE_BRAM=0, the behavior when reading the FIFO is to
--        make read data available immediately during the clock cycle
--        in which fifo_rd_i='1'.  When USE_BRAM/=0, then an additional
--        clock cycle occurs following the fifo_rd_i pulse, before the
--        output data is available.
--        Please be aware of this.
library IEEE;
library work;
use work.function_pack.all;
  entity validation_fifo is
      USE_BRAM        : integer :=  1; -- Set to nonzero value for BRAM, zero for distributed RAM
      WIDTH           : integer :=  8;
      DEPTH           : integer :=  5;
      FILL_LEVEL_BITS : integer :=  3; -- Should be at least int(floor(log2(DEPTH))+1.0)
      PF_FULL_POINT   : integer :=  3;
      PF_FLAG_POINT   : integer :=  2;
      PF_EMPTY_POINT  : integer :=  0
    port (
      sys_rst_n       : in  std_logic; -- Asynchronous
      sys_clk         : in  std_logic;
      sys_clk_en      : in  std_logic;
      reset_i         : in  std_logic;  -- Synchronous
      -- Write Data Interface
      wr_i            : in  std_logic; -- Data loaded upon assertion
      wr_dat_good_i   : in  std_logic; -- FIFO data validated upon assertion
      wr_dat_bad_i    : in  std_logic; -- FIFO data invalidated upon assertion
      wr_dat_i        : in  unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
      -- Write Side Status
      wr_fill_level_o : out unsigned(FILL_LEVEL_BITS-1 downto 0);
      wr_full_o       : out std_logic;
      wr_empty_o      : out std_logic;
      wr_pf_full_o    : out std_logic;
      wr_pf_flag_o    : out std_logic;
      wr_pf_empty_o   : out std_logic;
      -- Read Data Interface (valid data only)
      rd_i            : in  std_logic;
      rd_dat_o        : out unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
      -- Read Side Status
      rd_fill_level_o : out unsigned(FILL_LEVEL_BITS-1 downto 0);
      rd_full_o       : out std_logic;
      rd_empty_o      : out std_logic;
      rd_pf_full_o    : out std_logic;
      rd_pf_flag_o    : out std_logic;
      rd_pf_empty_o   : out std_logic
  end validation_fifo;
architecture beh of validation_fifo is
  -- Constants
  constant FLG_WIDTH : integer := bit_width(DEPTH); -- Bit Width of memory address.  Pointers are one bit wider,
                                                    -- so that fill_level can represent the full quantity of 
                                                    -- items stored in the FIFO.  This is important when DEPTH
                                                    -- is an even power of 2.
  -- Signal Declarations
  signal rd_row       : unsigned(FLG_WIDTH downto 0);
  signal wr_row_a     : unsigned(FLG_WIDTH downto 0);
  signal wr_row_b     : unsigned(FLG_WIDTH downto 0);
  signal fill_level_a : unsigned(FLG_WIDTH+1 downto 0);
  signal fill_level_b : unsigned(FLG_WIDTH+1 downto 0);
  signal ram_we_a     : std_logic;
  signal ram_dout     : unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
  TYPE STATE_TYPE IS (st_empty, st_data, st_full);
  signal current_state : STATE_TYPE ;
  signal bram_dat_b : unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
  signal fifo_level_a    : unsigned(FILL_LEVEL_BITS-1 downto 0);
  signal fifo_full_a     : std_logic;
  signal fifo_empty_a    : std_logic;
  signal fifo_pf_full_a  : std_logic;
  signal fifo_pf_flag_a  : std_logic;
  signal fifo_pf_empty_a : std_logic;
  signal fifo_level_b    : unsigned(FILL_LEVEL_BITS-1 downto 0);
  signal fifo_full_b     : std_logic;
  signal fifo_empty_b    : std_logic;
  signal fifo_pf_full_b  : std_logic;
  signal fifo_pf_flag_b  : std_logic;
  signal fifo_pf_empty_b : std_logic;
  fifo_level_a    <= resize(fill_level_a,FILL_LEVEL_BITS);
  fifo_full_a     <= '1' when (fill_level_a=DEPTH) else '0';
  fifo_empty_a    <= '1' when (fill_level_a=0) else '0';
  fifo_pf_full_a  <= '1' when (fill_level_a>=PF_FULL_POINT) else '0';
  fifo_pf_flag_a  <= '1' when (fill_level_a>=PF_FLAG_POINT) else '0';
  fifo_pf_empty_a <= '1' when (fill_level_a<=PF_EMPTY_POINT) else '0';
  fifo_level_b    <= resize(fill_level_b,FILL_LEVEL_BITS);
  fifo_full_b     <= '1' when (fill_level_b=DEPTH) else '0';
  fifo_empty_b    <= '1' when (fill_level_b=0) else '0';
  fifo_pf_full_b  <= '1' when (fill_level_b>=PF_FULL_POINT) else '0';
  fifo_pf_flag_b  <= '1' when (fill_level_b>=PF_FLAG_POINT) else '0';
  fifo_pf_empty_b <= '1' when (fill_level_b<=PF_EMPTY_POINT) else '0';
-- The FIFO Fill Level
fill_level_a <= (others=>'0') when wr_row_a=rd_row else
                ('0' & wr_row_a)-('0' & rd_row) when wr_row_a>rd_row else
                (2**(FLG_WIDTH+1))+(('0' & wr_row_a)-('0' & rd_row));
fill_level_b <= (others=>'0') when wr_row_b=rd_row else
                ('0' & wr_row_b)-('0' & rd_row) when wr_row_b>rd_row else
                (2**(FLG_WIDTH+1))+(('0' & wr_row_b)-('0' & rd_row));
-- The FIFO memory
-- Port A is the write side.
-- Port B is dedicated to reading only.
-- The hexfile is used to permit initialization of the RAM
  fifo_ram : entity work.swiss_army_ram(beh)
    generic map(
      USE_BRAM  => USE_BRAM,
      WRITETHRU => 0, -- Set to nonzero value for writethrough mode
      USE_FILE  => 0, -- Set to nonzero value to use INIT_FILE
      INIT_VAL  => 0,
      INIT_SEL  => 0, -- No generate loop here
      INIT_FILE => "foo.txt", -- ASCII hexadecimal init file name (not needed)
      FIL_WIDTH => 32, -- Bit width of init file lines
    port map (
       clk_a    => sys_clk,
       clk_b    => sys_clk,
       adr_a_i  => wr_row_a(FLG_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
       adr_b_i  => rd_row(FLG_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
       we_a_i   => ram_we_a,
       en_a_i   => sys_clk_en,
       dat_a_i  => wr_dat_i,
       dat_a_o  => open,
       we_b_i   => '0',
       en_b_i   => sys_clk_en,
       dat_b_i  => bram_dat_b,
       dat_b_o  => ram_dout
  bram_dat_b <= (others=>'0');
  ram_we_a <= '1' when wr_i='1' and fifo_full_a='0' else '0';
  rd_dat_o <= ram_dout;
-- The FIFO writing process
  wr_proc : PROCESS(sys_clk, sys_rst_n)
    if (sys_rst_n = '0') then
      wr_row_a <= (others=>'0'); -- For unvalidated data
      wr_row_b <= (others=>'0'); -- For validated data
    elsif (sys_clk'event and sys_clk = '1') then
      if (sys_clk_en='1') then
        if (reset_i='1') then
          wr_row_a <= (others=>'0');
          wr_row_b <= (others=>'0');
          if (wr_i='1') then
            if (fifo_full_a='1') then
              null; -- FIFO is full!  Don't do any writes.
              -- However, still handle validation/invalidation
              if (wr_dat_good_i='1' and wr_dat_bad_i='0') then
                wr_row_b <= wr_row_a;
              end if;
              if (wr_dat_bad_i='1' and wr_dat_good_i='0') then
                wr_row_a <= wr_row_b;
              end if;
              wr_row_a <= wr_row_a+1;
              -- Handle data validation/invalidation during writes
              if (wr_dat_good_i='1' and wr_dat_bad_i='0') then
                wr_row_b <= wr_row_a+1;
              end if;
              if (wr_dat_bad_i='1' and wr_dat_good_i='0') then
                wr_row_a <= wr_row_b;
              end if;
            end if;
            -- Handle validation/invalidation when not writing
            if (wr_dat_good_i='1' and wr_dat_bad_i='0') then
              wr_row_b <= wr_row_a;
            end if;
            if (wr_dat_bad_i='1' and wr_dat_good_i='0') then
              wr_row_a <= wr_row_b;
            end if;
          end if;
        end if;
      end if; -- wr_clk_en
    end if; -- sys_clk
  end process wr_proc;
-- The FIFO reading process
  rd_proc : PROCESS(sys_clk, sys_rst_n)
    if (sys_rst_n = '0') then
      rd_row <= (others=>'0');
    elsif (sys_clk'event and sys_clk = '1') then
      if (sys_clk_en='1') then
        if (reset_i='1') then
          rd_row <= (others=>'0');
          if (rd_i='1') then
            if (fifo_empty_b='1') then
              null; -- FIFO is empty!  Don't read anything.
              rd_row <= rd_row+1;
            end if;
          end if;
        end if;
      end if; -- rd_clk_en
    end if; -- sys_clk
  end process rd_proc;
-- Provide Output Status
  wr_fill_level_o <= fifo_level_a;
  wr_full_o       <= fifo_full_a;
  wr_empty_o      <= fifo_empty_a;
  wr_pf_full_o    <= fifo_pf_full_a;
  wr_pf_flag_o    <= fifo_pf_flag_a;
  wr_pf_empty_o   <= fifo_pf_empty_a;
  rd_fill_level_o <= fifo_level_b;
  rd_full_o       <= fifo_full_b;
  rd_empty_o      <= fifo_empty_b;
  rd_pf_full_o    <= fifo_pf_full_b;
  rd_pf_flag_o    <= fifo_pf_flag_b;
  rd_pf_empty_o   <= fifo_pf_empty_b;
end beh;
-- FIFO-LIFO with fill level output
-- Author: John Clayton
-- Update: Nov. 16, 2016 Copied "swiss_army_fifo" component, and revised it.
-- Description
-- This is the same as "swiss_army_fifo" but it has been given the ability
-- to pull the last written data back out of the FIFO.  This is where the
-- "LIFO" function incides, since FIFO signifies "First In, First Out"
-- videlicet "LIFO" signifies "Last In, First Out."  The LIFO function is
-- also known as a hardware "stack."  The stack is a data structure known
-- to computer programmers in which a "push" operation adds a new data value
-- to the top of the stack, while a "pop" operation removes the most recently
-- added data value from the top of the stack.
-- Initially,about five minutes of coding effort was put into transmogrifying
-- the "fifo_pack" package into a new package, to be called "stack_pack."
-- However, it was soon realized by the author that stacks are much less
-- frequently needed as compared with FIFOs, and that furthermore adding a
-- LIFO function to a FIFO would be a simple task, not requiring a complete
-- rewrite of all the components in the fifo_pack.  Also, when using the
-- fifo_lifo as a simple stack or lifo, the fifo read port can be tied to
-- constant signals, which will result in the FIFO tail pointer being
-- "optimized out" of the design at synthesis time, resulting in a nice
-- compact LIFO only function.  The same optimization benefit is realized
-- with regard to the status signals, whenever they are not needed.
-- As with the swiss_army_fifo, this module is not well suited to crossing
-- from one clock domain to another.  For that purpose, there exist other,
-- more suitable FIFOs in the world.
-- Since this module retains characteristics of both a FIFO and a LIFO, it
-- can be used to implement a "leaky stack" where the older contents can be
-- emptied out.  Alternately, it can be used to implement a FIFO in which
-- elements of data which have been enqueued can be "uncommitted" and removed
-- even after they were written into the FIFO.
-- Ahh, yes, this brings us to the question of what priority is to be given
-- when a fifo_rd and lifo_rd are both requested at the same time...  Well,
-- in the event that there are at least two items in the FIFO, then both
-- operations can be performed simultaneously.  Also, if there is only one
-- item in the FIFO, but a write is being performed, then here again both
-- read operations can be performed simultaneously.  However, if only one item
-- exists inside the FIFO, and both reads are requested at the same time,
-- and there is no write proffered, then what is to be done?  The answer is
-- that one of the reads must be ignored, and the generic FIFO_RD_FIRST
-- determines the behavior.  If FIFO_RD_FIRST is non-zero, then the module
-- gives priority to the fifo_rd input.  Otherwise, the lifo_rd input is
-- acted upon.  Just as for the case of the plain FIFO, the user is
-- responsible for determining further error conditions based on the fill
-- level.
-- Note : When USE_BRAM=0, the behavior when reading the FIFO is to
--        make read data available immediately during the clock cycle
--        in which fifo_rd_i='1'.  When USE_BRAM/=0, then an additional
--        clock cycle occurs following the fifo_rd_i pulse, before the
--        output data is available.
--        Please be aware of this.
library IEEE;
library work;
use work.function_pack.all;
entity fifo_lifo is
      USE_BRAM         : integer :=  1; -- Set to nonzero value for BRAM, zero for distributed RAM
      FIFO_RD_FIRST    : integer :=  0; -- Set non-zero to have fifo_rd take priority for the single item reading case
      WIDTH            : integer :=  8;
      DEPTH            : integer :=  5;
      FILL_LEVEL_BITS  : integer :=  3; -- Should be at least int(floor(log2(DEPTH))+1.0)
      PF_FULL_POINT    : integer :=  3;
      PF_FLAG_POINT    : integer :=  2;
      PF_EMPTY_POINT   : integer :=  0
    port (
      sys_rst_n       : in  std_logic; -- Asynchronous
      sys_clk         : in  std_logic;
      sys_clk_en      : in  std_logic;
      reset_i         : in std_logic;  -- Synchronous
      -- FIFO/LIFO data input
      fifo_wr_i       : in  std_logic;
      fifo_din        : in  unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
      -- LIFO data output
      lifo_rd_i       : in  std_logic;
      lifo_dout       : out unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
      -- FIFO data output
      fifo_rd_i       : in  std_logic;
      fifo_dout       : out unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
      -- FIFO/LIFO status
      fifo_fill_level : out unsigned(FILL_LEVEL_BITS-1 downto 0);
      fifo_full       : out std_logic;
      fifo_empty      : out std_logic;
      fifo_pf_full    : out std_logic;
      fifo_pf_flag    : out std_logic;
      fifo_pf_empty   : out std_logic
  end fifo_lifo;
architecture beh of fifo_lifo is
  -- Constants
  constant FLG_WIDTH : integer := bit_width(DEPTH); -- Bit Width of memory address.  Pointers are one bit wider,
                                                    -- so that fill_level can represent the full quantity of 
                                                    -- items stored in the FIFO.  This is important when DEPTH
                                                    -- is an even power of 2.
  -- Signal Declarations
  signal rd_row     : unsigned(FLG_WIDTH downto 0);
  signal wr_row     : unsigned(FLG_WIDTH downto 0);
  signal lf_row     : unsigned(FLG_WIDTH downto 0); -- Used for LIFO read operations.
  signal ra_row     : unsigned(FLG_WIDTH downto 0); -- Selection between wr_row and lf_row.
  signal fill_level : unsigned(FLG_WIDTH downto 0);
  signal ram_we_a   : std_logic;
  signal ram_dout   : unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
  type STATE_TYPE IS (st_empty, st_data, st_full);
  signal current_state : STATE_TYPE ;
  signal bram_dat_b : unsigned(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
  fifo_empty      <= '1' when (current_state=st_empty) else '0';
  fifo_full       <= '1' when (current_state=st_full)  else '0';
  fifo_pf_full    <= '1' when (fill_level>=PF_FULL_POINT or current_state=st_full) else '0';
  fifo_pf_flag    <= '1' when (fill_level>=PF_FLAG_POINT) else '0';
  fifo_pf_empty   <= '1' when (fill_level<=PF_EMPTY_POINT and current_state/=st_full) else '0';
  fifo_fill_level <= resize(fill_level,FILL_LEVEL_BITS);
-- The FIFO Fill Level
fill_level_proc: process(wr_row, rd_row, current_state)
    if (current_state=st_empty) then
      fill_level <= (others=>'0');
    elsif (wr_row>rd_row) then
      fill_level <= wr_row-rd_row;
      fill_level <= DEPTH+(wr_row-rd_row);
    end if;
  end process;
-- The FIFO memory
-- Port A is the write side.
-- Port B is dedicated to reading only.
-- The hexfile is used to permit initialization of the RAM
  fifo_ram : entity work.swiss_army_ram(beh)
    generic map(
      USE_BRAM  => USE_BRAM,
      WRITETHRU => 1, -- Set to nonzero value for writethrough mode
      USE_FILE  => 0, -- Set to nonzero value to use INIT_FILE
      INIT_VAL  => 0,
      INIT_SEL  => 0, -- No generate loop here
      INIT_FILE => "foo.txt", -- ASCII hexadecimal init file name (not needed)
      FIL_WIDTH => 32, -- 4x the number of hex digits per line in INIT_FILE
    port map (
       clk_a    => sys_clk,
       clk_b    => sys_clk,
       adr_a_i  => ra_row(FLG_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
       adr_b_i  => rd_row(FLG_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
       we_a_i   => ram_we_a,
       en_a_i   => sys_clk_en,
       dat_a_i  => fifo_din,
       dat_a_o  => lifo_dout,
       we_b_i   => '0',
       en_b_i   => sys_clk_en,
       dat_b_i  => bram_dat_b,
       dat_b_o  => ram_dout
  -- Select the appropriate write address
  -- This was done so that LIFO reads are ready all the time, but FIFO writes
  -- are still accomodated when requested.
  ra_row <= wr_row when fifo_wr_i='1' else lf_row;
  -- Formulate the lf_row address, which is one less than the wr_row, because
  -- the wr_row points to a "fresh" location with nothing in it, while the 
  -- lf_row selects the most recently written data item (the LI part of LIFO.)
  -- When the fifo_lifo is empty, this admittedly sets the lf_row pointing to
  -- the location in RAM which is before the tail pointer, so that a
  -- meaningless data word is output on the bus.  The alternative would be to
  -- add logic to output a known constant on the bus instead.
  lf_row <= wr_row-1;
  bram_dat_b <= (others=>'0');
  ram_we_a <= '1' when fifo_wr_i='1' and current_state/=st_full else
              '1' when fifo_wr_i='1' and current_state=st_full and fifo_rd_i='1' else
              '1' when fifo_wr_i='1' and current_state=st_full and lifo_rd_i='1' else
  fifo_dout <= ram_dout;
-- The FIFO state machine
  clocked : process(sys_clk, sys_rst_n)
  procedure do_write is
    if (wr_row=DEPTH-1) then  -- Roll buffer index for non-power-of-two
      wr_row <= (others=>'0');
    end if;
  end do_write;
  procedure do_read is
    if (rd_row=DEPTH-1) then  -- Roll buffer index for non-power-of-two
      rd_row <= (others=>'0');
    end if;
  end do_read;
    if (sys_rst_n = '0') then
      current_state <= st_empty;
      rd_row   <= (others=>'0');
      wr_row   <= (others=>'0');
    elsif (sys_clk'EVENT and sys_clk = '1') then
      if (sys_clk_en='1') then
        if (reset_i='1') then
          current_state <= st_empty;
          wr_row <= (others=>'0');
          rd_row <= (others=>'0');
          case current_state is
          -- When empty, one can only read if also writing
          when st_empty =>
            if (fifo_wr_i='1') then
              if (lifo_rd_i='0' and fifo_rd_i='0') then
                current_state <= st_data;
              elsif (lifo_rd_i='0' and fifo_rd_i='1') then
              elsif (lifo_rd_i='1' and fifo_rd_i='0') then
                -- Here, the wr_row remains unchanged.
              elsif (lifo_rd_i='1' and fifo_rd_i='1') then
                -- This is a condition in which one of the read requests
                -- must, of necessity, be ignored.
                if (FIFO_RD_FIRST/=0) then
                  -- Here, the wr_row remains unchanged.
                end if;
              end if;
            end if;
          when st_data =>
            -- As a coding choice, it has been decided to cut here with
            -- the fill level "analytical knife" first and then
            -- fully decode the read combinations as the second
            -- "analytical knife," making the treatment of writing the
            -- third "analytical knife" to be used.  Then, the fourth
            -- analytical knife is the treatment of FIFO_RD_FIRST.
            -- The same logic can, of course, also be coded up correctly
            -- by applying the same knives in a different order, do you
            -- know it?  BTW, the reference to analytical knives has been
            -- taken from Robert M. Pirsig's book
            -- "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance."
            if (fill_level>1) then
              if (lifo_rd_i='0' and fifo_rd_i='0') then
                -- In this case can the full state be reached
                if (fifo_wr_i='1') then
                  if (fill_level=DEPTH-1) then
                    current_state <= st_full;
                  end if;
                end if;
              elsif (lifo_rd_i='0' and fifo_rd_i='1') then
                if (fifo_wr_i='1') then
                end if;
              elsif (lifo_rd_i='1' and fifo_rd_i='0') then
                if (fifo_wr_i='1') then
                  wr_row <= wr_row-1;
                end if;
              elsif (lifo_rd_i='1' and fifo_rd_i='1') then
                if (fifo_wr_i='1') then
                  -- Here, the write and both reads get done, and the wr_row
                  -- remains unchanged.
                  wr_row <= wr_row-1;
                end if;
              end if;
            elsif (fill_level=1) then
              if (lifo_rd_i='0' and fifo_rd_i='0') then
                if (fifo_wr_i='1') then
                  if (fill_level=DEPTH-1) then
                    current_state <= st_full;
                  end if;
                end if;
              elsif (lifo_rd_i='0' and fifo_rd_i='1') then
                if (fifo_wr_i='1') then
                  current_state <= st_empty;
                end if;
              elsif (lifo_rd_i='1' and fifo_rd_i='0') then
                if (fifo_wr_i='1') then
                  wr_row <= wr_row-1;
                  current_state <= st_empty;
                end if;
              elsif (lifo_rd_i='1' and fifo_rd_i='1') then
                if (fifo_wr_i='1') then
                  -- Here, the write and both reads get done, and the wr_row
                  -- remains unchanged.
                  current_state <= st_empty;
                  -- This is a condition in which one of the read requests
                  -- must, of necessity, be ignored.
                  if (FIFO_RD_FIRST/=0) then
                    current_state <= st_empty;
                    wr_row <= wr_row-1;
                    current_state <= st_empty;
                  end if;
                end if;
              end if;
            end if;
          -- When full, one can only write if also reading
          when st_full =>
            if (lifo_rd_i='0' and fifo_rd_i='0') then
            elsif (lifo_rd_i='0' and fifo_rd_i='1') then
              if (fifo_wr_i='1') then
                current_state <= st_data;
              end if;
            elsif (lifo_rd_i='1' and fifo_rd_i='0') then
              -- Here, wr_row remains unchanged.
              -- Other logic makes the write happen, however.
            elsif (lifo_rd_i='1' and fifo_rd_i='1') then
              wr_row <= wr_row-1;
              current_state <= st_data;
            end if;
          when others => null;
          end case;
        end if;
      end if; -- sys_clk_en
    end if; -- sys_clk
  end process clocked;
end beh;

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