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[/] [pci32tlite_oc/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [pciregs.vhd] - Rev 10

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--|																									|
--|  File:			pciregs.vhd                                                          			|
--|																									|
--|  Project:		pci32tLite																		|
--|																									|
--|  Description: 	PCI	Registers																	|
--|	 																								|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+						|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+						|
--|    																								|
--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+  							|
--| |   REGISTER 	| 	adr(7..2)	|	offset	| Byte Enable	| Size	|							|
--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+   						|
--| |  VENDORID		|  000000 (r) 	|     00	| 	   0/1		|	2	| 							|
--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+   						|
--| |  DERVICEID	|  000000 (r)	| 	  02	| 	   2/3		|   2	|							|
--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+							|
--| |  CMD			|  000001 (r/w)	| 	  04	|	   0/1		|	2	|							|
--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+   						|
--| |  ST			|  000001 (r/w*)| 	  06	|	   2/3		|   2	|							|
--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+   						|
--| |  REVISIONID	|  000010 (r)	| 	  08	|	    0		|	1	|							|
--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+   						|
--| |  CLASSCODE	|  000010 (r)	| 	  09    |	  1/2/3		|   3	| 							|
--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+   						|
--| |  HEADERTYPE	|  000011 (r)	| 	  0E	|	    2		|	1	|							|
--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+   						|
--| |  BAR0			|  000100 (r/w)	| 	  10	|	 0/1/2/3	|	4	|							|
--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+   						|
--| |  SUBSYSTEMID	|  001011 (r) 	|     2C	| 	   0/1		|	2	| 							|
--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+   						|
--| |  SUBSYSTEMVID	|  001011 (r)	| 	  2E	| 	   0/1		|   2	|							|
--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+							|
--| |  INTLINE  	|  001111 (r/w)	| 	  3C	|	    0		|	1	|							|
--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+   						|
--| |  INTPIN		|  001111 (r)	| 	  3D	|	    1		|	1	|							|
--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+   						|
--|  (w*) Reseteable    																			|
--|   																								|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+												|
--|	| VENDORID (r) Vendor ID register				|												|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+						|
--|	| Identifies manufacturer of device.				  					|						|
--| | VENDORIDr : vendorID (generic)										|						|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+						|
--|   																								|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+												|
--|	| DEVICEID (r) Device ID register      			|												|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+						|
--|	| Identifies the device.												|						|
--| | DEVICEIDr : deviceID (generic)										|						|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+						|
--|   																								|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+												|
--|	| CMD (r/w) CoMmanD register         			|												|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+------------------------------+				|
--|	|    0    |    0   |   0    |    0   |   0    |    0    |     0     | SERRENb  | (15-8)			|
--|	+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+				|
--|	|    0    | PERRENb|   0 	|	 0	 |	 0 	  |    0    |MEMSPACEENb|IOSPACEENb|  (7-0) 		|
--|	+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+				|
--|	| SERRENb : System ERRor ENable (1 = Enabled)							|						|
--|	| PERRENb : Parity ERRor ENable (1 = Enabled)							|						|
--|	| MEMSPACEENb : MEMory SPACE ENable (1 = Enabled)						|						|
--|	| IOSPACEENb : IO SPACE ENable (1 = Enabled)							|						|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+						|
--|   																								|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+												|
--|	| ST (r/w*) STatus register						|												|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+-------------------------+						|
--|	| PERRDTb | SERRSIb|   --   |   --   |TABORTSIb| DEVSELTIMb(1..0)|   --   | (15-8)				|
--|	+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+						|
--|	|    --   |   --   |   --	|	--	 |	 --	   |   --   |   --   |   --   |  (7-0) 				|
--|	+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+						|
--|	| PERRDTb : Parity ERRor DeTected 										|						|
--|	| SERRSIb : System ERRor SIgnaled										|						|
--|	| TABORTSIb : Target ABORT SIgnaled										|						|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+						|
--|   																								|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+												|
--|	| REVISIONID (r) Revision ID register			|												|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+						|
--|	| Identifies a device revision.						  					|						|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+						|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+												|
--|	| CLASSCODE (r) CLASS CODE register				|												|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+						|
--|	| Identifies the generic funtion of the device.		  					|						|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+						|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+												|
--|	| HEADERTYPE (r) Header Type register			|												|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+						|
--|	| Identifies the layout of the second part of the predefined header.	|						|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+						|
--|   																								|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+												|
--|	| BAR0 (r/w) Base AddRess 0 register   			|												|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+						|
--|	|                  BAR032MBb(6..0)                             |   --   | (31-24)				|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+						|
--|	| BAR032MBb : Base Address 32MBytes decode space (7 bits)				|						|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+						|
--|   																								|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+												|
--|	| SUBSYSTEMVID (r) SUBSYSTEM Vendor ID register	|												|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+						|
--|	| Identifies vendor of add-in board or subsystem.	  					|						|
--| | SUBSYSTEMVIDr : subsystemvID (generic)								|						|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+						|
--|   																								|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+												|
--|	| SUBSYSTEMID (r) SUBSYSTEM ID register			|												|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+						|
--|	| Vendor specific. 														|						|
--| | SUBSYTEMIDr : subsytemID (generic)									|						|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+						|
--|   																								|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+												|
--|	| INTLINE (r/w) INTerrupt LINE register			|												|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+						|
--|	|                          INTLINEr(7..0)                               | (7..0)				|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+						|
--|	| Interrupt Line routing information           							|						|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+						|
--|   																								|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+												|
--|	| INTPIN (r) INTerrupt PIN register				|												|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+						|
--|	| Tells which interrupt pin the device uses: 01=INTA					|						|
--|	+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+						|
--|   																								|
--| 																|
--|  Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Peio Azkarate,	| 
--| 																|
--|  This source file may be used and distributed without     		|
--|  restriction provided that this copyright statement is not		|
--|  removed from the file and that any derivative work contains	|
--|  the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.	|
--|                                                              	|
--|  This source file is free software; you can redistribute it     |
--|  and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General     |
--|  Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;   |
--|  either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any     |
--|  later version.                                                 |
--| 																|
--|  This source is distributed in the hope that it will be         |
--|  useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied     |
--|  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more   |
--|  details.                                                       |
--| 																|
--|  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General      |
--|  Public License along with this source; if not, download it     |
--|  from                       |
--| 																|
--|									LIBRARIES									|
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library onalib;
use onalib.onapackage.all;
--|									ENTITY   									|
entity pciregs is
generic (
	vendorID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
	deviceID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
	revisionID : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
	subsystemID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    subsystemvID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    classcodeID : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
	BARS		 : string := "1BARMEM"
port (
   	-- General 
    clk_i       	: in std_logic;
   	rst_i       	: in std_logic;
	adr_i			: in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
	cbe_i			: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
	dat_i			: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
	dat_o			: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
	wrcfg_i		   	: in std_logic;
	rdcfg_i 	  	: in std_logic;
	perr_i		  	: in std_logic;
	serr_i		  	: in std_logic;
	tabort_i	  	: in std_logic;
	bar0_o			: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 9);
	perrEN_o		: out std_logic;
	serrEN_o		: out std_logic;
	memEN_o			: out std_logic;
	ioEN_o			: out std_logic
end pciregs;
architecture rtl of pciregs is
--|									COMPONENTS									|
--|									CONSTANTS  									|
	--constant CLASSCODEr		: std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) := X"068000";   -- Bridge-OtherBridgeDevice
	constant CLASSCODEr		: std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) := classcodeID;   
	constant REVISIONIDr	: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)  := revisionID;	-- PR00=80,PR1=81...
	constant HEADERTYPEr	: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)  := X"00";		
	constant DEVSELTIMb		: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)  := b"01";		-- DEVSEL TIMing (bits) medium speed
	constant VENDORIDr		: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := vendorID;	
	constant DEVICEIDr		: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := deviceID;	
	constant SUBSYSTEMIDr	: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := subsystemID;	
	constant SUBSYSTEMVIDr	: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := subsystemvID;	
	constant INTPINr		: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)	:= X"01";		-- INTA#
--|									SIGNALS   									|
	signal dataout		: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
	signal tabortPFS	: std_logic;
	signal serrPFS		: std_logic;
	signal perrPFS		: std_logic;
	signal adrSTCMD		: std_logic;
	signal adrBAR0		: std_logic;
	signal adrINT		: std_logic;
	signal we0CMD		: std_logic;
	signal we1CMD		: std_logic;
	signal we3ST		: std_logic;
	signal we3BAR0		: std_logic;
	signal we0INT		: std_logic;
	signal we1INT		: std_logic;
	signal st11SEN		: std_logic;
	signal st11REN		: std_logic;
	signal st14SEN		: std_logic;
	signal st14REN		: std_logic;
	signal st15SEN		: std_logic;
	signal st15REN		: std_logic;
	-- INTERRUPT LINE register 
  	signal INTLINEr		: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
	-- COMMAND register bits
	signal MEMSPACEENb	: std_logic;						-- Memory SPACE ENable (bit)
	signal IOSPACEENb	: std_logic;						-- IO SPACE ENable (bit)
	signal PERRENb		: std_logic;						-- Parity ERRor ENable (bit)
	signal SERRENb		: std_logic;						-- SERR ENable (bit)
	-- STATUS register bits
	--signal DEVSELTIMb	: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);		-- DEVSEL TIMing (bits)
	signal TABORTSIb	: std_logic;						-- TarGet ABORT SIgnaling (bit)
	signal SERRSIb		: std_logic;						-- System ERRor SIgnaling (bit)
	signal PERRDTb		: std_logic;						-- Parity ERRor DeTected (bit)
	-- BAR0 register bits
	signal BAR0b		: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
	--| BAR0 32MBytes Memory Space              |
	barmem_g: if (BARS="1BARMEM") generate
		BAR0b(24 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
	end generate;
	--| BAR0 512Bytes Io Space                  |
	bario_g: if (BARS="1BARIO") generate
		BAR0b(31 downto 16) <= (others => '0');
		BAR0b(8 downto 1) <= (others => '0');
		BAR0b(0) <= '1';
	end generate;
    --|  Component instances													|
	u1:  pfs port map ( clk => clk_i, rst => rst_i, a => tabort_i, y => tabortPFS );
	u2:  pfs port map ( clk => clk_i, rst => rst_i, a => serr_i,   y => serrPFS );
	u3:  pfs port map ( clk => clk_i, rst => rst_i, a => perr_i,   y => perrPFS );
	--|  Registers Address Decoder												|
    adrSTCMD <= '1' when ( adr_i(5 downto 0) = b"000001" ) else '0';
    adrBAR0  <= '1' when ( adr_i(5 downto 0) = b"000100" ) else '0';
    adrINT   <= '1' when ( adr_i(5 downto 0) = b"001111" ) else '0';
	--|                       WRITE ENABLE REGISTERS							|
	--|  Write Enable Registers					|
    we0CMD  <= adrSTCMD and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(0));
    we1CMD  <= adrSTCMD and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(1));
    --we2ST    <= adrSTCMD and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(2));
    we3ST   <= adrSTCMD and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(3));
    --we2BAR0 <= adrBAR0  and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(2));
    we3BAR0 <= adrBAR0  and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(3));
	we0INT  <= adrINT   and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(0));
    --we1INT	<= adrINT   and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(1));
	--|  Set Enable & Reset Enable bits			|
	st11SEN	<= tabortPFS; 
	st11REN	<= we3ST and dat_i(27);
	st14SEN	<= serrPFS; 
	st14REN	<= we3ST and dat_i(30);
	st15SEN	<= perrPFS; 
	st15REN	<= we3ST and dat_i(31);
	--|  							WRITE REGISTERS								|
	--|  COMMAND REGISTER Write									|
    REGCMDWR: process( clk_i, rst_i, we0CMD, we1CMD, dat_i )
        if( rst_i = '1' ) then
			IOSPACEENb  <= '0';
			MEMSPACEENb <= '0';
			PERRENb 	<= '0';
			SERRENb 	<= '0';			
        elsif( rising_edge( clk_i ) ) then
			-- Byte 0
            if( we0CMD = '1' ) then
				IOSPACEENb  <= dat_i(0);
				MEMSPACEENb <= dat_i(1);
				PERRENb 	<= dat_i(6);                
            end if;
			-- Byte 1
            if( we1CMD = '1' ) then
				SERRENb 	<= dat_i(8);                
            end if;
        end if;
    end process REGCMDWR;
	--|  STATUS REGISTER WRITE (Reset only)						|
    REGSTWR: process( clk_i, rst_i, st11SEN, st11REN, st14SEN, st14REN, st15SEN, st15REN )
        if( rst_i = '1' ) then
			TABORTSIb	<= '0';
			SERRSIb		<= '0';
			PERRDTb		<= '0';
        elsif( rising_edge( clk_i ) ) then
			-- TarGet ABORT SIgnaling bit
            if( st11SEN = '1' ) then
				TABORTSIb	<= '1';
			elsif ( st11REN = '1' ) then
				TABORTSIb	<= '0';			
            end if;
			-- System ERRor SIgnaling bit
            if( st14SEN = '1' ) then
				SERRSIb	<= '1';
			elsif ( st14REN = '1' ) then
				SERRSIb	<= '0';			
            end if;
			-- Parity ERRor DEtected bit
            if( st15SEN = '1' ) then
				PERRDTb	<= '1';
			elsif ( st15REN = '1' ) then
				PERRDTb	<= '0';			
            end if;
        end if;
    end process REGSTWR;
	--|  INTERRUPT REGISTER Write								|
    REGINTWR: process( clk_i, rst_i, we0INT, dat_i )
        if( rst_i = '1' ) then
			INTLINEr <= ( others => '0' );
        elsif( rising_edge( clk_i ) ) then
		    -- Byte 0
            if( we0INT = '1' ) then
				INTLINEr <= dat_i(7 downto 0);
            end if;
        end if;
    end process REGINTWR;
	--|  BAR0 32MBytes MEM address space (bits 31-25)			|
    rbarmem_g: if (BARS="1BARMEM") generate
    RBAR0MEMWR: process( clk_i, rst_i, we3BAR0, dat_i )
        if( rst_i = '1' ) then
			BAR0b(31 downto 25) <= ( others => '0' );
        elsif( rising_edge( clk_i ) ) then
			-- Byte 3
            if( we3BAR0 = '1' ) then
				BAR0b(31 downto 25) <= dat_i(31 downto 25);
            end if;	
        end if;
    end process RBAR0MEMWR;
	end generate;
	--|  BAR0 512Bytes IO address space (bits 15-9)				|
    rbario_g: if (BARS="1BARIO") generate
    RBAR0IOWR: process( clk_i, rst_i, we3BAR0, dat_i )
        if( rst_i = '1' ) then
			BAR0b(15 downto 9) <= ( others => '0' );
        elsif( rising_edge( clk_i ) ) then
			-- Byte 3
            if( we3BAR0 = '1' ) then
				BAR0b(15 downto 9) <= dat_i(15 downto 9);
            end if;	
        end if;
    end process RBAR0IOWR;
	end generate;
	--|  Registers MUX	(READ)													|
					INTLINEr, rdcfg_i )
		if ( rdcfg_i = '1' ) then
	        case adr_i is
    	        when b"000000" => 
					dataout <= DEVICEIDr & VENDORIDr;
            	when b"000001" => 
					dataout <= PERRDTb & SERRSIb & b"00" & TABORTSIb & DEVSELTIMb & b"000000000" &
							   b"0000000" & SERRENb & b"0" & PERRENb & b"0000" & MEMSPACEENb & IOSPACEENb;
	            when b"000010" => 
					dataout <= CLASSCODEr & REVISIONIDr;
        	    when b"000100" => 
					dataout <= BAR0b;
    	        when b"001011" => 
	            when b"001111" => 
					dataout <= b"0000000000000000" & INTPINr & INTLINEr;
        	    when others    => 
					dataout <= ( others => '0' );
	        end case;
			dataout <= ( others => '0' );
		end if;
    end process RRMUX;
	dat_o <= dataout;
	--|  BAR0 & COMMAND REGS bits outputs										|
	bar0_o 		<= BAR0b(31 downto 9);
	perrEN_o	<= PERRENb;
	serrEN_o	<= SERRENb;		
	memEN_o		<= MEMSPACEENb;
	ioEN_o		<= IOSPACEENb;
end rtl;

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