number technique to represent five numbers through one number
by Unknown on Dec 7, 2003 |
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Anybody knows some technique through which we can represent five numbers in one number. The order of five numbers is not important i.e. there could be same representation for five numbers in any order but the representation should be unique for any five numbers.
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number technique to represent five numbers through one number
by Unknown on Dec 10, 2003 |
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On Sun, 2003-12-07 at 07:43, Umair Farooq Siddiqi wrote:
Anybody knows some technique through which we can represent five
numbers in one number. The order of five numbers is not important i.e.
there could be same representation for five numbers in any order but
the representation should be unique for any five numbers.
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Sounds like you are looking for a hash algorithm. Take any combination of 5 numbers from a finite set, perform the hash, and get a number from a larger finite set. You will probably want a function that, when inverted, gives you the set of 5 numbers that you started with. I don't know what the function would be, but there are probably some mathematicians in the world who can help find it. Steve McQueen |