Testbench that reacts to model
by rpwillaims on Aug 14, 2011 |
Posts: 1 Joined: Aug 14, 2011 Last seen: Apr 25, 2012 |
I am new to VHDL and am trying to work through a simple design and testbench. This is propbably a stupid question but any help would be greatly appreciated. I am trying to get my testbench to react to a change in state in the model. The device simulates fine and works when I instantiate it in the FPGA. In simulation I can drive all of the I/O but I would like my testbench to drive a conditional reset to simulate interaction with the uCNTRLR after count completion. Everything works fine except I can not detect that transition of the model port OG_TX_Complete even though I can see that it is transtioning in Model Sim. I have tried everything I can find to no avail. Thanks in advance for your help. Randy, A stub of pseudo-code is: library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity testbench is end testbench; architecture behavioral of testbench is constant SYSCLK_PERIOD : time := 25 ns; signal END_LOOP : std_logic := '0'; component Beacon_FPGA -- ports port( -- Inputs --various signals declared here -- Outputs --various signals declared here OG_TX_Complete : out std_logic; -- this signal is the one that goes high and I could like to condition on -- Inouts ); end component; begin main: process variable vhdl_initial : BOOLEAN := TRUE; begin if ( vhdl_initial ) then -- Some junk which causes port OG_TX_Complete to go high end if --loop through once wait; end process main; --stop when loop complete end_loop_Proc: process begin -- code that will stop the main process wait until END_LOOP = '1'; end process end_loop_Proc; -- port map port map( -- Inputs - signal to port assignmnets here -- Outputs OG_TX_Complete => END_LOOP, -- The assignment I am trying to use to allow detection of the OG_TX_Complete transition from low to high -- other signal to port assignments -- Inouts ); end behavioral; |