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#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Generate Verilog Implementation of Instructions
The area optimized implementation uses a CPU like architecture.
+ Instructions are implemented in block RAM.
+ Registers are implemented in dual port RAM.
+ Only one instruction can be executed at a time.
+ The CPU uses a pipeline architecture, and will take 2 clocks to execute a taken branch.
+ A minimal instruction set is determined at compile time, and only those instructions are implemented.
__author__ = "Jon Dawson"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2013, Jonathan P Dawson"
__version__ = "0.1"
def unique(l):
  """In the absence of set in older python implementations, make list values unique"""
  return dict(zip(l, l)).keys()
def log2(instructions):
  """Integer only algorithm to calculate the number of bits needed to store a number"""
  bits = 1
  power = 2
  while power < instructions:
      bits += 1
      power *= 2
  return bits
def print_verilog_literal(size, value):
    """Print a verilog literal with expicilt size"""
    if(value >= 0):
        return "%s'd%s"%(size, value)
        return "-%s'd%s"%(size, abs(value))
def remove_register_hazards(instructions):
    """search through instructions, and remove register hazards"""
    wait_2_for = None
    wait_1_for = None
    new_instructions = []
    for instruction in instructions:
        wait = 0
        if "src" in instruction:
            if instruction["src"] == wait_1_for:
                wait = max(wait, 1)
            if instruction["src"] == wait_2_for:
                wait = max(wait, 2)
        if "srcb" in instruction:
            if instruction["srcb"] == wait_1_for:
                wait = max(wait, 1)
            if instruction["srcb"] == wait_2_for:
                wait = max(wait, 2)
        for i in range(wait):
        if instruction["op"] != "label":
            wait_1_for = wait_2_for
            if "dest" in instruction:
                wait_2_for = instruction["dest"]
                wait_2_for = None
    return new_instructions
def generate_instruction_set(instructions):
    """Calculate the required instruction set"""
    instruction_set = []
    instruction_memory = []
    for instruction in instructions:
        opcode = {}
        encoded_instruction = {}
        encoded_instruction["dest"] = 0
        encoded_instruction["src"] = 0
        encoded_instruction["srcb"] = 0
        encoded_instruction["literal"] = 0
        opcode["op"] = instruction["op"]
        opcode["right"] = False
        opcode["unsigned"] = False
        opcode["literal"] = False 
        if "signed" in instruction:
            opcode["unsigned"] = not instruction["signed"]
        if "element_size" in instruction:
            opcode["element_size"] = instruction["element_size"]
        if "file" in instruction:
            opcode["file_"] = instruction["file"]
        if "line" in instruction:
            opcode["line"] = instruction["line"]
        if "input" in instruction:
            opcode["input"] = instruction["input"]
        if "output" in instruction:
            opcode["output"] = instruction["output"]
        if "dest" in instruction:
            encoded_instruction["dest"] = instruction["dest"]
        if "src" in instruction:
            encoded_instruction["src"] = instruction["src"]
        if "srcb" in instruction:
            encoded_instruction["srcb"] = instruction["srcb"]
        if "left" in instruction:
            opcode["literal"] = True
            encoded_instruction["literal"] = instruction["left"]
        if "right" in instruction:
            opcode["literal"] = True
            opcode["right"] = True
            encoded_instruction["literal"] = instruction["right"]
        if "literal" in instruction:
            opcode["literal"] = True
            encoded_instruction["literal"] = instruction["literal"]
        if "label" in instruction:
            opcode["literal"] = True
            encoded_instruction["literal"] = instruction["label"]
        if opcode not in instruction_set:
        for op, test_opcode in enumerate(instruction_set):
            if test_opcode == opcode:
                encoded_instruction["op"] = op
                encoded_instruction["comment"] = repr(instruction)
    return instruction_set, instruction_memory
def calculate_jumps(instructions):
  """change symbolic labels into numeric addresses"""
  #calculate the values of jump locations
  location = 0
  labels = {}
  new_instructions = []
  for instruction in instructions:
    if instruction["op"] == "label":
      labels[instruction["label"]] = location
      location += 1
  instructions = new_instructions
  #substitue real values for labeled jump locations
  for instruction in instructions:
    if "label" in instruction:
  return instructions
def generate_declarations(instructions, no_tb_mode, register_bits, opcode_bits):
  """Generate verilog declarations"""
  #list all inputs and outputs used in the program
  inputs = unique([i["input"] for i in instructions if "input" in i])
  outputs = unique([i["output"] for i in instructions if "output" in i])
  input_files = unique([i["file_name"] for i in instructions if "file_read" == i["op"]])
  output_files = unique([i["file_name"] for i in instructions if "file_write" == i["op"]])
  testbench = not inputs and not outputs and not no_tb_mode
  #Do not generate a port in testbench mode
  inports = [
    ("input_" + i, 16) for i in inputs
  ] + [
    ("input_" + i + "_stb", 1) for i in inputs
  ] + [
    ("output_" + i + "_ack", 1) for i in outputs
  outports = [
    ("output_" + i, 16) for i in outputs
  ] + [
    ("output_" + i + "_stb", 1) for i in outputs
  ] + [
    ("input_" + i + "_ack", 1) for i in inputs
  #create list of signals
  signals = [
    ("timer", 16),
    ("timer_enable", 1),
    ("stage_0_enable", 1),
    ("stage_1_enable", 1),
    ("stage_2_enable", 1),
    ("program_counter", log2(len(instructions))),
    ("program_counter_0", log2(len(instructions))),
    ("instruction_0", 32 + register_bits*2 + opcode_bits),
    ("opcode_0", opcode_bits),
    ("dest_0", register_bits),
    ("src_0", register_bits),
    ("srcb_0", register_bits),
    ("literal_0", 32),
    ("program_counter_1", log2(len(instructions))),
    ("opcode_1", opcode_bits),
    ("dest_1", register_bits),
    ("register_1", 32),
    ("registerb_1", 32),
    ("literal_1", 32),
    ("dest_2", register_bits),
    ("result_2", 32),
    ("write_enable_2", 1),
    ("address_2", 16),
    ("data_out_2", 16),
    ("data_in_2", 16),
    ("memory_enable_2", 1),
    ("address_4", 16),
    ("data_out_4", 32),
    ("data_in_4", 32),
    ("memory_enable_4", 1),
  ] + [
    ("s_output_" + i + "_stb", 16) for i in outputs
  ] + [
    ("s_output_" + i, 16) for i in outputs
  ] + [
    ("s_input_" + i + "_ack", 16) for i in inputs
  if testbench:
    signals.append(("clk", 1))
    signals.append(("rst", 1))
    inports.append(("clk", 1))
    inports.append(("rst", 1))
  return inputs, outputs, input_files, output_files, testbench, inports, outports, signals
def generate_CHIP(input_file, 
  """A big ugly function to crunch through all the instructions and generate the CHIP equivilent"""
  instructions = remove_register_hazards(instructions)
  instructions = calculate_jumps(instructions)
  instruction_set, instruction_memory = generate_instruction_set(instructions)
  register_bits = log2(len(registers));
  opcode_bits = log2(len(instruction_set));
  instruction_bits = 32 + register_bits*2 + opcode_bits
  declarations = generate_declarations(instructions, no_tb_mode, register_bits, opcode_bits)
  inputs, outputs, input_files, output_files, testbench, inports, outports, signals = declarations
  #output the code in verilog
  output_file.write("//name : %s\n"%name)
  output_file.write("//tag : c components\n")
  for i in inputs:
      output_file.write("//input : input_%s:16\n"%i)
  for i in outputs:
      output_file.write("//output : output_%s:16\n"%i)
  output_file.write("//source_file : %s\n"%input_file)
  output_file.write("///%s\n"%"".join(["=" for i in name]))
  output_file.write("///*Created by C2CHIP*\n\n")
  output_file.write("// Register Allocation\n")
  output_file.write("// ===================\n")
  output_file.write("//   %s   %s   %s  \n"%("Register".center(20), "Name".center(20), "Size".center(20)))
  for register, definition in registers.iteritems():
      register_name, size = definition
      output_file.write("//   %s   %s   %s  \n"%(str(register).center(20),, str(size).center(20)))
  output_file.write("  \n`timescale 1ns/1ps\n")
  output_file.write("module %s"%name)
  all_ports = [name for name, size in inports + outports]
  if all_ports:
  output_file.write("  integer file_count;\n")
  input_files = dict(zip(input_files, ["input_file_%s"%i for i, j in enumerate(input_files)]))
  for i in input_files.values():
      output_file.write("  integer %s;\n"%i)
  output_files = dict(zip(output_files, ["output_file_%s"%i for i, j in enumerate(output_files)]))
  for i in output_files.values():
      output_file.write("  integer %s;\n"%i)
  def write_declaration(object_type, name, size, value=None):
      if size == 1:
          if value is not None:
              output_file.write("= %s'd%s"%(size,value))
          output_file.write(" ")
          if value is not None:
              output_file.write("= %s'd%s"%(size,value))
  for name, size in inports:
      write_declaration("  input     ", name, size)
  for name, size in outports:
      write_declaration("  output    ", name, size)
  for name, size in signals:
      write_declaration("  reg       ", name, size)
  memory_size_2 = int(memory_size_2)
  memory_size_4 = int(memory_size_4)
  if memory_size_2:
      output_file.write("  reg [15:0] memory_2 [%i:0];\n"%(memory_size_2-1))
  if memory_size_4:
      output_file.write("  reg [31:0] memory_4 [%i:0];\n"%(memory_size_4-1))
  output_file.write("  reg [%s:0] instructions [%i:0];\n"%(instruction_bits-1, len(instructions)-1))
  output_file.write("  reg [31:0] registers [%i:0];\n"%(len(registers)-1))
  #generate clock and reset in testbench mode
  if testbench:
      output_file.write("\n  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n")
      output_file.write("  // CLOCK AND RESET GENERATION                                                 \n")
      output_file.write("  //                                                                            \n")
      output_file.write("  // This file was generated in test bench mode. In this mode, the verilog      \n") 
      output_file.write("  // output file can be executed directly within a verilog simulator.           \n")
      output_file.write("  // In test bench mode, a simulated clock and reset signal are generated within\n")
      output_file.write("  // the output file.                                                           \n")
      output_file.write("  // Verilog files generated in testbecnch mode are not suitable for synthesis, \n")
      output_file.write("  // or for instantiation within a larger design.\n")
      output_file.write("  \n  initial\n")
      output_file.write("  begin\n")
      output_file.write("    rst <= 1'b1;\n")
      output_file.write("    #50 rst <= 1'b0;\n")
      output_file.write("  end\n\n")
      output_file.write("  \n  initial\n")
      output_file.write("  begin\n")
      output_file.write("    clk <= 1'b0;\n")
      output_file.write("    while (1) begin\n")
      output_file.write("      #5 clk <= ~clk;\n")
      output_file.write("    end\n")
      output_file.write("  end\n\n")
  #Generate a state machine to execute the instructions
  binary_operators = ["+", "-", "*", "/", "|", "&", "^", "<<", ">>", "<",">", ">=",
    "<=", "==", "!="]
  if initialize_memory and (memory_content_2 or memory_content_4):
      output_file.write("\n  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n")
      output_file.write("  // MEMORY INITIALIZATION                                                      \n")
      output_file.write("  //                                                                            \n")
      output_file.write("  // In order to reduce program size, array contents have been stored into      \n") 
      output_file.write("  // memory at initialization. In an FPGA, this will result in the memory being \n") 
      output_file.write("  // initialized when the FPGA configures.                                      \n") 
      output_file.write("  // Memory will not be re-initialized at reset.                                \n") 
      output_file.write("  // Dissable this behaviour using the no_initialize_memory switch              \n") 
      output_file.write("  \n  initial\n")
      output_file.write("  begin\n")
      for location, content in memory_content_2.iteritems():
          output_file.write("    memory_2[%s] = %s;\n"%(location, content))
      for location, content in memory_content_4.iteritems():
          output_file.write("    memory_4[%s] = %s;\n"%(location, content))
      output_file.write("  end\n\n")
  output_file.write("\n  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n")
  output_file.write("  // INSTRUCTION INITIALIZATION                                                 \n")
  output_file.write("  //                                                                            \n")
  output_file.write("  // Initialise the contents of the instruction memory                          \n") 
  output_file.write("  //\n") 
  output_file.write("  // Intruction Set\n") 
  output_file.write("  // ==============\n") 
  for num, opcode in enumerate(instruction_set):
      output_file.write("  // %s %s\n"%(num, opcode))
  output_file.write("  // Intructions\n") 
  output_file.write("  // ===========\n") 
  output_file.write("  \n  initial\n")
  output_file.write("  begin\n")
  for location, instruction in enumerate(instruction_memory):
      output_file.write("    instructions[%s] = {%s, %s, %s, %s};//%s\n"%(
          print_verilog_literal(opcode_bits, instruction["op"]),
          print_verilog_literal(register_bits, instruction["dest"]),
          print_verilog_literal(register_bits, instruction["src"]),
          print_verilog_literal(32, instruction["srcb"] | instruction["literal"]),
  output_file.write("  end\n\n")
  if input_files or output_files:
      output_file.write("\n  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n")
      output_file.write("  // OPEN FILES                                                                 \n")
      output_file.write("  //                                                                            \n")
      output_file.write("  // Open all files used at the start of the process                            \n") 
      output_file.write("  \n  initial\n")
      output_file.write("  begin\n")
      for file_name, file_ in input_files.iteritems():
          output_file.write("    %s = $fopenr(\"%s\");\n"%(file_, file_name))
      for file_name, file_ in output_files.iteritems():
          output_file.write("    %s = $fopen(\"%s\");\n"%(file_, file_name))
      output_file.write("  end\n\n")
  output_file.write("\n  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n")
  output_file.write("  // CPU IMPLEMENTAION OF C PROCESS                                             \n")
  output_file.write("  //                                                                            \n")
  output_file.write("  // This section of the file contains a CPU implementing the C process.        \n") 
  output_file.write("  \n  always @(posedge clk)\n")
  output_file.write("  begin\n\n")
  if memory_size_2:
      output_file.write("    //implement memory for 2 byte x n arrays\n")
      output_file.write("    if (memory_enable_2 == 1'b1) begin\n")
      output_file.write("      memory_2[address_2] <= data_in_2;\n")
      output_file.write("    end\n")
      output_file.write("    data_out_2 <= memory_2[address_2];\n")
      output_file.write("    memory_enable_2 <= 1'b0;\n\n")
  if memory_size_4:
      output_file.write("    //implement memory for 4 byte x n arrays\n")
      output_file.write("    if (memory_enable_4 == 1'b1) begin\n")
      output_file.write("      memory_4[address_4] <= data_in_4;\n")
      output_file.write("    end\n")
      output_file.write("    data_out_4 <= memory_4[address_4];\n")
      output_file.write("    memory_enable_4 <= 1'b0;\n\n")
  output_file.write("    write_enable_2 <= 0;\n")
  output_file.write("    //stage 0 instruction fetch\n")
  output_file.write("    if (stage_0_enable) begin\n")
  output_file.write("      stage_1_enable <= 1;\n")
  output_file.write("      instruction_0 <= instructions[program_counter];\n")
  output_file.write("      opcode_0 = instruction_0[%s:%s];\n"%(
      register_bits * 2 + opcode_bits + 31,
      register_bits * 2 + 32))
  output_file.write("      dest_0 = instruction_0[%s:%s];\n"%(
      register_bits * 2 + 31,
      register_bits + 32))
  output_file.write("      src_0 = instruction_0[%s:32];\n"%(
      register_bits + 31))
  output_file.write("      srcb_0 = instruction_0[%s:0];\n"%(register_bits-1))
  output_file.write("      literal_0 = instruction_0[31:0];\n")
  output_file.write("      if(write_enable_2) begin\n")
  output_file.write("        registers[dest_2] <= result_2;\n")
  output_file.write("      end\n")
  output_file.write("      program_counter_0 <= program_counter;\n")
  output_file.write("      program_counter <= program_counter + 1;\n")
  output_file.write("    end\n\n")
  output_file.write("    //stage 1 opcode fetch\n")
  output_file.write("    if (stage_1_enable) begin\n")
  output_file.write("      stage_2_enable <= 1;\n")
  output_file.write("      register_1 <= registers[src_0];\n")
  output_file.write("      registerb_1 <= registers[srcb_0];\n")
  output_file.write("      dest_1 <= dest_0;\n")
  output_file.write("      literal_1 <= literal_0;\n")
  output_file.write("      opcode_1 <= opcode_0;\n")
  output_file.write("      program_counter_1 <= program_counter_0;\n")
  output_file.write("    end\n\n")
  output_file.write("    //stage 2 opcode fetch\n")
  output_file.write("    if (stage_2_enable) begin\n")
  output_file.write("      dest_2 <= dest_1;\n")
  output_file.write("      case(opcode_1)\n\n")
  #A frame is executed in each state
  for opcode, instruction in enumerate(instruction_set):
      if instruction["op"] == "literal":
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        output_file.write("          result_2 <= literal_1;\n")
        output_file.write("          write_enable_2 <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "move":
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        output_file.write("          result_2 <= register_1;\n")
        output_file.write("          write_enable_2 <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "~":
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        output_file.write("          result_2 <= ~register_1;\n")
        output_file.write("          write_enable_2 <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] in binary_operators:
            if instruction["literal"]:
                if instruction["unsigned"]:
                    output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
                    output_file.write("        begin\n")
                    if instruction["right"]:
                        output_file.write("          result_2 <= $unsigned(register_1) %s $unsigned(literal_1);\n"%(instruction["op"]))
                        output_file.write("          result_2 <= $unsigned(literal_1) %s $unsigned(register_1);\n"%(instruction["op"]))
                    output_file.write("          write_enable_2 <= 1;\n")
                    output_file.write("        end\n\n")
                    if instruction["op"] == ">>":
                        instruction["op"] = ">>>"
                    output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
                    output_file.write("        begin\n")
                    if instruction["right"]:
                        output_file.write("          result_2 <= $signed(register_1) %s $signed(literal_1);\n"%(instruction["op"]))
                        output_file.write("          result_2 <= $signed(literal_1) %s $signed(register_1);\n"%(instruction["op"]))
                    output_file.write("          write_enable_2 <= 1;\n")
                    output_file.write("        end\n\n")
                if instruction["unsigned"]:
                    output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
                    output_file.write("        begin\n")
                    output_file.write("          result_2 <= $unsigned(register_1) %s $unsigned(registerb_1);\n"%(instruction["op"]))
                    output_file.write("          write_enable_2 <= 1;\n")
                    output_file.write("        end\n\n")
                    if instruction["op"] == ">>":
                        instruction["op"] = ">>>"
                    output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
                    output_file.write("        begin\n")
                    output_file.write("          result_2 <= $signed(register_1) %s $signed(registerb_1);\n"%(instruction["op"]))
                    output_file.write("          write_enable_2 <= 1;\n")
                    output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "jmp_if_false":
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        output_file.write("          if (register_1 == 0) begin\n");
        output_file.write("            program_counter <= literal_1;\n")
        output_file.write("            stage_0_enable <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("            stage_1_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("            stage_2_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("          end\n")
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "jmp_if_true":
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        output_file.write("          if (register_1 != 0) begin\n");
        output_file.write("            program_counter <= literal_1;\n")
        output_file.write("            stage_0_enable <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("            stage_1_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("            stage_2_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("          end\n")
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "jmp_and_link":
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        output_file.write("          program_counter <= literal_1;\n")
        output_file.write("          result_2 <= program_counter_1 + 1;\n")
        output_file.write("          write_enable_2 <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_0_enable <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_1_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_2_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "jmp_to_reg":
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        output_file.write("          program_counter <= register_1;\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_0_enable <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_1_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_2_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "goto":
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        output_file.write("          program_counter <= literal_1;\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_0_enable <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_1_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_2_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "file_read":
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        output_file.write("          file_count = $fscanf(%s, \"%%d\\n\", result_2);\n"%(
        output_file.write("          write_enable_2 <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "file_write":
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        output_file.write("          $fdisplay(%s, \"%%d\", register_1);\n"%(
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "read":
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_0_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_1_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_2_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("          s_input_%s_ack <= 1'b1;\n"%instruction["input"])
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "ready":
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        output_file.write("          result_2 <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("          result_2[0] <= input_%s_stb;\n"%(
        output_file.write("          write_enable_2 <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "write":
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_0_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_1_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_2_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("          s_output_%s_stb <= 1'b1;\n"%instruction["output"])
        output_file.write("          s_output_%s <= register_1;\n"%instruction["output"])
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "memory_read_request":
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        output_file.write("          address_%s <= register_1;\n"%(
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "memory_read_wait":
      elif instruction["op"] == "memory_read":
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        output_file.write("          result_2 <= data_out_%s;\n"%(
        output_file.write("          write_enable_2 <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "memory_write":
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        output_file.write("          address_%s <= register_1;\n"%(
        output_file.write("          data_in_%s <= registerb_1;\n"%(
        output_file.write("          memory_enable_%s <= 1'b1;\n"%(
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "assert":
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        output_file.write("          if (register_1 == 0) begin\n")
        output_file.write("            $display(\"Assertion failed at line: %s in file: %s\");\n"%(
        output_file.write("            $finish_and_return(1);\n")
        output_file.write("          end\n")
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "wait_clocks":
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        output_file.write("          timer <= register_1;\n")
        output_file.write("          timer_enable <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_0_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_1_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_2_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "report":
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        if instruction["unsigned"]:
            output_file.write('          $display ("%%d (report at line: %s in file: %s)", $unsigned(register_1));\n'%(
            output_file.write('          $display ("%%d (report at line: %s in file: %s)", $signed(register_1));\n'%(
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "stop":
        #If we are in testbench mode stop the simulation
        #If we are part of a larger design, other C programs may still be running
        output_file.write("        16'd%s:\n"%(opcode))
        output_file.write("        begin\n")
        for file_ in input_files.values():
            output_file.write("          $fclose(%s);\n"%file_)
        for file_ in output_files.values():
            output_file.write("          $fclose(%s);\n"%file_)
        if testbench:
            output_file.write('          $finish;\n')
        output_file.write("          stage_0_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_1_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("          stage_2_enable <= 0;\n")
        output_file.write("        end\n\n")
  output_file.write("       endcase\n")
  output_file.write("    end\n")
  for instruction in instruction_set:
      if instruction["op"] == "read":
        output_file.write("    if (s_input_%s_ack == 1'b1 && input_%s_stb == 1'b1) begin\n"%(
        output_file.write("       result_2 <= input_%s;\n"%(instruction["input"]))
        output_file.write("       write_enable_2 <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("       s_input_%s_ack <= 1'b0;\n"%instruction["input"])
        output_file.write("       stage_0_enable <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("       stage_1_enable <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("       stage_2_enable <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("     end\n\n")
      elif instruction["op"] == "write":
        output_file.write("     if (s_output_%s_stb == 1'b1 && output_%s_ack == 1'b1) begin\n"%(
        output_file.write("       s_output_%s_stb <= 1'b0;\n"%instruction["output"])
        output_file.write("       stage_0_enable <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("       stage_1_enable <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("       stage_2_enable <= 1;\n")
        output_file.write("     end\n\n")
  output_file.write("    if (timer == 0) begin\n")
  output_file.write("      if (timer_enable) begin\n")
  output_file.write("         stage_0_enable <= 1;\n")
  output_file.write("         stage_1_enable <= 1;\n")
  output_file.write("         stage_2_enable <= 1;\n")
  output_file.write("         timer_enable <= 0;\n")
  output_file.write("      end\n")
  output_file.write("    end else begin\n")
  output_file.write("      timer <= timer - 1;\n")
  output_file.write("    end\n\n")
  #Reset program counter and control signals
  output_file.write("    if (rst == 1'b1) begin\n")
  output_file.write("      stage_0_enable <= 1;\n")
  output_file.write("      stage_1_enable <= 0;\n")
  output_file.write("      stage_2_enable <= 0;\n")
  output_file.write("      timer <= 0;\n")
  output_file.write("      timer_enable <= 0;\n")
  output_file.write("      program_counter <= 0;\n")
  for i in inputs:
      output_file.write("      s_input_%s_ack <= 0;\n"%(i))
  for i in outputs:
      output_file.write("      s_output_%s_stb <= 0;\n"%(i))
  output_file.write("    end\n")
  output_file.write("  end\n")
  for i in inputs:
    output_file.write("  assign input_%s_ack = s_input_%s_ack;\n"%(i, i))
  for i in outputs:
    output_file.write("  assign output_%s_stb = s_output_%s_stb;\n"%(i, i))
    output_file.write("  assign output_%s = s_output_%s;\n"%(i, i))
  return inputs, outputs

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