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Adding modules to minsoc
by BastianFewsel on Dec 24, 2015
Posts: 2
Joined: Dec 14, 2015
Last seen: Apr 4, 2019

im a master student in germany and im working on a project for my university.
We are trying to implement an CPU on a FPGA (Altera Cyclon IV) to build a so called "MIDI Router".
Therefore i want to use the minsoc project and add as many modules as possible.
I've no problems with compiling the minsoc project in Quartus II but i was looking for some solutions how to
add modules to the system.

To add moduels to the system i have to expand these files?

- "minsoc_top.v" (Top-Level-Design to add module instances)
- "minsoc_tc_top" (interconnection slots)
- "interconnection_devices.v" (address ranges)

1.) So how many modules can be add to the wishbone bus?
- Because we need as many I/Os (GPIOs and UARTs) to route MIDI-Signals.
- So for example several instances of the UART and GPIO modules.

2.) Is it possible to resize the wishbone bus and add more target slots?
- minsoc.pdf rev1.1 (2.2.1)
- free targets for example are (t4_addr, t6_addr, t7_addr, t8_addr) is that correct?
- To attach a new module to the system, the file �minsoc_top.v� has to be edited
and interconnect slots must be available.

I hope you can help me.

Best regards
RE: Adding modules to minsoc
by olof on Dec 26, 2015
Posts: 218
Joined: Feb 10, 2010
Last seen: Dec 17, 2018

Have you looked at using FuseSoC (, and extending one of the systems in orpsoc-cores ( instead of using minsoc? There are several Altera-based systems there already. Especially the de0 nano port, which also uses a Cyclone IV and is used quite a lot

RE: Adding modules to minsoc
by BastianFewsel on Jan 2, 2016
Posts: 2
Joined: Dec 14, 2015
Last seen: Apr 4, 2019
Hi Olof,

thanks for your reply. Fusesoc is a very good alternativ.

But could you maybe explain me how to extend such a system? Or should i build a system for my own?

- creating system interconnections with the interconnect generator or adding modules by extend these files
(for example: wb_intercon.v, wb_intercon.vh, orpsoc_top.v)

- module addresses are defined in wb_intercon.v right?

- Or is the top-level file created by fusesoc?


RE: Adding modules to minsoc
by rfajardo on Jan 5, 2016
Posts: 306
Joined: Jun 12, 2008
Last seen: Jan 6, 2020
Hello Bastian,

for an overview, have a look at doc/minsoc.pdf Section 2.2 Wishbone Interconnect.

To add moduels to the system i have to expand these files?

- "minsoc_top.v" (Top-Level-Design to add module instances)
- "minsoc_tc_top" (interconnection slots)
- "interconnection_devices.v" (address ranges)

You only have to change minsoc_top.v. You can change interconnect_defines.v to change the definition names if you like. But that is not necessary for a functional module connection.

1.) So how many modules can be add to the wishbone bus?
- Because we need as many I/Os (GPIOs and UARTs) to route MIDI-Signals.
- So for example several instances of the UART and GPIO modules.

You can add a total of 9 modules. But you need memory for code and variables, thus 8 remain. Check the table at the page 11 of doc/minsoc.pdf.

2.) Is it possible to resize the wishbone bus and add more target slots?
- minsoc.pdf rev1.1 (2.2.1)
- free targets for example are (t4_addr, t6_addr, t7_addr, t8_addr) is that correct?
- To attach a new module to the system, the file �minsoc_top.v� has to be edited
and interconnect slots must be available.

Not with MinSoC. You can add as many modules as you wish with Fusesoc. I will answer your question about Fusesoc in another reply.

RE: Adding modules to minsoc
by rfajardo on Jan 5, 2016
Posts: 306
Joined: Jun 12, 2008
Last seen: Jan 6, 2020
Hello again Bastian,

Fusesoc is a very good alternativ.

That is right.

- module addresses are defined in wb_intercon.v right?

- Or is the top-level file created by fusesoc?

No and no.

But could you maybe explain me how to extend such a system? Or should i build a system for my own?

- creating system interconnections with the interconnect generator or adding modules by extend these files
(for example: wb_intercon.v, wb_intercon.vh, orpsoc_top.v)

If you want to extend the system, pick something under orpsoc-cores/systems, de0_nano for instance, and adapt it. What interests you most is probably data/wb_intercon.conf. In this file, all module connection can be configured. You start with a master and define its slaves. For which named slave, you define its offset and size for the address space of that master. If the slave has an 8-bit data width Wishbone connection, define data width=8. If the module works with 32-bit Wishbone, no definition is necessary.

When you're ready, run ../../../cores/wb_intercon/sw/wb_intercon_gen my_intercon.v my_intercon
Files my_intercon.v and my_intercon.vh will be generated.

The regular system uses the module's name wb_intercon and the files wb_intercon.v and wb_intercon.vh under rtl/verilog. If you look into orpsoc.v, you will see that at line 154 and 155, both files are included. The wb_intercon.vh is a helper file with all required wire initialisations and also the instantiation of the interconnect module itself. At line 260, or1200_top is instantiated and connected to this interconnect, it uses the wires wb_(m2s|s2m)_or1k_i_***. m2s means master to slave and s2m means slave to master. Lines 493 to 506 are an example for a slave connection. The *** stands for the slave or master name at wb_intercon.conf file.

I hope that helps too, let us know how you're doing as you go along.

Best regards,
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