Subversion Repositories udp_ip_stack
[/] [udp_ip_stack/] [trunk/] [bench/] [vhdl/] [UDP_complete_nomac_tb.vhd] - Rev 6
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company: -- Engineer: -- -- Create Date: 09:57:01 06/13/2011 -- Design Name: -- Module Name: C:/Users/pjf/Documents/projects/fpga/xilinx/Network/udp1/UDP_complete_nomac_tb.vhd -- Project Name: udp1 -- Target Device: -- Tool versions: -- Description: -- -- VHDL Test Bench Created by ISE for module: UDP_Complete_nomac -- -- Dependencies: -- -- Revision: -- Revision 0.01 - File Created -- Revision 0.02 - Added test for IP broadcast tx -- Additional Comments: -- -- Notes: -- This testbench has been automatically generated using types std_logic and -- std_logic_vector for the ports of the unit under test. Xilinx recommends -- that these types always be used for the top-level I/O of a design in order -- to guarantee that the testbench will bind correctly to the post-implementation -- simulation model. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; use work.axi.all; use work.ipv4_types.all; use work.arp_types.all; ENTITY UDP_complete_nomac_tb IS END UDP_complete_nomac_tb; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF UDP_complete_nomac_tb IS -- Component Declaration for the Unit Under Test (UUT) COMPONENT UDP_Complete_nomac PORT( -- UDP TX signals udp_tx_start : in std_logic; -- indicates req to tx UDP udp_txi : in udp_tx_type; -- UDP tx cxns udp_tx_result : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);-- tx status (changes during transmission) udp_tx_data_out_ready: out std_logic; -- indicates udp_tx is ready to take data -- UDP RX signals udp_rx_start : out std_logic; -- indicates receipt of udp header udp_rxo : out udp_rx_type; -- IP RX signals ip_rx_hdr : out ipv4_rx_header_type; -- system signals rx_clk : in STD_LOGIC; tx_clk : in STD_LOGIC; reset : in STD_LOGIC; our_ip_address : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0); our_mac_address : in std_logic_vector (47 downto 0); -- status signals arp_pkt_count : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0); -- count of arp pkts received ip_pkt_count : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0); -- number of IP pkts received for us -- MAC Transmitter mac_tx_tdata : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- data byte to tx mac_tx_tvalid : out std_logic; -- tdata is valid mac_tx_tready : in std_logic; -- mac is ready to accept data mac_tx_tfirst : out std_logic; -- indicates first byte of frame mac_tx_tlast : out std_logic; -- indicates last byte of frame -- MAC Receiver mac_rx_tdata : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- data byte received mac_rx_tvalid : in std_logic; -- indicates tdata is valid mac_rx_tready : out std_logic; -- tells mac that we are ready to take data mac_rx_tlast : in std_logic -- indicates last byte of the trame ); END COMPONENT; type state_type is (IDLE, DATA_OUT); type count_mode_type is (RST, INCR, HOLD); type set_clr_type is (SET, CLR, HOLD); --Inputs signal udp_tx_start_int : std_logic := '0'; signal udp_tx_int : udp_tx_type; signal clk_int : std_logic := '0'; signal reset : std_logic := '0'; signal our_ip_address : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal our_mac_address : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal mac_tx_tready : std_logic := '0'; signal mac_rx_tdata : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal mac_rx_tvalid : std_logic := '0'; signal mac_rx_tlast : std_logic := '0'; --Outputs signal udp_rx_start_int : std_logic; signal udp_rx_int : udp_rx_type; signal ip_rx_hdr : ipv4_rx_header_type; signal udp_tx_result : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); signal udp_tx_data_out_ready_int: std_logic; signal arp_pkt_count : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal ip_pkt_count : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal mac_tx_tdata : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal mac_tx_tvalid : std_logic; signal mac_tx_tfirst : std_logic; signal mac_tx_tlast : std_logic; signal mac_rx_tready : std_logic; signal pbtx_led : std_logic; signal pbtx : std_logic := '0'; -- state signals signal state : state_type; signal count : unsigned (7 downto 0); signal tx_hdr : udp_tx_header_type; signal tx_start_reg : std_logic; signal tx_started_reg : std_logic; signal tx_fin_reg : std_logic; -- control signals signal next_state : state_type; signal set_state : std_logic; signal set_count : count_mode_type; signal set_hdr : std_logic; signal set_tx_start : set_clr_type; signal set_last : std_logic; signal set_tx_started : set_clr_type; signal set_tx_fin : set_clr_type; -- Clock period definitions constant clk_period : time := 8 ns; BEGIN -- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) uut: UDP_Complete_nomac PORT MAP ( udp_tx_start => udp_tx_start_int, udp_txi => udp_tx_int, udp_tx_result => udp_tx_result, udp_tx_data_out_ready => udp_tx_data_out_ready_int, udp_rx_start => udp_rx_start_int, udp_rxo => udp_rx_int, ip_rx_hdr => ip_rx_hdr, rx_clk => clk_int, tx_clk => clk_int, reset => reset, our_ip_address => our_ip_address, our_mac_address => our_mac_address, arp_pkt_count => arp_pkt_count, ip_pkt_count => ip_pkt_count, mac_tx_tdata => mac_tx_tdata, mac_tx_tvalid => mac_tx_tvalid, mac_tx_tready => mac_tx_tready, mac_tx_tfirst => mac_tx_tfirst, mac_tx_tlast => mac_tx_tlast, mac_rx_tdata => mac_rx_tdata, mac_rx_tvalid => mac_rx_tvalid, mac_rx_tready => mac_rx_tready, mac_rx_tlast => mac_rx_tlast ); -- Clock process definitions clk_process :process begin clk_int <= '0'; wait for clk_period/2; clk_int <= '1'; wait for clk_period/2; end process; -- Stimulus process stim_proc: process begin -- hold reset state for 100 ns. wait for 100 ns; our_ip_address <= x"c0a80509"; -- our_mac_address <= x"002320212223"; mac_tx_tready <= '0'; reset <= '1'; wait for clk_period*10; reset <= '0'; wait for clk_period*5; -- check reset conditions assert udp_tx_result = UDPTX_RESULT_NONE report "udp_tx_result not initialised correctly on reset"; assert udp_tx_data_out_ready_int = '0' report "ip_udp_txitx.data.data_out_ready not initialised correctly on reset"; assert mac_tx_tvalid = '0' report "mac_tx_tvalid not initialised correctly on reset"; assert mac_tx_tlast = '0' report "mac_tx_tlast not initialised correctly on reset"; assert arp_pkt_count = x"00" report "arp_pkt_count not initialised correctly on reset"; assert ip_pkt_count = x"00" report "ip_pkt_count not initialised correctly on reset"; assert udp_rx_start_int = '0' report "udp_rx_start not initialised correctly on reset"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.is_valid = '0' report "udp_rx_int.hdr.is_valid not initialised correctly on reset"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.data_length = x"0000" report "udp_rx_int.hdr.data_length not initialised correctly on reset"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.src_ip_addr = x"00000000" report "udp_rx_int.hdr.src_ip_addr not initialised correctly on reset"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.src_port = x"0000" report "udp_rx_int.hdr.src_port not initialised correctly on reset"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.dst_port = x"0000" report "udp_rx_int.hdr.dst_port not initialised correctly on reset"; assert udp_rx_int.data.data_in = x"00" report "udp_rx_start.data.data_in not initialised correctly on reset"; assert udp_rx_int.data.data_in_valid = '0' report "udp_rx_start.data.data_in_valid not initialised correctly on reset"; assert udp_rx_int.data.data_in_last = '0' report "udp_rx_start.data.data_in_last not initialised correctly on reset"; assert ip_rx_hdr.is_valid = '0' report "ip_rx_hdr.is_valid not initialised correctly on reset"; assert ip_rx_hdr.protocol = x"00" report "ip_rx_hdr.protocol not initialised correctly on reset"; assert ip_rx_hdr.data_length = x"0000" report "ip_rx_hdr.data_length not initialised correctly on reset"; assert ip_rx_hdr.src_ip_addr = x"00000000" report "ip_rx_hdr.src_ip_addr not initialised correctly on reset"; assert ip_rx_hdr.num_frame_errors = x"00" report "ip_rx_hdr.num_frame_errors not initialised correctly on reset"; -- insert stimulus here ------------ -- TEST 1 -- send ARP request ------------ report "T1: Send an ARP request: who has Tell"; mac_tx_tready <= '1'; mac_rx_tvalid <= '1'; -- dst MAC (bc) mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; -- src MAC mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"23"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"18"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"29"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"26"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"7c"; wait for clk_period; -- type mac_rx_tdata <= x"08"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"06"; wait for clk_period; -- HW type mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"01"; wait for clk_period; -- Protocol type mac_rx_tdata <= x"08"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- HW size mac_rx_tdata <= x"06"; wait for clk_period; -- protocol size mac_rx_tdata <= x"04"; wait for clk_period; -- Opcode mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"01"; wait for clk_period; -- Sender MAC mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"23"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"18"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"29"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"26"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"7c"; wait for clk_period; -- Sender IP mac_rx_tdata <= x"c0"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"a8"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"05"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"01"; wait for clk_period; -- Target MAC mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- Target IP mac_rx_tdata <= x"c0"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"a8"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"05"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"09"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tlast <= '1'; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tlast <= '0'; mac_rx_tvalid <= '0'; -- check we got the ARP pkt assert arp_pkt_count = x"01" report "T1: arp_pkt_count wrong value"; assert ip_pkt_count = x"00" report "T1: ip_pkt_count wrong value"; assert udp_tx_result = UDPTX_RESULT_NONE report "T1: udp_tx_result wrong value"; assert udp_tx_data_out_ready_int = '0' report "T1: ip_udp_txitx.data.data_out_ready wrong value"; assert udp_rx_start_int = '0' report "T1: udp_rx_start wrong value"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.is_valid = '0' report "T1: udp_rx_int.hdr.is_valid wrong value"; assert ip_rx_hdr.is_valid = '0' report "T1: ip_rx_hdr.is_valid wrong value"; -- check we tx a response wait for clk_period*25; assert mac_tx_tvalid = '1' report "T1: not transmitting a response"; wait for clk_period*25; assert mac_tx_tvalid = '0' report "T1: tx held on for too long"; ------------ -- TEST 2 -- send UDP pkt (same as sample from Java program ------------ report "T2: Send UDP IP pkt dst ip_address c0a80509, from port f49a to port 2694"; mac_rx_tvalid <= '1'; -- dst MAC (bc) mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"23"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"20"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"21"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"22"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"23"; wait for clk_period; -- src MAC mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"23"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"18"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"29"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"26"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"7c"; wait for clk_period; -- type mac_rx_tdata <= x"08"; wait for clk_period; -- IP pkt mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- ver & HL / service type mac_rx_tdata <= x"45"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- total len mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"21"; wait for clk_period; -- ID mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"7a"; wait for clk_period; -- flags & frag mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- TTL mac_rx_tdata <= x"80"; wait for clk_period; -- Protocol mac_rx_tdata <= x"11"; wait for clk_period; -- Header CKS mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- SRC IP mac_rx_tdata <= x"c0"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"a8"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"05"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"01"; wait for clk_period; -- DST IP mac_rx_tdata <= x"c0"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"a8"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"05"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"09"; wait for clk_period; -- SRC port mac_rx_tdata <= x"f4"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"9a"; wait for clk_period; -- DST port mac_rx_tdata <= x"26"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"94"; wait for clk_period; -- length mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"0d"; wait for clk_period; -- cks mac_rx_tdata <= x"8b"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"79"; wait for clk_period; -- user data mac_rx_tdata <= x"68"; wait for clk_period; -- since we are up to the user data stage, the header should be valid and the data_in_valid should be set assert udp_rx_int.hdr.is_valid = '1' report "T2: udp_rx_int.hdr.is_valid not set"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.data_length = x"0005" report "T2: udp_rx_int.hdr.data_length not set correctly"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.src_ip_addr = x"c0a80501" report "T2: udp_rx_int.hdr.src_ip_addr not set correctly"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.src_port = x"f49a" report "T2: udp_rx_int.hdr.src_port not set correctly"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.dst_port = x"2694" report "T2: udp_rx_int.hdr.dst_port not set correctly"; assert udp_rx_start_int = '1' report "T2: udp_rx_start not set"; assert udp_rx_int.data.data_in_valid = '1' report "T2: udp_rx_int.data.data_in_valid not set"; assert ip_rx_hdr.is_valid = '1' report "T2: ip_rx_hdr.is_valid not set"; assert ip_rx_hdr.protocol = x"11" report "T2: ip_rx_hdr.protocol not set correctly"; assert ip_rx_hdr.src_ip_addr = x"c0a80501" report "T2: ip_rx.hdr.src_ip_addr not set correctly"; assert ip_rx_hdr.num_frame_errors = x"00" report "T2: ip_rx.hdr.num_frame_errors not set correctly"; assert ip_rx_hdr.last_error_code = x"0" report "T2: ip_rx.hdr.last_error_code not set correctly"; -- put the rest of the user data mac_rx_tdata <= x"65"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"6c"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"6c"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"6f"; mac_rx_tlast <= '1'; wait for clk_period; assert udp_rx_int.data.data_in_last = '1' report "T2: udp_rx_int.data.data_in_last not set"; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; mac_rx_tlast <= '0'; mac_rx_tvalid <= '0'; wait for clk_period; assert udp_rx_int.data.data_in_valid = '0' report "T2: udp_rx_int.data.data_in_valid not cleared"; assert udp_rx_int.data.data_in_last = '0' report "T2: udp_rx_int.data.data_in_last not cleared"; assert udp_rx_start_int = '0' report "T2: udp_rx_start not cleared"; assert ip_rx_hdr.num_frame_errors = x"00" report "T2: ip_rx_hdr.num_frame_errors non zero at end of test"; assert ip_rx_hdr.last_error_code = x"0" report "T2: ip_rx_hdr.last_error_code indicates error at end of test"; assert ip_pkt_count = x"01" report "T2: ip pkt cnt incorrect"; wait for clk_period*20; ------------ -- TEST 3 -- send UDP pkt again (same as sample from Java program ------------ report "T3: Send UDP IP pkt dst ip_address c0a80509, from port f49a to port 2694"; mac_rx_tvalid <= '1'; -- dst MAC (bc) mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"23"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"20"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"21"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"22"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"23"; wait for clk_period; -- src MAC mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"23"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"18"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"29"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"26"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"7c"; wait for clk_period; -- type mac_rx_tdata <= x"08"; wait for clk_period; -- IP pkt mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- ver & HL / service type mac_rx_tdata <= x"45"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- total len mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"21"; wait for clk_period; -- ID mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"7a"; wait for clk_period; -- flags & frag mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- TTL mac_rx_tdata <= x"80"; wait for clk_period; -- Protocol mac_rx_tdata <= x"11"; wait for clk_period; -- Header CKS mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- SRC IP mac_rx_tdata <= x"c0"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"a8"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"05"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"01"; wait for clk_period; -- DST IP mac_rx_tdata <= x"c0"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"a8"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"05"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"09"; wait for clk_period; -- SRC port mac_rx_tdata <= x"f4"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"9a"; wait for clk_period; -- DST port mac_rx_tdata <= x"26"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"94"; wait for clk_period; -- length mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"0d"; wait for clk_period; -- cks mac_rx_tdata <= x"8b"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"79"; wait for clk_period; -- user data mac_rx_tdata <= x"68"; wait for clk_period; -- since we are up to the user data stage, the header should be valid and the data_in_valid should be set assert udp_rx_int.hdr.is_valid = '1' report "T3: udp_rx_int.hdr.is_valid not set"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.data_length = x"0005" report "T3: udp_rx_int.hdr.data_length not set correctly"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.src_ip_addr = x"c0a80501" report "T3: udp_rx_int.hdr.src_ip_addr not set correctly"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.src_port = x"f49a" report "T3: udp_rx_int.hdr.src_port not set correctly"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.dst_port = x"2694" report "T3: udp_rx_int.hdr.dst_port not set correctly"; assert udp_rx_start_int = '1' report "T3: udp_rx_start not set"; assert udp_rx_int.data.data_in_valid = '1' report "T3: udp_rx_int.data.data_in_valid not set"; assert ip_rx_hdr.is_valid = '1' report "T3: ip_rx_hdr.is_valid not set"; assert ip_rx_hdr.protocol = x"11" report "T3: ip_rx_hdr.protocol not set correctly"; assert ip_rx_hdr.src_ip_addr = x"c0a80501" report "T3: ip_rx.hdr.src_ip_addr not set correctly"; assert ip_rx_hdr.num_frame_errors = x"00" report "T3: ip_rx.hdr.num_frame_errors not set correctly"; assert ip_rx_hdr.last_error_code = x"0" report "T3: ip_rx.hdr.last_error_code not set correctly"; -- put the rest of the user data mac_rx_tdata <= x"65"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"6c"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"6c"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"6f"; mac_rx_tlast <= '1'; wait for clk_period; assert udp_rx_int.data.data_in_last = '1' report "T3: udp_rx_int.data.data_in_last not set"; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; mac_rx_tlast <= '0'; mac_rx_tvalid <= '0'; wait for clk_period; assert udp_rx_int.data.data_in_valid = '0' report "T3: udp_rx_int.data.data_in_valid not cleared"; assert udp_rx_int.data.data_in_last = '0' report "T3: udp_rx_int.data.data_in_last not cleared"; assert udp_rx_start_int = '0' report "T3: udp_rx_start not cleared"; assert ip_rx_hdr.num_frame_errors = x"00" report "T3: ip_rx_hdr.num_frame_errors non zero at end of test"; assert ip_rx_hdr.last_error_code = x"0" report "T3: ip_rx_hdr.last_error_code indicates error at end of test"; assert ip_pkt_count = x"02" report "T3: ip pkt cnt incorrect"; ------------ -- TEST 4 -- send UDP pkt with src=bc addr to force a broadcast tx in reply ------------ report "T4: Send UDP IP pkt dst ip_address c0a80509, from port f49a to port 2694"; mac_rx_tvalid <= '1'; -- dst MAC (bc) mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"23"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"20"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"21"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"22"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"23"; wait for clk_period; -- src MAC mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"23"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"18"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"29"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"26"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"7c"; wait for clk_period; -- type mac_rx_tdata <= x"08"; wait for clk_period; -- IP pkt mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- ver & HL / service type mac_rx_tdata <= x"45"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- total len mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"21"; wait for clk_period; -- ID mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"7a"; wait for clk_period; -- flags & frag mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- TTL mac_rx_tdata <= x"80"; wait for clk_period; -- Protocol mac_rx_tdata <= x"11"; wait for clk_period; -- Header CKS mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- SRC IP mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; -- DST IP mac_rx_tdata <= x"c0"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"a8"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"05"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"09"; wait for clk_period; -- SRC port mac_rx_tdata <= x"f4"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"9a"; wait for clk_period; -- DST port mac_rx_tdata <= x"26"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"94"; wait for clk_period; -- length mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"0d"; wait for clk_period; -- cks mac_rx_tdata <= x"8b"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"79"; wait for clk_period; -- user data mac_rx_tdata <= x"68"; wait for clk_period; -- since we are up to the user data stage, the header should be valid and the data_in_valid should be set assert udp_rx_int.hdr.is_valid = '1' report "T4: udp_rx_int.hdr.is_valid not set"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.data_length = x"0005" report "T4: udp_rx_int.hdr.data_length not set correctly"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.src_ip_addr = x"ffffffff" report "T4: udp_rx_int.hdr.src_ip_addr not set correctly"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.src_port = x"f49a" report "T4: udp_rx_int.hdr.src_port not set correctly"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.dst_port = x"2694" report "T4: udp_rx_int.hdr.dst_port not set correctly"; assert udp_rx_start_int = '1' report "T4: udp_rx_start not set"; assert udp_rx_int.data.data_in_valid = '1' report "T4: udp_rx_int.data.data_in_valid not set"; assert ip_rx_hdr.is_valid = '1' report "T4: ip_rx_hdr.is_valid not set"; assert ip_rx_hdr.protocol = x"11" report "T4: ip_rx_hdr.protocol not set correctly"; assert ip_rx_hdr.src_ip_addr = x"ffffffff" report "T4: ip_rx.hdr.src_ip_addr not set correctly"; assert ip_rx_hdr.num_frame_errors = x"00" report "T4: ip_rx.hdr.num_frame_errors not set correctly"; assert ip_rx_hdr.last_error_code = x"0" report "T4: ip_rx.hdr.last_error_code not set correctly"; -- put the rest of the user data mac_rx_tdata <= x"65"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"6c"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"6c"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"6f"; mac_rx_tlast <= '1'; wait for clk_period; assert udp_rx_int.data.data_in_last = '1' report "T4: udp_rx_int.data.data_in_last not set"; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; mac_rx_tlast <= '0'; mac_rx_tvalid <= '0'; wait for clk_period; report "T4: waiting for mac data tx"; wait until mac_tx_tvalid = '1'; report "T4: starting mac data tx"; wait for clk_period; -- check the mac data being transmitted assert mac_tx_tdata = x"ff" report "T4: incorrect dst mac 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"ff" report "T4: incorrect dst mac 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"ff" report "T4: incorrect dst mac 2"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"ff" report "T4: incorrect dst mac 3"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"ff" report "T4: incorrect dst mac 4"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"ff" report "T4: incorrect dst mac 5"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T4: incorrect src mac 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"23" report "T4: incorrect src mac 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"20" report "T4: incorrect src mac 2"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"21" report "T4: incorrect src mac 3"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"22" report "T4: incorrect src mac 4"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"23" report "T4: incorrect src mac 5"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"08" report "T4: incorrect pkt_type 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T4: incorrect pkt type 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"45" report "T4: incorrect ver.hlen"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T4: incorrect srv type"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T4: incorrect len 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"20" report "T4: incorrect len 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T4: incorrect ident 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T4: incorrect ident 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T4: incorrect flag&frag 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T4: incorrect flag&frag 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"80" report "T4: incorrect TTL"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"11" report "T4: incorrect protocol"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"75" report "T4: incorrect hdr.cks 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"1c" report "T4: incorrect hdr.cks 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"c0" report "T4: incorrect src ip 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"a8" report "T4: incorrect src ip 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"05" report "T4: incorrect src ip 2"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"09" report "T4: incorrect src ip 3"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"ff" report "T4: incorrect dst ip 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"ff" report "T4: incorrect dst ip 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"ff" report "T4: incorrect dst ip 2"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"ff" report "T4: incorrect dst ip 3"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"26" report "T4: incorrect src port 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"94" report "T4: incorrect src port 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"f4" report "T4: incorrect dst port 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"9a" report "T4: incorrect dst port 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T4: incorrect udp len 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"0c" report "T4: incorrect udp len 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T4: incorrect udp cks 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T4: incorrect udp cks 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"40" report "T4: incorrect udp data 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"41" report "T4: incorrect udp data 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"42" report "T4: incorrect udp data 2"; assert mac_tx_tlast = '0' report "T4: tlast asserted too soon"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"43" report "T4: incorrect udp data 3"; assert mac_tx_tlast = '1' report "T4: tlast not asserted"; wait for clk_period; assert udp_tx_result = IPTX_RESULT_SENT report "T4: TX did not complete"; assert udp_rx_int.data.data_in_valid = '0' report "T4: udp_rx_int.data.data_in_valid not cleared"; assert udp_rx_int.data.data_in_last = '0' report "T4: udp_rx_int.data.data_in_last not cleared"; assert udp_rx_start_int = '0' report "T4: udp_rx_start not cleared"; assert ip_rx_hdr.num_frame_errors = x"00" report "T4: ip_rx_hdr.num_frame_errors non zero at end of test"; assert ip_rx_hdr.last_error_code = x"0" report "T4: ip_rx_hdr.last_error_code indicates error at end of test"; assert ip_pkt_count = x"03" report "T4: ip pkt cnt incorrect"; ------------ -- TEST 5 -- send UDP pkt with dst=bc addr to ensure we can receive broadcast tx ------------ report "T5: Send UDP IP pkt dst ip_address bc, from port f49a to port 2694"; mac_rx_tvalid <= '1'; -- dst MAC (bc) mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; -- src MAC mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"23"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"18"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"29"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"26"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"7c"; wait for clk_period; -- type mac_rx_tdata <= x"08"; wait for clk_period; -- IP pkt mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- ver & HL / service type mac_rx_tdata <= x"45"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- total len mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"21"; wait for clk_period; -- ID mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"7a"; wait for clk_period; -- flags & frag mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- TTL mac_rx_tdata <= x"80"; wait for clk_period; -- Protocol mac_rx_tdata <= x"11"; wait for clk_period; -- Header CKS mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- SRC IP mac_rx_tdata <= x"c0"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"a8"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"05"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"01"; wait for clk_period; -- DST IP mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"ff"; wait for clk_period; -- SRC port mac_rx_tdata <= x"f4"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"9a"; wait for clk_period; -- DST port mac_rx_tdata <= x"26"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"94"; wait for clk_period; -- length mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"0d"; wait for clk_period; -- cks mac_rx_tdata <= x"8b"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"79"; wait for clk_period; -- user data mac_rx_tdata <= x"68"; wait for clk_period; -- since we are up to the user data stage, the header should be valid and the data_in_valid should be set assert udp_rx_int.hdr.is_valid = '1' report "T5: udp_rx_int.hdr.is_valid not set"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.data_length = x"0005" report "T5: udp_rx_int.hdr.data_length not set correctly"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.src_ip_addr = x"c0a80501" report "T5: udp_rx_int.hdr.src_ip_addr not set correctly"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.src_port = x"f49a" report "T5: udp_rx_int.hdr.src_port not set correctly"; assert udp_rx_int.hdr.dst_port = x"2694" report "T5: udp_rx_int.hdr.dst_port not set correctly"; assert udp_rx_start_int = '1' report "T5: udp_rx_start not set"; assert udp_rx_int.data.data_in_valid = '1' report "T5: udp_rx_int.data.data_in_valid not set"; assert ip_rx_hdr.is_valid = '1' report "T5: ip_rx_hdr.is_valid not set"; assert ip_rx_hdr.protocol = x"11" report "T5: ip_rx_hdr.protocol not set correctly"; assert ip_rx_hdr.src_ip_addr = x"c0a80501" report "T5: ip_rx.hdr.src_ip_addr not set correctly"; assert ip_rx_hdr.num_frame_errors = x"00" report "T5: ip_rx.hdr.num_frame_errors not set correctly"; assert ip_rx_hdr.last_error_code = x"0" report "T5: ip_rx.hdr.last_error_code not set correctly"; -- put the rest of the user data mac_rx_tdata <= x"65"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"6c"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"6c"; wait for clk_period; mac_rx_tdata <= x"6f"; mac_rx_tlast <= '1'; wait for clk_period; assert udp_rx_int.data.data_in_last = '1' report "T5: udp_rx_int.data.data_in_last not set"; mac_rx_tdata <= x"00"; mac_rx_tlast <= '0'; mac_rx_tvalid <= '0'; report "T5: waiting for mac data tx"; if mac_tx_tvalid = '0' then wait until mac_tx_tvalid = '1'; wait for clk_period; end if; report "T5: starting mac data tx"; -- check the mac data being transmitted assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T5: incorrect dst mac 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"23" report "T5: incorrect dst mac 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"18" report "T5: incorrect dst mac 2"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"29" report "T5: incorrect dst mac 3"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"26" report "T5: incorrect dst mac 4"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"7c" report "T5: incorrect dst mac 5"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T5: incorrect src mac 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"23" report "T5: incorrect src mac 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"20" report "T5: incorrect src mac 2"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"21" report "T5: incorrect src mac 3"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"22" report "T5: incorrect src mac 4"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"23" report "T5: incorrect src mac 5"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"08" report "T5: incorrect pkt_type 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T5: incorrect pkt type 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"45" report "T5: incorrect ver.hlen"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T5: incorrect srv type"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T5: incorrect len 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"20" report "T5: incorrect len 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T5: incorrect ident 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T5: incorrect ident 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T5: incorrect flag&frag 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T5: incorrect flag&frag 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"80" report "T5: incorrect TTL"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"11" report "T5: incorrect protocol"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"af" report "T5: incorrect hdr.cks 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"72" report "T5: incorrect hdr.cks 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"c0" report "T5: incorrect src ip 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"a8" report "T5: incorrect src ip 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"05" report "T5: incorrect src ip 2"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"09" report "T5: incorrect src ip 3"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"c0" report "T5: incorrect dst ip 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"a8" report "T5: incorrect dst ip 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"05" report "T5: incorrect dst ip 2"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"01" report "T5: incorrect dst ip 3"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"26" report "T5: incorrect src port 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"94" report "T5: incorrect src port 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"f4" report "T5: incorrect dst port 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"9a" report "T5: incorrect dst port 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T5: incorrect udp len 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"0c" report "T5: incorrect udp len 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T5: incorrect udp cks 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"00" report "T5: incorrect udp cks 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"50" report "T5: incorrect udp data 0"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"51" report "T5: incorrect udp data 1"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"52" report "T5: incorrect udp data 2"; assert mac_tx_tlast = '0' report "T5: tlast asserted too soon"; wait for clk_period; assert mac_tx_tdata = x"53" report "T5: incorrect udp data 3"; assert mac_tx_tlast = '1' report "T5: tlast not asserted"; wait for clk_period; assert udp_tx_result = IPTX_RESULT_SENT report "T5: TX did not complete"; assert udp_rx_int.data.data_in_valid = '0' report "T5: udp_rx_int.data.data_in_valid not cleared"; assert udp_rx_int.data.data_in_last = '0' report "T5: udp_rx_int.data.data_in_last not cleared"; assert udp_rx_start_int = '0' report "T5: udp_rx_start not cleared"; assert ip_rx_hdr.num_frame_errors = x"00" report "T5: ip_rx_hdr.num_frame_errors non zero at end of test"; assert ip_rx_hdr.last_error_code = x"0" report "T5: ip_rx_hdr.last_error_code indicates error at end of test"; assert ip_pkt_count = x"04" report "T5: ip pkt cnt incorrect"; report "--- end of tests ---"; wait; end process; -- AUTO TX process - on receipt of any UDP pkt, send a response. data sent is modified if a broadcast was received. -- TX response process - COMB tx_proc_combinatorial: process( -- inputs udp_rx_start_int, udp_tx_data_out_ready_int, udp_tx_int.data.data_out_valid, PBTX, -- state state, count, tx_hdr, tx_start_reg, tx_started_reg, tx_fin_reg, -- controls next_state, set_state, set_count, set_hdr, set_tx_start, set_last, set_tx_started, set_tx_fin ) begin -- set output_followers udp_tx_int.hdr <= tx_hdr; udp_tx_int.data.data_out_last <= set_last; udp_tx_start_int <= tx_start_reg; -- set control signal defaults next_state <= IDLE; set_state <= '0'; set_count <= HOLD; set_hdr <= '0'; set_tx_start <= HOLD; set_last <= '0'; set_tx_started <= HOLD; set_tx_fin <= HOLD; -- FSM case state is when IDLE => udp_tx_int.data.data_out <= (others => '0'); udp_tx_int.data.data_out_valid <= '0'; if udp_rx_start_int = '1' or PBTX = '1' then set_tx_started <= SET; set_hdr <= '1'; set_tx_start <= SET; set_tx_fin <= CLR; set_count <= RST; next_state <= DATA_OUT; set_state <= '1'; end if; when DATA_OUT => if ip_rx_hdr.is_broadcast = '1' then udp_tx_int.data.data_out <= std_logic_vector(count) or x"50"; else udp_tx_int.data.data_out <= std_logic_vector(count) or x"40"; end if; udp_tx_int.data.data_out_valid <= udp_tx_data_out_ready_int; if udp_tx_data_out_ready_int = '1' then set_tx_start <= CLR; if unsigned(count) = x"03" then set_last <= '1'; set_tx_fin <= SET; set_tx_started <= CLR; next_state <= IDLE; set_state <= '1'; else set_count <= INCR; end if; end if; end case; end process; -- TX response process - SEQ tx_proc_sequential: process(clk_int) begin if rising_edge(clk_int) then if reset = '1' then -- reset state variables state <= IDLE; count <= x"00"; tx_start_reg <= '0'; tx_hdr.dst_ip_addr <= (others => '0'); tx_hdr.dst_port <= (others => '0'); tx_hdr.src_port <= (others => '0'); tx_hdr.data_length <= (others => '0'); tx_hdr.checksum <= (others => '0'); tx_started_reg <= '0'; tx_fin_reg <= '0'; PBTX_LED <= '0'; else PBTX_LED <= PBTX; -- Next rx_state processing if set_state = '1' then state <= next_state; else state <= state; end if; -- count processing case set_count is when RST => count <= x"00"; when INCR => count <= count + 1; when HOLD => count <= count; end case; -- set tx hdr if set_hdr = '1' then tx_hdr.dst_ip_addr <= udp_rx_int.hdr.src_ip_addr; tx_hdr.dst_port <= udp_rx_int.hdr.src_port; tx_hdr.src_port <= udp_rx_int.hdr.dst_port; tx_hdr.data_length <= x"0004"; tx_hdr.checksum <= x"0000"; else tx_hdr <= tx_hdr; end if; -- set tx start signal case set_tx_start is when SET => tx_start_reg <= '1'; when CLR => tx_start_reg <= '0'; when HOLD => tx_start_reg <= tx_start_reg; end case; -- set tx started signal case set_tx_started is when SET => tx_started_reg <= '1'; when CLR => tx_started_reg <= '0'; when HOLD => tx_started_reg <= tx_started_reg; end case; -- set tx finished signal case set_tx_fin is when SET => tx_fin_reg <= '1'; when CLR => tx_fin_reg <= '0'; when HOLD => tx_fin_reg <= tx_fin_reg; end case; end if; end if; end process; END;
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