Does anybody have flex10k info ?
by Unknown on Feb 2, 2004
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I would like a pointer to where I can find the information about how to generate an configuration bitstream for a flex10k device ?
Does anybody know where I can find the apropriate information ?
I have googled and looked at alteras site to no avail.
/ Lars Segerlund
Does anybody have flex10k info ?
by Unknown on Feb 3, 2004
Not available!
I would like a pointer to where I can find the information about how to generate an configuration bitstream for a flex10k device ?
Using Max plus II , and probably Quartus now. If you mean generate a bitstream all by yourself, have a read of this:
Martin Thompson CEng MIEE
TRW Conekt
Stratford Road, Solihull, B90 4GW. UK
Tel: +44 (0)121-627-3569 - martin.j.thompson at