Re: Any suggestion about Random Number Generator.
by Unknown on Mar 10, 2004 |
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From: Jun Zhang zhang_jun at tsinghua.org.cn>
In fact, I'd like to implement a TRNG in FPGA ( such as Xillinx Virtex-II
series ), then many ways such as detecting nuclear decay become infeasible.
So maybe the only way is to sample two oscillators' frequence deviation.
Yes, it will work. Check this paper:
"Compact FPGA-based True and Pseudo Random Number Generators"
Another approach uses the avalanche noise. Simple implementation can
be found here: http://www.cryogenius.com/hardware/rng/
From: Bill Cox bill at viasic.com>
A few years ago I build a random number generator by xor-ing together
amplified zener noise samples
The results were great. I generated a full CD of random data, and
passed the Die-Hard tests. In fact, I found a bug in the DOS port of
one of the tests. So far As I know, this was the first hardware random
number generator to pass these tests.
Sorry, but I think you are not correct here. Diehard provides as a result the set of so called p-values, which should be uniform on [0,1) if the input sequence consist of truly independent random bits, but this "uniformness" is "not black or white, it is in gray color". In other words, we can only measure the level of randomness. So, it is not correct to say that any TRNG passes the Diehard test.
Do you think there's a market for such a chip?
Definitely yes! For example, check the Noosphere project:
http://noosphere.princeton.edu/. They use pretty simple, but quite
expensive (hundreds of $) TRNG.
The Monte-Carlo method is another one well-known area for TRNG.
Remember the NASA fault with one of the Pioneers in 70's? They used
standard FORTRAN RND() function as a source for Monte-Carlo. As a
result, the satellite missed Jupiter.
Cryptography and security also need random numbers.
Now the bad news come. Most of modern computers have TRNG inside. The
Intel TRNG is a part of the Intel chipsets starting with the Intel 810.
It uses amplified thermal noise to drive a voltage controlled oscillator
and its correctness was approved by many tests of independent crypto labs.
Everyone can get access to this feature with Microsoft CryptoAPI.
The same is true for last versions of AMD and VIA C5 chipsets.