
Subversion Repositories spi_master_slave

[/] [spi_master_slave/] [trunk/] [syn/] [spi_master_atlys_top_map.mrp] - Rev 23

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Release 13.1 Map O.40d (nt)
Xilinx Mapping Report File for Design 'spi_master_atlys_top'

Design Information
Command Line   : map -intstyle ise -p xc6slx45-csg324-2 -w -logic_opt off -ol
high -xe n -t 1 -xt 0 -register_duplication off -r 4 -global_opt area
-equivalent_register_removal on -mt 2 -detail -ir off -pr off -lc area -power
off -o spi_master_atlys_top_map.ncd spi_master_atlys_top.ngd
Target Device  : xc6slx45
Target Package : csg324
Target Speed   : -2
Mapper Version : spartan6 -- $Revision: 1.55 $
Mapped Date    : Mon Aug 29 00:08:18 2011

Design Summary
Number of errors:      0
Number of warnings:    0
Slice Logic Utilization:
  Number of Slice Registers:                   224 out of  54,576    1%
    Number used as Flip Flops:                 224
    Number used as Latches:                      0
    Number used as Latch-thrus:                  0
    Number used as AND/OR logics:                0
  Number of Slice LUTs:                        177 out of  27,288    1%
    Number used as logic:                      167 out of  27,288    1%
      Number using O6 output only:             112
      Number using O5 output only:              28
      Number using O5 and O6:                   27
      Number used as ROM:                        0
    Number used as Memory:                       4 out of   6,408    1%
      Number used as Dual Port RAM:              0
      Number used as Single Port RAM:            0
      Number used as Shift Register:             4
        Number using O6 output only:             4
        Number using O5 output only:             0
        Number using O5 and O6:                  0
    Number used exclusively as route-thrus:      6
      Number with same-slice register load:      4
      Number with same-slice carry load:         2
      Number with other load:                    0

Slice Logic Distribution:
  Number of occupied Slices:                   102 out of   6,822    1%
  Number of LUT Flip Flop pairs used:          272
    Number with an unused Flip Flop:            64 out of     272   23%
    Number with an unused LUT:                  95 out of     272   34%
    Number of fully used LUT-FF pairs:         113 out of     272   41%
    Number of unique control sets:              26
    Number of slice register sites lost
      to control set restrictions:              68 out of  54,576    1%

  A LUT Flip Flop pair for this architecture represents one LUT paired with
  one Flip Flop within a slice.  A control set is a unique combination of
  clock, reset, set, and enable signals for a registered element.
  The Slice Logic Distribution report is not meaningful if the design is
  over-mapped for a non-slice resource or if Placement fails.

IO Utilization:
  Number of bonded IOBs:                        63 out of     218   28%
    Number of LOCed IOBs:                       47 out of      63   74%

Specific Feature Utilization:
  Number of RAMB16BWERs:                         0 out of     116    0%
  Number of RAMB8BWERs:                          0 out of     232    0%
  Number of BUFIO2/BUFIO2_2CLKs:                 0 out of      32    0%
  Number of BUFIO2FB/BUFIO2FB_2CLKs:             0 out of      32    0%
  Number of BUFG/BUFGMUXs:                       2 out of      16   12%
    Number used as BUFGs:                        2
    Number used as BUFGMUX:                      0
  Number of DCM/DCM_CLKGENs:                     0 out of       8    0%
  Number of ILOGIC2/ISERDES2s:                   0 out of     376    0%
  Number of IODELAY2/IODRP2/IODRP2_MCBs:         0 out of     376    0%
  Number of OLOGIC2/OSERDES2s:                   0 out of     376    0%
  Number of BSCANs:                              0 out of       4    0%
  Number of BUFHs:                               0 out of     256    0%
  Number of BUFPLLs:                             0 out of       8    0%
  Number of BUFPLL_MCBs:                         0 out of       4    0%
  Number of DSP48A1s:                            0 out of      58    0%
  Number of ICAPs:                               0 out of       1    0%
  Number of MCBs:                                0 out of       2    0%
  Number of PCILOGICSEs:                         0 out of       2    0%
  Number of PLL_ADVs:                            0 out of       4    0%
  Number of PMVs:                                0 out of       1    0%
  Number of STARTUPs:                            0 out of       1    0%
  Number of SUSPEND_SYNCs:                       0 out of       1    0%

Average Fanout of Non-Clock Nets:                3.18

Peak Memory Usage:  298 MB
Total REAL time to MAP completion:  17 secs 
Total CPU time to MAP completion (all processors):   17 secs 

Table of Contents
Section 1 - Errors
Section 2 - Warnings
Section 3 - Informational
Section 4 - Removed Logic Summary
Section 5 - Removed Logic
Section 6 - IOB Properties
Section 7 - RPMs
Section 8 - Guide Report
Section 9 - Area Group and Partition Summary
Section 10 - Timing Report
Section 11 - Configuration String Information
Section 12 - Control Set Information
Section 13 - Utilization by Hierarchy

Section 1 - Errors

Section 2 - Warnings

Section 3 - Informational
INFO:Map:284 - Map is running with the multi-threading option on. Map currently
   supports the use of up to 2 processors. Based on the the user options and
   machine load, Map will use 2 processors during this run.
INFO:Xst:2261 - The FF/Latch <Inst_spi_slave_port/state_reg_0> in Unit
   <spi_master_atlys_top> is equivalent to the following FF/Latch, which will be
   removed : <Inst_spi_slave_port/state_reg_0_1> 
INFO:Xst:2261 - The FF/Latch <Inst_spi_slave_port/state_reg_1> in Unit
   <spi_master_atlys_top> is equivalent to the following FF/Latch, which will be
   removed : <Inst_spi_slave_port/state_reg_1_1> 
INFO:Xst:2261 - The FF/Latch <Inst_spi_slave_port/state_reg_2> in Unit
   <spi_master_atlys_top> is equivalent to the following 2 FFs/Latches, which
   will be removed : <Inst_spi_slave_port/state_reg_2_1>
INFO:LIT:243 - Logical network gclk_i_BUFGP/N2 has no load.
INFO:LIT:243 - Logical network gclk_i_BUFGP/N3 has no load.
INFO:MapLib:562 - No environment variables are currently set.
INFO:LIT:244 - All of the single ended outputs in this design are using slew
   rate limited output drivers. The delay on speed critical single ended outputs
   can be dramatically reduced by designating them as fast outputs.
INFO:Pack:1716 - Initializing temperature to 85.000 Celsius. (default - Range:
   0.000 to 85.000 Celsius)
INFO:Pack:1720 - Initializing voltage to 1.140 Volts. (default - Range: 1.140 to
   1.260 Volts)
INFO:Map:215 - The Interim Design Summary has been generated in the MAP Report
INFO:Place:834 - Only a subset of IOs are locked. Out of 63 IOs, 47 are locked
   and 16 are not locked. If you would like to print the names of these IOs,
   please set the environment variable XIL_PAR_DESIGN_CHECK_VERBOSE to 1. 
INFO:Pack:1650 - Map created a placed design.

Section 4 - Removed Logic Summary
   2 block(s) removed
   2 block(s) optimized away
   2 signal(s) removed
  87 Block(s) redundant

Section 5 - Removed Logic

The trimmed logic report below shows the logic removed from your design due to
sourceless or loadless signals, and VCC or ground connections.  If the removal
of a signal or symbol results in the subsequent removal of an additional signal
or symbol, the message explaining that second removal will be indented.  This
indentation will be repeated as a chain of related logic is removed.

To quickly locate the original cause for the removal of a chain of logic, look
above the place where that logic is listed in the trimming report, then locate
the lines that are least indented (begin at the leftmost edge).

The signal "gclk_i_BUFGP/N2" is sourceless and has been removed.
The signal "gclk_i_BUFGP/N3" is sourceless and has been removed.
Unused block "gclk_i_BUFGP/XST_GND" (ZERO) removed.
Unused block "gclk_i_BUFGP/XST_VCC" (ONE) removed.

Optimized Block(s):
TYPE            BLOCK
GND             XST_GND
VCC             XST_VCC

Redundant Block(s):
TYPE            BLOCK
LUT1            Inst_sw_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<13>_rt
LUT1            Inst_sw_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<12>_rt
LUT1            Inst_sw_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<11>_rt
LUT1            Inst_sw_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<10>_rt
LUT1            Inst_sw_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<9>_rt
LUT1            Inst_sw_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<8>_rt
LUT1            Inst_sw_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<7>_rt
LUT1            Inst_sw_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<6>_rt
LUT1            Inst_sw_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<5>_rt
LUT1            Inst_sw_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<4>_rt
LUT1            Inst_sw_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<3>_rt
LUT1            Inst_sw_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<2>_rt
LUT1            Inst_sw_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<1>_rt
LUT1            Inst_btn_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<13>_rt
LUT1            Inst_btn_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<12>_rt
LUT1            Inst_btn_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<11>_rt
LUT1            Inst_btn_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<10>_rt
LUT1            Inst_btn_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<9>_rt
LUT1            Inst_btn_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<8>_rt
LUT1            Inst_btn_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<7>_rt
LUT1            Inst_btn_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<6>_rt
LUT1            Inst_btn_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<5>_rt
LUT1            Inst_btn_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<4>_rt
LUT1            Inst_btn_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<3>_rt
LUT1            Inst_btn_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<2>_rt
LUT1            Inst_btn_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_cy<1>_rt
LUT1            Inst_sw_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_xor<14>_rt
LUT1            Inst_btn_debouncer/Mcount_cnt_reg_xor<14>_rt
INV             ][1211_3_INV_0
INV             ][1212_5_INV_0
INV             ][335_42_INV_0
INV             ][339_50_INV_0
INV             ][343_55_INV_0
INV             ][347_60_INV_0
INV             ][351_65_INV_0
INV             ][355_70_INV_0
INV             ][359_75_INV_0
INV             ][363_80_INV_0
INV             ][395_115_INV_0
INV             ][495_170_INV_0
INV             ][496_174_INV_0
INV             ][499_176_INV_0
INV             ][515_193_INV_0
INV             ][523_202_INV_0
INV             ][527_207_INV_0
INV             ][528_211_INV_0
INV             ][531_213_INV_0
INV             ][535_218_INV_0
INV             ][539_223_INV_0
INV             ][543_228_INV_0
INV             ][547_233_INV_0
INV             ][551_238_INV_0
INV             ][555_243_INV_0
INV             ][563_253_INV_0
INV             ][567_257_INV_0
INV             ][575_264_INV_0
INV             ][579_268_INV_0
INV             ][583_272_INV_0
INV             ][587_276_INV_0
INV             ][591_280_INV_0
INV             ][595_284_INV_0
INV             ][771_395_INV_0
INV             ][775_400_INV_0
INV             ][779_404_INV_0
INV             ][783_408_INV_0
INV             ][787_412_INV_0
INV             ][791_416_INV_0
INV             ][795_420_INV_0
INV             ][799_424_INV_0
INV             ][820_439_INV_0
INV             ][825_443_INV_0
INV             ][855_466_INV_0
INV             ][859_471_INV_0
INV             ][909_508_INV_0
INV             ][917_517_INV_0
INV             ][921_521_INV_0
INV             ][925_527_INV_0
INV             ][933_533_INV_0
INV             ][966_562_INV_0
INV             ][971_565_INV_0
INV             ][1008_588_INV_0
INV             ][1011_592_INV_0
INV             ][1014_596_INV_0
INV             ][1042_616_INV_0
INV             ][1051_628_INV_0
INV             ][1054_632_INV_0
INV             ][1057_636_INV_0

Section 6 - IOB Properties

| IOB Name                           | Type             | Direction | IO Standard          | Diff  | Drive    | Slew | Reg (s)      | Resistor | IOB      |
|                                    |                  |           |                      | Term  | Strength | Rate |              |          | Delay    |
| btn_i<0>                           | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| btn_i<1>                           | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| btn_i<2>                           | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| btn_i<3>                           | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| btn_i<4>                           | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| btn_i<5>                           | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| dbg_o<0>                           | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| dbg_o<1>                           | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| dbg_o<2>                           | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| dbg_o<3>                           | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| dbg_o<4>                           | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| dbg_o<5>                           | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| dbg_o<6>                           | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| dbg_o<7>                           | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| dbg_o<8>                           | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| dbg_o<9>                           | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| dbg_o<10>                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| dbg_o<11>                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| gclk_i                             | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| led_o<0>                           | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| led_o<1>                           | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| led_o<2>                           | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| led_o<3>                           | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| led_o<4>                           | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| led_o<5>                           | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| led_o<6>                           | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| led_o<7>                           | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| m_do_o<0>                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| m_do_o<1>                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| m_do_o<2>                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| m_do_o<3>                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| m_do_o<4>                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| m_do_o<5>                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| m_do_o<6>                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| m_do_o<7>                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| m_state_o<0>                       | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| m_state_o<1>                       | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| m_state_o<2>                       | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| m_state_o<3>                       | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| s_do_o<0>                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| s_do_o<1>                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| s_do_o<2>                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| s_do_o<3>                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| s_do_o<4>                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| s_do_o<5>                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| s_do_o<6>                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| s_do_o<7>                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| s_state_o<0>                       | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| s_state_o<1>                       | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| s_state_o<2>                       | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| s_state_o<3>                       | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| spi_miso_o                         | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| spi_mosi_o                         | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| spi_sck_o                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| spi_ssel_o                         | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| sw_i<0>                            | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| sw_i<1>                            | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| sw_i<2>                            | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| sw_i<3>                            | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| sw_i<4>                            | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| sw_i<5>                            | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| sw_i<6>                            | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| sw_i<7>                            | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |

Section 7 - RPMs

Section 8 - Guide Report
Guide not run on this design.

Section 9 - Area Group and Partition Summary

Partition Implementation Status

  No Partitions were found in this design.


Area Group Information

  No area groups were found in this design.


Section 10 - Timing Report
A logic-level (pre-route) timing report can be generated by using Xilinx static
timing analysis tools, Timing Analyzer (GUI) or TRCE (command line), with the
mapped NCD and PCF files. Please note that this timing report will be generated
using estimated delay information. For accurate numbers, please generate a
timing report with the post Place and Route NCD file.

For more information about the Timing Analyzer, consult the Xilinx Timing
Analyzer Reference Manual; for more information about TRCE, consult the Xilinx
Command Line Tools User Guide "TRACE" chapter.

Section 11 - Configuration String Details

Section 12 - Control Set Information
| Clock Signal                           | Reset Signal           | Set Signal | Enable Signal  | Slice Load Count | Bel Load Count |
| Inst_spi_master_port/spi_clk_reg_BUFG  |                        |            |                | 6                | 11             |
| Inst_spi_master_port/spi_clk_reg_BUFG  |                        |            | lut1117_506    | 3                | 8              |
| Inst_spi_master_port/spi_clk_reg_BUFG  | ][1209_0               |            |                | 2                | 2              |
| Inst_spi_master_port/spi_clk_reg_BUFG  | ][IN_virtPIBox_574_736 |            |                | 1                | 2              |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           |                        |            |                | 36               | 85             |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           |                        |            | GLOBAL_LOGIC1  | 1                | 4              |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           |                        |            | ][336_48       | 2                | 8              |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           |                        |            | ][496_174      | 2                | 8              |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           |                        |            | ][528_211      | 2                | 8              |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           |                        |            | ][817_437      | 3                | 4              |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           |                        |            | lut263_47      | 2                | 6              |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           |                        |            | lut350_113     | 1                | 2              |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           |                        |            | lut362_120     | 2                | 8              |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           |                        |            | lut403_137     | 2                | 8              |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           |                        |            | lut444_154     | 2                | 8              |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           |                        |            | lut649_291     | 2                | 8              |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           |                        |            | lut772_342     | 2                | 6              |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           |                        |            | lut863_379     | 2                | 8              |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           |                        |            | lut905_398     | 3                | 8              |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           |                        |            | spi_wren_reg_m | 2                | 8              |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           |                        |            | spi_wren_reg_s | 1                | 2              |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           | ][1209_0               |            |                | 2                | 6              |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           | clear                  |            |                | 2                | 4              |
| gclk_i_BUFGP                           | spi_rst_reg            |            | ][817_437      | 1                | 4              |
| ~Inst_spi_master_port/spi_clk_reg_BUFG |                        |            |                | 1                | 1              |
| ~Inst_spi_master_port/spi_clk_reg_BUFG | ][1209_0               |            |                | 1                | 1              |

Section 13 - Utilization by Hierarchy
| Module                | Partition | Slices*       | Slice Reg     | LUTs          | LUTRAM        | BRAM/FIFO | DSP48A1 | BUFG  | BUFIO | BUFR  | DCM   | PLL_ADV   | Full Hierarchical Name                     |
| spi_master_atlys_top/ |           | 68/139        | 71/224        | 135/145       | 0/4           | 0/0       | 0/0     | 1/2   | 0/0   | 0/0   | 0/0   | 0/0       | spi_master_atlys_top                       |
| +Inst_btn_debouncer   |           | 14/14         | 33/33         | 1/1           | 0/0           | 0/0       | 0/0     | 0/0   | 0/0   | 0/0   | 0/0   | 0/0       | spi_master_atlys_top/Inst_btn_debouncer    |
| +Inst_spi_master_port |           | 21/21         | 45/45         | 2/2           | 2/2           | 0/0       | 0/0     | 1/1   | 0/0   | 0/0   | 0/0   | 0/0       | spi_master_atlys_top/Inst_spi_master_port  |
| +Inst_spi_slave_port  |           | 23/23         | 36/36         | 6/6           | 2/2           | 0/0       | 0/0     | 0/0   | 0/0   | 0/0   | 0/0   | 0/0       | spi_master_atlys_top/Inst_spi_slave_port   |
| +Inst_sw_debouncer    |           | 13/13         | 39/39         | 1/1           | 0/0           | 0/0       | 0/0     | 0/0   | 0/0   | 0/0   | 0/0   | 0/0       | spi_master_atlys_top/Inst_sw_debouncer     |

* Slices can be packed with basic elements from multiple hierarchies.
  Therefore, a slice will be counted in every hierarchical module
  that each of its packed basic elements belong to.
** For each column, there are two numbers reported <A>/<B>.
   <A> is the number of elements that belong to that specific hierarchical module.
   <B> is the total number of elements from that hierarchical module and any lower level
   hierarchical modules below.
*** The LUTRAM column counts all LUTs used as memory including RAM, ROM, and shift registers.

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