
* Amber ARM-compatible core

Issue List
Combinational loop in a25_wishbone_buf. #4
Closed richardleo opened this issue over 12 years ago
richardleo commented over 12 years ago

pop signal is driven by a combinational loop, here is the path I collected from verilator:

buf:pop -> core: icache_wb_ready -> icache: wb_hit -> fetch:cache_stall ->fetch: uncached_inst_read -> core: icache_wb_req -> buf: o_valid -> buf:pop

one solution might be flop the pop signal as pop_r, and use pop_r as the drive for others.

csantifort commented over 12 years ago

Combinational loops are not always bugs. What functional issues does this look cause?

csantifort closed this over 9 years ago

No one