QuickLogic's appnote #69
by Unknown on Jan 20, 2004 |
Not available! | ||
Yesterday I came across Application Note #69 in QuickLogic's site, "Open
Source 16550 UART Core" (http://www.quicklogic.com/images/appnote69.pdf).
Basically it is just a manual of the 16550 and its signals written by David
Shih and Andreea Rotaru at Quicklogic. Since there was no reference for the
code neither in the document nor in the web site, I wrote to QuickLogic's
support email asking for pointers for their "open source" code. Today I
received an email from them, with --surprise, surprise-- an attachment of a
tar ball of Igor Mohor and Jacob Gorban's 16550 UART core.
How come? I am completely puzzled. The PDF document never mentions
Opencores or Igor or Jacob's names... I still can't connect the dots.
-- /"We're just sitting here trying to put our PCjrs
PabloBleyerKocik / in a pile and burn them. And the damn things won't
pbleyer / burn. That's the only thing IBM did right with it
@embedded.cl / - they made it flameproof." William Bowman (1983)
QuickLogic's appnote #69
by Unknown on Jan 20, 2004 |
Not available! | ||
Sorry to reply to my own email, but it seems somebody from QuickLogic reads this list also ;^) They just sent me the correct files for the appnote. Thanks to QuickLogic and sorry for the hassle. It seems we open source guys are a bit paranoid these days with all the trials and tribulations ;^) Cheers! At 20:21 2004-01-19, you wrote:
Yesterday I came across Application Note #69 in QuickLogic's site, "Open
Source 16550 UART Core" (http://www.quicklogic.com/images/appnote69.pdf).
Basically it is just a manual of the 16550 and its signals written by
David Shih and Andreea Rotaru at Quicklogic. Since there was no reference
for the code neither in the document nor in the web site, I wrote to
QuickLogic's support email asking for pointers for their "open source"
code. Today I received an email from them, with --surprise, surprise-- an
attachment of a tar ball of Igor Mohor and Jacob Gorban's 16550 UART core.
How come? I am completely puzzled. The PDF document never mentions
Opencores or Igor or Jacob's names... I still can't connect the dots.
-- PabloBleyerKocik /"First learn computer science and all the theory. pbleyer / Next develop a programming style. Then forget all @embedded.cl / that and just hack." -- George Carrette |