
Subversion Repositories p9813_rgb_led_string_driver

[/] [p9813_rgb_led_string_driver/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [VHDL/] [fpga.vhd] - Rev 2

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-- Test FPGA
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.math_real.all;
-- synopsys translate_off
library xp2;
use xp2.components.all;
-- synopsys translate_on
library work;
use work.function_pack.all;
entity fpga is
  port (
    -- System Clock & Reset_n
    sys_clk_ref  : in   std_logic;
    sys_rst_n_i  : in   std_logic;
    -- Standardized Board Inputs / Outputs
    switch       : in  unsigned(7 downto 0);
    led          : out unsigned(7 downto 0);
    exp_io       : inout unsigned(39 downto 1);
    -- TTL serial interface
    uart_0_tx_o  : out std_logic;
    uart_0_rx_i  : in  std_logic
end fpga;
architecture beh of fpga is
  -- Constants
  constant SYS_CLK_RATE    : real :=  50000000.0; -- The clock rate at which the FPGA runs
  constant FPGA_VERSION    : unsigned(31 downto 0) := "11110000111100001111111111110001";
  constant ALEX_K_BITS   : natural := 32;
  constant ALEX_K_FRAC   : natural :=  8;
  constant ALEX_GAIN_ADJ : natural :=  2;
  constant DERAND_BITS   : natural := 16;
  --Internal signal declarations
  signal sys_rst_l          : std_logic;
  -- Board Input & Output related
  signal led_reg            : unsigned(7 downto 0);
  signal led_disp           : unsigned(7 downto 0);
  signal switch_l           : unsigned(7 downto 0);
  signal sys_rst            : std_logic;
  signal sys_rst_n          : std_logic;
  -- Clock and oscillator related
  signal sys_clk            : std_logic;
  signal sys_clk_en         : std_logic;
  -- Signals for system controller
  signal syscon_baud_clk    : std_logic;
  signal syscon_baud_lock   : std_logic;
    -- System Bus interface
  signal syscon_ack         : std_logic;
  signal syscon_err         : std_logic;
  signal syscon_dat_rd      : unsigned(31 downto 0);
  signal syscon_dat_wr      : unsigned(31 downto 0);
  signal syscon_rst         : std_logic;
  signal syscon_cyc         : std_logic;
  signal syscon_adr         : unsigned(31 downto 0);
  signal syscon_we          : std_logic;
  signal sel_reg            : std_logic;
  signal reg_dat_rd         : unsigned(31 downto 0);
  signal reg_ack            : std_logic;
  signal reg_err            : std_logic;
  signal sel_bram           : std_logic;
  signal bram_dat_rd        : unsigned(31 downto 0);
  signal bram_ack           : std_logic;
  signal bram_err           : std_logic;
  signal bram_wait          : unsigned(1 downto 0);
  -- Signals for system registers
  signal sel_sysregs        : std_logic;
  signal sysregs_ack        : std_logic;
  signal sysregs_err        : std_logic;
  signal sysregs_dat_rd     : unsigned(31 downto 0);
  signal center_f1          : unsigned(31 downto 0);
  signal center_f2          : unsigned(31 downto 0);
  signal center_f           : unsigned(31 downto 0);
  signal rgb_1              : unsigned(23 downto 0);
  signal rgb_2              : unsigned(23 downto 0);
  signal p9813_rgb          : unsigned(23 downto 0);
  signal rnrzl_enable       : std_logic;
  -- Signals for bit synchronizer units
  signal speed_bit   : std_logic;
  signal alex_kp     : unsigned(31 downto 0);
  signal alex_ki     : unsigned(31 downto 0);
  signal sync_0_idle : std_logic;
  signal sync_0_lock : std_logic;
  signal sync_0_dat  : std_logic;
  signal sync_0_clk  : std_logic;
  signal clk_in_r1   : std_logic;
  signal clk_in_r2   : std_logic;
  signal clk_out     : std_logic;
  signal dat_out     : std_logic;
  signal dat_in      : std_logic;
  signal dat_rnrzl   : std_logic;
  -- Signals for derandomizer
  signal derand_sr   : unsigned(DERAND_BITS-1 downto 0);
  signal pcm_dr_taps : unsigned(DERAND_BITS-1 downto 0);
  -- Fun related
  signal larson_pulse_1     : std_logic;
  signal larson_pulse_2     : std_logic;
  signal c1                 : unsigned(7 downto 0);
  signal c1_dir             : std_logic;
  signal c2                 : unsigned(7 downto 0);
  signal c2_dir             : std_logic;
  -- Test related
    -- Signals for the randomizer and PN sequence generator
  signal pn_freq       : unsigned(32 downto 0);
  signal pn_clk_pulse  : std_logic;
  signal pn_seq        : std_logic;
  signal rand_sr       : unsigned(15 downto 0);
  signal rand_bit      : std_logic;
  signal ber_bit       : std_logic;
  signal ber_errors    : unsigned(31 downto 0);
  signal ber_bits      : unsigned(31 downto 0);
  signal ber_center_f1 : unsigned(31 downto 0);
  signal ber_center_f2 : unsigned(31 downto 0);
  signal ber_center_f  : unsigned(31 downto 0);
  signal ber_rnrzl_enable : std_logic;
  -- instantiate an internal reset
--  intrst : internal_reset
--  PORT MAP (
--    nReset_o => sys_rst_l
--  );
  sys_rst_l <= '1';
  -- Reset is not complicated
  sys_rst_n <= '0' when sys_rst_l='0' or sys_rst_n_i='0' else '1';
  sys_rst   <= '1' when sys_rst_l='0' or sys_rst_n_i='0' else '0';
  -- This design uses a 50 MHz clock
  sys_clk <= sys_clk_ref;
  -- System clock enable currently not used.
  sys_clk_en <= '1';
  -- Assign LED outputs
  led_disp <= led_reg xor (c1 or c2);
  led <= not led_disp;
  -- Invert switch inputs.  On this board, active or "on" is low...
  switch_l <= not switch;
  -- Provide a default of "high impedance" for all the potentially
  -- unused pins
  exp_io <= (others=>'Z');
  -- A clock enable pulse
  c1_clkgen: entity work.dds_constant_squarewave
    generic map(
      OUTPUT_FREQ  => 32.0,   -- Desired output frequency
      SYS_CLK_RATE => SYS_CLK_RATE, -- underlying clock rate
      ACC_BITS     => 32 -- Bit width of DDS phase accumulator
    port map( 
      sys_rst_n    => sys_rst_n,
      sys_clk      => sys_clk,
      sys_clk_en   => sys_clk_en,
      -- Output
      pulse_o      => larson_pulse_1,
      squarewave_o => open
  -- A clock enable pulse
  c2_clkgen: entity work.dds_constant_squarewave
    generic map(
      OUTPUT_FREQ  => 16.2,   -- Desired output frequency
      SYS_CLK_RATE => SYS_CLK_RATE, -- underlying clock rate
      ACC_BITS     => 32 -- Bit width of DDS phase accumulator
    port map( 
      sys_rst_n    => sys_rst_n,
      sys_clk      => sys_clk,
      sys_clk_en   => sys_clk_en,
      -- Output
      pulse_o      => larson_pulse_2,
      squarewave_o => open
  -- Larson scanner #1
  process (sys_clk,sys_rst_n)
    if (sys_rst_n='0') then
      c1 <= (0=>'1', others=>'0');
      c1_dir <= '0';
    elsif (sys_clk'event and sys_clk='1') then
      if (sys_clk_en='1') then
        if (larson_pulse_1='1') then
          if (c1_dir='0') then
            c1 <= c1(c1'length-2 downto 0) & '0';
            if (c1="01000000") then
             c1_dir <= '1';
            end if;
            c1 <= '0' & c1(c1'length-1 downto 1);
            if (c1="00000010") then
             c1_dir <= '0';
            end if;
          end if;
        end if;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process;
  -- Larson scanner #2
  process (sys_clk,sys_rst_n)
    if (sys_rst_n='0') then
      c2 <= (0=>'1', others=>'0');
      c2_dir <= '0';
    elsif (sys_clk'event and sys_clk='1') then
      if (sys_clk_en='1') then
        if (larson_pulse_2='1') then
          if (c2_dir='0') then
            c2 <= c2(c2'length-2 downto 0) & '0';
            if (c2="01000000") then
             c2_dir <= '1';
            end if;
            c2 <= '0' & c2(c2'length-1 downto 1);
            if (c2="00000010") then
             c2_dir <= '0';
            end if;
          end if;
        end if;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process;
  -- This module generates a serial BAUD clock automatically.
  -- The unit synchronizes on the carriage return character, so the user
  -- only needs to press the "enter" key for serial communications to start
  -- working, no matter what BAUD rate and clk_i frequency are used, within
  -- reason, of course.
  auto_baud1 : entity work.auto_baud_with_tracking
    generic map(
      CLOCK_FACTOR    =>            1,  -- Output is this factor times the baud rate
      FPGA_CLKRATE    => SYS_CLK_RATE,  -- FPGA system clock rate
      MIN_BAUDRATE    =>      19200.0,  -- Minimum expected incoming Baud rate
      DELTA_THRESHOLD =>          200   -- Measurement filter constraint.  Smaller = tougher.
    port map( 
      sys_rst_n  => sys_rst_n,
      sys_clk    => sys_clk,
      sys_clk_en => sys_clk_en,
      -- rate and parity
      rx_parity_i => "00", -- 0=none, 1=even, 2=odd
      -- serial input
      rx_stream_i => uart_0_rx_i,
      -- Output
      baud_lock_o => syscon_baud_lock,
      baud_clk_o  => syscon_baud_clk
  -- ascii_syscon mounted with a UART interface
  syscon_1 : entity work.async_syscon
    generic map(
      ECHO_COMMANDS   =>  1, -- set nonzero to echo back command characters
      ADR_DIGITS      =>  8, -- # of hex digits for address
      DAT_DIGITS      =>  8, -- # of hex digits for data
      QTY_DIGITS      =>  4, -- # of hex digits for quantity
      CMD_BUFFER_SIZE => 64, -- # of chars in the command buffer
      WATCHDOG_VALUE  => 20, -- # of sys_clks before ack is expected
      DISPLAY_FIELDS  =>  4  -- # of fields/line
    port map(
      sys_rst_n  => sys_rst_n,
      sys_clk    => sys_clk,
      sys_clk_en => sys_clk_en,
      -- rate and parity
      parity_i     => "00", -- 0=none, 1=even, 2=odd
      baud_clk_i   => syscon_baud_clk, -- At 1x the desired baud rate, can be squarewave or pulses.
      baud_lock_i  => syscon_baud_lock, -- '1' Indicates baud clock is stable and ready.
      -- Serial IO
      cmd_i        => uart_0_rx_i,
      resp_o       => uart_0_tx_o,
      cmd_done_o   => open,
      -- Master Bus IO
      master_bg_i  => '1',
      master_ack_o => open,
      master_adr_i => to_unsigned(0,32),
      master_dat_i => to_unsigned(0,32),
      master_dat_o => open,
      master_stb_i => '0',
      master_we_i  => '0',
      master_br_o  => open,
      -- System Bus IO
      ack_i        => syscon_ack,
      err_i        => syscon_err,
      dat_i        => syscon_dat_rd,
      dat_o        => syscon_dat_wr,
      rst_o        => syscon_rst,
      stb_o        => open,
      cyc_o        => syscon_cyc,
      adr_o        => syscon_adr,
      we_o         => syscon_we
  -- syscon bus selection --
  with to_integer(syscon_adr(31 downto 24)) select
  syscon_dat_rd <=
    bram_dat_rd                        when 2,
    reg_dat_rd                         when 3,
    str2u("01234567",32)               when others;
  with to_integer(syscon_adr(31 downto 24)) select
  syscon_ack <=
    bram_ack                           when 2,
    reg_ack                            when 3,
    '1'                                when others;
  with to_integer(syscon_adr(31 downto 24)) select
  syscon_err <=
    bram_err                           when 2,
    reg_err                            when 3,
    syscon_cyc                         when others;
  sel_bram <= '1' when syscon_cyc='1' and to_integer(syscon_adr(31 downto 24))=2 else '0';
  sel_reg  <= '1' when syscon_cyc='1' and to_integer(syscon_adr(31 downto 24))=3 else '0';
  -- register bus selection --
  with to_integer(syscon_adr(23 downto 8)) select
  reg_dat_rd <=
    sysregs_dat_rd                     when 16#00FF#,
    str2u("11112222",32)               when others;
  with to_integer(syscon_adr(23 downto 8)) select
  reg_ack <=
    sysregs_ack                        when 16#00FF#,
    '1'                                when others;
  with to_integer(syscon_adr(23 downto 8)) select
  reg_err <=
    sysregs_err                        when 16#00FF#,
    sel_reg                            when others;
  sel_sysregs    <= '1' when sel_reg='1' and to_integer(syscon_adr(23 downto 8))=16#00FF# else '0';
  -- System Registers        --
  with to_integer(syscon_adr(7 downto 0)) select
  sysregs_dat_rd <=
    center_f1                                             when 0,
    ber_center_f1                                         when 1,
    center_f2                                             when 2,
    ber_center_f2                                         when 3,
    to_unsigned(0,27) & speed_bit &
      "00" & ber_rnrzl_enable & rnrzl_enable              when 4,
    resize(rgb_1,32)                                      when 240,
    resize(rgb_2,32)                                      when 241,
    ber_errors                                            when 250,
    ber_bits                                              when 251,
    to_unsigned(0,30) & sync_0_lock & sync_0_idle         when 252,
    resize(switch_l,32)                                   when 253,
    FPGA_VERSION                                          when 254,
    resize(led_reg,32)                                    when 255,
    syscon_adr(7 downto 0) & syscon_adr(7 downto 0) & syscon_adr(7 downto 0) & syscon_adr(7 downto 0)
                                                          when others;
  with to_integer(syscon_adr(7 downto 0)) select
  sysregs_ack <=
    sel_sysregs                                           when others;
  with to_integer(syscon_adr(7 downto 0)) select
  sysregs_err <=
    '0'                                                   when others;
  -- Bit Error Rate Counts
  proc_bert: Process(sys_rst_n,sys_clk)
    if (sys_rst_n = '0') then
    elsif (sys_clk'event AND sys_clk='1') then
    end if;
  end process;
  -- Handle writes to system registers
  process (sys_clk,sys_rst_n)
    if (sys_rst_n='0') then
      ber_errors    <= (others=>'0');
      ber_bits      <= (others=>'0');
      led_reg       <= (others=>'0');
      center_f1     <= to_unsigned(integer(128095.0*(2.0**10.0)/SYS_CLK_RATE*(2.0**23.0)),center_f1'length);
      ber_center_f1 <= to_unsigned(integer(128095.0*(2.0**10.0)/SYS_CLK_RATE*(2.0**23.0)),ber_center_f1'length);
      center_f2     <= to_unsigned(integer(2000000.0*(2.0**10.0)/SYS_CLK_RATE*(2.0**23.0)),center_f2'length);
      ber_center_f2 <= to_unsigned(integer(2000000.0*(2.0**10.0)/SYS_CLK_RATE*(2.0**23.0)),ber_center_f2'length);
      ber_rnrzl_enable <= '0';
      rnrzl_enable  <= '0';
      rgb_1 <= str2u("802020",rgb_1'length);
      rgb_2 <= str2u("200080",rgb_2'length);
    elsif (sys_clk'event and sys_clk='1') then
      if (sys_clk_en='1') then
        if (sysregs_ack='1' and syscon_we='1') then
          case to_integer(syscon_adr(7 downto 0)) is
            when   0 =>
              center_f1 <= syscon_dat_wr;
            when   1 =>
              ber_center_f1 <= syscon_dat_wr;
            when   2 =>
              center_f2 <= syscon_dat_wr;
            when   3 =>
              ber_center_f2 <= syscon_dat_wr;
            when   4 =>
              rnrzl_enable <= syscon_dat_wr(0);
              ber_rnrzl_enable <= syscon_dat_wr(1);
            when 240 =>
              rgb_1 <= syscon_dat_wr(rgb_1'length-1 downto 0);
            when 241 =>
              rgb_2 <= syscon_dat_wr(rgb_2'length-1 downto 0);
            when 250 =>
              ber_errors <= (others=>'0');
            when 251 =>
              ber_bits <= (others=>'0');
            when 255 =>
              led_reg <= syscon_dat_wr(led_reg'length-1 downto 0);
            when others =>
          end case;
        end if;
        -- Increment the counters if there are data mismatches
        if (pn_clk_pulse='1') then
          ber_bits <= ber_bits+1;
          if (dat_out/=pn_seq) then
            ber_errors <= ber_errors+1;
          end if;
        end if;
      end if; -- sys_clk_en
    end if; -- sys_clk
  end process;
  -- Acknowledge Signal for BRAM
  process (sys_clk,sys_rst_n)
    if (sys_rst_n='0') then
      bram_wait <= (others=>'0');
    elsif (sys_clk'event and sys_clk='1') then
      if (sys_clk_en='1') then
        if sel_bram='1' and bram_ack='0' then
          bram_wait <= bram_wait+1;
          bram_wait <= (others=>'0');
        end if;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process;
  bram_ack <= '1' when (bram_wait=1 and sel_bram='1') else '0';
  -- RAM block selection --
  bram_dat_rd <= to_unsigned(16#1234#,bram_dat_rd'length);
  bram_err    <= syscon_cyc;
  -- Digital Bit synchronizers  --
  alex_kp <= to_unsigned(16#00094F59#,alex_kp'length); -- Alex DPLL kp factor
  alex_ki <= to_unsigned(16#00000793#,alex_ki'length); -- Alex DPLL ki factor
  bit_sync_0 : entity work.bit_sync_digital
    generic map(
      ALEX_K_BITS    => ALEX_K_BITS, -- Number of bits in Alexander DPLL coefficients
      ALEX_K_FRAC    => ALEX_K_FRAC, -- How many of the ALEX_K_BITS are used for fractional representation
      ALEX_GAIN_ADJ  => ALEX_GAIN_ADJ, -- How many bits to reduce KP_i and KI_i during lock
      FSTEP_FINE     =>     1, -- Frequency increment during phase track
      PHASE_WIDTH    =>    33, -- Bits in the phase accumulator
      LOCK_VAL       =>     4, -- Period mismatch to obtain lock
      DROP_LOCK_VAL  =>    12, -- Period mismatch to drop lock
      PERIOD_I_WIDTH =>    16, -- Integer width of period measurements
      PERIOD_F_WIDTH =>     2, -- Fractional width of period measurements
      IDLE_CLOCKS    => 2**16, -- sys_clk periods before signal is called idle
      BAUD_READS     =>   127, -- Period baud interval read attempts
      INTERVAL_READS =>    64, -- Period interval read attempts
      WINDOW_SIZE    =>     3  -- Period variation window, in sys_clks
    port map(
      -- System Clock and Clock Enable
      sys_rst_n   => sys_rst_n,
      sys_clk     => sys_clk,
      sys_clk_en  => sys_clk_en,
      -- Frequency calibration clk enable
      cal_clk_en   => '1', -- Calibration in Hz removed.  Units are now (Fsys_clk/2^33) Hz.
      -- Settings
      freq_i       => center_f,
      freq_seek_i  => '0',
      use_alex_i   => '0',
      alex_kp_i    => alex_kp(ALEX_K_BITS-ALEX_K_FRAC-1 downto 0),
      alex_ki_i    => alex_ki(ALEX_K_BITS-ALEX_K_FRAC-1 downto 0),
      -- Reference data input
      dat_i        => dat_in,
      -- indicators and outputs
      idle_o       => sync_0_idle,
      lock_o       => sync_0_lock,
      dat_o        => sync_0_dat,
      clk_o        => sync_0_clk
  -- Derandomizer shift register
  pcm_dr_taps <= to_unsigned(16#6000#,pcm_dr_taps'length);
  proc_derand_sr: Process(sys_rst_n,sys_clk)
    if (sys_rst_n = '0') then
      derand_sr <= (others=>'0');
      clk_in_r1 <= '0';
      clk_in_r2 <= '0';
      dat_rnrzl <= '0';
    elsif (sys_clk'event AND sys_clk='1') then
      clk_in_r1  <= sync_0_clk;
      clk_in_r2  <= clk_in_r1;
      if (clk_in_r1='0' and clk_in_r2='1') then -- falling edge
        derand_sr <= derand_sr(derand_sr'length-2 downto 0) & sync_0_dat;
        -- Latch outputs in synchronism with clock edge
        dat_rnrzl <= sync_0_dat xor u_recursive_parity(derand_sr and pcm_dr_taps);
      end if;
    end if;
  end process;
  clk_out <= clk_in_r2;
  -- Obtain data input from desired pins
  dat_in <= exp_io(32);
  -- Select which data goes out
  dat_out <= dat_rnrzl when rnrzl_enable='1' else sync_0_dat;
  -- Map outputs to desired pins
  exp_io(35) <=     dat_out;
  exp_io(34) <=     clk_out;
  exp_io(36) <=     dat_out;
  exp_io(37) <= not dat_out;
  exp_io(38) <=     clk_out;
  exp_io(39) <= not clk_out;
  -- For test purposes, generate a PN sequence and randomize it.
  -- Send it out on a pin, for use in testing the bit synchronizer.
  -- Check the bit synchronized data against the generated data,
  -- and count the total bits and the errors, if any.
  -- A clock enable pulse for use with PN sequence and randomizer
  pn_freq <= '0' & ber_center_f;
  pn_clkgen : entity work.dds_squarewave
    generic map(
      ACC_BITS     => 33 -- Bit width of DDS phase accumulator
    port map(
      sys_rst_n    => sys_rst_n,
      sys_clk      => sys_clk,
      sys_clk_en   => '1',
      -- Frequency setting
      freq_i       => pn_freq,
      -- Output
      pulse_o      => pn_clk_pulse,
      squarewave_o => open
  -- Instantiate a maximum-cycle linear feedback shift register
  -- which generates a pseudo-noise sequence
  pn_0 : entity work.mlfsr
    generic map(
      POLY_A => 32, -- Polynomial tap, also number of bits in shift register
      POLY_B => 30, -- Polynomial tap, less than POLY_A
      POLY_C => 26, -- Polynomial tap, less than POLY_B
      POLY_D => 25  -- Polynomial tap, less than POLY_C
    port map(
      -- System Clock and Clock Enable
      sys_rst_n  => sys_rst_n,
      sys_clk    => sys_clk,
      sys_clk_en => pn_clk_pulse,
      -- Sequence Output
      pn_seq_o   => pn_seq
  -- Randomizer shift register
  proc_rand_sr: Process(sys_rst_n,sys_clk)
    if (sys_rst_n = '0') then
      rand_sr <= (others=>'0');
    elsif (sys_clk'event AND sys_clk='1') then
      if (pn_clk_pulse='1') then
        rand_sr <= rand_sr(rand_sr'length-2 downto 0) & rand_bit;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process;
  rand_bit <= pn_seq xor u_recursive_parity(rand_sr and to_unsigned(16#6000#,16));
  ber_bit <=  rand_bit when ber_rnrzl_enable='1' else pn_seq;
  -- Provide outputs for testing
  exp_io(1) <= ber_bit;
  exp_io(2) <= not ber_bit;
  -- Create a colorful LED indicator
  -- Use it to indicate at what speed the bit synchronizer center frequency
  -- is set.  The speed is set by a rocker switch.
  indicator : entity work.p9813_LED_chain_driver
    generic map(
      SCLK_FREQ    =>    2000000.0,    -- Desired lpd8806 serial clock frequency
      UPDATE_FREQ  =>        200.0,    -- Desired LED chain update frequency
      SYS_CLK_RATE => SYS_CLK_RATE,   -- underlying clock rate
      N_LEDS       =>            1    -- Number of LEDs in chain
    port map(
      -- System Clock, Reset and Clock Enable
      sys_rst_n  => sys_rst_n,
      sys_clk    => sys_clk,
      sys_clk_en => '1',
      -- Selection of color information
      c_adr_o    => open,
      red_i      => p9813_rgb(23 downto 16),
      grn_i      => p9813_rgb(15 downto 8),
      blu_i      => p9813_rgb(7 downto 0),
      -- Output
      sclk_o     => exp_io(5),
      sdat_o     => exp_io(6)
  -- Obtain switch position
  speed_bit <= exp_io(11);
  -- Select settings based on the switch position
  p9813_rgb    <= rgb_1         when speed_bit='0' else rgb_2;
  center_f     <= center_f1     when speed_bit='0' else center_f2;
  ber_center_f <= ber_center_f1 when speed_bit='0' else ber_center_f2;
end beh;

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